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Cooking Stoves. fj o o g i jm. acco^pl^fmuch^u^^™ cheaper, by Gas than by any oth« Ga3 stove is portable, gives perfect and i- 8 control over the heat, requires but little at w- ; v "' always ready, keeps the kitchen and houiP r^i 0n ' 13 is only alight when actually in use. ' an '* The difference between the cost of coolrir" 1 and by the ordinary mode, is much -i*,.'• ' usual, at the present time; for wh'"e coals Wol w Y 1 advanced in price 50 PER CENT., G4.S i REDUCED TO 12s. 6d. PER 1000. ' BE EN" The following statement, which is the re-„u r many experiments, shows the relative cost ~i > ... of a Gallon of Water in a copper kettle, br mpnn olJ ? K recently lighted coal fire, and by a Gas Store time required in each cuse. ' aaa the Coal used _ i at 455. 00 .d Time Total per ton. used, employed.- r"o----"With Fire.. 4 i lbs - l-stho£ld 1 hour, j l;d With Gas .. 4 cubic feet at 12s 6d Twenty ' 3 1 per 1000. minutes, j 4 Therefore, BY TIIE USE OF G*S tW • sav'ng of nearly TWO TO ONE in moncv a nomy of TWO-THIRDS I.V TIME, and tl'» ■ ance of trouble in lighting, smoke, and dun A choice selection of Gas Stoves for boilm r „ bro ; "ng, stewing, and roasting can be s«en~ - Jith' above statement as to cost proved, on appli Vv.nto E. PORTER & c 0.," QUEEN-STREET. : Paints, Paperhangin o_,.0_~ cJTH B| PA P E R H A N a I if GILT MOULDINGS. HOLLAND AND BUTLEE, OIL AND COLOEMEy, 28, VICTOniA-STBEET, AUCKLAND. Importers of Paperhangiugs, Wliiteiead (in wood and iron Painter liaw and Uoiled, lirushes, Plain aud Ornamental Window Glass. Artists' Tube Colors and l'hc-to-rapliic Glass, Gilt Mouldings, Glass Shades, &c. PICTUiIE-ritAJIING TO OKOKR. Agents for the Nelson Hematite Paint Ccmpanv This Paint is the best preventative of r:ist in iron! OIL, COLOR, GLASS, AND PAPEItIIAXGINuS. DOUSE, SIGN", AND GENERAL DECORATING, 57, Q USES-STREET, Kexi to Bask of New Zeaiaxd. J. HENDERSON, Importer of and Dealer in Oil. White Load. Turps Zinc White, House Painters', Coach and Cabinet--1 makers' Varnishas. Calico Scrim, Clock and Glasses, Brushes, &c., &c. Medical. 1 ALLEN'S LUNG- BALSAM, TIIE REMEDY FOR CURING

CONSUMPTION, COUGILS, BRONCHITIS, ASTHMA, AND CROUP. AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL. It is composed of the active principles 01 loots and plants, which are chemically extracted, so as to retain all their medical qualities. MINISTERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS, Who are so often afflicted with throat diseases, will find a sure remedy in this Balsam. Lozenges and wafers sometime give relief; but this Balsam, taken a few times, will insure a permanent cure. Will all those afflicted with Coughs or Consumption give this Bal>am a fair trial ? They will be plensed v/itli the result, and confess that THE SCJiE RiOIEDY 15 FOUND AT LAST. It is sold by all Druggists. MERIT SOON NOISED ABROAD. It is but seven years since ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM was first offered for sale. It good qualities were soon made known at home; and very soon its fame was noised far and near: now it is sold in neariy every Drugstore in tlie United States —North, East,'Souib, and West. No similar medicine stands hi"her with the people. It is well known on the Pacific Coast, and there are liberal demands fur it from San Francisco, Sacramento in California, and Portland, On jon, —even from Australia, large orders are received for it ; and, throughout Canada, it is well and favorably known, and told everywhere. "Read zohat Capt. Foster writes. Pout Buuwell, March 23. Messrs. Perry Davis & Sox: Sirs,—l am plejised to notify you of the benefit which 1 have received from Allen's Lung B. Tsam. Having been troub'ed with a Cough for several years past, the Balsam was recommended to me. I immediately procured it, and found it relieve my cough more readily than anything I erer tried. My wife has also used it with most satisfactory results. Yours, very truly. Capt. D. FuSTER. Capt. Foster is a shio owner and builder, residing at Port Burwell, Canada. Lexinutox, Missouri, May 23, lS6t>. Mr«i;s. J. N. Harris & Co.: Dear Sirs,—l have made ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM pretty well known in our city and country, and have sold aboatall the four dozen bottles sent "me in March last, and 1 find that persons who try the Balsam once comeback again for more, as it gives them satisfaction; and I recommend it in preference to any ether medicine for Coughs or Colds. Please send me six dozeu bottles as soon as possible. 1 am. vours, v*.c., THOMAS J. FLETCHER, Druggist, P.^.—l sell more Allen's Luug Balsam than all other Cough Remedies together, and it gives general satisfaction. Sold by all Dealers in Family Medicines. WHOLESALE AGENTS, L. D. NAT HA N & CO., Auckland, N.Z. CURES MADE EASY HOLLOWAVS OINTMENT. Bam Le<is, Ulcerous Sores, Bad Breasts, and Om> WniiNDs.— No description of wound, sore, or uic-or can resist the healing properties of this excellent Ointim-nt. The worst cases readily assume a healthy appearance whenever this medicament is applied; sound tlesh springs up from the bottom of th« wound, inllammati )n of the surrounding skin is arrested, and a con plete and permanent cure quickly follows the

£ use oi' the Ointment. PILKS, FI.vrLLAS, AND INTERNAL INFLAMMATION. —These distressing and weakening diseases may with r certainty be cured by the sufferers themselves, if they will use llolloway's Ointment, and closely attend to the printed instructions It should be well rubbed upon the neighbouring parts, when all obnoxious matter will be removed. A poultice of br?ad and water may sometimes be applied at bed-time with advantage; the most scrupulous cleanliness must be observed. If tho«e who read this paragraph will bring it under the notice of such of their acquaintances whom it may concern, they will render a service that will aever be forgotten, as a cure is certain. Rheumatism, Gout, and Neuralgia.—Nothing has the power of reducing inflammation and subduing pain in these complaints in the same degree as Holloway's cooling Ointment and purifying Pills. When used simultaneously they drive all inflammation and depravities from the system, subdue and remove all enlargement of the joints, and leave the sinews and miners lax and uncontracted. A cure may always be effected, even under the worst circumstances, if the use of tliL'se medicines be persevered in. Eruption's, Scald Head, Ringworm, and other Skin Diseases.—After fomentation with warm water the utmost relief and speediest cure c m be readily obtained in all complaints affecting the skin and joints by the simultaneous use of the Ointment and Pills. I But it must be remembered that nearly all skin diseases indicate the depravity of the blood and derange- ' ment cf the liver and stomach; consequently in many ' cases time is required to purify the blood, which will be effected by a judicious use of the Fills. The general health will readily be improved, although the eruption may 1j« driven out more freely than before, and which should be promoted; perseverance is necessary. Sore Throats, Diphtheria, Quinsey, Mcmps and all other Derangements of the Throat.— , On the appearance of any of these maladies the Ointment should bo well rubbed at least three times a day upon the neck and upper part of the chest, so as to penetrate to the glands, as salt is forced into meat: this course will at once remove inflammation and ulceration. The worst cases will yield t»» this treatment by following the printed directions. Scrofi'la or King's Evil and Swelling of the Glands.—This class of cases may be cured by Holloway's purifying Tills and Ointment, as their double action of purifying the blood aud strengthening the system renders them more suitable than any other remedy for all complaints of a scrofulous nature. As the blood is impure, the liver, stomach, and bowels, being much deranged, require purifying medicine to bring about a cure. , . Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases:— Bad Legs Cancers Scalds Bad Breasts Contracted aud Sore isipples Burns j Stiff Joints Sore Throats Bunions Elephantiasis |Skin Diseases Bite of Mosquitosj Fistulas .Scurvy and Sand Flies Gout iSore Heads Coco-bay Glandular Swell-! Tumours Cliicgo-foot (Ulcers Chilblains Lumbago Hounds Chapped Hands Tiles Yaws Corns fsoft) Rheumatism J . There is a considerable saving oy taking ttie larger sizes. , . . N.B. Directions for the guidance of patients in everv disorder ar* affixed to each pot.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3602, 28 May 1873, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3602, 28 May 1873, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 7 New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3602, 28 May 1873, Page 4