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Business Cards. JOHN R E I D , COMMISSION AGENT, No. 7, Quben-stßeet. Buyer and Exporter of Auckland and Island produce. AMES W I 3 E M A N, SAO>DLKR AND HARKESS-MAKBR, Queen*street. LA M E'S BISCUIT. £18 PER TON. MR. J. S. MA C FARL AN E, Agent. "PARTINGTON'S BISCUITS. REDUCED PRICES. C..bin Biccuits .. .. .. 18s. per lOOlbs. k.ucis Fancy ditto .. (id. per lb. MS O K M £ K V I L Ii is] • WHOLESALE AND FAMILY GfIOCER. 125, QUEEN-STKEfiT. Counti/ orders carefully and promptly attended to. [CARD.] MR. THOMAS MACRKADY Tenders his thanks for the patronage so long extended him, aud begs to intimate that prior to the arrival of his son from England (who is expected in a few months), he intends to dispose of his present large and select stock of Watches, Jewellery, &c., at GREATLY 11KDUCED PIUCKS. Shortlaud-street, May 21,1873. O T I C E. MR. MACREADY, Watchmaker and Jeweller, Begs tointiuiate that on and after this date all accounts are payable only at his establishment. Short-land-street. Auckland, May 21,1573. MK. FAULT)ER, Sole Contractor to the City Council for the Emptying of Eartli-closet3, Privy Boxes, Cesspits, etc., is prepared to attend punctually to all requests regarding the above. Persons desiring to have the said* places attended to, either weekly, fortnightly, or otherwise, can have the same done by leaving ;v notice (either verbal or written) with the Inspector of Nuisances, City Council Oiliec. Queen-street. R- T. TRAFFORD, SURGEON DENTIST, Wakefleld-street. Artificial Teeth, from one to a full set. Painless Teeth Extraction. "VfEAL'S NEW ZEALAND SAUCE. JJi NEAI/S CHUTNEY. NEAL'S OKIENTAL PICKLE. N HAL'S TOMATO SAUCE. NEAL'S CURRY PASTE. These New Zealand Manufactures are found to bo equal to the best and superior to most mported articles, and are sold at a less price than inferior orcign goods. Sold retail by the principal Grocers in Townand Counti/- wholesale by B. Tonka & Co. PIRACY EXPOSED.—A well-known soft goods firm in Auckland are offering for sale spurious imitations of the genuine Wheeler and Wi l . 'U .Setting Machines. We ask the public to be exc ugly cautious that none of these imitations are sold To • the Wheeler and Wilson New Patent Silent Lock ~ titch Maclrnes. The numerous attempts to iniitate the AN*, and W. shows the great popularity of this Machine, and experience proves that the imitations a-e worse than useless for all practical purpose •- Tas. II auk's, Cavendish House, Solo Agent jor Auckland. j T> TAS L L, M. D., JL\v® St. Andrew ; England; L.S.A. London ; M.1)., Melbourne ; CONSULTING SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN, 31S, COLLINS-STKKET, MELBOURNE. YI CKE R 8 A N&I) DAV I E LAND, MINING &4&ApiISSION AGENTS, have 40, Queen-street, opposite the No«- BuildiiaKa, ~%T " snOKTr M AN*D-STItEJft-. VENETIAN, WIud?AUSCE, and PERFORATED ZINC HLINDS made of any dimensions, in any number, and Wire Work in all its branches. Sent to anv part of New Zealand. OLD BLINDS RENOVATED. M. HoUTON IiUSBY, Local Manufacturer, and Importer of Material. WARNOCK BROTHERS, SOAP & CANDLB MANUFACTURERS, CUAI>EI.-STHEKT, AUCKLAND. WJ. Y A N L E, • Taxiheumist, FL'KiLiKU, Etc., To His Excellency Govctrnor .Sir G. _F. iiowen and I.adv Itowen, Atckuano, Nkw Zkai.anu. Fur and Feather Muffs of every description always on hand, or Made to Order, l'urs and Feathers Cleaned and Altered. Skins and Eyes always on hand. PIIILLIPPS & SON, • oil, COLOR AND GLASS MERCHANTS, Importers of Papcrhan .'nRS, .Scrim, Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Colors, Varnishes, French Polish, Goldleaf A ' ts' Colors and lirn hes: Plate. Sheet, Crown, Orniur-ntal mil Glass; Picture Frame and Tar --try M.mldintfs; Clock and Compass Glasses; Glazed ri-shes, Doors, «tc. Glass Cut to -Size, aud carefully Packed. 12. \V Y.N DIIA M-STRKET. TT-ASH IN G MADE EASY, ECONOMY IN LIGHT. J. ALLENDER, SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURER Paknkll, Auckland, Begs to call the attention of the trade and the public in general to his various brands of SOAP, which for excellence of rjuality canuot he surpassed. Household Soap, a Rood cheap Soap, No 2 Soap, a superior quality Soap Al Soap, being the best Soap made, and should be in every family, as its washing qualities are really Al, and for durability it is uncciualled. ASK FOR ALLKNDEIVS Al SOAP, and see that you pet it, as one trial will be enough to secure its ' constant use. SOFT SOAP is also manufactured on the premises, which, for machinery, wool-washing, &c., is equal in quality tc the imported article. . T t.o ALLKiVDKK'S PURIFIED MOULD CANDLES are admitted by all to be the best in the rnaiket, and ' are guaranteed to burn longer than sperm. To accommodate customers lie has taken an Oflice I in Fort-street, next door to Messrs. S. Cochrane and r Son's Auction Mart, where orders can be left, which > will have prompt attention. Parnell Steam Soap and Candle Works, September 12. 1872. Electoral. I - JgILECIION OF SUPERINTENDENT. - TO THE ELECTORS OF TIIE PROVINCE OF AUCKLAND. In compliance with the request of a large number of the Electors, I have to announce that it is my >> intention to become a Candidate for the Oflice of Superintendent at the forthcoming Election. I will take an early opportunity of Meeting the Electors and explaining my views on questions affecting the interests of the Province. ~ HUGH H. LUSK. d Jg LECTION OF SUPERINTENDENT TO THE ELECTORS OF THE PROVINCE OI AUCKLAND. j ' GENTLEMEN,—I beg to announce that it is mj L intention to ofTer myself as a Candidate for Electioc X to the oilice of Superintendent of this Province the approaching General Election. 01 In the meantime I shall take early opportunities o visiting the various districts of the I rovmce, vatli f 7 view to communicate to the Electors such I, as (hev may desire to obtain from me, as a Candidati for their sulfrages, on matters relating to tlie local an< general interests of tlie Province.-I have the Lonou to be, Gentlemen, your obedient Servant, Auckland, January 7, 1873. rjIURANGA O TE HP PIRITENE D KI NGA TANG ATA MAORI OTE POROWIN O ARAB,ANA. E lIOA MA, —Tena koutou. Kiarongo mai koutoi Meake ka tahuri koutou talii me nga pakelia kit si- whakmlte tangata hei Hupiritenemo teneiporowin Na ko au tenei ka tu ano hei Ilupiritene mo koutou a j'nra rangi e haere ake nei ka haere atu au ki j kainga o tenei purowini kia kite ahau i a koutou, i mo reira ka ata patal mai ioutou ki au ki at whakr aro mo te oranga o to tatou porowini—N;i i koutoulhoa aroha, na. wffiEMUHANJU

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New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3602, 28 May 1873, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3602, 28 May 1873, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 3602, 28 May 1873, Page 1