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Medical 1 ALLEN'S LUNS BALSAM,) THE REMEDY TOP. CUIIINQ CONSUMPTION, COUGHS, BRONCHITIS, j ASTHMA, AND CBOUP. AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL. It is composed of the active principles of loots and plants, which are chemically extracted, so as to retain all their medical qualities. MINISTERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS, Who are so often afflicted with throat diseases, will find a sure remedy in this Balsam. Lozenges and wafers sometime Rive relief; but this Balsam, taken a few times, will insure a permanent cure. "Will all those afflicted with Coughs or Consumption give this Balsam a fair trial? They will be pleased with the result, and confess that THE SUBE REMEDY IS FOUND AT LAST. It is sold by all Druggists. MERIT SOON NOISED ABROAD. It is but seven years since ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM was first offered for sale. It good qualities were soon made known at home; very scon its fame was noised far and nsar: now it is sold in nearly every Drugstore in the United States., —North, East, South, and West. No similar medicine stards higher with the people. It is well known on the Pacific Coast, and there are liberal demands for it from Sari Francisco, Sacramento in California, ard Portland, Oregon, —even from Australia, large orders are received for it; and, throughout Canada, it is well and favorably known, and sold everywhere. Read what Capt. Foster writes. Port Buuwell, March 23. Messrs. Perry Davis <fe Son: Sirs, —I am pleased to notify you of the benefit which I have received from Allen's Lung Balsam. Having been troubled with a Cough for several_ years past, the Balsam was recommended to me. I immediately procured it, and found it relieve my cough more readily than anything I ever tried. My wife has also used it with most satisfrctory results. Yours, very truly. Capt. D. FOSTER. Capt. Foster is a ship owner and builder, residing at Port Burwell, Canada. Lexington, Missouri, May 23.1566. Messrs. J. N. Harris & Co.: Dear Sirs,—l have made ALLEN'S LUZsG BALSAM pretty well known in our city and country, and have sold about all the four dozen bottles sent me in March last, and I find that persons whotrythe Balsam once come hack again for huvc, as it gives them satisfaction; and I recommend it in preference to any ether medicine for Coughs or CoLvs. l'lease send me six dozen bottles as soon as possib'e. I am, vours, c., THOMAS J. FLETCHER, Druggist. P.S.—I sell more Allen's Lung Balsam than all other Cough Remedies together, and it gives general Sold by all Dealers in Family Medicines. WHOLESALE AGENTS, L. D. NATHAN & CO., Auckland, N.Z. fJ!HE SUFFERER'S BEST FRIEND. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. All Disorders affkcting the Livkr, Stomach, ani> Bowels.—These Pills can be confidently recommended as the most simple and certain remedy for indigestion, flatulency, acidity, heartburn, colic, constipation, and all the many maladies resulting from disordered stomach or bowels. In all diseases it is of primary importance to set the stomach right. Thesp Fills are purifiers, alteratives, and strengthened of the stomach. They may be taken under any circumstances Though powerfully tonic and satisfactorily aperient, thev are mild in their operation, and beneficial to the w nole system. Weakness anx> Debility, Nervous Irritability. —The wholesome efi'ect exercised by these admirable Pills over the blood and fluids generally is like a charm in dispelling low spirits, and restoring cheerfulness. Their general aperient qualities well tit them for a domestic medicine, particularly for females of all ages and periods of life. They never betray any disagreeable irritating qualities ; they quickly eject all impurities from the system, and regulate every function of the body, giving wonderful tone and energy to weak and debilitated persons, while they brace and strengthen the nervous system in a most extraordinary manner. To Regain Health, Strength, and Vigour.— Whenever persons find themselves in that state termed a " little out of health," and there are so many causes at work to shorten life, it is necessary that Ilolloway's Pills, the finest purifier of the blood ever kuowr. should be at once taken, as they net only rid both solids and fluids of all morbid matters, but regulate all disordered actions, and strengthen the frame in a most extraordinary manner. Old Coughs, Colds, and Akthmatical Affections.—These Pills, assisted in their action by rubbing Hollowivy's Ointment twice a day upon the throat and chest, and keeping those parts covered with Die preparation, will be found the most effective remedy for asthma, coughs, colds, bronchitis, and influenza. These remedies tranquilisc the hurried breathing, sooth the irritated air-tubes, and assist in dislodging the phlegm which stops up the air-passages This treatment has proved wonderfully eiUeientin not only curing old settled coughs and colds, but asthma of many years' standing, and even when patients who were* in so bad a state as not able to lie down on their beds lest they should be choked by phlegm. Dkuangemknt and Distension of the Bowels, Flatulency, Diarhhcea, and Dysknteky.—Any symptoms of the above complaints should be immediately met by appropriate doses of these Pills, according to the printed directions: delay may bo followed by disastrous consequeuces. These Pillsare a certain remedy for all the ailments of the alimentary caual; they secure the thorough digestion of the food, and act most kindly on the stomach, liver, bowels, and kidneys. As a household medicine they are unrivalled, and should always be at hand. Very Important: of Costivknkss Beware.— Rarely but little notice is taken of costivenoss, certain periods, it is a sure sign that danger is near. All who'are seized with apoplexy and paralysis have previously suffered from costivoness. In the former case the blood hies to the head, a small vein is ruptured on the biain, and we know the rest. counsel their husbands, and husbands their wives, never to t:o to bed a second night, if the bowels have not been properly moved during the day, particularly if they feel heavy aud drowsy. A few gentle doses of these fine Pills will regulate the circulation of blood, and remove all dangerous symptoms. Ilolloway's Pills are the best remedy known in the. world for tixe following diseases :— Ague 'Female Irregu- Scrofula or King's Asthma I larities \ Kvil Bilious Com- [Fever of all kinds Sore Throats plaints (Fits jStone and Gravel Blotches on the Gout Secondary SympSkin Head-achc toms Bowel complaints Indigestiou Tic-Doloureux Colics Inflammation Tumours Constipation of Jaundice Ulcers the Bowels Liver Complaint V enercal AffecConsumption Lumbago tions Debility Piles Worms of all Dropsy Rheumatism kinds Dysentery Retention of Weakness, from Erysipelas Urine whatever cause, &c., &c., «tc. %* There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are atliied to each box. Cooking Stoves. OOOKING BY GAS. It is not generally known that Cooking can be accomplished much quicker, cleanlier, better, and cheaper, by Gas, than by any other method. The Gas btove is portable, gives peifect and immediate control over the heat, requires but little attention, is always ready, keeps the kitchen and house cool, and is only alight when actually in use. The difference between the cost of cooking by Gas, and by the ordinary mode, is much greater than usual, at the present time; for while coals have lately advanced in price 50 PERCENT.. GAS HAS BEEN' REDUCED TO 12s. Gd. PERIOD;. The following statement, which is the result of many experiments, shows the relative cost of boiling a Gallon of Water in a copper kettle, by means of a recently lighted coal fire, and by a Gas Stove, and the time required in each case. C °j ll ," scrt 'Wood Time Total per ton. used " employed. Cost. "With Fire.. 4Jlhs. l-sthofld I hour. ljd With Gas .. 4 cubic feet at 12s 6d Twenty |d per 1000. minutes. Therefore, BY THE USE OF GAS there i 3 a saving of neatlv TWO TO ONE in money, an economy of TWO-THIRDS IS TIME, and the avoidance of trouble in lighting, ttmoke, and dust. A choice selection of Gas Stoves for boiling, frying, broiling, stewing, and roasting can be seen, and the above statement as to cost proved, on application to 32. PORTER & CO., QUEEN-STREET. Chemists and Druggists. rpHE AUCKLAND PHARMACY. COENEII OF SHORTLAND AND I'H.INCES--BTEEETS (Opposite St. Paul's Churcii). PISH, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, (For Six Years Dispenser to Drs. Stratford and Wright), Begs to inform his patrons, friends, and the public generally, that he has .REMOVED to more commodious premises as above, where, having provided a STOCK of the PUREST DRUGS, CHEMICALS, and TOTLET REQUISITES, he hopes to merit a continuance of the support hitherto accorded him. Physicians' Prescriptions and Family Receipts carefully compounded at all hours, T.F. residing upon the premises. Dr. Wright n attendance for consultation from 10.80 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. Dr. Dawson on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, at the same hour. Diseases of the Eye will receive special attention on Friday and Saturday mornings.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 2909, 26 May 1873, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 2909, 26 May 1873, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 2909, 26 May 1873, Page 4