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Business Cards. MR. FATJLDER, Sole Contractor to the City Council for the Emptying of Earth-closets, Privy Boxes, Cesspits, &c. t is prepared to attend punctually to all requests regarding the above. Persons desiring to have the said places attended to, either weekly, fortnightly, or otherwise, can have the same done by leaving a notice (either verbal ot written) with the Inspector of Nuisances, City Council Office, Queen-street. "\TEAI/S NEW ZEALAND SAUCE. JJI DEAL'S CHUTNEY. NEAL'S ORIENTAL PICKLE. NEAL'S TOMATO SAUCE. NEAL'S CURRY PASTE. These New Zealand Manufactures are found to be equal to the best and superior to most mported articles, and are sold at a Jess pricc than inferior oreign goods. Sold retail by the principal Grocers in Townand Country: wholesale by B. Tones & Co. R. T. TRAFFORD, SURGEON DENTIST, Wakeilcld-street. Artificial Teetb. from one to a full set. Painless Teeth Extraction. PIRACY EXPOSED.—A well-known aoft goods firm in Auckland are offering for sale spurious imitations of the genuine Wheeler and Wilson Sewing Machine.?. We ask the public to be exceedingly cautious that none of these imitations are sold fo* the Wheeler and Wilson New Patent Silent Luck-stitch Machines. The numerous attempts to imitate the W. aud W. shows the great popularity of this Machine, and experience proves that the imitations arc worse than useless for all practical purposes.— Jas. Hakujs, Cavendish Uouse, Sole Agent jor Auckland. YICKERS AND DA VIES, LAND, MINING & COMMISSION AGENTS, have REMOVED to 46, Queen-street, opposite tho New Zealand Insurance Buildings. ENET IA N 5" OVa E, SHORTLAND-STREET. VENETIAN, WIRE GAUZE, and PERFORATED ZINC BLINDS made of any dimensions, in any number, and Wire Work in all its branches. Sent to anv part of New Zealand. OLD BLINDS RENOVATED. M. HORTON UUSBY, Local Manufacturer, and Importer of Material. WARNOCK BROTHERS, SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTURERS, COAPKL-STJtEET, AUCKLAND, WP II ILLI PP S & SON, • OIL. COLOR AND GLASS MERCHANTS, Importers of Paperhangings, Scrim, Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Colora, Varnishes, French Polish, Goldleaf, Artists' Colors and Brushes; Plate, Sheet, Crown, Ornamental and Photographic Glass; Picture Frame and Tapestry Mouldings; Clock aud Compass Glasses; Glazed Sashes, Doors, «fcc. Glass Cut to Size, and carefully Packed. 12. WYN DIIAM-STREET. WC ROWTHER, • VICTO RIA LIVERY & BAIT STABLES, Albert-street, (close to Wj-ndham-street,) Patronised and appointed Livery Stable-keeper to U. R. 11. the Duke of Edinburgh and His Sxceli lency Sir G. F. Bowen. I For Eire, a g;reat variety of Carriages, open and close : Broughams and Wedding Carriages, with Grey llorsea; Buggies, single and double-seated, hooded : and open, for single or pair of Horses; Four-wheeled Dog Carts; Breaks lor picnic parties; Covered Conveyances for driving passengers to out-districts; Ladies' and Gentleraen'sSaddle Horses, etc., etc., etc. Charges moderate. ASHING- MADE EASY, economy'in light. J. A L L E N D E R, SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURER Paknkll, Auckland, Begs to call the attention of the trade and the public in general to his various brands of SOAP, which for excellence of quality cannot be surpassed. Household Soap, a good cheap Soap, No 2 Soap, a superior quality Soap A 1 Soap, being the best Soap made, and should !>e in every family, as its washing qualities

are really Al, and for durability it is unequalled. ASK FOR ALLKNDKU'S Al SOAP, and sec that ' you pet it, as one trial will be enough to secure its constant use. ' SOFT SOAP is also manufactured on the premises, ; which, for machinery, wool-washing, &e., is equal in ; i qualitv tc the imported article. , 1 ALLISNDKU'S PURIFIED MOULD CANDLES are admitted by all tc» be the best in the market, and i are guaranteed to burn longer than sperm. To accommodate customers he has taken an Oflice J in Fort-street, next door to .Messrs. S. Cochrane and • Son's Auction Mart, where orders can be loft, which , will have prompt attention. I Parnell Steam Soap and Caudle Works, September 12, 1572. j Notices. KFCOE FOR TIIE DESTITUTE. Patron : The Bight Rev. the lJishop of Auckland. Acting Committkk: His Worship the Mavor The Uev. C. M. Kelson The liev. P. 11. Cornford , S. K Biss, Ksq. 11. H. Lusk, Esq. ! Mr. .J. A. Stovin. | In consequence of the limited means and accommodation at the disposal of the charitable institutions at present established in thin city, as well as the fact that they arc not altogether devoted to the relief of the extreme cases of poverty and destitution contemplated by the " Uefugc," and because every penny subscribed will be strictly devoted to the succour of the outcast and the wanderer, destitute alike of food and shelter, it is hoped that a large amount of sympathy and support will be enlisted for the establishment of this institution. Printed forms now lie at each of the Banks, whero subscriptions and donations will be received; and in which the addresses can be entered of those who intend to become annual subscribers. Tho subscription lists will be closed tho 14th day of June next, and will then be published; the amount subscribed, in the meantime, being held in trust by the Acting Committee. J. C. STOVIN, Hon. Secretary. O T I C E. NOTICE is hereby given that the Proprietors of Wolfe's Auomatiu Sciiikdam Schnapps have caused their several TKADE MARKS to be registered in the Colonial Secretary's otlice, at Wellington, under the provisions of the " Trade Mark * Act, 1800," and that Civil and Criminal proceeding will forthwith be commenced, and carried on against such persons as may forge or counterfeit such marks, or who may fraudulently apply the same to any vessel, case, or wrapper, or who may import or sell any spirituous liquor contained in bottles or cases bearing marks or labels whereon or whereby the said several Trade Marks, or any of them, are forged, counterfeited, or colorably imitated. Public attention is called to the case of " Burke v. Cattell and another," decided in the Supreme Court of New South Wales, by Mr. Jivjtice Hargrove, on the 26th September, 1872, when an injunction, afterwards made perpetual, was granted, restraining the defendants, under a penalty of £3),000, from selling a certain colorable imitation or Wolfe's axiomatic Sctiikdam Schnapps contained in bottles marked with labels resembling in other respects those of the Proprietors of Wolfk's Schnapps, but signed "E. Kiderling."—Full copies of the report of Which case may be obtained of the undersigned. L. D. NATUAN & CO., Sole Agents in Auckland for the sale of Wolfis's Axiomatic Schikdham Schnapps. OXICE OF REMOVAL. THE AGENCY of the undermentioned INSURANCE COMPANIES Has This Day REMOVED from Queen-street TO ROBERTON'S BUILDINGS, DUniTAM-STHEKT. PACIFIC Fire and Marino Insurance Company of Sydney. NATIONAL Marine Insurance Company of South Australia. GEORGE THORNE, JUN\, Agent. O T I C E . The Partnership hitherto existing between the un- | dersigncd as Coal and Firewood Dealers and Contractors has this day been Dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. J. Brown is hereby authorised to receive all Accounts due to the firm; and, if not paid within one month from this date, the same will be placed in the hands of a solicitor for recovery. Mr. F. Archard will liquidate all accounts due by 1 the firm. Dated this 19th day of May, 1573. i FREDERICK ARCHARD, JOHN BROWN. ; "Witness : C. Hardino. The Business will be carried on at present by Messrs. Archard and Co. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the parfcner- . .1.11 ship hitherto existing between the undersigned as Brewers, under the style of " R. Seccombe and Son," has been Dissolved, and that Mr. Joiin Carrol Seccombe will in future carry on the business, and that all debts due by, and to, the aaid firm will be - paid and received by him. RICHARD SECCOMBE, J. C. SECCOMBE. Auckland, May 21, 1873.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 2909, 26 May 1873, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 2909, 26 May 1873, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume X, Issue 2909, 26 May 1873, Page 1