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It will be seen by advertisement that Mr. John Williamson o/lera himself for re-election to represent the City West in the House of Kepivsontutives. A requisition ia being very largely signed for hia Honor the Superintendent to offer himself for City West.

Elsewhere will be found tho particulars of a Bud accident on board *11.M.5. Blanche on Thursday afternoon last, by which a seaman named Smitli s lo»t his life.

We observe that the shopkeepers on the eastern side of Queen-street, Jrom Durhaiustrecfc to Victoria-street., are widening their verandahs to suit the increa-ed width of pavement which has lately been made at this part of tin city. The width of the pavement and verandahs from WakeCeld-street to the wharf is now thoroughly uniform.

There was no sitting of tlie Resident Magistrate's Court yesterday, in conaequrnce of llie übsrncts of Mr. Beckham at Coromandel. The business was adjjurned uutil next Thurs lay, the -Bth inst. A ratepayer (Glenburn) writes to say that he think-* some alteration should be made in tlie method of letying highway rates on suburban hind. He instances what lie considers specimens of unfair rating in P;irn-dl, D dwoo I, and Newton, and tin ks that there should be a frontage rate. In the case of the city this might answer, and we hare ourselves more than once suggested such a plan, the present town system of rating being mt-r«*lv a tax on improvements. In suburban districts, we do not see that the condition of the improvers of property would be in the least ainelior»ted by any alteration of the kind; but if so, the same should apply to all highway districts.

It may be interesting to some of our readers to learn that Mr. J. L. Hall, the old Auckland favorite, has a twelve months' engagement with the Lydia Thompson troupe, who after a short stay at Xiblo's, New ¥ork, to go on to London. Whererer Mr. llall has appeared, he has made himself im tensely popular, and is termed by the American pre.-s the greatest card" of the troupe. This is very strong proof thit 'here never was a greater mi-take than to supp »se that the talent in the colonies is at a very low ebb ; it generally proves quite the reverse, colonial ado.s, as a rule, playing very successful engagements at home—md so Mr. Hail, as a pure burlesque actor, will probably make a great hit in London. A considerable number of persons were yesterday ut.tracte 1 to look into the shop window of Mr. K hn, jeweller, Queen-street, by the display in the window of a very larjje silver watch aiid chain, together with, bracelets and oth-r articles of bijouterie belonging to the Chinese giant " Chang Chang." The watch is, we need -scarcely say, a very large one, weighing about three pounds, while the chain. be»rs some resemblance to the cable of a moderately sized frigate. They were both the gift of Queen Victoria, while " Chang" was a 6 journer in Eng'and. "VVe understin 1 that tlie giant wili ma!*e his first appearance in public earlv naxt week.

It is with pleasure we perceive that the Dublin TJi: versity bestowed the do.ree of Doctor of Laws on the Kev. Robert Kidd, LL.B., the head master of tho Auckland Grammar Sehoo', and the more so thitthe degree is con erred in a manner exceedingly complimentary to that, gentleman, who took high honors at Trinity College, and who hia subsequently I himse f by the pub.ieitioa of the " Principles of Reasoning, M a work which has elicited the unqualified prai«e of such men as Archbishop Whatiley and others. The degree, we understand, is conferred conrinn /tis tsti/iendiis, an honorary method of bestowing it only practised in the case of those whose eodegiato career and literiry acquisitions have e..titled them to such distinction. We congratulate the community of Auckland on this confirmation of the high estimate they have formed of Dr. Kidd, and on > heir possessing, in him and others, an amount of educational talent which cannot but b«i exceedingly beneficial to the rising generation of this province. A deputation of natives from Mofciti, Tauranga, waited upon liis Honor the Superintendent. vester lay, respecting the decision given by the Native Lands Court, lately held at Tauranga. They stated that the Court had awarded a large portion of the land uufairly, since the decision had been given in their absence. Ilis Honor said he had no power in the matter, Hut, would refer it to Mr. MeL an. The na ives said Mr. McLean would only refer it to Mr. Clarke, and that they did not think that any good would result from such a proceeding, as ihey had heard threats of amanowur being sent down there to threaten the natives. The deputation finally left the matter hi statu quo.

The Kuwaxawa coal trade is on the increase and we understand that the barque Wentworth formerly a coal liulk, has almost completed her refitting, and will shortly be engaged in carrying coals to this port. She will carry about 450 tons. The Cootnerang is also g',ing into tlie Bay trade, which will be a great convenience to the settlers of that disl rict. AVe would remind our readers fiat the monster Panoramn of the Great Pacific Railway, with New Zealand sccnery, painted on no has than 12,650 feet of canvas, by Mr. Williams, the talented scenic artist of the Tha nes, will be open for exhibition at the Theatre Royal for the first time to-morrow evening, and from what we hear of tne beauty and fi.ielitj ol the work, it must prove a great success. £i o expense has toon spared to perfect the undertaking, and present it to the public in an attractive and artistic manner. A descriptive lecture is being prepared by Mr. J M. Petrier, which will be delivered by Mr. B N. Jones, and no doubt prove very amusing and instructive. —Advertiser. His Honor the Chief Justice held a special sitting in Bankruptcy jurisdiction, when the further hearing of Simon Lipstine was resumed. Mr. Hcsketh said the re-examination of the bankrupt was necessary, because fr. m nn inspection of Cohen's books the solicitor for the creditors had ascertained the deficiencies which were unaccounted for. The bankrupt was re called and examined. It was stated that the deficiencies amounted to £1302, of which the particulars will be found in another column.

An adjourned meetiug of persons interested in the formation of a Mutual Marine Insurance Ass ciation in Auckland, was to have been held last evening at the Metropo : itan Hotel, Queen-street, but it was further adjourned, without any business being done. On Thursday last the machinery erected by the New Z aland Company at Coromandel was started iu the presence of a brilliant company. The machinery was found to work well, and after the trial had taken place, Mr. Caiman, M.P.C., presided at a gathering of the company, when speeches were made and the usual toasts were drant.

We are requested to state that Lady Bowen will receive visitors at Government House every Sa urday afternoon between ilalt'-p i-t four and half past six, instead of between three and five us heretofore. There was a moderate attendance at the Prince of Wales Theatre last evening, when the performance commenced with the sparkling comedy of " She Stoops to Conquer," and ended with the farce of "Sophia's Supper." This evening Miss Rose Evans will make her la«t. appearance at this theatre. Portions of "Leah" and "IJamlet" will be produced; the whole to conclude with "Nan, the Good for Nothing." On Monday Chang, the Chinese giant, makes his appearance at the Prince.

A miscellaneous entertainment was given Inst evening, at St. Matthew's school room, in which Madame Moller and a number of amateurs took part. There was an excellent attendance, a'ld the entertainment passed off very success ully. The annual meeting of shareholders of the Otahuhu Public Hail Company will be held on Monday eveuiug next. Meetings ofcreditors have been convened to be held in the estates of the following bankrupts : Frederick Gerard Armstrong, 27th inst. ; George Millar Cameron, on sam; day ; Charles Williams Sanders, 28 th inst. Mr. Brown, 17, Grey-street, as will be seen by our advertising columns, offers for &ale 'wo chairs suitable for altar or communion chairs. Thev art; both of the same pattern, and are beautifully finished. They are in the gothic Mvlr, the back and seat being cushioned iu magenta dam >sU. Any of our churches which a re" in want of an article of this kind wou'J do well to pay a visit Mr. Brown's workshop.

A man named William Newman was ann r « herded by the P "1 je-terday aftern„o a on I charge of committing a violent assault im»!! his wife Mary Newman.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume IX, Issue 2107, 22 October 1870, Page 2

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume IX, Issue 2107, 22 October 1870, Page 2

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume IX, Issue 2107, 22 October 1870, Page 2