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We^theb.—-Jan. 15—line; -wind, S*W. ■ 16—Pino ; wind, S."W. ;. ARRIVALS. Alice CBmermij barque, 347 tons, P. Carter, from Sydney. I/eonidas, sebooaer, 79 tons, Norris, from ■Russell, with produce. DEPARTURES. I H.M. B.a. Challenger, 18 guns, Commodore j Xianibert, for Wellington. ! H.M. H.s. Blanche, G guns, Captain Mont- I goinerie, fdr Tautanga. ' H.M. s.s. Virago, Capfc. Murray, for Napier. ■ C. G. Sturfc, p.s., Capfc. JVirehild, for Tau- i *anga." ! Star of tho South, s.s., 167 tons, Captain I Bendall, for Napier. . • ! Tauranga, s.s., 67 tons, Ccliem, for Hussell. ! Countess of Kintore, ship, 870 tons, Captain j O.'G. Pethgrbridge, for London. | 'Chile, ship, 700 tons, Captaiu Culbert, for j •Napier. I Aurora, schooner, 52 tons, Brain, for Rus- < . sell. Albatross, schooner, Evaimd, for the Kawau. ■ ,' Peri, schooner, 34 tons, E. Nolan, for Norfolk Island. VESSELS EXPECTED. .Williams, p.s., from Sydney.' Airedale, s.s., from Sydney (at Hanukau). Auckland, s.s., from Sydney. • Kangatira, s.s., from Southern I'orts. liuna, s.s., from Sydney." -City of from London. (Sailed Oct. 21). Helehslee,-«hip, fromLoaQon (loading, Oct. 2). Sella , Mary, barque, from Hobart Town. Thomas Dauiels, barque, . from Liverpool (sailed). ' 3tfary and Edith, betqufe, from Snn Francisco Waverley,, brig, from Batavia. No. 2510. 2nd dis. p. '..•.. 3£ebe,brig,<from Sydney,-(sailed Dee. 31). Wave, schooner, from Melbourne. - Jslirt, schooner, frani tho Fijis. schooner, from. Tahiti. . VESSELS IN HARBOUR. * (This list does not include coasting cutters.l s.s;, from the Thames. —J. S. Macfavlane. agents. " v p.s.,'&om Melbourne.—A. Cleveland, agent. ■ -Boyal Alfred, p.s., from the Thames.—S. H. Smitb.-agent. of Edinburgh, p.s., from the' Thames.— 13. H; Smith, agent. Enterprise, p.s.-, from the Thanies.—H. B. ' Morton, agent. : Ijady Bovren, p.s., from the Thames.—J. .., Casey, agent. 's.s.Vffom the Thames. 45 <pelestial Queen, ship, from Liverpool.—Owen ' -f 'arid Graham, agents. - • Alice Cameron, barque,'"from Sydney.—rHenderson&Macfarlane, agents. -■ ■ Belsize, barque, from JVfanritius.-^-Henderson -&>Macfaxlane, agents. •■■■.- King Gecar, Barque,-from Newcastle.—^-Hen-derßgn.\& Macfarlane, agents.> : . . ■ Caroline, brig, frorp.f.Newcastle.^-Hen'derson afDdJMac&rlane, agents. •Emma, brig, >~ from Mauritius.—Owen and 'Graham, "agents. Excelsior, senooner.^omEijis.—Combes and

' Daldy,-agOTt3._ ..... Kenilworth;'Bcliobner;;froiu-Chatliain' Islands.

.' —Cruictahanky Smart, & Co., agents. j y Edith, Government schooner, from the Coast. Strathnavor, schooner/from Bay of Islands. • Saucy tiiEi," scKooner, from East. Coast. Mariner, schooner, from the coast. Donald MblieW,- ; 6'choorier,"'froni Kew Cale<"donia. .A"/.-./-:.i:.*;-:■ r-IV: >, ;■■■'.;■ •Tvanhoe, eehooner,'-from'MongOnui. ■'

■"■•.- iwwrZMJBORTSi-.'r.-:-' ■■■■-■ P« Jlice 'dameron, from Sydney: 40 ~ gunnies sugar, S. H. Smith; 60 gunnies sugar, •J. M. ITrench. ; 40 gunnies sugar, Batger; 12 tierces, 17 caste-provisions, S. Jones ; 90 bags • bone dnsti-fWialters;:-3; quarter-casts brandy,: -8. Brown j /IS ;planks cedar,:. E. Dickson,- 1 quarter-cask ipneer wine, Bucnolz and Co.; 160 tone Macfarlane 5.20 pairs shags, Tvßelcher; 22 cases furniture, J. C. MacConnick iT l case,<E. Macdonald; 8 pkgs. •" 8.- Howell j 47 'cedar boards, 1 parcel, Jarman; *1 springVfcaxtj R. Syaionde ; 2 tip-drays, T. . -Beleher ; 5 lahde ale, order; 250 bags 'flour, Boberton and Co.; 214 cases kerosene. S. Cochrane and-Son;; 1 case -jars, 12 kegs butter, 10 barrels port, order; 7 cases acid, Bank ■. of Hew Zealemd; 23 pkgs, Roberts; 30 gunnies sugar, Golmore; 30 ditto, Humphries and Son.;. 1 tog, Crow.—Henderson and Macferlane, agent..,;: ;■• ; Per Lord -Ashley, from the South :—IVom -.Dunedin—37" tranke "boots, 1 case leather, 49 trunks boots, order; 13 cases stationery, 1 & Co.; 10 bags oatmeal, JBncholz j 1 bale drapery, Binnoy j 350 sacks flou r> Samson■&'Co.- Friom lyttelton 2 cases Brow3x and Co. ;1 case, Pearce. •from Wellirigton—3o bollocks, order; 500 " Carbpbelll ; 1 box, Henderson; . 1 canvas roll,-:3?ieree. 'ylhrom. Nelson, for

tranehipjnenb;; to Sydney—l box gold (1000 otuicea), ■ aid '■!•'«-box ; cancelled notes, Bank .Hew South Taranaki, for bydney—ltcas^/fliltMi , ..'* Co. For Auck- * land—^licaee.Bergt;/Slteaj-2 bundles leather, .2 jackagee, Pearce, 3 -'kegs butter, Clarke and C 0..; 1 ease, JJarne.s ;jIQ .bales-wool, CroickjT»wnV-; cas«S' tntter,*?Binnoy ; 2 eases butter, Hood.—Henderson .and Macfarlanc, /^:.'s~,.^:>^ r '\ ■:■'.'. ' Per ; «.s. Storm portmanteau, 1 package, Combee: ancl ; lease, • 18th Regiment, from Wanganui ; 40 bales wool, 18 bales ditto, 3 bales ditto, Cruiekshank, Smart and Co. ;;2 bjales leather, J; Eout; 1 case, G. P. Bine ; 1 p'arcej, Mrs. Hardington; 2 cases, Hood; 4-cases, G-. W. Binney; 2 cases, T. Doto ; 1 ease butter, A. Hood, from Taranaki. —A. Barnes, agent- , '

Per schooner .P'eri,'for Norfolk Island : 6 tons bags flour, 2 do. sugar, 2 cases oread, 2 cases drapery, E. Ifolan ; 1 case machinery, 1 case, Si.'.Hill;.2 coses, Capt. Tilley, 1 case wine, 2 cases, S Hill.' " Per schooner. Tatrcrn, for Poverty Bay.- 5 2>ags maize, 4 cases, 1 box :drapery; ; 13 packages groceries, 14 bags sugar, 20 cases '/Old torn, 10 c&ses whiskey, 1 quarter-cask brandy.,-1 caslc.jbrandy, 20 half-cases genera, _. Owen ' and' Graham; 2 coils rope, 10

coses lemonade, 5 "casks beer, 40 bags biscuit, ,80.-.vbagß flour, 115 mats sugar, 1 .quartev : ca&k--57iue, 38 pieces timber, 1 ton potatoes, 3 -tons -flour, 9 cases drapery, J. S. Macfurlane; 14 packages groceries, "lO bags sugar, L. IX Nathan and Co.; 1 quarter-cask "brandy, 1 hhd. runs, 1 bale drapery, 5 cases gia, i> caeca wUislsoy, 5 cases etout, 1 quartcrca£t -wim-, 10 casks beer, Brown, Campbell and Co.; 1 case, Upton and Co.; 5 cases, E. and H. Isaacs ; 1 package tobacco, T. Doonin ; ,6 packages, J. Batger; 18 packages, Owen and Graham. Per s,s. Star of the Soutb, for Kapier.— 25 boxes candles, 24 cases brandy, 34 bugs sugar, 50 boxes tea, 10 half-cheats tea, 21 cases brandy, 20 boxes 40 hulf-boxes soap, 40 tags rice, 5 bores soap,- 2 cases confectionery, 1 bale eacics, 10 liali'-cbests tea, 1 case oil, 1 half-hhd vinegar, 2-1 bags sugar, 40 bags rice, I/. 1) 2Jathan and Co; 1 case sundries, 1 case sago, 4 cases confectionery, 10 boxes soap, 10' boxes candles, I package tobacco, 1 quarter-

cask ruin, 5 lialf-ehests tea, 7 bags sugar, 2 ' cases, lcosk, 10 boxes soap. 20 boxes candles, 4 cases oil, 2 quarter-casks rum, 25 cases brandy; 3 cases eauce, 4 cases oil, 20 boses ten, 14 cases! 10 boxes soup, 20 bags rice, 2 tales,.rtw'k-s, 82 bags eugai , , 10 quarter-casks rum, 14 oases brandy, 4 boxes tea, 4 boxes

raisins, 10 balf-obeats tea, 3 cases jata, 2 boxes .etarch, 20 kegs treacle, L. D. N»tban and Co.; * * crates bottles, J. Boylan,


The Circular Saw dipper Alice Cameron Captain [Carter, arrived in harbour yesterday morning from Sydney, with a general cargo and several passengers. She left Sydney at 6 a.m on the 4th, and experienced S E. and JJ.N.E. winds to the coast, rounding the North Capo on Thursday last; since then, light variable airs have prevailed. We have to thank Captain Carter for late Sydney papers. l Passexgeks—Saloon—Mr. B. Stevens, Mr. Goodman, Mr. Vcsser, Messrs. T. Coulcy, W. Atlrinson, G-. Atkinson. Steerage—Messr3. G-. Gizzard, R. S. Griffiths, W. Williamson, W. Ensterbrook, Gγ. Cooper, T. Buckley, T. Sutherland, S. Murray, G. Lee, T. Lessey, W. IT. Harris, G. Masters, G. Knight, ARRIVAL 01' TnE S.S. LOLD ASHLEY. The Circulav Saw s.s. Lord Ashley, E Wheeler, Commander, left the Bluff at 4 a.m. on the sth, and had strong easterly winds , ■with heavy beam sea. throughout the passage. , Auchorcd'at Port Chalmers at 6 o'clock same I night, and sailed on the 7th at 1.10 p.m., experiencing fresh westerly winds and Cne weather. Anchored in Port Cooper at 8.15 a.m. on the Bth, and proceeded again on Sunday at 11.28 n.m. ; first, part of passage, high north west winds, which at midnight increased to a fresh gale with high head sea, till arrival at Wellington at 2.30 p.m. on the 10th. Left there on the 12th at 10.30 a.m. ; had fresh north-west winds across .the Straits. Reached Picton at 3.35 p.m., and proceeded aprin on the 13th at 6.20 a.m . Arrived off Nelson at 3.30 p.m. ; entered the harbour at ■4.15 p in., discharged and loaded ; cleared at I Customs, mid came outside and anchored at I 5.50. Sailed ft 8.40 p.m.; had north-west j winds across tho Straits. Anchored off 'Taranakionthe 14th at 12.30 p.m.; left again at. 4.20, vtith light north-west winds, hazy and sultry weather.

P.Cssexgf.ks.—Saloon — Mrs. McMinaum, Mrs. Murray and 2 children, Mrs. Beakman and child, Mrs. Hughtman, Mr. Schofield and 2 children, Mr. Shepherd and child, Messrs. Low, Harrison, Kidley, Norris, Rev. Dr. Forrest, Messrs. Warmoll, Lewis, Cross, Moore, Rawson, WatWns, Henocbsberg, Shepherd, Sharland, Lieut. Stockley. Fore-Cabin— Messrs. Monteilli, Brown, Webb, Mrs. and Misses (3) Dempsey, Mr. Mahoney, Mr. Kerry, Mrs. McDermott, Miss Gockett, Messrs. Hunter, Chalmers, Johnson, King, Newsehant, Hoskin, Bossett, Gray, Wright, and 14 soldiers 2 women, and 5 children 18th Regiment.

We are indebted to Mr. R. B. Pringle for files of Southern papers.


The N.Z.S.N. Company's s.s. Stormbird, Captain Doile, left Wellington on the 11th at 7 a.m.; -arrived at Pieton same day at 2 p.m.; left again at 4 p.m.; -arrived at Nelson on tho 121U at 4 a.m.; left Nelson same day at 5 p.m., arriving at Wanganui on tho 13th at 6 a.m ; left again on the 14th at 7 a.m.; arrived at Taranaki on the 15th at 4 a.m.; left same day, arriving in Onehunga -at 6 a.m. ou the 16th. Saloon 'passengers—Messrs. G-ledhill, Haigh, Hummer,' Gunn, and Thomas; one in the steerage. LAUNCH OF THE STEAMEB CHALLENGEB. At the North Shore, on Saturday afternoon, last there was qiiite a bustle to witness the launehingof another of ourmyriad of steamers, built to keep pace with the rapidly-increasing commercial .prosperity of this port. There was a large assemblage of people from the neighbourhood and from Auckland, amongst whom we noticed several of our leading merchants.. We are sorry that the affair had not been made more publicly known, as we are ■sure there would have been a much, larger number of persons present. At about 5.30 all was ready for the launch, and as the vessel began to glide into her future element, Miss Holmes stepped forward, and, breaking a bottle of champagne on her bows, christened her the Challenger, and as the vessel rested for the first time on her future home, three hearty cheers for her and her owners were given, by all present. The dimensions of the vessel are .as follows :—Length of keel, 85ft.; beam, 12ft. 6in.; depth of hold, sffc. 3in.; dwught of wa'er, 22in. She is to be fitted with engines of 35 horse-power, built by Messrs. Frnser and Tinne. Diameter of the paddle-wheels, 13ft. 6in.; length of stroke, 3ft.; cylinder, Bin. ,- length of boiler, Sft.; diameter,"7ft. She will be ready in about three weeks, when, at her trial trip; we shall take the opportunity of going more fully into a description of her hull and machinery. At the conclusion of the launch a number of the visitors retired to Messrs. Nichol and. Sons' workshop, and success was there drunk to " The Owners," " The Cliallenger," and "Tho Builders." Before closing, we cannot but compliment the MessrsHolmes upon the pluck shown by them in the building of a vessel of such a class a3 the Challenger ; and we believe tliej have spared no expeuse to make her what she really is—a first-class boat; and her builders are to be congratulated upon the admirable manner in ■which they have executed their part of the contract. In conclusion, we wish Messrs. Holmes all possible success with the Challenger.

The clipper Countess of Kintore sailed for London at noon on Saturday, leaving the harbour with a fine S.W. breeze.

The ship Chile sailed for Napier at daybreak on Saturday. H.M.S. Challenger, for Wellington, and Blanche, for Tauranga, left the harbour at daybreak,on Saturday. The Virago, for Napier, left during the afternoon. The s.B. Star of the South, Capt. Bendall, took her departure for Napier at 7 a.m. yesterday morning with, a cargo of general eargo transhipped from the Hero from Melbourne.

Tho Colonial G-overumcnt p.a. Sturt returned from the Thames on Saturday with his Excellency and Liuly I3oweu, and left again for Tauranga during tho evening with a party of Thames Volunteers. ,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1873, 17 January 1870, Page 4

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SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1873, 17 January 1870, Page 4

SHIPPING. New Zealand Herald, Volume VII, Issue 1873, 17 January 1870, Page 4