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J THE undersigned, Natiiamel William Massey, , hereby make ni)i)lication to Register "THE PHINCE "OF WALES GOLD MIXING COMI'ANY (Rkoisterko)," under the provisions 1 of "The Mining Companies Limited Liability Act, ISGS," and I do solemnly and sincerely declare that the following statement, is, to the best of my belief and knowledge, truo in every particular, namely :— 1. That the name and style of the Company* is "The Prince of Wales Gold Mining Company (Registered.") -. The place of operations is at the Moau.ilairi Creek, at. the Thames Goldlield, in the Province of Auckland, in the Colony of New Zealand. 3. Tho nominal capital of the Couipany is Seventeen thousand pounds, in Seventeen thousand shares of One pound each. ■1. The amount already paid up is Twelve thousand seven hundred and Mil v'jionuds, Ihe estimated value I of the Company's Mine. j 5. The name of the manager is Nathaniel William Ma-ey. " I (i. The Oflict: of the Company is in Urown-slreet, ] Gi-iilianislown. " j 7. The names and jevcral residences of the shareholders, anil the number of shares held by each at this date, areas follows:— ! SHARKS. James Soppctt. Auckland T2W> John Soppell, Auckland li:t;{ , Alexander T. -M unro, Gnihamstoun ... 1133 Patric-k ISonlield. Gnihaiustown 11:$:? i hom.-i- MeLaruau. Otaliuhu lI.TJ John Callaghan, Auckland li:W Henry NicholN. Otahuhu ll:« Ale\a'ndcr Lamb, (1 raiiainslowii 1!33 N. W. Mas-cv, Grahamstown KUIJames Stevenson. Aiieklanil.. .. f,:,:i Edwiird V. Dixon, Giiihiim ; .t..wn 0:i~ , Frauei-i Cadell. Auekland S!UJ. M. Lennov. Auckland a'.n Charles Shiphcrd. Olahnliu S!H KobertMullins, (iraliamstown 53! l ■ lames Wall.-jc,-. I'apalohi -(.SO C. W. Stvaek, (llahuhu . 207 . Augustus Cook, Auckland 500 William Loughuian. (irahauistown 235 liernard l.vneh, Grahain-t.nvn ISI William ISishi.p. junior. Hiortland 13i> James Ryan, Grahauistown 4S N. W. M:i.~~cv. in trust, for Company, Gnil,am»tow'n . " ... 2t7 Total of Shares ]7,(K10 . Dated this m X ||, t { a y ~f August, ISG'.I. \ N. W. MASSEV. ! Manager. ; Witness to signature - ~ ' (Sinm-d) Edwii. II V. PciWF.K, A Justice of the Peace. { THE undersigned. X \tii\xiei. William Mksskv. i I. hereii,- liuiko application to Register "THE I PEARL iil" THE WAIOTAIII GOLD MINING . ('(•MPA.N'V (Kkuih-'KKii)," uniler the provisions of ' "The Mining Companies Limited Liability Act, j IS!!.-,, , 'and I do solemnly and sincerely declare That the ■ f..llowiii«Malement is. 'tolhi! best o'f my belief und i knowledge, true in every particular, namely:— I 1. The name an-1 style of the Company is "The ; Pearl of the Waiotahi Gold Minir.gOoiupanv (Kegis-n-red)." L'. Mie place of operati us is at the Waiotahi ■ at the Thames tJol.lliei.l. in the Province of Auckland, •■ in thel'olony of New Z..alan.l. I 'A. The nominal capital a' (!ieConi])'i«y i.« •Seventeen ! thousand six hundred pounds, in Seventeen thousand ; I six hundred shares of One pound each. j ; 4. The amount already paid up is represented bv I I Thirteen thousand two hundred pounds (represented by the estimated value of t he Mine). l>. The name of the manager is Nathaniel William Ma-.-ey. I), the Olliee of the Company is at Brown-street, Graham-town. 7. 'Ihe names and several residences of the shareholder., and the number of shares held l.y each at ibis ilate, are as follow, namely :— SHARKS. William Newman. Grahamslowu .. . «!ss George Crowe ~ . . tJSS Joseph Hull .. ... 1377 James Clarke .. (iSS Joseph Wallace .. IWS William Sinclair. Auckland 341Macartney liovd Douglass, Gralmmstown . 3 l-l William Moore. Auckland RSS Eu-i-biu-: WiNoii. Gr:iliaii.-t<iwii .. (>S.S , Ambro-c Coad ~ CSS AllVi-d ISrown Shepherd .. . (SSS .1.-liua Kenuelt .. <''^S Ililllh Mcl.ner ~ . . (UK> Samuel .M. Smith .. William Watson •• I«'HWilliam (i. li. Watson ~ ... . ldl-! Robert Martin; .. . lUlt John Parker .. . . . 7N-'i William Moiim- .. . . L'lil William l':;r!.er .. . 'oil William Litehlield .. ... . 'Oil llenrv Woodcr->n ~ ... .".:!:! lioi.eri Woo li f-on .. .-,:{:! .1.1,1, MelntM-e .. .. . 13:) P.,-.iMt'on .. ... . 133 George Newman .. . . 2tili Cliar!,-- Clavl'orlh .. . .. -JCli N. W. M:i-se\. in trust f,..- the I' |«. :■%-. lir.iiein.-'toHii . .. '. I.'. Tot-il of Sh.-iivs . . ... 17.1i0il Dated ibi- ninth da\ ..f August, 1WX. W. MASSIIV. Mai.agei-. Witne-s in tire - (S;.:nedi I- , .. 11. l'..\vi:i;. j A Jusii, ' i.u> Peace I'm- tin- Colony J of New Zealand I TiiK mi Icrsiiru.-.1. N \ r;i.isii-:i. Willi vm M.>.-si:v. J. herebv nii-.k.-aiij.lie.ilion \o i:.>ui.~lcr '* I 111>: tiIDDEN TREAS I *i;E tiOLD .MINING CD.Mi'ANV (■ Kiiisri:Ki:i.)," under the provisions of •• The Minini; Companies Limited Liability Act. Sμ.", ;*' and I do solcuiulv and sinceivlv d'eclarc that the foPowin.: .-tal.-ment i-. to Ihe beVt of my belief and kiiowledm-. true in every particular, nainelv : — :. The name and stxfe of the Company" is - The Hidden Treasure Cold Mining Company (•-egi*tiTedl." •J. The place of operati.»is is at tl.e Waiotahi, ill Pie i'haii.cs Gi.ldfield. in the Province of Auckland, in the C.,10n.v of New Zealand. :>. The nominal capital i.f thr Company is Five thousand live bundled pounds, in Five thousand live I hundred shares of On» pound each. I. The amount already paid up is represented bv Four thousand one hundred and livciilv-Imc pound's (Ih. lii.latcd value of the Company's .Mine). o. The name of the Manager is Nathaniel William Ma--ey. lj the Olliee of the Company is at ISrou n-<-lrcct. Grahams!,,-...!. 7. The names and several residences >>f the shareholders, and the number of shares held bv each at Ihi-. date, are as follow, namely : — sini(i:s. A. Jae\.-f.n, Grain. nislown 71 llenrv Poinitdc-tre.. ... . ... 112 R. I!." l>-ergu>on .. 2li! M. (i. Antic .. . .. 21C, 11. X. M'Laurin .. .. KIS CI. Russell. Sydney 71 A. Saundcrs/Graliamstown 112 M. T. I!. M-Grctf.r .. .. .. 2S t William Perrv .. . . 21C iCdwiird MooHiou.-e .. ... . 7>">(> CharloJl,. llatmcs ... 2.'i1l Mary lirown ' .. . . . 2f.LI Henry \ iekery .. 2SI Francis E. Stewnr! .. . . . . T.IM) .). W. „ C 2 C. W. Saundera ~ ... ... ... »i 2 William Ackland , 2U7 David Ouadri, Short land 21G William Soiiter, Gralnmistowu .. ... 125 John Studholme, Canterbury .".HO John Johnson, s.s. John Pcnn 10S J. Is. Owen, Auckland 125 William Aitkin. Auckland 125 N. W. Massey, in trust lor the Company, Grikhiinistown ... ... ... ... '110 Total of Shiiivs 0500 Dated t-his seventeenth day of August, I«C9. X. >Y. MASSEV. Witness U> signature— (Sigiunl) H. (.'has. Laytlou, A JustUv ol'tiie Peace.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 6