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iii uy "4 PRTXCE OF WALES THEATKE. Lessee and Maua-.-r Mr. .T. L. Hal!. Seeretary Mr. It. I). Wi.-emau. GRAND FASHIoXAiiLK NIC in , . U-VJ)].;;.-- IiISTTNuUrSH HI) PATiiONAGK. CiIMKIiV. f.ALI.ET. AND UAiICE. N,u Seen.-ry. New Mu-ie. l!.\ Speeial Desire, for This Night on!\, • . TilK RIVALS: O^Mr. .1. 11. Jlali. as .... lioi; A< i:i.s HIS (■;• I! UK-■D AY) EVIC N ING, .. August 2C. The IVrfor.nainv will eomin.-siee with the Sparkling Comedy, in r> Ae[>. hy Richard lirinsley Shei-iiiaii. Esq.. entitled Tll !■: V, IVA L S ! Sir Amhonv Al.-oiiite Mr. F. Ih.we I Cai>-.ain Ah-olute Mr. C. Herberte lioi: Arm.s Mr. .1. L. Hai.i. Faidklaiid Mr. .1. Thorpe D:nid ... . Air. J. Morris l-'ai.'- . . Mr. .1. llesloi'd Sir l.uein- O-TriL';-er Mr. .1. A. South Lwlia . . Mis- Shepparde 1 M'r-. Maiap,-.p . Mis- Au-tead j -Iniia .... Mis- Yernoii j l.uey . . . Mrs. l.'yan. : <;I!ANI> INTERMEZZIO. i.v I Til K LEO 1M) LI) TliOil , K. i I I I ; Ci.u.-iudi.ig with a Side splitting j F A It C K . Admission :- Dres* Cire'.e, Tjs; Stalls, 2s. (id.; l'it. Is. Seats may i.e i-e-.-r\cd at Tilessi-s. Upton's. Quei-n----.-treet. Spa-..ns tiel.ct- (for one nion'h) inav be had of Mr. K. P.. Wlsic.VAN, at the odiee of the Theatre. TOMORROW, FRIDAY, AUGUST 27. HKMiKIT OF jr. f. ii o w ]■:. In a,live preparation, L I F l<: ' S R E V E X G E. GUKAT AMEKJCAX CIRCUS. CROWDED HOUSES NIGHTLY. BENEFIT OF SJGNOR SALAYARIO. I TIT HIS (T H TRSDA Y) ETEN 1N G, J_ Au«u?l 20, 18C9. CHEAT ATTRATIOX: GREAT ATTRACTION : PIT —ONE SHILLING. Siiixm; S \i.\\ \i!ii> ha- niui-li plea-ure in annoiiiiej in.'tlia. his Uen.-tit will take plaee THIS (THL'RSI D\Yl EVF.NINC oh whieh ~,-ea-iou the- »reate.-t hill of the sea-o'i »ill he ])i-e-ente.l. and hopes t lie piihli.- of Auekland ai'd it- \irinity will u'ive their patronag.-. I Vine and the Grand Woman Entree with llor-es. ied by Mi-- Annie Norman mid Mr. JiirdSiuui.r Sala\ario in hi- da-hing perfoi-iiianee as the Yoltii-heur. on the 15are ha.-k Horse, leaping i; ; .r.-. liiiti's, A-. Youi'" \mei-.::n in his Wonderful Ualaneing Aet on the slaek Wire. GRAND DOUUI.i-: ACT on Two Horses hy Mi-s Annie Norn.:.n and Mr. Murray. Mr. T. I'.inl as Daddy Long Legs on .stilts. First time in New Zealanil. Come and see the lirothers Yerlitli in theira-tonisli-ing perfornianees on the Horizontal Bar and Double Traneze. Mr. Gould Wallaee and Pupil in their Grand DrawiiigiToin Entertainme- t. }[~ Thorn-is Uird. the astonishing Contortionist, on llors baek. Si"iior S-ihvirio I lie 'oiilh American ILnsiMiwin, in his New Feats. Come and hear the "Witty Clown in his Stump Oration. Come and see the GRAND STKKI'LKCHASE and MAY POLK DANCE. PItICKS OF Admission-: — Pit, One Shilling : Boxes :ss. ; Dress Circle,-Is. Children, half priee. Doors open at a ipiarterpast 7: performance to commence at, eight sharp. Carriages may be ordered nt n (piarter to Eleven. ;:„>''.,•■> \lVl<l A.ND NAVAL AND ARTILLERY VOLUNTEERS. •• HE whole of the Members of th- above Corps ' ..rewitrned to ATTEND., SPECIAL MUSTER THIS EVENING, at 7.:«1> j..i..-, witli all arms and accoutrements. Tl , ()< K Cui-t. Commandant A.N. & A.V. Aug. 2t;th. lSlift. AUCKLAND CLUIJ. s N l<, V'I'RAOR DINAR Y MEETING of Members \ "will be held at the Club House. THIS DAY (Thursday), 2(ith inst., at 2 p.m. CHARLES TOTIIILL, Secretary. Auckland, August 2C, ISGO. THANKSGIVING SERYICES. <~mURCII OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE. FOURTH ANNIYERSABY. FRIDAY, August 27, Holy Communion, IS a in. ; Imill KTi'i.iug Service, 7 p.m., when the Archdeacon of Wailemata will preach the Sermon. : notice. • UK Undersigned rnpiests that all Accounts due to him be paid to Mr. Sawkixs, Bootmaker, Ouettu-street, or Mr. T. P.IKD, Coih-ctor. i LEWIS TURRELL. ■ August 21, 18G9

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 1