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j NOLAN'S CANDLELIGHT NO. 1 GOLD MIXING COMPANY (TO BK RKGISTKIiKD). ; MKKTIXG of tin- Shareholders in this Companv will be held at the Thames Cold Minin c r.mi,.:iiiy'!< Otiicc. Pollrn-stroet. .Short land, THIS DAY v fhnr-d:iyl. tli.- liC'.li in-tant, at 7 p.m., to ,-..:,,p1-tc ihe formation of tli.' Company, μ-u rules, elect auditors, and arranire tin- the futinv working of tin- Cninp.inv's -round. \V. KOWK, 1.,-al Mana-cr. Au L ,,,.i L>ii. I -Mill. goldkx iikad gold minim; compaxy (P.kci-tkrkd). X KXTVAOKDIXARY MKKTING ..I" Share- ■• hol.l.Ts will Iμ- held at the Oil!.-.- of tin-Compai-v. Graham-town. THIS DAY I ' hur-dav*. tin- Ulitl" instant, ai half-pa-t f> p.m. Hiisinei-s To elect directors, adopt rules, ami other bu-ine-s of importance. Shareholders not able to alien.' "ill send tlicir 1 lvxie.l. \V. I'KAKSK. l.c-al Mana-cr. Aii-iist :ii:. l^i'.O. , MAKKHOLDKRS ~, tli.- NKWMARk'Kr . "• CLAIM in-.- i-c.,iH-ted to attend a MKKTIXG lo k- held THIS DAY iThur-d.-iv). An-. L'li. at the (111!.- ..f M.—r-. T. a-id S. .Morrin. On. v:- tivet. Ai.ekiaiid. ait lu- i.our ..r" t.■ 111- o'clock. J'MIN SC A , .1 KOT. .i.iiix .vxors. T. MOKIMV. CI lAS. IIKSKKI'II. j im:ini-'i-:ss royal g;>i.d mining com- ; paxy (Ti> i:k rkcistkrkd,. i •■ di'hi:. a okxkk >.i. m'-:ktinii ..f >i,an- . "" 1,..!,UT- . , 111.- a!...\.- Cmi-auv v< ill l.r 11,-M ai I r,,|.';, n .''- T,:rm-- 11..!.-!. ..:, K'll'lvn . :'::■ L'7'ii ,-1.-.-::: - I >ir-'-. '..;-. 1..-:.! r. a-..,'..:!.'.-,- u.-n.-r.i! hu-illl— .i. r. ham.. M:.::-.-.- j-r.. t.-iii. Anu-.'-I LM. I ■«.'.'. SHOTOYKR .No. 1 MIXIXC I'tiMI'.ANY ii;i:ci--iKf(i:i)K i X K\ in '.OKIMVA '-:V MT-'K'I IXC of tli,- ■' SharehoM-r- ill 111.-,- Cmpanv v-ill Iμ-li.-1.l on i'KIDAY. ill, L'7lh .lav of An-"--'. I Ss;;l. at II ..'.-lork a.i.i .. at tli.- Olli.v o.'M.-sr-.'Jark-on and Ru-ell Kort-tn.-t. Auckland. I!n«iin-ss—-To :i]i]i.Miil Director- and Auditors adopt Kill.-.-, and i-oiilinii the appoint i:ic-iit of Lc-al M:m:i»,-r. THOS. LKIGII WIHTK. Maua-cr. V an- remind.-1 l!:.t th.- A.-t i-c----i|iiir.-s :i majority in \ a> w.-ll as t.u.l'K ri:i:si\.u.i.v present 'a -il Not !>v inv.xvi. in onlrit.> |>a>- rules. A full atttfiuiam-p ]iart:.-nlaHv .v- no Divi.l-n.i .-an li.- .i.-.-i:.r.-.l until lli'i.Kul.;s an- ad,.|.t,-d and I'ir.vl-.n-s api^inN-d. I'KINCI-: (IF WALKS COI.H MIXIXC COM. I'A.W i KKCISTKK'KI)). t, MKKTIXC ..f DIHKCTOKS ,-f tin- ah.uv •'* fumpnuv will 1.,- !i,-!.l at t!..- ( )|li.v of tli,-('oiii|'.-itiv. Krnwn-str. d C i aliam-lown. on l-'lil DAY. tlii- :n<t.. at 7 o'.-]o.-k ji.m. X. W. MASSKY. 1..-LMI M ana.,'.-!-. TIU'K UIUTCIX N«l. •_' MIXIXC <D.\lI'ANY iHKCISTKHKIi.) i x i-\:r.-\(i!:i)i.vai;v.mi-:ktixii ..f 5i,:,,.,.. A lioM.-!-- -.-.ill !..- r.-M a! tli,-,.i1!.-,- of th.- l'..inJianv, < I-...-U -tr.vt. < : i-.i!:::.: i~( ..1,1. <,n l'!i I 1 IA \'. I'lr l'7th >!av of Aiijn-:. at !-!f pa-! •! 0.n.. Uiisin.--. : T<- .-1.-.-t Dir.-.-t.,!--. ' n.:.-.. ..u,\ ■ ii-i.: -- ..!' iii-p .;•: • l::::-.'!i..I.I.---- ir-a!.!.-to atl-n.i «ill f.-M.i i'-:,-ii- ;.>.-\;.-. .1. \v. \".:\>.:<k. 1..-, ml A!iiii:i-,-r. I »ii ii.MKN i:\i: ci-.l.ii .mini:-,•<: c imi-.v w vi:i:i:i<! i-:i:;:iu. X ( I T I (■ !•:. . Ml-: I"I i\C ..f ii,,- 5!,;.:-..-,,,,!,;,.,-. ~-• ,!„. :,!„„,. I ■-;,,.::,; v.,!i !-.- :,.-!,I a) !!-,- ...|;.- - ..f \\,- ,--. (l»l\ >\n Ci.-mivm. < l lii.-.-n--tr-.-t. A 11, • 1,1: i. i■ i. mi, Ml >X II \ \ . t!,.- :in.:, Au..a-t. :,: :; ~•,•!,„•!, -harp. i:.>:-i,-- : To.-.,,,-:,!,-,- ih,- Uμ!,- ~ft 1... <'..,,, p ; ,-iv. All an- parti.-niarh .-,-,, a,-:,-,! I*,. i:ni;i:i; I dkichtox. '••T-' M-ma^-i-. SOI TIIKIiX CROSS (JDI.I) MIXIXC COMPANY (KKCISTKKKIU \ X I':xt.-aordinai-v <;,-,-.,■raUrr.-tin- ~f I Iμ-\. holders of thi- Soiilh.-rn Cross Chi Mining Cotn]i;uiv (lti-4isti-iv(!) will Iμ- held at the Wharf Hotel. Craliain-town. on Til 1" IiSDA Y. llir s.rmiil • lav .if SKPTKMUKK, IsiV.i, at four o'.-ioek in the afternoon, f..r ihe I i-.ins:i.-t ion of thi- liu-inrs;. lif-vin-after nu-ntioiio.l. that is 1.. sav : 'J'o coiisiiler the |iiM|iri.-t v of in.-rea-in- the ea]iilal of the Conipanv. and if ili-.-in.-.i ;ul\ i-;iM>- lo adopt Mo determine np,.n Th.- . I i-j,. »it i. .ti nf th- -hares in the Conipanv now li.-M l.v the Mana-.-i- in trust for I be Conipanv. i'o (•olim'.l'ci- tlie pi-o)ii-i.-t_v of the rules relating; to the making ~f { ~\]\* nu ,\ ~\v \ u , , ~,,ti,-c- of ealls, :in.l, if d-.-med to alter th,- -rue. • W. U'IWK, I.e-al .Maua-er. Angii-i 17, J s<:•.». TIDAL WAVK GOLD MIXIXCJ COMI'AXY (KKCISTKUKD). i <iKXI-:it.\l. MKtiTIXd oflhe Shareholders in ■i. Ihe above Comp-im will he hell at the K, noire Hotel., on SATI" Rl )AY. liellh -.-plein-In-r, l.Sliil, ai 4 oelork p.m. J!ii-ini-s—To pas, rule-', elect direelors, and Kem-rnl l.usi.,, s>. W. WAI-LACIC WAI.I,IS, Man:.-,r. AICKLAXI) COLD MIXING AND ijI'AKTZ CKL'SHIXC COMPANY. COLLAItHOXK Sl'lß, KARAKA (RIOG ISI'KR I0D). i N IvXTRAOKDINAKY MKKTIXG of Share- •'* hnlders will he held at the II i-kai.d Olliee, on TUKSDAY, the 71 li proximo, at I ]i.m. JJiisiness: To alter tlie name ol the Company, to inerea-e the capital, elect permanent directors, adopt rules, and oilier business of importance. CI lAS. .VJITtMIIU'RY, l<ej;al Manager. August lSi; , .!. KOYAI. KXCIIANGK <i< 11. I) MIXIXIi COMPANY (RKCISTKRKD). * mi-:i-:tix<; ~f diri-X'tors ..c ti,,- nhov<- '\ Coinpaiu »ill Ik- held at the ('..iiip.nus Ollic.-, Tirown-strcet, Grahamstown, on TI'KSDAY, (he 7lh of Septcmher, at -I u clock p.m. N. W. MASSKY, I Legal Manager.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1753, 26 August 1869, Page 1