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: I/XT ELTON. At tKa Government' offices recently, 302 acres of land ware sold, reilisint* £604. TIMAHU. There has been Utile fcu«ine«g daring the last few days onacooant of the wet woather. The grain m»rket remains without Alteration, but little is doing. The barques Oollingwood and Susnn Jane are daily expootid. and will both take in grain for Auckland. Mr. F. W. Stubb» reports his sale of cattle en Saturday last was well attended, uivl all the atook yarded sold at good rates. Milek cowit in full profit brought from £8 to £12, and eqnal to an average of £10 per head. Heifers, in calf, from £3 6b to £7 10". A few very good looking Horses, unbroken, were Bold at prides ranging from £6 10s to £: 2. One draught gelding, broken to plough, brought £18 ss. At the sala of produce the same day the:e was a good attendance, and a fair quantity of pro 'use was knooked down at remunerative prioep. Po'atoes, £3 to £4 per t n ; flour, £10 to £12 per ton j oats, 2t 6d per buahil; grass and clover hay, £3 5s per ton j fowls, 2d 61 to 2s 9d p?r <toupl» ; geese, 3a to 6s each; and other commodities atequally good rst«a. Mr. F. Jjeeren h»ld an nncti .n atle of matfon yeiterday, at the shop 1* a **1* „ , 08 "' butchers. The sides realised from Is. 3d. to 2». 6d. e&ah.—Serald, May let.

r ; STJUJfBY. r: "T; ■ The Stook and Share Market £as been moderately aotive during the past week. Debentures were in great request, and investment* in this olfias of ssou'rities wore considerably above 'the average. Quotations genenlly exhibit very little alteration. Bank i stork was dealt .in pretty freely at about late rates. Oorameroal brought 58J, with few sollers. Oity :irct a ready sole at 12J. • Joint Stook are mode- ; rately firm nt 9J, though ono sale/is reported at 2s. : 6d. less. New South Wales were placed at 44$ to 45 cum dir., prior to the half/yearly meeting, at which a dividend at the rate of 15 per cent, per annum -was deolared ; no sales " have aince'beeii effected. New Zealand are steady, at 17£. Gaslight (old and new) sold at quotation', the former being 25.6 d higher. . Debentures have changed hands,to a large amount.'-New South Wale* terminable* brought last week'B prices. Intermingles were placed at 98Jto par. —the latter at oloae. The following table exhibits the state of the market at close: — Cupltnl Capital Slmr* Closing Coupames. (uominul,) paid-up. pd. up Prlcos. Banks. ■£ £ J* Australasia. 1.200.000 1,200.000 £9 68 Commercial 4^0,"01 400,000 23 JR, ®8J City Bank 200,001 200,000 10 12 f Eng. Scot, and Aust GOO.nOO 60n,000 ' 2® 1"! Joint Stook 454.G5C 484,656 « ®f» 9 * Lordon Chartered... 1.000.000 1.000.000 23 to 2 * Oriental . 1,500,000 1,600.000 ™ _ Now South Walos 1.000,000 1,001,000 ?0 : 4IJ, 45 od. New Zealand 500,000 SOO.OOO ,JO }<i Union 1,250,000 1,260,000 r25 48 STKAM. ' n Australasian 820 000 520.000 ™ i • Clarence STtiohmond S»,000 87,600 }0 » Ilunter ttlrer 55.000 55,000 1° S J . Illawarra.... 87,000 67,000 6 O. d. ~ ~ General Mirino 600,000 18,000 *4 N. S. W. Marino 150,000 1!S 000 * 2f Pnciflc Fire & Marine 1,000,000 31,742 J Sydney Fire 250,000 50,000 * Svrtn»y Marine 100,ono 10,000 0 Southern 1,000,000 03,fi00 so * 6d United 600,000 25,000 1 22s Gd Miso lAAWEODS. „ Gfta Light, l Old '08,000 108,000 - 8 12, 12t Ditto, Nev 86,000 1?,000 2 7 Waiisond Coal 100,000 1 0,000 10 5 J Waratah Coal 60,000 69.088 8 7i o. d. Debentures. Issue. Due. Intrst. N.B.W. terminables 1871 to 97 » 102J Ditto ditto ... 240,830 inter. 5 99,100 Queensland Oort 3,022,00') 1881 to 01 8 108 Do. Treasury 8i115,... 600,000 1869 &70 10 103, 108 A. S. N. Co 50,000 1871 7 City of Sydney 163,100 IS7O to 78 6 10*, 103 Sugar Co. ... • ... 1809 to 72 8 New Zealand Govt... .. ... The import markets o ntinus ia the state of inactivity <sre»alent for some months. Retailers' stooks are low, and they seem indisposed to replenish them, when compelled, and then only buy in th'i smallest quaniies requisite for immediate use. Stocks of breadstuffs hav« been ia&rrased during the present weak by the arrivals of vessels from South Australia arid Tasm inia bi inaiog bstwoen four-and five thousand tons whent and fl mr. Tho town millers still munop-'Oise tho flour trade, and have imd < no ohnng# in prices; holders of Adelaide sorts also ask last week's quotations, say £t4 to £15. Adelaide whe.t is quoted at ss. 9d to 6s. Candles aro easier; sales of good brands were effeoted at 10J1. to lid. The demnnd for liquors is restricted to trade lotj, at prices exhibiting very little change. Beat brands of bulk ale sold a' £7 5«. to £7 10s.; good escoad ditto, £6 10i. to £G 17s. 61.; best battled, 9e. 9.1. to 10s 6d.Bottled stout htis mst a good market at 9a. Bd. to 10s 3d. Brandies tnove slowly at Bj. for best; Hennessy's, in glais, was placed at 275. 6d. for a small line. Whisky is in better demand, but without loading to any alteritioo in prines. Rum ia selling steadily at last week's ratos, say 4s. 3d. for best down to 43. for inferior. The sugar mirkat maintains its firmness, and as retailers'stocks have become almost exhausted they havo to pay importers' prices. Four oargnos came to hand this week, and about one half of that ex Duke of .Vowcastlo—about 700 tons, will probably ctme.on here from Melbourne. No furthor ohange has been made in the Sugar Company's price list Teas are at present inactive, a few small lines were taken by tho trade on private terms. The l.ady Belmore, from Foochow ( is reported on the coast, and the Thomas ICdwards, now due, will close importations till September. BTDNBX MA.BXETI. Wholesale. Retail Floi"—Fine, to n of 20001b5... £15 0 0 ... Seconds, do., d 0..., 13 0 0 Bran, per bushel 0 1 0 0 I 3 Biscuit, cibin, per 100 lbs 12 0 Navy, ditto 0 17 0 Bread, per 21b. loaf ... 8d to 4d Butcher's Meat—Beef, per lb. 2d to 2}d 2d to 5d . Mutton, per do. .. 2d to 2Jd 2d to sil 1 Pork, per <10. to 51 5A to 8d Veal, per do. 4d to 5d 5d to 8d Lamb, per quarter 3a fid to 4s 4s to 5i -Rabbits, per pair 2a 6d to 3s 3» to 5» Oheese, per lb 6d to 7d 6d to 9d Bacon, per do 7d to 8d 7d to IHH Card, per do 6d to 7d lOd E»es, per dozen lsGd ls9d to 2a Forage—Straw, por cwt 3s 6d Vegetables—Potatoes, pr. owt. 7s to 8s 8s to 10s —Herald, May 1. An oitreme'y dull feeling pervaded the wool sales held this afternoon ; and, as the trale seemed indisposed to buy even at a slight concession, tho ereat bulk of the lotj offered were bought in at vendors' limits. One large parcel of fleece found ajjiuyer at lid, and somo scoured vrool at 16d; binjfee other lots sold we e mostly unimportant. The import market opened to day inquiry for •m<ll trade lots. A few sales ofjffiqu'jrs and sn?ar were efficted at current rates. Bakers' lots' of breadstuQi were purchased at £14 to £15. b >th for town-made and Adelaide sorts.. Maizo was in large supply 'at lower rates, good simples being obtainable at 3s. 2d. The large shipment ofcoo -nnut oil ex goaa forward to England on owners' aocouut.—Had, Miy 4. MELBOURN'B. There has been a fair amount of business transacted in the import markets, chiefly for trade requirements Breadstuff's maintain a firm and steady acpect, notwithstanding which we hare no.largo eales to refer to. . Buyers ol wheit are ready enough to operate, thoush they deeline to pay the rates required by holders; offers of ss. 6d. for prime samples are freoly drawn out, nothing, however, can bu pu'chased un-ier6s. 7d. to 6-. Bd.- Flour has been'quitti-d in small trado parcels at £12 16i-. to €13. Shl-h of good New Zealand oats a.-e effete 1 at up to 3s. lOd. Ma<ze in the morning wa« a trifle ensier, but all offering at 4s. 9d. having been cleared off, nona could' tie got under 4s. 10J. by the afternoon. The auction sale of teas attraced a large attendence of tho trado; 5 60 . packages altogether w«r» di-poned of. Congou dust and sittings biought 6|d. to 7Jd ; ordinary, rather broken realised 9d.j common, 12J.1. j and medium to fine, 12Jd. to If, lOd. Scented orange pnkues sold at 25., and young hjson at Is. 4d, Tho fine conuous, «x Berthn, we'o withdrawn at 2s. 3d., as also some S.-O. pekoe and scenttd caper. We note a oonsideroble demand for sugar. Some rather heavy parcels are reported to have boon placed with tho trade, of qualities ranging from good counter to white orys als, at £39 to £13. Somoriamagad lots are advertised lor auction sale on Friday. Tobaccoes command improved attention, and values of fine descriptions are evidently stiffening. A line of fancios wae upatprioei rising, to q iality, to Is. BJ. Sixty-two were »l-o qnitted at the bond, in faulty condition, at extreme figures. Twists brought v lB 4d to Is 4-|J ; half-pounds sold at 11J1 to 11-id • pieces realised Is 2£l ; bar*., Is to Is 4Jd : aromatic twists, 9£d ; and tens, BJd to B}d, not cash. Candles aiM neglected. We observe that the Neva Company have reduced the price of tboir brand to Hid. a good demand is experienced for fine hams ; parcels of Votey'd brand of twen'y to firty and eeventy-five oasts in a line, having baen frenly purohasod «t 13d to 13J-3. Sales of baoull »r« a'so made at 10id and lid. A patoel of sixty bo'tlos quioksilver was disposed of at 2s. Kerosene oil is yery much inquired tor. Many parcels ore under negotiation ; Ihe extreme rates required, howuvor, keep baok operitions. Soda crystals have been placed it £8 11 sprits, we hear of the disposal of a thousand cases of V. U. and Co.'s geneva, at 12s. SmalUols of Honnessy's palo brandy, in bnlk, realise 7s. 9d. ; fr.r 1 <r£o rarcels, a tr flejleas money would not bo refused. —Argus, April 29. ADELAIDE. Wheat, whioh seven days since was nominal at 5s 2d, and at which price no sale took phica, has baen exceeiingly quiet throughout the weelc. The little that has been done made 4s lid for export paresis at Port, and for some smaller lots 4« lOJd h»i been aocepted. To-day .very little has to«n don>, and buyers are unwilling to operate, whilst sellers do not oare to sell; iu fact, there is.a Bcaroity of pircela in the market, whioh oheoka buginest, Flonr. -Dull, at

jfrqm'iJll.S" tojSlS,; according, tojbrand. -tfiarley 'and all feeding grains dull of sale, and nominally'•> 'last quoted. General Merchandise.—Business during jthe pMtiWflefcjH-,the import ,marked, sli05»8 } an im I proVement oh the" preceding one'. u v Many v lines of oilmen's "atore&'» are 'ebatce; 1 - ai»d' : 'values 7 have advanced in oonsoquence, i ; -Keroaeno;.<,BaTeral . hundreds of casos have ..changed hands. at rates,'and holders look forward frir' d considerable' , advance on present prices." Fencing wirejcontinue» scarce, and any small lots offering the;:trade,eagerly purchase ot current rates. At auction this week tho cargo of BUgar ex St. : Thomas', from* Mauritius, was submitted, and' about 2SO bugs were apld at an adyance of about 40s to SO* per ton cn tho .former cargoes. The inporter withdrew'the Balance for still higher rates. —Reyisterf Aprir.-24.: ;"y; ' HOBART T6\VN. . ; ! Basiness for the week hag o'oor.ed doll, the news frpm tho colonies haying: a depressing influence up-n the markets. There; has.b.Bea little doing except to meet immediate trade wants,' and prices of' most descriptions of.produce remain " ithout alterntion: /At the mills flour is quoted.,at from. £12 to £12 l'>s per ton for bakers' parcels; sharps) £8 per ton; bran, Ik 2d per bushel. The wheat market is very depressed, anl prices are not quoted higher tlian fr Jni|4s 9 J to us. Feeding grains continue very.duiLof sale. .Oats are quoted at from 3s to 3a 9J per t>usbel, for'very fine quality ; parcels ■ suited for seed ranging a< high as 45,; Peaß.and beans are stated at from 8s 6d to 4s per bushel. Tares, 5» per bushel.. Hay. is. quoted at from £5 to £5 10s per ton, but there'is p very little demand. Potatoes are at present slow of sale, and the, price given us, by tho local dealers .is from £4 per ton, including bags, but' our country "friends must remember that this figure might not-be obtainable were several craft load jo put in unless to meet a demand _for, oxport.'. Wo havo private information from Melbourne to .the effect that potatoes, are in demand there at from £7 person, and our correspondent is anxious to. knowb whether Many are likely to be shipped from this. The Txsmanian crop is less this year than has; been j previously, espeoially on this side of the island, our growers baving tujned there attentionfco the cultivation of o'her crops. A good many are being sent to Sydney, and doubtloss victorii will obtain her sha e, ■but the quantity obtained for; export is riot great. Onions are quoted at from £8 por ton. WitbT.diiry produce the market is badly supplied, and we hare again to "complain of the quality of much of, the .butter reaching the ms.rket. ' Good fresh butter is quoted at from Is 2d ,to Is 3d ; per lb.; potted, from lOd to Is per lb.; bacon, 63 to 7d per lb.; hams, 7d to lOd j oheese, 6d to 10d, according to quality.—Mercury, April 27. . , LAUNOEUTOtf. We have no business in breadstuffj to. report, the market remaining: extremely dull, and no' inclination to deal being displayed. Flour is nominally worth £10. For wheat 4>j. is offered, but holders are not inclined to quit at less than 4s 3d.. There are no 'oats offering ; 3s may be given as the quotation. Potatoes have declined in valuß, in oonsequence of there being less demand for them in the Melbourne m-irket; they cvmot be sold for irore than £i 10s without bags, or £4 in. Hay remains at £4 ss. Barley,.4s 61 to ss. Pot'ed better, Is. 'JPasmanian . oatmeal, £22 to £-2i.~7!xaminer, April 24.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1706, 11 May 1869, Page 4

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COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1706, 11 May 1869, Page 4

COMMERCIAL. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1706, 11 May 1869, Page 4