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WbAihbr.—May B.—Ahowerjraad unsettled- Wind, E NJS : ARRIVALS. : H.M.S.S. "Virago, 6 guns, Gapfc. Bingham, from Sydney. x Lalla Rookb, s.s., Adams, from the coast, with passengers, igjHero, 8.a., 760 tons, T. Logan, from Sydney and Melbourne, with pusengers and cargo. s Fury, barque, 3"<'7 tons, O'Dell, from Newcastle, with coals. / Cleopatra, sohooner, 92 tons, Ifwerion, from | Lyttelton, with gum. _ ..LUmore, sohooner, 88 tons, Wood, from Dunedin, | with oats. -v i Waterlily, 30 tons, Allen, from Wangapos, with timber. PROJEOTHD DBPABTOBKB. K'»b f.ONDON.—Maori, May 10; Percy, early. Stdney.— ffero, s.s., early. Melbourne.— ETero, s.s., early. BoEOTONGtA.—Tauranga, to-day. Bat of Islands. —Tauranga, to-daj. Tauaitaki and Socthbbn' Provinces. —Phoobe, to-day. Riyebhbad—Gemini, daily, at 11. a.m. EXPECTED. H. 11.9.3. Blanche, from the South. H.M.8.3. Rosario, Irani Sydney. Kate Water#, barque, from London. Sailed Feb. 23. Lancas'ria, barque. fpom Liverpool. Bailed. Novelty, barqne, from San Frane : ">io. Heather Bell, brig, from Newcastle. Coquette, schooner, from Lyttel.,; n. J. B. Russell, schooner, from Lyitleton. Aurora, schooner, from Lyttelton. Kate Grant, schooner, from 3otrn Sea Islands. On ward, seh >oaer, from South Sea Islands. Eugenie, schooner, from Tahiti. Mary Ann; schooner, from Napisr. VESSELS m HARBOUR. - , r .. [This does net include coasting euttera.] H.M.S.S. Virago, from Sydney. Galatea, from England, via Seuthera Ports. - H.M.S Challenger, from the Boutii. Ahuriri, s.s., frotn Wellington and ifapinr. I Lord Ashley, s.rf.from Napier and Wellington. ' Lalla Roekh, agent. John Penn, s.s., from the Thames.—J. 8. Maofarlane, agent. .Enterprise No. 1, p.B. (on farry service). Gemini, s.a. (on ferry service). —J. Casey, agent. Jane, s.s. (repairing). lioyal Alfred, p.s., from ths Thames.—S. H. Smith, ■ ■ agent. ; . . Duke of Edinburgh, p.s., from the Thames.—Rosb 'and Dttthio, agents*' Enterprise,- No. 2, p.s., from the Thames.—H. B. • Morton, agent : v - ... ; - I'ortland, ship, from London.—Cruskahank Smart 4'Co., agents. '' ' Maori, ship, from London. l Owen and Graham, agents. Percy, ship, from London.— L. D Nathan and: Co., agents. " . ; Balgownie, barque, from Adelaide.—Thornton, Smith I and Firth, agents. Fuiy. barque, from Newcastle.—jSondeison and Macfarlane, agents. Bella Mary, barque, from Hobart Town.—H. S. Mejcrs, agent. Maoroa, barque, from Tahiti.—Owen & Graham, agents. Our H >pe, brig, from Melbourne.—J. 8. Macfarlane, • agent. . An Bevoir, brigantine, from Tall.i.—Owen and Graham, agents. Colonist, schooner, from Wangaroa. Southern schooner, from Nozfolk Island. Mariner, sahocmar, from Eaipara.—Brown, Campbell j Ssa Breeze, sooner, from Borotonga.—o. Davies, agent, v- .. ... j Peri, schooner, from Borotenga. : Tanranga, schooner, from Soufct Sea Is] anis.—L.D, Nathan and Co.; agents. Mary Smith,-schooner, from Tahiti.—L. J). Hath in and Co., agents. ! Royal Duko, schooner, from Sydney. —J. 8 Macfarlane, agent." Cleopatra, schooner, from Lyttelton. Lismore, schooner, from Dunedin—Thornton, Smith, & Firth, agents. IMPORTS. Per Fury, barque, from Newcastle: 510 tons ooals, Henderson and Macfarlane (agents). Pe r~ echo on er Xiamn re, fromi*Punediri": 1,370 bags Oat», Thomfon. Pmiih and 1 Fi th. - r ■ Per Oleopatra, - from Lyttelton: SOS sacks flour, 700 Backs wheat, 55 bag's oats, A.' Bucklacd. Per s.s. Hero, from Sydney: 237 packages sundries, Albert Cohen; 17 cases 22 balrg clotiing, to.. . Military Storekeeper jloa-e pierced platen, T. and S. Morrin; 1 die to saddlery go>df, J. Wi-emin; 10 quarter casks wine, 3 kegs ditto, Brown,Campbell " and 'Cd." ; lS pacltagi-s, H. M. Jerria; 6 crates 2 cases, Butemeht ; 3pa6k«g9S, Hamilton. Brothers; 1 oase, J. £,d«on; ;2 . packages, J. W Manama s 8 cases 1 ,'truss rrl parcel, A.-Claik and Son; I ditto 1 case, R.'Beokj-1-caseß'sacks,seeds; P. Baird and Co.; Ipaseh'ardware, P. A.'Philips; 1 ditto, fcf. LipsJiae ; 80 cases Chinese oil, 8. Vai'e; 100 bigs maz-, M. Brown; 40 ditto ditto. G. Young; 76 ditto ditto, 6 ' bags bicoiij'Hell Brothers6B4 dittaditto; 75 dittp sugar, 5 packages, 20 bags , patent manure, S four wheel buggies, .. 109 daes of fruit, order; 2 oasee, M. Montague ; 122 ditto fruit, 3 caskß ho- ey, Arthur and 8on; .2 packages, Phillips Brothers; 100. cases and Jacobson ; 1 oase '• SarneEf.'lVßclcliar; J. Bnller; ■ l'ditto, Mi-s Muiit; 1 pafoel,' Mrs. B. Ireland; 1 ditto, Captain.Whet)lor; 2 ditto, P.- Ijeslie; 1 ditto, H. Joseph ; 1 dit o. Captain Bingham ; 5 cases plan's, iStanncS^Jiones-;. 5 ditto ditto. C. W. Purdie s l.ditto, e-r IT coil- gal »anised, wire, Ir«Jand; A./i^. "Thompson, Canterbury ; 1 parcel J. A. GilfilUn ; 1 ~ ouse-gratiogs,.J. 8. MacfarlanOf-l-ditto, 1-package, Lady Bowen ; 2 otses, Cruickshank. Hmart ancl Co. ; .1 oase atationery, Jamej'Bnrt ;"1 ditto books. New " 'Zealand Insurance Co.; 12 segmenU, E. Gibbons and Oj. From Melbourne.—l-cask color, W. Phillips; 1 package soft goods, Clark and Oo.; 270 cases, 20 quarter caaea brandy, tf 8. Meyers - 1 oaae hardWsbra, P. 'A: Philips; 7 oolonial ovens,' 1 paokage saws,- J.• and J. Dickey j-5 pa'okages hardware, Newman and Ewen;'27'coils rope, K. Vailei; 6 coils rope, 1 package, Henderson and Macfarlane.; 3 oases, T. d, Ha'l { 2 oases sawing machines, Winks aad Hall; 1 elop goods, U. W. Fri«nd - 19 Osses drapery and clothing, 8. Lipstine; 4 oases tobacco and cigars, M. Montague ; 11 ditto, 3 casks, Phillips Erehers; 1 case snuff, 6 ditto cigars and tobacconists' ware, G. Williamson; U oases'tobacoo, , 3 cases cigars, 4c., George Waller; 6 ditto cigars and ■ at 0 ' J J ' l P N,,tba^ an,i °°-i 26 boxes tobacco, h . buherff; 2 bales, 2 case* drapery, & 0 f Keetinir, Doilsh and Keesing ; ' 100 cases kerosene, 26 passages, E. Porter and Co.; 100 ash felloes, 13 pairs nayea, 4 oases, 32. packages, Cousias and Aitkins; 6 ca<es, 6 casks, 6 packages, £i. H. Smith; 1 case grating, Fraser and Tinne; 10 packages rope, Lilewall and jßattray ; 3 d.tto drapery, W. Battray; 2 oises, I case planU, 2JO kerosene," « Mornn; 9 packages oolorg and rarnish, Watson, bcanlaa ,nl Co., 8 qua.ter Oisks sherry, 1 oaae, 1 parcel, Brown, Campbell and Co:; 1 beridin* maohme.a wheol, Mfred Smart; 2 cases gratings, T. Bennett; 1 case candle wick, J. S. Macfarlane ; 3 oases, 4 bales drapery 60 boxes soa,,, Owen and Graham; , 2 cases, Bank of New Z 9B laad; 2 cares, 2 casks, Bank, of Australia; 6 p 1( :ka B es, Union Bank; 2 cases books, &c„ E. Wake; 1 ditto ditto, Upton and Co.; 1 °ase drapery, C. Djaon ; 18 ossei drapery and furniture, 20 ditto, 18 bales 1 truss drapery, 3 oasks 1 case 1 paokage sundries, order . 90 cases wines, 24 ditto bnteia, 2 um ,lg lmat i nK barrels, 2 ditto pans, 10 cases 333 loose pieces maohinery, order; 1 oase hares, Captain FrM» r • l case c. Mo Arthur and Co.; 2 ditto, Oomyns •' 1 • trunk, Irel-nd Brothers; 1 bor, D. L. MuHook • I y ditto, J. Gjrwpod ; 1 paroel, W. Bright; 1 ditto *R. Beok; 1 ' itto, h. Jackson'; 1 ditto, Carey and Gil." _.V.les;, 1 ditto, W. Moody; 1 ditto, J. L. Hall - 1 basket carriage,- Capt. Logan.—Oruickshank, Smart and Co., agents. The - barqua-vMary Franoin, Otij»t. Lswrie, sailed from Newcis,le for Auckland, on the 30th alliaio, witli 800 toas ooals. Obe baique Kacalyptus, Biddle, fonta, arrived at Brisbane on the 27th ult. The barquo Inland City, Captain Calder, hence, \ arrived at Gladstone, on the 26th nit.

ARRIVAL OF THE HBttO. The powerful e.s. fforo, Captain Thomas Logan, . commander, arrived .in harbour yesterday morning, t with a cargo of general merchandis y and ovsr 70 passengers from Sydney and Melbourne. We are indebtod to Mr. Co.'an ell, purser, for the latest papain, and the following report of tho paieage. The Hero left the Railway Pier, Bandridge, at 2.30 p.m. on tke 29th April; D*3«ed through Port Phillip Heads at,5.50 r p.m., Wilson's Promontory at 4.15 a.m., 'audGabo Island at midnigfft'on the 80i{i; Cape-'St George at 4.50 p.m. oh the Ist May, ahd entered Sydney Heads at 2 a.m. on the 2nd. Experienced light variable winds and very fine weather during the passage. She left tho Grafton Wharf, Sydney, at 5 p.m. on the 4th instant, and cleared the Heads at 6 o'clook. During the first twenty four hours of the passage,, she experienced moderate westerly wind with oloody weather and occasional light showers of rain ; afterwards the wind suddenly veered into tho south-west, blowing hard, ascompanied by fierce squalls and heavy showers of rain, attended by a confused sea, until noori"6f'the'7th. The remainder of the passage has been marked by light easterly winds and gloomy weather. Roundod the North Cape at 7.15 a.m. on th<- 9th. from whenoe napderate. south-east- winds hare prevailed, attended by cloudy weather. Arrived off Ringitoto at midnight, and lay-to until daylight, arriving in Auckiand harbour at G*3o a.m. on the 11th. Paß*»bnqbrS zFrom \aol bourn?—'"'abm : Mrs. Bartlett and'two ohildren,'Mrs. "Davies, Mrs. and Miss Meurs and Master MearS, Dr. Swing, Messrs. H. Marsh, R. Graham, K K. Phillips, Oomrus, 8. Lipstine, Or, Young-; and thirty-six- in the steerage. From Sydney—Oaptain and ;Mrs. Breton and two children, Air. and Mrs. 11. Samuels, Mrs. Rapaon and sir obildren, Oaptain Austin, Gravos and Phillips, and Mes«rj< Derbyshire, Hemmingham. Holland, F. A. Salamoo, W. Lothsriogton; and nineteen in the steerage. I ARRIVAL 'CLEOPATRA. This handsome vessel returned from Lyttelton last evening, dropping anchor off the Queen-street Wharf, . after a moat rapid passage _bf five Hays, at 6 o'olook last evening. The Cleopatra, -whilst in command of Oaptain Ifwergon, has accomplished some unusually smart/trips from *T»yttelton - to this port, and we believe the : presenilis one of the quickest' made. Captain Ifwerson is thus enabled to bring ns some later papers than those received by the steamer*, which arrived-on Saturday and Sunday last. The Cleopatra sailed -from Lyttelton at 6 p.m ontho 6*h" instant, and experienced strong N.W. winds during the first two days. The wind then suddenly shifted to the S.W., and continued from the same direction as far as Portland Island, when tho wind veered to the South West-, and subsequently to the eastward and S.E.,at times blowing strong with a heavy sea. Capttin Ifwerson reports that four vessels w re pasted by him off Poverty Bay, viz., the Tawera, Aurora, Jubilee, and a cotter. Tho barque Susan from Auckland and Poverty Bay, bound for Timaru, wfti signalled off Gable End Foreland. OabGo :—7O sacks wheat, 605 Back-T flour, 55 bags oats, A. Buckland. ARRIVAL OF THE FURY. The barque .Fury, Captain O'Dall, arrived in har--bour' yestirday'aft?rnooh from - Newcastle with 610 tons coals for Messrs. Henderson and Maofarlane. Thie -Fury, ba&~ blade aj very fair; parage of twelve days, havings left Newcastle on the 28th ultimo. Sho experienced-moderate, variable breezes to the Three which were passed on the 7th in<tan'. Fromtliat point had variible winds ti the Poor EJninhtSL and from thence strong easterly and i«™rin lsY During Sunday uight tho vessel encountered a very, heavy gale.; ; . !\ ARRIVAL OF THli VIRAGO.' H.M.S.S. Virago, -6- Runs, Oaptain Bingham, arrived in harbour yesterday morning, from Sydney,' having left there on the Ist instant. She experienced moderate during the greater portion of tho passage. The Kosario and Blanche may be expected here to-day or to-morrpw. ;ij ; . . > ARRIVAL OF THB M9MORTB.. The schooner Lismore, Captain Wood, arr'ved in harbour last full ourgi'qf ..1370 bags oats, consigned to Messrs. Thornton, Smitb, and Firth. The l.intnare left Moraka on the. 26th ultimo, with strong variable winds, and made the Ea.t O tpe on 2nd .inatant. oinoe then strong .westerly winds have prevailed until Sunday morning, when a strong from, the eastward enabled her to m-tke Iha harbour ■it' 5 pm. Captain Wood, reports haying, sighted barque and a brig off tfie East' Oapg on Friday last, apparently bound South. Pbikob Alpbhd.—The bArque Prince Alfred, Captiin Watson, hence, arrived at Sydney on the 29th uLt-ino, after a fair passage of 14 days. The Prince Alfred was rapidly filling np with cargo for this port when the Hero left Sydney, and m*y be expected here in a few days. The barque Hapido sailed from Newcastle for Batavia on tbe27th ultimo. The brig Heather Brtll, Capt. Orown, sailed from Newcastle for this poit, on the '<9th ultimo, with 265 tons cqals,'or Mr. S. H. Smith. Thb DoirEmif.—The schooner Dunedin. 66 ton , Oapt. J. Stewart, sqiled ; from Melbourne for Auckland on the 30th, with the following ca'go:—12 paokages. rope,-22.packages. bookfl< 10 cases kallos(richos, 30 cases castor oil, 148 half-ohests tea, 120 casks bottled ale, 205 cases bear, 19 packages drapory and soft goods, 9 paokages druggists' 2 bales cotton waste, 9 kegs shot, 8 cases powder, 2 rolls shefl lead; 1 oase baracca juice. AstottsuixO- Iq.vokancu.—ln the Thames Times of ye terdav, alluding to the bringing tip of the Galatea in Auckland harbour, we find the /ollowing wonderful announcement by the Auckland correspondent of that paper Everything was bustle on board. There was s : violin goinn, and I tbiiik a flute) and a regular tramp, tramp, as the mrn heavel up the cable, about three tfmea as/much as wus neoessary having been paid out, while, a good deal to the amusement of iny boatman, o'ne'of the/iorew kept sounding in a part ol the harbour whore suoh a precaution has probably never been Considered necessay since the daya of Captain Uo k." Tee writer's ignorance in nautical sttbjucLa'is truly deplorable. He probably . has no idea what " mnorinf ship " means, and is utterly unaware that in Her Majesty's ships, and iu fact in every naval sovice, the lead ii always hove in soundings wberever.the ship may happen to bo. We can only pity the author of such foolish remark* as a " long shore lubber."

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1706, 11 May 1869, Page 4

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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1706, 11 May 1869, Page 4

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1706, 11 May 1869, Page 4