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■ CELEBRATED FRENCH MEDICINES. I ' rRiJPABBD BY GUI MA U I«T & CO., Chemists to H.T.H. Frinco Napoleon, ' 6, line de RJcho'lou, Paris. Diskasfs of the Chest. i CYRUP OP HYPO-PITOSPHATB OF LTMTC.—HrimanU and Co., Chemists, Paris—A' "Syrup com .oundeH' with this now salt l»n« been introduced by D . Churchill, for th»a treHtment of pulmonary phthisis. Recent trinls made at the \ \ Brnmpton Con umption Hospital an InFt tution 'wpecially ? <*evo-ed tn the trentmont of diseases of the chfat, hare ab»»n- ---| dantly demonstrated the absolute ncce««ttv of obtnininc this 1 new tie *ee"t in the most perfectly pure and neutral ; condition. "Kuch mblespoonful of Syrup contains four prain*. of ppr ectly pure hypopho-phate o' lime, and, hr compounded by MM. GrimauU and Co., ti Paris, this fcyrunt* the onlv * preparation vrhlch guarantees to the medical profession all i the psopertles rtquired in this valuable medicine. f Wo particularly call the attention o* the public to the following P important Testimonial* V— 1 Lake Keilambete, Zerontr, Victoria. Aust-alia. t *' Mcssr*. Grimault <fc Co., Paris. " Gen lemen,—l would thank you to forward to my address your prioe list of mealrines, etc., by return of mall. At the * same time I coraolim?nt you for your Syrup of liypophosphate of Lime. 1 employ it daily amongst adu'ta and children who are attacked with dl« use of the lungs and liver. It outwits every other preparation of the day. i " T.H. Uno.M.D. u l — : * Diarriicba, Derangements or tiik Stomach. J & CO.'S GUAR ANA. —This natural vegetable , production, perfectly innocuous, has been Ion? u«ed In - Brazil, with the utmost success, as a remedy for diarrhoea, ' sick headache, dysentery, and all disorders proceeding from » the sto "ach and b wels. This Powder is indispensable for . all families, and *ar more efficacious than opium aud the subnitrate of bismnth. I No mose Copaiba and Cdbebs. » rjRIMAULT'S CAPSULES AND INJECTION OF [ 31A11C0 VEGRTATjIS.—Where all other medicines - hare failed, these preparations will always effect a cure. > They insure rapid and extraordinary cure of severe, recent, i and chronic of private disease. They ar«s used in the hospitals of Paris, by the celebrated Dr. Ricord, and are ' found greatly superior to all hitherto known mineral rerae- ; dies and Copaiba and Cubebs. The lujection U used in % recont, and (*ap-u!cs in the more chronic, case . 4 Agents In Dunadin : Messrs. French, KempthorHe, & Co., and Mr. "Wilkinson. I Childein's Diseases. tOTHZFD SYRUP OF HORivE-ttAOlsn —Prepared by Grimault and Co., Paris.—This Syrup contains iodine, combi-ied wlih ihe juice of watercresses, horse-radish, and senrvvzrass, in which iodine and sulphur exist na'urally, and for this reason, it is an excellent substitute for Cod Liver Oil, which i« Generally supposed to owe its t fflcacv t«» the pre>ence of iodine. The lodUed Syrup of Horse-radish invariably produces ?atisfacto-y results administered to children suffer- ) ing from lymphatistn. racbitism, congestion ®f the glands of the neck, or the various eruptions on the face ?o frequent ' during infancy. It is also the be t remedy for the first staae * of consumption. Being at once tonic and depurative, it I excites the appette. promotes digestion, and restores to the } tissues their natural firauess and vigour. r Asthma, Oppression, Dtspncka. r TNDIaN CIGArtF.rrES OF CANABIS INDICA.—Pre- [ -*• pare) by Grimault mvl Co., Chemists, Paris.—Recent experiments in France, England, and Germany, have proved » tb»it these Cigarettes are a sover* gn remedy for the >.bove dis- » trains affections, e-pecia'ly when belladonna, stramonium, [ ind opium have failed to give relief. ' "TYIGESTIVE ELIXIR OF PEPSlNE.—Grimault and F - L/ C"., Chemists Paris.—Pepsine, the latest scientific | disc very of Dr. Corvisart, Physic an to H.M. the Emperor of the French. U the gas rie juice itself, or rather *he digestive t princip'e purified, which dke*ts food in the *t"macU. by some cause or other, the supply of dicestive fluid is too am -11, the inevitable consequences are tad digestion, gastrit s, 1 gastraclia. inflammation of the eoatrf o> t (, e stomach - and bowels, h-art burn, pituite, ancemia, of strength, and (in females) chlorosis. The Elejcir oi Pepsine, which is sanctioned bj the approbation of the Paris Academy of Medi- * cine, spe- dily cares all such diseases, and prevents vomitinf t during precn-mcy. I Agents in Bunedin : 3fes»rs: French, Kempthoroe & J, and Mr. Wflkinscn. 1 THE WOELD'3 FRIEND ! t ; lIOLLOW4Y : S OINTMENT. 5 , A CURE FOB PILES AA T D FISTULAS. j T INFLAMMATION of sensitive parts, piles, fistulas, _I and such like painful diseases may be presently relieved, and ultimately cured by proper and diligent . use of this cooling and healing Ointment, which action should, in such cases, be assisted by judicious I doses of Pills :—ere many days have elapsed the j anxious patient will experience a wonderful degree of ease from this treatment. They are equally suitable to both seies, and all ages. COUGHS, COLDS, AND ASTHMA. These complaints of the chest come on with alarming frequency. The Ointment should assiduously be rubbed at least twice a day on the chest and between the shoulders, with the violenco of all symptoms will gradually give way, the breathing become longer, and the oppression less. No medicines aro more efficient in chest complaints, none can be uned with equal safety and certainly. Both Pilla and Ointment aro accompanied by very clear and simple directions for using them. A MAN WHO REFUSED TO HATE HIS LEO- OFF. From the Kilrush Advertiser, Jnne 2nd, 1860. Benjamin Cox, Esq., Magistrate, said in the Board Room at Kilrush, that ho knew a man who had been in the Infantry and was actually turned out as incurable, oh his way home to Kilrush, he purchasod at Ennis, Holloway's Pills and Ointment, for, as he said, it could not be worse with him. " This man," said Mr. Cox, " became by their use as sound and as healthy as any man in the room." These celebrated Pills and Ointment will cure any wound, sore, or ulcer, howevery long standing, if properly used according to tho printed directions. GOUT AND RHEUMATISM. The essence of this disease lies in the blood, which ha*, floating through each vessel, the paingiving poison, which irritates and inflames every tissue it comes in contact with, and produces tho hot, swollen, elastic enlargement about the joints so characteristic of gouty diseases. The philosophy of cure consists in overcoming this depravity in the blood, which is rapidly purified by tho use of the Pills. Tho Ointment, when rubbed upon the skin, penetrates the system through the pores, acts in uaison with the Pills, and soon effects a cure. DROPSY, SWOLLEN LEGS OR AJN'KLES. The various kinds of dropsies, whether windy or watery, arise from some obstruction to the free circulation through the blood vessels or lymphatics, or depend on tho inflamed state of some secreting surface. Holloway's remedies, of which the efficacy cannot be exaggerated, act directly upon tho blood, the absorbents and secretions, with a power that no dropsy, however invegrato, can long resist. They rcgulat-e the proper flow of blood to every organ, and purify it likewise, —thoy filter out everything that is morbid or injurous,—they regenerate every funetion, yet potent as they are for good, thoy are powerless for evil. They do not contain mercury or any noxious substances. They act safely and certainly. BAD LEGS, BAD BREASTS, AND OLD ULCERS. This invaluable Ointment was never known to fail in the cure of any wound, any sore, or any ulcer,— as can be proved by innumerable testimonials from persons who had been discharged from Hospitals as incurable, and yet by perseverance they have been made as sound as thoy were the day they were born, by this incomparable Ointment. For pimples, blotches, scald heads, and scorbutic humours, it is equally efficacious. Both the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases:— Bad Legs Corns (Soft) Rheumatism Bad Breasts. Cancers Scalds Burns Contracted and Sore Nipples Bunions Stiff Joints Sore Throats Bite of Mosche- Elephantiasis Skin Diseases toej and Sand- Fistulas Scurry Flies Gout Sore Heads Coco-hay Glandular Swell- Tumours Chiego-foot ings Ulcers Chilblains Lumbago Wounds Chapped Hands Piles Yaw» There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. N.B.—Directions for tho guidanoe of patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1706, 11 May 1869, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1706, 11 May 1869, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 1 New Zealand Herald, Volume VI, Issue 1706, 11 May 1869, Page 7