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Gr. "WV OWEN, 2?o 3, QUEE3T-STREET "WHABF,; 0 Has ok Baie, gQ CHESTS AKD CHESTS CHOIOS 30 cases Jams 9 tons Assorted Bugars . Coffee in Canister from lib. " 3: cwt. Cocoa and Chocolate . 20 barrels Currants 40 boxes Ruisiua 170 boxes yoap Scented Soap 200 boxes Prir-s's, &c., Candles Mould Candles 140 cases Koroscne 45 cases LoVtors 8 eases Oysters 10 caaes Salmon and Sardines Anchovy Pasta 20 boxes Cora b lnur 7 cases Robinson'e J?atent Groats Kobinson's Parley 5 cases Pearl Sugo and Tapioca 150 bags Maizo 60 bugs i*alt 16 casks Oh-impioa Vinegar' .15 cases Tobacco : 8 cases Wax Vestas 22 cwt. Paper bags Shop L'wine and Tea Paosr 4. ca3es Herrings 10 kegs Saltpetre 4 cases Confectionery Jiioe, Oarmeal, Flour Pasto Blacking, filack Lead Tartaric Acid, Painkiller Spsom in loz. packrts Orcam T't sr. Carbonate Suds, Mixed Spice an i Pimento ; Rfir.nets i-pirit and pint Salad Oil Colour d Hair Oil Sorwick's Bukiug Powder Pickles and Sauces !Lea and "errio's Sauco ■Capers and Ourrie Povrdor Coleman's Mustard, in bott!e3 and tins Ground and Whole Pepper light and Dark Blue Coleman's Starch Twelvctrees' ioap Powders Clothes Lines and Pegs Hops, Carratr.ty Seeds Shoe and Paint Brushes Bye Gross .Seed Pork, Bacon, and Salmon Prime Salt Uutt9r Chjese &c., &.c., 4c. ON sale, PKIME SYDNEY B3EP Woolpaeka, Kerosene American Chairs ' Otago Oatmeal, Butter , Paper—Tea and Wiiting Tea, -u°ar, Lobsters Soap, Candles Brown Pfcper, .Raisins Best Portland Cement &c., &c., &c. TO AEBIVE, PER • PXOELSIOB' AND <SIAM.» 330. bags Dressed Hice. each 56 lbi» Chicory, Marmalade &0-, &c., &0. XX 'N' YaiLTY.' 11 cases Prime Calcutta Oastcr Oil, in tifif H. B. MOHTOX, CUSTOM HOU-iK-STRKET. Septomber Bth, 1863. NEW STRAWBERRY, DUKE OF EDINBUBGH,. Raited by Mr. Lippiatt, Mount Albert. THIS Strawberry stands unrivalled by any for size, flavour, and beauty, and far excels in lis fruit-bearing capabilities all yet introduced. Is has been spoken of in the very highest terms by tha entire Auckland Press, and competent judges projnounced in every way incomparable. The undersigned beg to inform all patties 'who have registered orders with them for plants of tho BuEB op Edinburgh -traw berry that they are now ! ready for delivery. 31 r. l.ippiatt having still a small number undisposed of, intending purchasers Trill please forward their orders without delay. Price 3a. per dozen, or 200. per 100 plants. K. BAIRD & CO., Stichbury's Buildings, 111 Queen-street, tjg" N. B.—A s. h'.iice ' olleciion of Newest Hoses. KEATING'6 C< iUQ-ii LOZiKQh.3. mHB YAST INC3E vSK in the demand for these I OOUGET LOZtSNG- S. md the nnmeroiu Testimonials constantly received, fully justify the Propriotor in asset'ti.!» they are the b*st and safest yet offered to the Public for he cure of the following complaints:—Asthma, Winter Cough, Hoarseness Shortness of Breath, and other Pulmonary Maladies. Sold in Boxes and Tins, of various sizes, by T. Kkatino, Chemist, 79. M Paul's Churchyard, Iron; don. Sold retail br a'l Prngifi't*, &c. CELEBRATED FRHNC'H MEDICINES. PR;PIRKD BY GRIMAtTLP & C 0., Chemists to n.1.11. Prince X:ipo!con, 45, Rue de Itidiu ieu, Paris. DISKAS S OF T IE CHfST. QiSTHTP OF HYru-PHOSriIAIK Of LTilE.—Grinunlt and. Co., Chemists, P-tris —A. Syr ip com ounded wittl this new salt has introduced by l> . Olinrchill, for tht treatment of pulmonary phthisis. Iteo.-nt trials made at tlie Brompton Con-umptio t lio*pitwl an inst tut'.on .-specially dero'ed to the treatment ot -.i e »ses nt the chest, haTe abundantly demonstrated th.- ab.-oliite jvc-s-itv of obtaining this new therapeutic HRf :t i»i th nilp... fectly pure and neutral condition. Each iable*po ■ f-il of >yrnp contains four grains of perfectly purt- hvpoplm-i haie o irne, and, as compounded by JIM. Grimau't an.! O--., f I'uri-, Syrup b the only preparation which yuurant e* to he medii'jvl profession all the ptoper.ies r. d in ilii-. va nablo medicine. TVe particularly caII the att'-n in . o the public to the important l'i stimoniaU : — Ke lambete, Zeronp, Victoria, Australia. "Messrs. Grimatilt .t Co., Puris. *' Gen.lcmen,—l Wfi iki Hi ~.k V .'i to forward to my address your price list ©f inc ii i- t'-, • tc., by teturn ot mail. At the same time I comnlim nt y»'i (or ynur Syrup of Hypophospaat# of Lime. 1 employ it d>.ly a>iiimr--t lulu ta and children who are attacked with di-. asj f>- the and liver. It outwits eTery other preparation hi the ii.y. _ „ "• T. H. Laxo, M.D. DlAflltnffiA. DER.I >C r3l OF TUE STOMACH. r< KIMaULT & CD 'S •. OA :! a A - i llis natural regetable U production, ha< been lo used ia " Brazil, with the utmost -invs. u- » emdy for d arrhoea, Sick headache, dy.-H.-nt.-ry, a-.t II .Usord-rs proceeding from the stomach aud b weia. T...- i"wer is ludispensable for all families, and ar ih-jpo ihdu. opium ana tn« subnitrate of Tri^muth. NO MORE CoPAJBA AND Ct'BF.BS. riRIMVULT'S CAI'SI'i.!-> AX D I.VJEHTIOH OF 3- VJ VKCIC A >—VI !| r,; ail other medicinos d have failed, thes: pr-s-.r-it -n- "ill always tfiect a core. They insure rapi(la-(.l ex 'i'l u j cure "f severe, rccent, and chronic ca-e of !>; iv te iii~e . I ley are used in the n hospitals of I'ari-., i.y Hi- t:iei i)r It cord, and are found greatly superior to .«!• m lie t > kno vn miueral remedies and Copaioa ant :u--. injection is used ia recent, and Cap ule in in .iu c'> unie, casa-. Aleuts in Dunedin. -r. • •o- -t-.:. lieinpthorns, 4 Co., u»»d »*r. Wi\ /m ott. "THE NEW 'ZEALAND HERALD** TEBHB OV A'JVKIiTISEJIEXTS. Turco ines I s - Od. Four lines I s - Eighfc lines And 2d. for om-!i tilional line. SUBSCi-ai'/iOX. 10s. per Quarter; l-s. '»!• i! •'•■•okcl. Single copiMj 5 Advertisements wil> 'b« r.-.v vc-1 ..t th- OtCce. Wjnd-hmn-street. a-Ut'.e itumWr r • -r- o-rrqmred masi to e clearly wrtMi on the <-• >• •« •••:•« •«.- w-JI be insertuntil couatermamled hum ja £ l - c ,l,tl l £*S -

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1517, 5 October 1868, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1517, 5 October 1868, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1517, 5 October 1868, Page 6