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JUNE 20 AND 21. Weahier—Fine ; Wind, jf.E. ARRIVALS. . Ahuriri, s.s., 131 tons, FloWerday, from the South, with cargo and passengers. Enterprise, p.s., Seoh, from the Thames, with passengers. Halcyon, 8.5., wing, from Tapu via Shortland, with passengers. Tauranga, s s., Sellars, from the Thames, with passengers. Zephyr, sohooner, 57 tons, Brow j, from Russell, with coals. Tauranga, schooner, 60 tons, Bolger, from Russell, with cattle and passengers. Lily, schooner, 18 tons, Marsh, from Waiheki, with firewood. Industry, echooner, 24 tons, Hicketts, from Tapu Creek, in ballast. Ivanhoe, schooner, 72 tons, McGregor, from Mongonui via Wangaroa, with gum and timber. Gleaner, schooner, 15 tons, Spithill, from Whananaka, with pigs. Mary, schooner, 22 tons, Hogan, from Maraiti, with f rewood. Speedwell, ketch, 35 tons, from the coast, with produce. Alarm, cutter,.3o tonn, Seymour, from Mangawai, with cattle and produce. Gazelle, cutter, 24 tons, Jaggar, from Great Barrier, with firewood. Francis, cutter, 18 tons, Sullivan, from Hot Springs, with shingles and produce. Rosina, cutter, 12 tons, Roderick, from Shortland via Tapu, with lime. Spey, cutter, 16 tons, Bmith, from Shortland, with sundries. Mary Ann, cutter, 21 tons, Ford, from Great Barrier, with firewood. j Wangarei, cutter, 40 tons, Anderson, from Wan- I garei, with coal and produce. | Emma, cutter, 30 tons, from the Bay of Islands, with passengers. Bessy, cutter, 19 tonß, Joneß, from the Thames, with timber Heather Bell, cutter, 24 tons, Dam, from Mahurangi, with produce. Eclair, cutter, 16 tons, Tiller, from Waiheki, with firewood, Jessie, cutter, 17 tons, Smith, from Waiheki, with firewool Cornstalk, cutter, 18 tons, Clarke, from Shortland, with sundries. DEPARTURES. Halcyon, s.s., Wing, for the Thames, with passengers. Tauranga, s.s., Sellars, for the Thames, with passengers. Fiery Cross, schooner, Short, for Oamaru via Wangapoa, with timber, &c. Ringdove, cutter, 21 tons, Diaz, for Shortland, with 15,000 feet timber, 23,000 shingles and sundries. Aquila, cutter, 26 tons, Doveton, for Pakiri, with sundries. EXPORTS. Additional cargo per Charlotte Ann: 28 cases kauri gum, H. 13. Mnrton; 2 cases merchandise, 1 bundle timber, Morton ; 2 cases plunts, A. Goldie.— Cruickshonk, tfmart and Co., agents. PROJECTED DEI'ARTURFS. For London.—Charlotte Ann, to-morrow: Kate Wntors and Racehorse, early. Thames.—Tauranga, Enterprise and Halcyon, to-day. Rivehhead—Gemini, daily, at 11 a.m. Sydney.—Prince Alfred and Kate, early. Tahiti.—Neva, early. Norfolk Tsland Joanna, early. Bat of Islands.—Tauranga, to-day ; Zephyr, early. MoNGOtnn.—lvanhoo, to-moirow. Mangawai.—Alarm, to-mon >w, MAHUiiANGi.—-Hcathar Bell, to-moirow. VESSELS EXPECTED. H.M.s 8. Rosario, from Wellington. H.M.8.6. Blanche, from Engtand via Sydney. Taranaki, s.s., from the South. Lord Ashley, s.s., from the youth, 2nd pros. Star of the South, s.s., from Napier. Raceborso, ship, i'rom London (sailed March 27). Hxcelt'or, Bhip, from London (loading). Constance, barque, from London, (sailed March 29). Glencoe, barque, from Lyttelton (sailed June 8). Kate Waters, barque, from Nelson. Princess Alice, brig, from Tjyttelton. Alice Cameron, barquo, from San Francisco. Bella Mary, barque, from Bobart Town. Kate Grant, achoone., from South Sea Islands. Stanley, schooner, from Japan. Swallow, schooner, from Lyttelton. Aspaeia, schooner, from Tjyttelton. Kugenie, Bchooner, from Tahiti. Coquette, schooner, from Oamaru. Joanna, schooner, from Wangapoa. Helen, schooner, from Wangaroa. Excelsior, Bchooner, from Dunedin. Saucy Lass, schooner, from Napier. Muriwai, schooner, from Poverty Bay. Isabella, ketch, from Lyttelton (sailed June 9.) Eagle, ketch, from South Sea Mends. Bittern, cutter, from Norfolk Island. Marwell, cutter, from flokianga. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. [Not includin;; coasting cutters.] Ahuriri, 8.5., from the South. Tauranga, s s-, from the Thames. Halcyon, 5.0., from the Thames. Enterprise, p.s., ** o. 2, from the Thames. Midge, s s , from the Thames. Royal Duke, p s., new. Lady Bowen, p.s., new. Enterprise No. 1, p.s., on ferry Gemini, b.s., on ferry service. Duke Of Edinburgh, p.s., new. Charlotte Ann, barque, from Nelson. Prince Alfred, barque, from Sydney. Pakeha, brig, from .Melbourne. Neva, schooner, from Tahiti. Tauranga, schooner, from Russell. Zephyr, schooner, from Russell. Industry, schooner, from Bastings. Ivanhoe, schooner, from Mongonui. Southern Cross, mission sohooner, from Norfolk Island. THE CfJTTKR HENRY. It ia feared that the cutter Henry, a regular trader between Auckland and the Thames, his met with some mishap. She left this port with a full cargo of sundries for the Thames on Monday laßt, in charge of her owner, Mr. O. fiotiinson, and had not arrived at her destination when the Thames steamers left on Saturday last. During the past week the wind has blown strong from the N.E. and S.W., and unless Bhe has met with some accident, it is thought she would have arriTed safely at the Thames or ran back to Auckland. THE CHARLOTTE ANN. This vessel will positive" jlear at the Customs this morning, and, weathf permitting, will Bail direct for London to-uiorrow. She appears to be in excollent condition, and from her previous rapid passages, we may expect to hecr of her making a good run home. The Charlotte Ann was inspected at noon on Satutday morning, by A. C. G. Ibbe'son, Capt. Xoung, and Captain Maloy, when everything on board was found lo be satisfactory. In addition to Sergeant-Mhjor Green and his family, there are about half a-dozen others proceeding home "oy this vessel. The Charlotte Ann will haul off from the wharf this morning, and passengers proceeding by her must be on board not later than nine o'clock to-morrow. ARRIVAL OF THE AHURIRI. The N.Z.S.N. Co's s.s. Ahuriri, Captain Flowerday, arrived in harbour at yesterday from Wellington and Napier, bringing a large number of passengers, and a general cargo. She left Wellington on the 13th instant at 5.20 p.m., during the night encountered a heavy N. B. gate, md had to run back, taking shelter in Warse's Bay, nfc the Heads. On the following day the weather slightly moderated, and at 8 am. she again proceeded to eia. The wind continued to blow hard from the N.H., with heavy rain. On the 16th arrived at Napier at 320 p.m., and after discharging a large general cargo, steamed for Auckland at 4 p.m on tha 19th, arriving h harbor at noon I yesterday, after a good run of 44 houra. i

PAssßNaEßsi'^-Saloon.—Captain Brigg; 18fch fi-il., Mr: and Mm. BuVnaby and 4. children, Mri'p.'Bl&ke, Mr. Cassioh; Mr.--Jennings. Second cabin-r2Meßars O. Lavers, H. Littleproud, A. Barr, D.. Giliner, J. Malcolm, H. Hoyden, Vf. Mayer, J. Kennedy, 6 men, X woman, and 4 children, 18th 8.1., and 12 others. Cargo:—From Otago—2 case* merchandise, H. Hobbs ; 1 case shovels, 4 cases handles, T. &S. 'Morcin ;- 80 '.bugs wheat,E. McLean ; 2. cases drugs, 1 ease acids, J. N. Manning ; 1 case drugs, 2 bottles quicksilver, Hill arid Co.; 4 cases, 3 packages iron,' 6 cases acid, Bank of New South Wales ; 3 bundle* sheet iron, 4 bars 'irohj Lille wall and Batiray; 5 bales ■ and 1 truss drapery, 1 case ditto, A. Clark and Son ; 1 case drugs, J. S. Welsman. From Napier—l cask spiced meat, CS. and Co.; 3 cases personal effects, 1 package effects, J. Hamlin. Transhipped ex Gothenburg, from Melbourne, 2 casks whiskey, 1 qr.-oask rum, Coombeß and Daldy; 1 cask lamps, order. Transhipped ex Lady Bird, from Lyttleton, under bond— 7 f boxes tobacco, E. T. Hamley. Free gooda —1 gan in case, Tamper; 9 wool screws, Masefioid and Co.; 2 crates bcttles, Gregg and Co. From Wellington—2 oigcs drapery, T. H. Hall; 5 casks vinegar, 11 how candles .Bueholz and Co. ; 1 case, 1 portmanteau, Williams ; 1 case drapery, A. Clark and Son.—Coombes and Daldy, agents. We are indebted to the purser for our files of papers. H.M.S. Bosario was passed going into Wellington on the 14th instant. The s.s. Star of the South, hence, was passed off Tologa Bay on the 19th inst. The cutter Alarm arrived from Mangawai on Saturday morning with 7 head of cattle, 1 horee, 4 tons gum, a quantity of butter, eggs, bacon, and 15 passengers. The cutter Kmm« returned from the Bay of Islands on Saturday'evening with Mr. Commissioner Mackay and a number of native chiefs. An interesting account of itfr. Mackay's mission to the Bay will be found in our local columns. The barque Ellesmere, brig Bita, and cutter Sea Flower, were lying at the Bay of Islands on Wednesday laßt, loading coals. The as. Halycon arrived from the Thames and Shorthnd, on Saturday night, with a large number of passengers. On her passage down yesterday, when off Maraiti, she displaced Borne of the packing of her steam pipes, and had to proceed the remainder of the passage under half steam. The schooner Zephyr, Captain Slendon, arrived from the Kay of Islands on Saturday, with 60 tons coal, and three passengers. She left Russell on Wednesday Inst and on Friday called at Wangarei. Ths Kate. —This vessel may be expected in harbour to-day, with a general cargo from Sydney. -^j&XCELSIoii. —The schooner Excelsior may be expected here hourly with a full general cargo from Punedin. The s.s. Taurangi, Captain Cellars, arrived from the Thames on Saturday night, at 11.30, withalnrge number of passengers and a parcel of gold. During the passage up a man named Morrison fell overboard and was drowned. Ihe deceased was a shareholder in the Middle Star claim, and, it is said, was coming up -r.-ith a parcel of gold, tha result of the last crushing. IsAhei/la.—The Auckland ketch Isabella, Captain Barnes, cleared out at Lyttleton for Auckland on the 9th inst., with 438 sacks wheat, 102 ditto of outs, 77 ditto barley. she was to sail on the following day. The briar Princess Alice was loading grain at Lyttleton on the 10 h inst. Glexcoe. —The barque Glencoe, r aptain Phillips, sailed from Lyttelton fur .i:s piti .« the Bth inst, at 7 a.m., with the following cargo:—2ooo palings, 1163 bigs wheat, 170 ditto oats, 600 ditto barley, 5 crates thorns. The s.s. Lord Ashley, in consequence of the heavy sea, was obliged to get under steam at 5 p.m. on Sunday. She returned to the anchorage on Monday at 9 a.m., but was unable to commuriicate with the shore, so left for Wellington and Southern Ports immediately after. — JTatckc's Bay Times, June 18. The b.p. Wellington, Captain Holmes, arrived in harbour at 11 o'clock yesterday. She left Auckland on the sth inst., at 245 p.m., and arrived at Taur.uiga on the 6th, at G 30 a m. ; left again at 9 30 a.m., and arrived at Napier on the 7th, at 4.30 p.m.; left on the Sth, at 1.20 p.m., arriving here as above. — Wellington Independent, June 10. Sal-cy Lass.—Tfo schooner Saucy La6s, Captain McKenzie, cleared out at Nupier for "this port oh the 16th instant, with 57 sacks (224 bushels) wheat, Thornton, Smith, and Firth ; 1 block totara, Beldt ; 3 rolls zinc, MeCaul. She had not sailed on the 18th instant, owing to the unsettled weather. Storm -bound. — The following vessels await a favorable change in the weather to proceed to sea:— bturt, for Wellington, with his Excellency the Governor; Saucy Lass, for Auckland, with wheat, &c. ; Mahia, for Waimarama, with general cargo ; Maggie, for Sydney, with wool, tallow, 4c. ; Hero, for Wairoa, with general cargo; and Agnes, for Poverty Bay, with general cargo.— Hawke's Bay Times, June 18. The schooner Ivanhoa left Mongonui on Tuesday last, and on the following diy called at Wangaroa, leaving again the same evening. Had light winds and fine weather. Her cargo consists of 5 tons gum, and 5,000 feet timber. Passengers—Mr. Ball, Mi?. Lusk, Miss Ball, Miss Hunt. The schooner Tauranga. left Russell on Wednesday evening. She brings 31 head cattle, a few cases gum, and six passengers. The sohooner Zephyr and cutter Ernuia sailed the >amo day for Auckland.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1434, 22 June 1868, Page 2

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SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1434, 22 June 1868, Page 2

SHIPPING INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1434, 22 June 1868, Page 2