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ONEHUNGA. ! MB. NORTON", Ohemiet, Q.ueen-itreet, and Mr. J. Cook, Butcher, Prince«-strect, near the Be»ch, are AgQnts in Onehunpra for the tale of the IMJCM , New Zbaxaitd Hebald and the Weexh Sebecribere' names, advertisements, and orders for printing will be received at either of the above placet. TO CAPTAINS OF VESSELS IN MANXJEAT3T HARBOUE. Masters of Vessels visiting Onehunga oan be enpplied daily with a Copy of the HB&ALD NEWB- - GRATIS, by application to .'Mr. Jomr Cooc, Butcher, Princea-»treet, next to tho Custom House. EEAMPTON'S PILL OF HEALTH. rpHIS excellent Family Pill is a medicine of long-tried J. efficacy for purifyintr the blood, so very essential for the .oundatlon of good liealth, and correcting all disorders of the m m . j B ? d Bowels- Two or three doses will convince the amicted of its salutary effects. The stomach will speedily regain its strength; a healthy action of the liver, bowels, and ndneys will rapidly take place; and renewed health wilt Lβ me quick result of taking this mediciue, according, to the directions accompanying- each box. Persons of a. fou habit, who are subject to headache, [iddiness, drowsiness, and ringing in the ears, arising from oo great a llow of blood to the head, should never be without !l em, aa maa y dangerous symptoms will be entirely carried ofl by their timely use. For Females these Pills are truly excellent, removing all obstructions, the distressing headache so very prevalent with the sex, depression of spirits, dullness of sight, nervous alfocions, blotches, pimples, and sallowncss of the skin, and give a healthy juvenile bloom to the complexion. To Mothers thoy aro confidently recommended as tho best medicine that can be taken; and for childreu of all aces thej are unequalled* Theso pills unite tho recommendation of a mild operation with tho most successful cflect j and where an occasional aperient Is required, nothing can be better adapted. .Her Majesty's Commissioners hare authorised the name •nd address of " Thomas Prodt, No. 229. Strand, London," o be impressed upon the Government stamp affixed to each box of the genuine medicine. Sold in England at Is ljd and 2s 9d per box, or obtained • through any Chemist or Medicine Vendor throughout tho ustraUan Colonies. Agents at Dunodln—French, Kempthorue, & Co. I\R. J. COIiLIS BKO WNE'S C IILOKODYNE. / Vice-Chancellor Sir W. Pago Wood stated publicly in jourt that Dr. J. Coliis Browne was undoubtedly the Invenor of Chlorodyne; that the whole story ot the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he regretted to say it ad been sworn to.—See the Times. J uly 13.1864. DE. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CULOKODYNK, The Kight Hon. Earl Russell communicated to the College or Physicians and J. T. Dnronport that he had received information to the effect that the only remedy of any service n Caolera was Chlorodyne.—See Lancet, Dec. ai, ISGS. T\R. J. COI/LIS BROWNE'S CIILORODYNH JL/ Kxtract from Medical Times, Jan. 12.1SUU —•• Is pru. scribed by scores o orthodox medical practitioners. Ofsonrai It would not be thus singularly popular did it not' supp'y a ■want and fill a place.'" DK, J. COLLIS BROWXB'S CIILOROUVNE is the best and most certain remedy in Coughe, Colds, asthma. Consumption, Neumlgia, Rheumatism, £c. DR. J. COI-T-TS BROWNE'S CHLORODVNE ls a certain cure in C-.iolera, Uysentery, Diarrhoea, IIK.J.COLIJS BROWNE'S CitLOKODYSE XJ Extract from tho General Board of Health, London, as to its fctlicacy in Cholera:—"So strongly are we convinced of the immense value of this remedy, that we cannot too forcibly urge the necessity of adopting it in nil cases." From A. Montgomery, Esq., late Inspector of Hospitals, Bombay:-"Chlorodyne is a most valuable remedy in Neuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery To it I inirly owe my restoration to health alter eighteen months severe sulfering, aud when all other medicines had failed."

Dlt. J. COLLIS BRO W NE'S CHLOUODYNE Caution.—None genuine without the words " Dr. J. Colhs Browne's Chlorodyne" on the Government stampOverwhelmiug medical testimony accompanies each botti'e. Sole Manufacturer, J. T. DAVENPORT, 33, Great Kuasell street, Bloomsbury, London. The Immense demand enables the proprietors to reduce the price; it is now sold in bottles U li'l.ts Sd. 4s «d. and lie. Acents for New Zealand—llessrs. FRENCH, KEIIPHORNE & CO., Dunedin Agents for Melbourne—TAYLOß & CO., Collins-st. W eat. Wholenale Agonts-MESSBS. ELLIOTT BROTUEKS 181. Pitt-strcet, Syduoy

WARNING !! — Aro you suffering from nervous debility ? Do you suffer from a set of symptoms nearly akin more or less to the following .— A pretty fair condition of health, not yet positively ill, but a feeling upon you that you are not quite right, a maiaiso, a tendency to despondency; a slight occasional loss of memory; sometimes it wtiVness across the small of the back and loins; or waking with ato :ling as if unrefreshoJ ; a general depression ; a want of pluc;:, as it were; loss desire for business than formerly and you aro troubled with a certuin feeling of nervousness, a loss of power ? If you are to be warned in time, you have now the meane and opportunity of being restored to health. [t is at tills stage that your disease, by a timely application of remedies and regimen, can be emdioated, and your system invigorated, your manhood restored to that state that you may and can fulfil the duties required of you by your social and moral being. Be warned also to w horn you apply. There are two rocks upon which you may epUt— the ono being the lecully qualified practitioner, who, although fully qualified by h'fs knowledge of hie profession to treat the various general ailments of humanity, yet is totally Ignorant (as the majority of them unfortunately are) of this peculiar branch of his science, the reason being that he has never made it his peculiar study, and the othor rock Is the blatant charlatan and quack, who preys upon the pockets and lives of his victims. These individuals assume titles to which they have not the slightest pretension, and are, for the moat, part, men even without the ordinary common rudiments of education, who, by their force of impudence and advertising, irretrievably ruin the small remains ot health of the poor deluded victim.

Dr. L. L. SMITH, who has been established since 1851, has stepped, perhaps, ho acknowledges, out oitlic routine of his profession by thus advertising ; but he deems it better to givo an unfortunate fellow-being an opportunity of at least beini? capable of aiscrimlnatinst for himself or ascertaining for himself out of the mass of charlatanism, at least one practitioner who hoe devoted his time, money, und study to this peculiar branch of his profession, and one who is a leßally qualified practitioner and member of the Medical Board of Victoria. Dr. L. Ij. SMITH lias now been in practice in Victoria for the last fourteen years. He was formerly a pupil and practised under the celebrated Dr. Culverwoll of London, so wel known for his skill in the treatment of those diseases for which liOllemand, Uicord, and himself were contemporaries. Dr. L. li. Smith has the most extensive practice, extending through the wholo of Victoria, New South Wales. South Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Dr. h. L. Smith has now established this extensive practice through his admirable system of corresponding by letter. By enclosing a one pound turned by'ncxt j out. Three hours in the day are continuously devoted to this branch of Dr. Smith's practice. Dr. L. L. SJIITU'S establishments aro well known to all visitors to Victoria. His extensive library for reference lias even been praised by the public preps. His extensive anatomical museum i» well known ! and Dr. \j. L. Smith's reputation alone as a lecturer on physiological and anatomical subjects Is suQJcient security to t>lo public that those who entrust their enses In his hands will, to say the least, have a guarantee that they place them in the care of one who is well acquainted with the anatomy and physiolopy of the human body and its mysterious workings, and, therefore, irrespective of his reputation for curing these diseases, he is at least a competent person to attempt to cure them. Dr. L. L. Smith takes the greatest precautions to avoid publicity boinj? Riven as tort-cognition from whence the correspondence comes. He has been now fourteen years in practice at Victoria, and not one single case has evor boon made public. Dr. L. L, Smith can be consulted oy letter— Dr. L. L. Smith, It. S. A., first prizeman In the principles and practice of medicine ; first prize for surgery; first pi ize for anatomy and physiology, n'estmipister Hospital; first piiziman lor chemistry; first certificate it mid-wifery j at >i member of the Medical Board of Victor Stmngors visitlnft Melbonrne can find th D > .or Surgery rijrlit o , way, next tho Polytichnic. 92 ls")urkc-streot Kiist, Melbourne, Victoria l)r. L. li Smith, 192 Bourke-street East, Melbonrno. The following works by Dr. L. L. .Smith can be obtained direct fio'n the author, oil enclosing stamps, fid extra posted f ree . Mean* f Prolonging Life. 2r. 6d.; How to Get Fat and How to Get Thin, Is.: &c., &c. BISHOP'S GRANULAR EFFERVESCENT CITRATE OH MAOVKSIA, introduce:! and prspursJ. by .\ γ-peed Bishop, Unmiianturing; Chemist, 17 and IS, Speck's Fields, Mile .End .New Town, London. This perfectly white and delicately clean sranulated preparation possessed remarkable effervescent qualities, which far surpasses the ordinary Seidlitz Powder in its cooling:, refreshing-, and mild aperient properties, a? well as in its flavour as a saline draught. Jt is particularly well adapted for women and young children on account of its moat agreeable flavour and mild effect. K.B. —The genuine has the name BISHOP upon tho Bottle, also the Name and Trade Mark upon the Label, and id sold in convenient sizes, and secured in bo perfect a manner that it may be shipped witb safety to any part of the world. Manufacturer also of Granulated and Effervescent Carbonate of Iron, Citrate of Iron, Citrate of Quinino, Citrate of Quinine and Iron, Carhonata of Lithia in Tubes, Citrate of I.ithisi, Vichy Sal , Seidiitz Mixture; and all other Granulated Preparat one. Ix CnAKCßKT.—Caution.—BiSHor's Granular Effervescent Citrate op Maokesia. —Mr. Bishop, having discovered that the Label which he has ueed for the last five years was >ieing imitated, recently applied to the Court of Chancory for an Injunction to restrain such imitation. The Injunction whs immediately granted, and tho Defendant was ordered to pay all Mr. Bishop's costs, and destroy the Labels CO A?so, In BISHOP'S REMEDY FOR SEA SICKNESS should bo in tho hands of every person travelling by 6ca. ligeuts—Feen-ch, Kempthcene, & Co., Dunemn.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1433, 20 June 1868, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1433, 20 June 1868, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1433, 20 June 1868, Page 3