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PACE SADDLES. J & A. WISEMAN", SADDLEBS, QUEEN-STREET, HAVE on hand, and make to order, " THE otago pattern pack saddles,"^ made by them for the Waikato campaign, eamp!e3 of which were sent to Kogland, and are now adjpted. by the War Department. Having undergone a course of trial at Woolwich and Alderthofc with ad van. tageous results, they have been adopted in preference to the original military saddles for the present Abyg. sinian campaign, as stated by the Times-, of Septem, ber, 1867. RANSOMEB & SIMS, IPSWICH AND LOff. DON. HAVE BEEN AW\HDED THE HIGHEST HONOURS conferred on. any British or Foreign manufacturer of Agricultural Machinery. AT THK TJNIVJBB3AL EXHIBITION, Pae, 9 1867. FIRST GRAND PRIZE AND GOLD MEDiI,, the only Grand Prize conferred upon any exhi!' bitor of Portable Meam Jlngineß and Thrashing Machines. ' At the Great International Compstitive Trials of Implements at Paris, the following Prizes were awarded to Bansomes & Sims :— The First Prize for B, st Portable Eng-'ne. The First Prize for Best Steam Thrashing Ha. chine. Two First Prize* for Ploughs. Four First Frizes, and Six Seconi Pri7e3 for Ploughs, Horse Hoes, Chaff Cutters, and Mills. From the Royal Agricultural Society of England, July, 1867 :— The First Prize for Steam Thrashing Machine (Single Blast). The Prizrj of £15 for Portable Steam Engine. Igg , Catalogues and Drawings gratis on application. RANSOSIES & SIMS, IPSWICH AND LOXDO2J. FRENCH MEDICINES ?EEPABED BY GBIHAULT ASD Co. Chemists to H. I. H. Prince Napoleon, Parii These different medicines represent the most recent medical discoveries, founded on the principles of Chemistry and therapeutics. They must not ho confounded with secret or quack medicines, as their names sufficiently indicate their composition : a circumstance which has caused them to he appreciated anr. prescribed by the faculty in the whole world. They widely difibr from those numerous medicines advertised in the public papers as able to cure every possible disease, as they are ap» plicable only to but a very few complaints. The most stringen laws exist, in France, with regard to the site of medical preparations, and only those which have undergone an examination by the Academy of Medicine, and have been prove* efficacious, either in the Hcspiials, or in the practice of the first medical men, are authorised by the Government. This fact mnst be a guarantee for the excellency of .Messrs. Gklmadi/t's et Co. medicines. DOCTOfi L SEAS' (Doctor of Medicine) LIQUID PHOSPHATE OF IRON. The nuwest and most esteemed medicine in cases of: Chlohosis, paxns in tok, difficult digestion, DIsMKNORR EA, AMHEA, GENUAL DEBILITt, AND POORNESS OF BLOOD. It is particularly recommended to regulate the functions of nature, and to all ladies of delicate constitution, as well as to persons suffering under every kind of debility whatsoever. It is the preservative of health, par excellence, in all- warm and relaxing climates. No more Cod Liver Orx. GBIMATJLTS SYRUP OF lODIZEJi HORSE-βADISH This medicine has been administered with the utmost success in the Hospitals of Paris. It is a perfect sub«itute for COD LIVi.R 0-L., and has been found most beneficial in DISEASES OF THE CHEST. SCROFULA, LTMPHATIC DISORDERS, GREEN SICKNESS, MTTSCULAR ATONY and LOSS OF appetite. It regenerates the constitution in purifying the blood, it being the most powerful depurative known. It has also been, applied with huppy results in diseases or thi SKIN. Farther, it will be found to be of greit benefit to young children subject to hohours and obstruction or THE GUXDS. Consumption Coked. - . GRIMAFLT'S SYRUP OF OF LIME This new medicine is considered to be a sovereign remedy in casesof cONSDMPno" and other DISEASKS OF THE tuxes. It promptly removes all the more serious symptoms. The coneli is relieved, night per.-pirations cease, and the patient is rapidly restored to health. N.B.—Be sure to see that the signature of Grima.ui.t & Co, is alfixed to the bottle, as tnis syrup is liable to imitations. No more DrrFicovr on Painful Digestioh. DR. Bl KIN BIT BUISSON'S (Laureate of the Paris Imperial Academy of Mtdicine). DIGESTIVE LOZENGt-S. This delicious preparation is always prescribed by the most reputed medical men in Prance, in cases of derangements ofthedigesUv-. functions, su.:h as : Gastritis, trastralgia. long and laborious digestion, wind iu the stomach and bowels, emaciation, jaundice, anl complaints of the liver and loins.

BETOCS HEADACHES. NEURALGIA, T>IAERH(EI DTSEXTEKY, INSTANTANEOUSLY CURED BY GBIIIAULT'S GUAUASA. This veeetab'e substance which grows in the Brazils, has been employed since time immemorial to cure inflammation of the bowels. It has proved of late to be of the greatest serriceincasesofCliolera, as it is a preventive and a cure in cases of Diarrhoea. No more Diseases op tiik Skin. DK. CAZENAVE'S PILLS. The efficacy of these pills lias been found alter twenty years of experience in tlio Hospital of Saint-L'iuis in Paris, under the Direction of Professor Cazenave, Head medical man. This hospital is especially devoted to the care of skin diseases. No moee DiSPEPSiA, Vomiting during Pregnancy, ok Sea. Sickness. GRIHAULT'S BMXIK OF PEPSINE. Pepsine undergoes no alteration in this delicious preparation. It will cpn-equßully be preferred to Pepsine Powders or Pills. It is the dises ive medicine par excellence, and is at the same time a most agreeable table liquer. Messrs. Grimault bea to call the attention of the faculty and of the public in general to the face that real pepsine is prepared in France alone- It is far superior to all others often extracted from the stomach of porci. INTERNAL OR LOCAL NEW CCEATFVE AGENESIA riCO. CKISIACI.T & co.—Paris. This new remedy is prepared from the leaves of a Peruvian pepper shrub, called Hatici, and cures promptly and infallibly without any fe.r of inflammatory results. Toa great majority of Pliys ; .cian3 in Paris (and. especially Doctor Rieonl) Russia, Germany, and -ew York, now <,se no other remedy. Kali directions accompany each bottle and Packet or an explanatory Treatise will be sent pust free. ASTHMA. —ASTnMA.—ASTHM4. INDIAN CIGARETTES, Prepared with the Essence of Canabis indica. "Wonderful results have b&m obtained , from the use of these Cigarettes, by person* snn-riiiK from Asthma, and other complaints of the respiratory organs. N.B.—All tho abore medical preparations are accompanied by instructions aa to tho manner ia which they are to ba taken. General Depot: In Paris, at Grimault & Co., 45, rue Richelieu. In London, at Vewberry i C 0.,45, St. Paul's Churchyard In Nelson, at Hatfield. In Launceston. at Spour. In Hobart Town, at Ilinsby &Calvert In Auckland, at Asher. And at every cood chemist. EIMMEL'3 OtJGEBRATED PJEBFUMEBX, RIMMEL'S TOILET VINEGAR, superior to Eau A* Cologne Eimmel's Lavender Water, distilled from P.owers. Kimmel's Exquisite Periumes, for use of Ha ndkerchief. Eimmel's Glycerine Soap, the best for the skin. Himmel's Odontine, fir wlilt«nlng the teeth. Eimmel's Lotions for be lUtifjing the complexion. Itimtnel's Perfume Vaporiser, for purifying the air. Sold by all Perfumery Vendors in the world. RHUjMEL, Perfumer to H. M. the Emperor—96, Strand 4, Cornliill, and 12S, Regent Street, London. 17. Boulevard de- italiHK. Paris. Ri, c mel's Extract of Lime Juice, and Glycerine for the hair. BROU'd INJECTION. THE only one which cures without adding J^!?* 1 °'£ I nfallible against the most rebel gnperior to any treat-.ear by copaiba, Sα. which onl> destroy thestomach.-30 YEA US' sUCOhSb. . Paria, Brou's, Chemht, 18, Boulevard Magenta. "TRK NEW ZKAUi-Nl> HKKMiii." TERMS OF ADVEJHBESIBNTB. Three Une» '• " ."' \$ ?* Boor linen " «si β-x. Eieht line. , ± for gUBSOBIPTIOJf lSe per Quarter; single copies 3d. each. . M —_ ri .-- M >t- w'l! ha receives at the Office vv J n *: hJSlml? Lntn« «. -.her ot in=artion« required mu.i b« SSS?«riKen..r. tt« copj otherwise they will ~. .r..«t«4

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1345, 9 March 1868, Page 4

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Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1345, 9 March 1868, Page 4

Page 4 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1345, 9 March 1868, Page 4