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THE "GALLOWAY" - PATENT TAPER TDBES FOR STEAM BOILERS. fqpHESE TUBES are now being JL used almost universally in Eng» land in the construction of Steam Boilers having either one or two flues. They greatly economise the fuel, improve the circulation, and Increase the power of the boiler. Thev are specially adapted for introduction into old boilers, and are made with such an ntnount of taper as to allow of lllis being easily done. These Taper Tube? have been in nse upwards of Iβ years, and above 30.00 ft are now at work, ana the demand is They can be fixed by any bniler- {■■ ; ;.''iS maker*, but car. only be obtained from /&•' "••SitEw the Patentees, who will furnish fall ■£&&§& particulars and ljst of firms using the tubes 01 nppliatiou. "W. & J. GALLOWAY & SONS, EKGIXEEKS AND BOILER MAKERS, MANCHESTER. Makers of all kinds of Steam Engine?, Machinery, Mill Gearing, Boilers, &0., &c. NOTICE TO FARMERS FUR THIS SEiS-'JN". Tlie most successful Mowini? & Reaping Machinery. A XE -V nOOK, esrplaining the advantages of the cL that gained the First Prizes at the last Jleetins of the Itoyal Society, after a whole Agents may be appointed in districts unrepresented, g | LIQUOR CARBONI3 DETJERGENS OB CO2?CE>"TBATED ACHOLIC SOLUTION OF THE CONSTITUENTS OF COAI, TAB. Extract from tlie Lancet, December 23, IS6B. LIQ. CA.RBONIS DETRRGEXS.—We are very sceptical of the value of new remedies, and it was ia a spirit of scepticism that we tried the liq. carbonic detersens. It is represented to be n concentrated alcoholic solntion of the constituents of coal tjir, and to contain all the active ingredients of the tar, to wit, benziiu-, nnpthaline and phonic acid. The addition of water, with imitation, mttkei a durable emulsion, in which t:.e tar remains in a state of fine suspension, almost equivalent to eolation. Our therapeutical experience of the preparation is very satisfactory indet-O. In our hands it has been a most effective a>rent in the case of various skin dUeases, especially of the chronic eczernstous class ; and one case of psorwsis which had resisted all otlier kinds of treatment speedily got well under the application of tho liq. carbonis detergens. We esteem it. a verv valuable addition to onr list of skin remedie ,:md worthy of .i very extended trial by tlie profession. In the above clas*<?sof disease, and in various others, such us fetid ulcers, ic, the preparation is put into the i'orm of soap. PURE COAL T4.8 SOA.F. (REGISTERED AS SAPO CAUBONIS DETEiIGEXS.) This Soap is unrivalled as a SKIN SOAP, as proved by abundant medical testimony- By daily u=e infectious diseases are prevented, and a clear and healthy appearance imparted to the skin. Solil in tablets at 6d and U. each, ty all Chemists. The above are manufactured by the Sole Proprietors, W. V. WRIGHT & CO MPT., ■WHOLESALE & KXPOKT DIfGGISTS, IMANUFACTUMXG OHKMISTS. &c EO'jrnwAßK siur.Ki-. loxdon, se. Itemoved from X.>. 11, Old Street H C Est.l)lishcil 1GI!7. Me'Sr?. AT. V. 'WRIGHT.* Conipy. will he iiappy to forwnrd tuthe trade. freeoi":ill chsrae. a Monthly Price Current of Drugs, Chemicals, i'ltarruueenuc:!! and Chemicals of their especial manufacture, otßuaranteed purity

ETKHiOXE HIS OWN FHY3IOAK! I XT 01,1.0 w a r• s p i i, i s. For a period of thirty years, in every country and clime (not even excepting China an 1 Tartary), these Fills have established fur themselves a, lasting renown, such a> no medicine ever enjoyed before ; and nowhere, perhaps, have they been more appreciated tiiau by Settlers, Diggers, and Kmigrauts in the Australian Colonies. WEAKXENS AND DEBirjTV. How many persons suffer from debility without kaoirin" the causes why they am l'-eb:i;: rn most ca-es the stomach is the nguressor. Uollnwny's I'il'.s have long been :amed for reu'ulatinp a disordered and restoring its h«ilthv digestive lone ; thiy are therefore confidently recommended us a never-failing remedy in all cases where the constitution froji any cause, has become impaired or weakened. TUSEASES OF IKS HEAD HBAET. Tlicse forruiiiabe diseases arc-, unfortunately, of frequent ocenreuce; for the most part they creep on grailuallv, but may be prevented by proper precaution*. Holloway's P'ills are the surest preservatives against ull derangements of the brain, and are the speediest correctors of irregular circulation. It they be taken without delay when tingling in the limbs, drowsiness or giddiness comes on, the effect will be marvellous. FEMALES OF ALL AGES AND CLASSES. Tho fame of these Pills is partly based upon the beneficial effects tiicy Have upon the constitutions of females. From the domestic servant to the peercs*. miiverMil favour is accorded to them for their invigorating and purifying properties which render then so safe and invaluable in all disorders peculiar to the sex. Obstructions of every kind, either in young persona entering into womanhood or approaclitair the turn of" life—the ro^e i isiL period - mi,vb " adio!,,!y " movedby * recouree AIL DISOKDEBS AXBECTISG- THIS lIXEa, STOHACH, A>~l> BOWELS. Whenever the stomach, liver, or bowels are disordered by limn hvins, climate, overindulsence, undue exertion or other causes, these fine regulatinc fills will >oon rectify th» evil and speedily brine back energy, strength, and to the where previously all was lissitude, "loom, and dejection. ■ ' DEsPONDENCS", liOW PPiaiTS. The misery occasioned by a disordered digestion is. unfortunately, felt by most persons. These famous fills .«lumlil bo taken in apiuopriKit: doses to adjust the disturbed Junctions lhey dispel headaelu bUionsniss, nausea, lo%vnt-s s o f spirits! and all similar silmonts. A course of these inrnliuM- purilyiiis Mils never fails in removing the cause of siK-li morbid alfcetion?, without subjectiiif; the sufferer to anv inconvenience. JNFiTJESZA, DIPTHERrA, BSOKCKITIS, COTTSH-i AKD COLDa. In our changeable climate few persons e-;c3o<> witliou" orlls sore throats,_ inrtiienza. diptheriii, or bronchitis, for'all ot which these lamous corrective Pu!s may be takeu witli tHe certainty of eflVctiiig a cure. While the Pil!.i ure e-a>el;iu-- al impurities from the body penerally, IloUi.waVs (Jintment should be wei! rubbed upon tlie chest and throat"; it will penetrate the skm, reduce inflammation, and restore lasting ltolloway's t-iIU are the best remedy in Hie world for the following iliscMes :— Ague female Irregular!- Scrofula— Kin."*' Asthma ties jjvij . Itilious Complaints Fevers of all kinds S'uiu Gritel Blutcheson the skin Gout S eovilarv- Svm--Bowel Comjilaints (fwidaclie -oiiis Colics 'ingestion Tic-Doulourt-Jx Constip.-.tion of the liiUainiuaUon ■ Tuuiour., Bowels Jaundice * ! Ulcers Con.-nmrjticn I Venerea! \ff-c'ions Debility l.umba-o ' j Wormt nf ali Kinds Dropsy Piles = UveaUnci s™ Uysentcry I'aiemn.itism wiiatov«r cause Krysipvl a Ketention »f Uriue &c, &c. &c t'its 1 Sere Throats Sold at the Kstabtishment of I'rofeSsOi! !foLLO\VAV 2U, Strand, (near Tc:aple Bar). London; alvj bv al! ivsjeoM.Mt Dnif;-is£s and Dealers ia ilcii-jiuu tiirouginmt tli" Jivili -ed world. »_»* There i'i considerable savSnit by taking the -sizes M. U.—Directions for the guidance of patient* in every disorder are atnxfcd to each box M A Q E N X A. "JUDSON'S SISIPLE DYES FOR THE PKOPLE" AHE undoubtedly the most useful article ever otT-re-1 to the public. Any one can use them, anything cam ;.e dv»d Willi them in a few minutes without soilm" the livid*. " In EuL'lar.d "Judson's Dyes" are as household w..rds. Articles of Clothing that have been put aside as faded and usjU'S-, may be inaue nearly equil to new, hvmarolv following the *imole directions appended to each bottle or Dye. CLEaXLINES S.—A stove uw-t brilliantly polished in two minutes for less than one farthing !—»V (i XIXEV'S celebrated Registered Bia-ck Lead (a new dom-stie discovery) cannot be wa-terl, KU I is a r ro-eivative i<l - Furniture rom the injurious effects of theo> .rum irtiuk- now in use. aa it creates no dust, and re-iuires comparativeir m> labor. SOLD EVERYWHERE, ir. solid lock-i, id, 2<i', *d. and Is. The advantages of this UlegAMt Oi» nical freparati-j-i are —great saving of time, cleanliness of application, smalluess of quantity required and the preveitio iof ifnt), ?■.•«, anu its destructive consequences, further, i: ultimately p: r,i-ya » pure metallic coutius? of a dxre; of wril.'iansy and durabilitj-. reflectini; both light ajid heat. (S&: spe rimen oa the side of each ulock). 12.50U0 SQUARE. LONDON. "»* Aeentp Wanted. "TriK SEW ZiLaLaN'-' UKHA-bJ-V TEEMB OP ADTBETISSaTENTe. Three lljier ... . ... •»• " , Fourli-Jtin ■•■ **• KlKbiUae, if. Aα. And fd. for each addlUnunl SUBSOEIIT:';. , .' 158 per quiiner; eiuxir c»b.'«» 3<i. <x«i'.. S3- AdrertiHSinuut* will ha »- i-ct at the Office >'■ **V* ijßSi-«in>ai. w»d 'I" uii oher oi* rsial rell mu '" < clesirly wriLtaa ou the copy. oiborwi>»- me? ■-* niecr'e*. until couuwnnnnited Hud cr.srr.ed aucordiuciy

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1314, 1 February 1868, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1314, 1 February 1868, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1314, 1 February 1868, Page 8