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(From lute T'aiiers). The death of the Dr. Jamas fTumiltoi, of the Scotch Clniivh, Solent-square, is recorded. Hβ was suddenly seize.), u f.;w months aso, with an ille=3 v.hieh was believed by hi" m'jdical friends t" partake of a paralytic nature, a"d from tint time til' his death, which took pUcc <m tho morning of Nov. -4, ho had not only bo«n laid aside from public duty', but had been unable to leave his room, or even boar the fatiguo of conversation, with his l'-ie.nds. Mr. Spurgoon hoa received urothui- £1000 for hw orphanage from nn anonymous fii t.(l. Tho evil practice* of the 3h,>f!ield criiiuers "oem f " bo extending to London. iVi tho iu\'ht of th ■< lltli Nove-rnber, aomo pi-rson.i entered the n.asoii's shop at tho works i f tho new churoh of St. Mary Magda'.enn. PaMinglon, now in course of erection by Mr. J . D. Oowland, builder, of Xotting-hul, and broko and Hefaced the moulded dps of two columns, that wen; nearly completed. Tho marks wore evidently thos) of a nvi'bt an i chisel, and damngn done just whore it could not, be repnired. 'J'hero were employed by Mr, Oowland five society and three non-society men. Thi) former struck ngninst the litter being employed. They wera told they might take thrir wages and leave, and thsy did so, Mr. Cowland determining not to discharge these who remained faithful to their duty. They left accordingly, and in the morning the outrage iibovo detailed was discovered. A reward of £20 has been offeree) for tho discovery of tho offenders. Let I era from Jerusalem elate tho works of reconstruction at the grand cupola of tho Church of tho Hely Sopu'.chro aro advancing rapidly. As tho material* required fo: pUcing the lmmiaphericnl vault, sent from Franco, have reached their destination, there is reason to beliove that this part of tho work may be finished bofore Krteter. Oα the olhor hand, the levelling of tho ground betwi-en Jerusalem and ■TaiTii. P 0 as to make the toad practicable for carriages, is actively pushed forward under the skilful direction of Nazif P*sh», Governor General of Palestine. Within two m cubs tho road will bo completed as i ; »r as tho foot of thj nountiiins, or nearly one-half of tho whole distance.

During tho progress recently of a case in tho Bail f'nurt it was stilted in evidence that in nearly all London houses of a recent dato a child jumping from a bed or a boy jumpinj on a hearth would cause tho celling of the room bolow to fill. O:\ tho evening of November 1, Mr. Robert Lowe M.P., delivered a:i addrees at the Philosophical Institution, Edinburgh, on public education. After expressing his views on the co'npu'eory system of elementary tuition, ho apMro of the necessity of a complete reform of the higher education, of breaking down the ascendancy of Gicok and Lutin, nnd giving a fair stage for the neglected branches of study -—EcjlUis history, law and letters, the modern lmrruaijes, :i!ui tho physical sciences. Ho did i:o« dfsi'We Latin, Greek, and mathematics, but h" wished all b:anches of inbtiucii'jn to l:o put on equal terms, nnd thit parents should be left to choose branches sluiiui b-D atuiliui by their children. Unl-fs our lii jIiO! , education wai brought into accord with the necessities of tlu! nqo, the higher classes wnuld not recover the influence- they weio likely to Io;e by inipc-nd-in>r political ciianj;e.!i A man c.drertisad for n wif>>, and roqueted cindidatJ ro er.closo her carte do vi-itc. A Koiiited young; hid}- wrnw to the advertiser in '.he following; i r-ns:—''Sir, —I do not enclose my carte, for though th-re is somi' authority fer putting n cait before a h'irs:i, I know of tione tor putting nno before an ass " Advices {-.-OT.I iir. llassani state thit the wholn of Abyssinia is in revolt, nr.d the insurgents everywhere over opposition, whilo Theodore was driven to tho l:i-:" .'Xtrfniiti-js to koi-p to<,tlier his slialfiTei! i'ciice?. itis bristnlities knew r.o bnundi*. tin lile'.v ordered a iuidy of 2500 of hi, 3'ddierH vrho inr,-!i-. ! c:l to .!e?rrt t" rho CT:om_v to be " butchero'l like shcftii," 1-id ne-irly 30li <-liinfs," who had became wo-iry « f UU .'iorvieo, iifld tlicir .-ir.iis mid foot cut off, and tl.oy wtra ullowod lo parish by starvition and loea of blood. '1 he r.csrivs in tho South nro beccniins troubloaomo Jo the '.rt-.vr.-iMii-n:, and an insurraclion is approhend.ii. '!.h"y vf'.l! ?iwcely wort: At alt on anv tfrmH, and f!.:ini.n:l irrunts of lair.i where formerly they worked si* hlsvuj; ih.-y arc drilling and using oveiy t" ovei-piwo" the political influerice of iho while-:— ?o tli'ii n dny o; sevem rctributian looms in t:io .-'' !"or Northerner.-*. ;-:>.i Domiu'to h'ts cl-'c!aro.l w-r against Hayti. and ■i n, nor.l rovolulioi: snid to bu rertam. A i-otitic-a": i 1 .•"'.;•' »s'iinat .T L arez is already being fnrnipd. Tim Sfioft describes tho weddirg worn by the Oueen "i Greore n-i the occasion of iier mairiase. Sin: had Ji rc'.'o of <-l .!!•. of silver, embroidered with bouquets of silrey flowers, buttoned down tho front by enormous (iiAnvT.'K fastened round tho waist by a be!';, iu tho (mvlc pattern, of diamonds, a emuller trimmitif; t~> match niTinin"i round tho top of tha corsage and lile-'v-ps; necklet", uraeciete, Ac., in diamonds, a 3i.i;Jem biinij pli'-crl on thn forehead, whilst, tho royal erfiwn in diamonds wae fastened nt the bact of tho ln-ide's head. The trnin, of fowral yitrda in 1.-nith, wtis of crimeo-i velvet, lined with ermine. The Atlantic Monthly has »n article on tho pubject of luternational It tells ua that Mr?. Stove has received b'ut'4o,oo:i ddlars for th? "supreme lUerary success of all times," "Uncle Tom's Cabin," wepivumo. Ifr. Motiey, for "Dutch History," which <:«st him 24,000 doll.irs, and about 12 years' labour, received Bomtwhere about 20,000 dollars, considerably less than his nutlay, not to »peak of the finis and irounle occupied in collating f'ic's for, and writing liii work. Hithert'i, no doubt, t'.e .imcriteiis hare had by fur the best of this hvbtematic robbery of uuthnrs, but .'Jr. Jlotley nnd Sirs. Stowu are 'lie two prominent exceptions.

Isle or Max.—An account of the revenue nnd expenditure of this island was issued trom tho Queen's printinc-oflieo on llin 2ird November, from which it H'.ipeiirs thsit tho net, rsvi'imn for tho yr ; ar endinj: t'e 31st of March, 1807, p.rnoiinted to £.14,393, and the totil exp-.-nditura t» £31,915, leaving a bilmc.j due to this itland nuthoritio of £<J,*ii sterling, £1,M2 oC which represented one-r:ii)th of Mio for thi: qumtor endinn; the 3Jst. of March, 1867, and £8,302 the surplus unap:irojirir.t"d aftor deducting all ei-pent-et. Tho itoms of expenditure inc-ludo .£3,145 for effective and no'i-enVt-vii chnrge-", £12,167 for the Civil List, £2,300 for Irirbours, £5.780 for oii'vninth and two-ninths purfs of net revenue, and £10.000 inleicit ot'ioin on Port, i'rin nnd payment to Exchequer; i-nd sums wrr.i r-.130 paid on liccount of education, Co:t.3!-guurd, Volunteers, nnd Board of Worlis d'.'p'irtm--i!f=, iiinor.nting coilcctivcly to £3,5-1(5.

"• he Marquis t.i tliisitires lies been one of tho rhi«f Kii/rerers by the 'ato racii-cr. Tho possessor of u vc.-y 1.-irc;e and stud, tr.d u heavy bettor, his action", hi-< jf-iin-j strid hi 3 los.:iss 1i.".v3 buun the fruitful thome of many a purutrraph. ;itk! the annoucicement a w ok or tsvo fince that his iioiscs wore to bo brought to tho hninraiir has boon t!.u muse of no little inkshaddiug and much wordy war. It is, wo think, sullici nt for us to know thut lord Hnetincti, after what U terined n " very bud }>ar," Ims deemed it wiso mid expedient to dispose of samj, or the gruntur portion, of hia raeinc; btuJ, on'J ic was accordingly offered fjr eale by Mesesm. Tuttcreall on lit-tat Duncl.ury.— Times, November 5. Minleira, ence a'> famous us n winter resort, ib now inuefi degraded iii the cy."-: of the medical profee-ion. 'Die clirnuto hn> dutevi irm-<:il in its ewlubrity, nnd a recent c-xperiment mude of sending 20 patients to winter at Punchal was cxewdingly unsatisfactory to thoae who expected benedciul results from tho trial. Marshal O'DonneU is dead, lie was not the most bloodthirsty of the military adventurers who, under Tsabdla, have governed Spain, but that is about all there is to be said for him. A man of good family, he made a million of dollars as Captain-G-eneral of Cuba, it ie eaid by fees from the slave-dealers; he fought successfully and bravely in a useless war in Morocco; and ho three times governed Spain, each time leaving things as ho found them. The world will not miss him much, but there is an obstacle tho leas to despotism in Spain. 1 he Danish Government is said to have Bold their "Woet Indian Islands to tha United States for 14,000,000 rix dollars—say, about £1,-:00,000. The DanislL Weat Indian Islands are tit. Thomas' 6— where is our own Weat India coal depot,—Santa Cruz, and St. John, —throe small islands. We suppose that thoy will bo chiefly valuable to the United ctates as Navy stations. The London master tailors havo proved themselves generous victors, and have n't requested the mon on resuming work to leavo their union. The men admit thnt they struck only for the " principle." The said piinciple hus cost them each £25, or a totul of £70,000.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1310, 28 January 1868, Page 4

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SCRAPS BY THE MAIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1310, 28 January 1868, Page 4

SCRAPS BY THE MAIL. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 1310, 28 January 1868, Page 4