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DShipping Intelligence.


Weatiieb.—Juno 17—Fine. Wind, S."W

A 11 R I V A L S. June 17.

Ironside, Bhip, 80S tons, Hedly, from London, tho 20th February, with general cargo, 52 pussengcrs. — Cmiclishank, Smart, and Co., agents. ilaiy, ecliooncr, from Waihcki, with firewood. Dot, schooner, 27 ton?, Ferguson, from Pnkiri, ■with shingles, &c., Alacrity, cutter, Smith, from tho Wado, with cargo and passengers. , . , Elf. schooncr, 20 tons, Kuhl, fromj Pulioi, with the Mill, cutter, from Mahurangi, with firewood. Don, cutter, 20 tons, Wilson, from Wangapon, with sawn timber. Avon, cutter, 20 tons, Hayes, from Wangaroa anct the coast, with produce, *c. Peter Cracroft, cutter, 23 tons, Jones, from Mercury Bay with sawn timber (at the Tauiaki.)

DEPARTURES. June 17. Argo, schooner, 31 tons, D.McLeod,for Wangarei, Tfith timber, general cargo, Sc., 9 passengers. Pea Breeze, schooner, 70 tons, Norrie, for Russell, with general cargo, horses, &c., 18 passengers. Blue Bell, cutter, for Coromandel, with sundries. Heversham, barquo, 459 tens, Sherlock, for Adelaide via Taranaki, with coals, sundries, &c. Harriette, cutter, 17 tons, Lombard, for Cabbage Bay, with sundries. ; lee, cutter, 23 tons, Hedges, for Cabbage Bay, in ballast. Enterprise No 2, p.p., 40 tons, Danes, for tho Xawau, 'With His Excellency the Governor and staff, and several other passengers.

INWARDS COASTWISE. .Tpxe 17. Kenilworth, from Kennedy's Bay, with 3(>,516 feofc Bawn timber, 6 passengers ; Orpheus, from Coromandel with S.OOO feet sawn timber, 2 passengers ; Boyd, from Mercury Bay, with 4 tons kauri gum, 2 tons flax 4 bides, 5 passengers ; Helen, from Wangaroa, •with 6 head cattle, 4 pigs, 2 doz. fowls, 3 tons kauri gum, 60 bushells corn, 2 tonß towai bark, 12,000 shingles, 1,000 palings, 2 passengers; Harriette, from Cabbage Bay, with 12,000 feet timber.-

ODXWARDB COASTWISE. June 17. Argo, for Wangarei and Mangapai, with 7,000 feet timber, sundries, &c., 9 passengers ; Sea Breeze, for JJustell, with 6 horses, 1 dray, timber, doors, sashes, sundries, &c., 16 passengers ; Harriette, for Cabbage Bay, with sundries.


Vistula, schooner, 133 tons, Paton, from Napier, ■with 44 bales wool, 4 cases, 2 barrels, 7 hhds. tallow, 269 hides, 16 calf-skins, 2 cases drapery.—J. S. Macfarlane, agent. Star of the South, b.s., 147 tons, Bendall, from Napier, with 80 head cattle. 20 calves, 400 Bheep, 8 passengers. —J. S. Macfarlane, agent,

OUTWARDS INTER-PROYINCIAL June 17. Eeversham, barque, 489 tons, J. B. Sherlock, for TTaxanaki, with 2 qr. casks wine, 200 tons coals, order; 397 pkgs., Government stores, Barrack Master. Henderson & Macfarlane, agents.

Custom-house, June 17 —Entered Outwards. — John Scott, ship, 655 tons, Penfold, for London ; Kenilworth, schooner, 113 tons, McKenzie, for Noumea, New Caledonia.


The Panama Co.'s s.s. Airedale, Captain A. Kennedy, leaves the Manakau at 11 o'clock this morning for the Southern provinces with the following pasBangers: —Saloon: H. B. Monkman, Mr. T. Connell, 2£r. H. S. Meyers, and Lieut. Leir. Second cabin : Mr. Barclay, Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie, J. Meale, Miss Tyfiee, Mrs. Nicholson and four children, Mrs. Packham, James Burns, Mrs. Oxnam, Mr. Stephen, MisEes Stephens (two), Mrs. Husband and two children, Mrs. McDermott and infant, and John Day. the also takes £20.000 gold coin for the Bank of New South Wales.—H. M. Jervis, agent.


The fice iron clipper Ironside, 698 tone, Captain A. Hedley, arrived in harbour yesterday afternoon Jfrem London, after a good rim of 110 days, bringing a full general cargo and some 52 passengers, full particulars of which appear below. The passengers are all in good health, and speak in the highest terms of the ship, her commander and officers. The vessel he self, which comes consigned to MeEsrs. Cruickshank, Smart and Co., has arrived in the most clfanly and orderly condition, a fact that reflects great credit upon all concerned. "We have to thank Captain Hedley for supplying us with, the following detailed particulars ov the passage:— "Report of Captain A. Hedley, ship Ironside, from London to Aueklnnd, with 52 passengers, comprising 10 salcon, viz.—Mr. and Mrs. Lyle, child, and servant, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair and child, Messrs. Phillipeon,'X/apslie, and Wilkinson ; 9 Be'cond and 33 eteerage. The chip Ironside, Captain A. Hedley,left the East India docks on lebruory 20th; an'hired the tame day at Greenwich. On the 21st adjusted compa-ses and proceeded to Gravesend. After inspection on the 22nd, left Gravesend at noon, and anchored in the Downs at midnight. Weighed on the 23rd and proceeded down Channel ■with strong breezes from the N. W. On the 27th, after beating* down ( hannel, with contrary winds, the pilot left the ship off the Isle of Wight. Proceeded with favorable winds until reaching the lat. Of 38 ° 15' N. and long. 16 ° W., when terrific ga'es from the S.W. were encountered, lasting until March 13th, in which the steering apparatus was broken, several of the principal sails split, and part of the rails and bulwarks carried away. On March 4th, whilst Charlcß Harding, an able seaman was proceeding to reef the main topmast stayfail. a heavy Bea brote orer the ship carried away the spare spars, &c., from the long boat, and washed them with Harding into the lee scuppers. Harding's thigh was broken and his knee injured, but be has now nearly recovered from his accident. The island of Madeira was sighted on the 13th March, wind preTailing from the B.K. Experierced light N.K. trades and crossed the equator on March 31st, 32 days from the pilot, in long. 24 ° 43' W., after which the S. 15. trades were found light and variable. Crossed the meridian of Greenwich on the 26th April, in lot. 36 ° 25' S., with acontinuance of winds from the B.E Passed the moridi m of the Cape in lat. 39 ° 49' t-. on May Ist. During the 23 days subsequent to the Bth May she made the excellent run of 4764 knots, after which Btrong. N.E. wind- were encountered, by which we were prevented from sighting Tasmania. On the 13th May, during a strong gale from the U.W. carried away gibboom and sprung upper foretopßail yard. On. May 15th the wife of Mr. Edmund Townshend was sately delivered of a daughter, afterwards baptised " Emma Antonia Ironside." On May 25th, an able seaman, Alec Timelin, a native of Sweden, fell from the martingale into the sea. A life buoy was thrown to him as he passed the stern, but lie made no effort to reach it. The ship was rounded to, a boat lowered, and every effort made to recover him, but to no purpose, he being probably stunned by passing under the ship The buoy was picked up by the boat, which, after an unsuccessful search of half-an-hour, returned to the ship. A continuance of N.E. winds for nearly throe "Weeks sadly retarded the passage, but on June 11 we got a change to the 8.W., with light winds, which freshened on the 12th to a gale, and on the 13th, at 11 a.m., without having seen land for 90 days, Cape Maria Van Dieman was sighted right ahead. At 4 p.m. rounded the North Cape, and at midnight we were abreast of Capo Brett, having a most favorable run down the coast ti the Poor Knights. The wind then drew into the southward, which entailed a long beat into Hauraki G-ulf. Entered the Hangitoto channel at midnight on the 16th, were boarded by the pilot at 6 a.m. on the 17th, and anchored in the harbour of Auckland at 3.30 p.m. yesterday, after a passage of 110 days. The Ironside brings, amongst other things, a fine addition to our imported stock, viz., 1 race horse, 1 entire, 2 sheep dogs, 1 bull dog, a quantity of prize pigs, poultry, &0., all of which have arrived in fine order and condition, without any loss whatever.

Tlio wholo shipment will bo transhipped this morning into the s.a. Star of tlio South, for Napier, they being the property of Mr. Brown, of that province. Tho following is the passenger and cargo list by this vessel: — PASSENOEBS. Sai.oon-.—Mr. John Sinclair, Mrs. Mary Sinclair and child; Mr. Joseph Lyle, Sirs. Lucy Lylc and child; Mr. William Phillipson, Mr. Archibald Lapslio, Mr. TTcrbcrt Wilkinson. Second Catjix axu Stekbaoe.—Aloxander Johnson ; Georgo Honry and SaruhPowley; Harriet and 9arah Girnnd ; Jnno Walker ; Bartholomew, Carolino, Rose A., William, and James O. Ohecr; John Campbull ; James and Lctitia MiHikin ; Simon Carsons ; Alfred Arnold; Frederick Robinson ; Chas. Shelloy ; 'Edmund, Emma, Thomrs Honry, Charles E., and Jane E. Townsend; William and Mary Martin; Elizabeth Willy; Alexander Tavlor; John Day; William and Sarah Harris ; Hannah Ashwell; Alfrod Chapman ; Wm. Stevens ; George, Oane, Eliza, Geo., John, Laura, Thomas, and Catherine Jones; Wm. McEwan ; Duncan Eraser. —Total 52. Tkades. —1 mariner, 4 5 labourers, 1 cabinct maker, 1 cheesemonger, 1 tailor, 1 publican, 1 feiunlo servant, 1 farm labourer, 1 housekeeper, 1 baker, 1 groom, 1 gardener.

Cargo. 10 cases, J. Robotton & Co. ; 1 parcel, W. H. Brondbent ; 18 puncheons, S. Eleming ; 1 box, Mrs. Young ; 3 packages, Rev. Pompallier ; 16 ditto, 1. H. Hall; 3SB ditto, older; G enses, J. Shepherd; 2 ditto, order; 2 ditto, Rev. Burrows; 3 ditto, Bucholz & Co.; 9 ditto, order; 1 ditto, W. Wright; 1 ditto, J. Weir ; 3 ditto, J. C. Smith; 1 ditto, J. E. Macdonald ; ISS casss, Brown, Campbell, & Co., 65 packages, order; 2 cases, order; 21 packages order; 1 case, J. T. Scddon ; 1 parcel, "VP. Blft-k; 21 bales, order ; 12 trunks, order ; 1 case, A. Clark and Son ;S ditto, order; 240 boxes, ordor; 200 cases, Cruickshank & Co.; 20 bales, Brown, Campbell and Co.; 6 packages, Dr. C. F. lischer; 1 ca?k, Lvicy Flower; 5 packages, Newman & Ewen; 288 ditto, ordor ; 1 case, Mr. McLaughlin ; 60 packages, ordor; 20 ca«es, order; 33 ditto, Owen & Graham; 1 ditto, Dr. Day ; 1 ditto, E. Carter; 1 ditto, Ireland Bros, j 50 ba"S, J. S. Macfarlano & Co.; 16 bal«s, ordor ; 9 ditto,'j. H. Burnside, & Co.; 16 qr-casks, Cruickshank & Co.; 1 case, T. &H. Cooke ; 1 box, F. Fordo; 2 cases, E. &H. Isaacs ; 1 ditto, A. Myers; 2 ditto, J. lv. Harris ; 2 packages, E. Kackstraw ; 127 ditto, Owen & Graham ; 5 crates, ditto ; 1 case, A. Thurburn ; 1 ditto, Mrs. Middlebrown ; 1 ditto, J. Potter ; 413 packages, order; 14 pockets, ditto ; 259 packagoßD. Nathan ; 7 ditto, Keesing, Doitch, & Co.; 1 "case, L. E. Hull; 57 packngos, B. Lusk; 6 casos, Brown, Campbell, & Co. ; 24 packages, W. Phillips & Son ; G qr-casks, Cruickshank, & Co. ; 12 cases, ditto; 16 casks, T. H. Hall ; 1 case, T. Booker ; 2 packages, O. J. Tavlor; 11 bales, Bucholz & Co. ; 5 cases, S. & J. R. Vaile; 1 trunk, F. Pemberton; 200 cases, order; 200 ditto, W. J. Young ; 10 tons, pig iron, T. S. Tinnie ; 1 case, W. Keay; 2 ditto, order X kalo, " * McLachlan ; 733 packages, ordor ; 9 ditto, K. Moore; 136 ditto, order; 1 case, order, 3 ditto, Edmonds and Jakins; 32 packages, J. Roberton & Co.; 1 caso, order; 2 ditto, Cruickshank & Co.; 1 case, J. A. Gilfillan & Co. ; 1 bin, 8 packages, order ; 10 trunks, J. Bout; 2 cases, G-. Mansell; 30 hhds., Cruickohank and Co.: 50 hhds., order; 13 packages, Buchanan and Stuart; 92 ditto, B. Williams; 2 cases, J. Shepherd ; 1 ditto, E. Lowe ; 8 bales, A Clark & Son ; 12 packages, T. W. Doonin; 45 ditto, D. Nathan; 1 case, order; 135 packages, Brown, Campbell, & Co.; 3 cases, W. B. Upton ; 1 box, G.Eraser; 1 case, Hoffman ; 13 packages, E. Isaacs; 3 cases, Keesing, Doitsch, & Co.; 30 packages, A. Clark & Son; 4 cases, Buchanan & Stuart; 1 bale, R. Lußk ; 1 caso, Wayte andßatger; 1 ditto, E. Isaacs; 13 packages, A. Clark & Son; 19 ditto, ditto ; 1 bin, 1 sample tin, Brown, Campbell, & Co.; 25 -hhds., ditto ; 1 box, W.Graham; I ditto, Capt. Walms'ey ; 276 oars, order ; 1 box, Capt. Gordon ; 1 case, Hamilton ; packages, order; 19 ditto, A. J. Allom ; 250 ditto, W. J. Young; 13S ditto, E. Porter & Co. ; 929 ditto, Coombes & Daldy ; 14 ditto, S. H. Smith ; 1 case, order ; 1 cask, S. H- Smith ; 7 packages, T. March; 1037 packages, G. Turrell; 70 ditto, Lewis Bros.; 2 eases, ditto ; 3 ditto, D. Isaacs; 1 ditto, Brooko Taylor; 2 ditto, T. Colo; 4 ditto, W. C. Wilson ; 1 ditto, W. (alley ; 1 ditto, J. Hurndall; 1 ditto, J. Styak ; 2 ditto, Lewis Bros. ; 456 packages, S. H. Smith ; 0 ditto G. E. Read ; 120 cases, Brown, Campbell, & Co.; 50 ditto, 1 box spikes, Cruickshank and Co.; 1 cose, order;l tin, J. Blair; 100 tons coal, order ; 10 tons coke, 17 tanks, Cruickshank & Co. ; 1266 packages, T. & S. Morrin ; 1 caso, A. E. Creswell; 2 horses, 6 pigs, 3 dogs, 10 bales wire, 81 bales ditto, 1 coup fowls, Cartwright and A. Brown ; 1 caso, order ; 1 do., E. Tuko.—Cruickshank, Smart, & Co., agents. The Ironsides is the same fine ship that visited this port about three years ago, then in command of Captain Taux. bhe is owned by Temperly and Co., of London, and possesses most excellent passenger accommcda'ion, for both first and intermediate class passengers. She will occupy the first vacant berth at the wharf, to facilitate her discharge, after which wo hear it is likely tho vessel will be put on the berth for London.


The fine Circular Saw barque Heversham, Captain J. B. Sherlock, to"k her departure last evening for Taranaki to embark troops (50th Kegimer.t) for Adelaide. Before the -vessel failed she was finally inspected and paSFed by Captain Spain, Admiralty Transport < fiU er, the survey proving highly satisfactory. A finer vessel of our colonial fleet could not have been taken up for the service intended, Bhe posseesing Bpacious, roomv, and airy 'tween decks, 6 feet between beam, and 6 feet 9 inches from dock to deck ; in short there is every accommodation at hand for the transport of troops. Ihe Htversham has been fitted up by Sir. Anderson, contractor, in the most creditable mann?r, to accommodate 7 officers and 1 lady, 246 rank and file, 23 women, and <11 children, with a prison forward and hospital aft, capable of providing for five per cent, of the number that embark.

The Mongonui regular trader, Ivanhoe, Captain MtGregor, haves again for that port this afternoon, with cargo und passengers. The sailing of the Orpheus, for Coromandel, has been postponed until this day. The sehoo er Argo, Captain McLeod, took her departure last evening, for Wangarei, with a full cargo of timber, sundries, &c., and 9 passengers. The tship John Scott, Captain Penfold, now loading at the wharf, entered outwards at the customhouse yesterday, for London. The B.P.S.N. Co.'s new s.s. Tauranga,Captain D. Cellars, is announced to leave this evening, for Tauranga and Opotiki, calling at intermediate ports. The Ecliooner Kenilworth, Captain McKenzio, entered outwards at tho custom-house yesterday, for Noumea, New Caledonia, and will sail in a few days, with timber, sundries, &c. The schooner Mary, from Waiheki, brought up a full cargo of firewood, &c., yeßterday. Tho cutter Peter Cracroft, Jones, maßter, arrived at the Tamaki last evening from Mercury Bay. '1 ho barque Atlantic, Captain Kelly, timber laden for Sydney, was to sail from Mercury Bay on Saturday 11 st. The cutter Don, Wilson, master, arrived late on Sunday night last from Wangapoa with a cargo of sawn timber, &c. The schooner Succesa and cutter Betsy, both left Wangapoa. on Saturday week last for Napier with sawn timber. Tiie Stab op the South.—Tho sailing of this favourite stcumship for Napier, has been postponed until this day at 6 p in., so as to allow of her taking on board the shipment of prize stock just arrived from England by the ship Ironsides. Entebpbise No. 2. —Tho p.s. Enterprise No. 2, Captain Davies, took her departure yesterday afternoon for tho Kawau with bis .Excellency the Governor and staff and several ladies and gentlemen. The Enterprise was to return again last night. The schooner Dot, Ferguson, master, arrived yesterdav from Pakiri, with a cargo of shingles, 4c. The cut'er Blue Bell took her departure laßt evening for Coromandel, with sundries, &e. The schooner Sea Breeze, Captain N orris, took her departure last evening for Busaell, Bay of Islands, wiih a full general cargo, &c., also the following piesengera :• —Mrs. E. EL. Cook, Miss Johnson, Miss Crisp, Miss Jones, Mr. Smith, Mr. Carke, Mr. Cains, Mr. Chatfield, Mr. Hook, Mr. Eirth, Master Williams (3), Mr. Davis (2), Mr. Hutton. The schooner Elf, from Puhoi, and cutter Maid of the Mill, from Mahurangi, both arrived yesterday with cargoes of firewood. All claims against the ship Countess Russell, Captain Stuart, are required to be sent in to Messrs. Oruickshank, Smart, and Co., the agents, by noon of Thursday next, otherwise they will not be recognised. Thid fine ship is about to sail for England with the Military Train.

Tho cutter Alacrity, Captain Smith, arrived yesterday from the Wado, with produce and p issongers. Tho cutters Harrietto and Lee both took their departure for Cabbage Bay last evoning, with sundries. The cutter Avon, Hayes, master, arrived yesterday from Wangaroa, via tho coast, with a cargo of produce, &c. Tho schooner Vistula, Captain Paton, fromNapior, eamo up harbour yeetenlay morning and is now alongfido tho ship Warwick, transhipping hor cargo of wool, hides, &c., for London.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1121, 18 June 1867, Page 4

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DShipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1121, 18 June 1867, Page 4

DShipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1121, 18 June 1867, Page 4