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CURE FOK THE MILLION. HOLL OW A ITS OINTMENT. rs hollo way's ointment good OR BAD? IF bail, would tlie whole community in all parts of ttie world allow themselves to be grossly deceived or imposed upon or a quarter of a century ? It must be apparent that t'»e medical profession in every climatc would, jis in duty bound, make their voices heard, against it. "Would it be tolerated ilmt millions should buy it ami use it year after yea- it there was anything better to be had. or were it not now known to be the most, powerful remedy ever discovered for the cure of ulcers, wounds, sores, skin disease*, and other external a'dm-'iHs? Let any one ask himself the question and decidc for himself, j contracted on stipf joints. All the medicines in the London dispensaries would rarely benefit, much less cure, any chronic cases of contracted or stiff joints; whereas if this invaluable Ointment be effectually nibbed into such parts twicc a day the benefit will be immense. Taralytic patients even can derive advantages from this remedy, and from no other. scohbutic Huirouns. —scasd kra.t>s ahpskis disbaskr. Scorbutic humours arise from an impure state of tMe blood, and in most cases the liver and stomach are the organs at fault. The I'ills will speedily restore these to a healthy action': while the Ointment if well rubbed in at least twice a day will soon cure any case of the above classes of skin diseasfc, by totally eradicating them from the svstem. Soldiers, sailors, ami miners use this famous Ointment iu all parts of the world. DHOPSY. Beware of this dangerous and stealthy complaint, which frequently creeps upon us at. first by a simple swelling of the feet, aud very little notice is taken of this perhaps till the legs begin to swell. There, aswin, the root of the evil must be looked for in the liver ami stomach; therefore set to work e;= -nestly by taking these famous Tills according to the printed d: *itions, and by rubbing the Ointment very effectually mto th««. "-wollon parts. Live principally upon solids, avoiding the u&u of slops, and everything that will derange the stomach and liver. Most cases readily yield to the combined influence of the l'ills and Ointment. DISORDERS OF THE KIOKEYS, STONK AND OHAVEL. ' In any of the abovo complaints more benefit may be derived in twenty-four hours by adopting the above simple means than is frequently brought about in six months by any other treatment. In bad case?, if a small pot of Ointment be rubbed into the small of the back, over the region ol the kidneys, it will quickly pencrate, and. in most cases, give immediate relief; but perseverance is necessary to effect a cure, bix or eu;ht of the l'ills should be taken nightly according to circumstances. Whoever tries these l'ills aud Ointments will not do so m vain, but, on the contrary, the result will be most wonderful. dipkthbuia, sobe THROATS. ETC. These cases are of so serious and frequently of so dangerous a nature that the ointment would not be recommended unle>s the proprietor was sure of its effect. It will euro when every other means may fail if applied immediately, an.l not when the patient is beyond recovery. It is a sovereign remedy for sore throats under any circumstances. Any settled coughs, cold on the chest, or wheeling, even if of twenty years st andmg will be promptly removed. Mothers should rub this remarkable Ointment into the che-t of their inlant whenever there may be any hoarseness, tightness, or auythiag else aticetiiig the breathing or otherwise. . Koth the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases: — Bad Legs Corns fsoft) | Uheumatisni Had lircasts Cancers j Scalds Hums Contracted and Still j Sore Nipples Hunions .Joints [ Throats Hite of Mosquitoes Klephantiasis j Skin Diseases and .Sandflies Fistulas Scurvy Cooo-P.av Gout Sore Heads Chiego-Koot (ilandiilarSweUings t Tumours Chilblains Lumbago i Ulcers Chapped Hands Piles : \Y ouudJ\ Yaws NT.B.—Directions for the guhlnnco of patients in every disorder are allixed to each pot. Sold at the Establishment of Professor ITollowav, 2-11, Strand (near Temple liar), London; also bv all respectable Drucirists and Healers iu .Medicine throughout trio civilized world. *** There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. FRAMPTON PIT/D OF HFALTiI. TIIIS excellent Family Pill is a medicine o** lorjMried efficacy for purifying the blood, so very es>cui.ial for tiie foundation of irood health, and correcting all disorders of the Stomach and P.owcls. Two or three duses will convince the alUieted of its sdutary ellecK file sto-nach will sjvedily regain its strength ; a healthy action of the livjr, h->\vols. ami kidneys will rapi 11 y take place ; and renewed health will be the quick result of taking this mcdici-.m, to the directions accompanying each box. I'r.usoNs or a Fc-j.L iiAi'iT, who are subject to headache, Giddiness, drowsiness, and ringing iu the ears, arising from ! too great a flow of blood to the head, should never be without thorn, as many dangerous >ymptom< will be eutir.-ly carried otl by their timely use. I For Females these Pills are truly excellent, removing all ! obstructions, the distressing headache so very prevalent with the se.v. depression of spirits, dullness of sight, njrvous affections, blotches, pimp'es, and sall«)wness of the skin, and give a ho.-dthy juvenile bloom to the tompJexion. To Motukus they are confidently recommended as the b-3>t medicine that can be taken; and for chihlren of all tliev are unequalled. pills unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the uio>t successful etlect ; and where an occasional aperient is required, nothing can be better adapted. Uer Majesty's Commissioners have authorised the name and address of 'Thomas Pkout, No. 22!>, Strand, London." to be impressed upon the Uoverument stamp atlixed to each box of the genuine medicine. Sold iu England at Is l]d and 2s fld P*3r box, or obtained through any Chemist or Medicine Vendor throughout the 1 Australian Colonies.

WAIiSING ! !—Do yon sulTei- from pliysicul mendicity? Are you Millering from nrrvous debility ? ifavo you been the pu'Uty victim of any secret vice ? Do you suiter from a set of symptoms nearly akin more or less to the foll owing .— A pretty fair condition of health, not yet positively ill, but a feeling upon you that you are not quite right, a malii?o, a tendency to despondency; a slight oceasional loss of memory; Eonietimea a weakness aerosrf the small of the back an I loins ; or waking with a finding as if unrofresheil; a general depression ; a want of pltiok, as it were; less desire lor business than formerly and you arc troubled with a certain fjeliir.'ol nervousness, a loss of power ? If you are to be warned in time, you have now the memand opportunity of being restored to healh. It is at this stage that your di.-ease, by a timely application of remedies and regimen, can be er;i<iicaten, and yonr system invigorated, your mnnlmod restored to that state that, von may anil can fulfil the duties required of you by vour social and moral being. He warned also to whom you apply. There are two rocks upon which you may split—the one being the legally qualified practitioner, who, although fullv qualified '»v his knowledge of his profession to triMt the various general ailments of humanity, yet is totally ignorant (as the majority of them unfortunately are) of this peculiar branch of his science, the reason beiiiff that he ha* never made it his p.vuliar study, ami the other ruck is the blatant charlatan and quack, who preys upon the pockets an i lives of hi> victims These individuals assume titles to which they have not the -lightest pretension, and are, for the most part, men even without the ordinary common rudiments of ciluealion, who. by their force of Impudcnc • aud advertising, irretrievably ruin the small remains ot health of the poor deluded victim. Dr. 1.. 1.. SMITH, who has been established since 1851, has stepped, perhaps, lie acknowledges, out ot the routine of his profession by thus advertising ; but lie deems it better to give an unfortunate fellow-being who has erred (once, perhaps, only iu the course of his life) an opportunity of at least being capable of discriminating for himself of ascertaining for himself nut of the mass of eharlt itiism, at least one practitioner who has devoted his time, money, and study to tliis peculiar branch of his profession, and one who is a legally qualitied pracli'-ioncr and member of the Medical I»oard of Victoria. Dr. L. L. SMITH has now been in practice in Victoria for the last fourteen years. He was formerly a pupil and practised under the celebrated Dr. Culverwcll of London, so well known tor his skill iu the treatment of those diseases for which Lallciuand, Kicord, aud himself were contemporaries. Dr. L \j Smith lias the most extensive practice, extending through tho whole of Victoria, New South Wales, South •Ynstralia, Tasmania, and Xew Zealand. Dr. L. L. btnith has now established this extensive practice through his admirable system? of corresponding by letter. By enclosing a one pound bank-note, an answer aud consultation is immediately returned by next post. Three hours in the day are continuously devoted to this branch of Dr. Smitji'3 practice. j)r \j \ 4 . SMITH'S establishments are well known to all visitors 'to Victoria. His extensive library for reference has even been praised by the public press. ILis extensive anatomical museum is well known ! and Dr. L. L. renutation alone as a lecturer on physiological and anatomical subjects is sufficient security to tho public that those who entrust their cases in his hands will, to say the least, have a guarantee that, they place them iu the care of one who is well acquainted with the anatomy and physiology of the human body and its mysterious workings, and. therefore, irrespective of his reputation for curing these diseases, he is at le:ist a competent person to attempt to cure them. Dr. L. Ij. o.mitii takes the greatest precautions to avoid publicity being given as to recognition from whence tho correspondence comes, lie has been now fourteen years in practice at Victoria, ana not one single rise has ever been made public. Dr. L. L, bsiiTii can be coiu'ilfd oy letter —fee .CI. Dr L L. Smith, "L. S. A., first prizeman in the principles and practice of medicine ; first prize for surgery ; hrst prize for anatomy and physiology, n'estmmistcr Uospd;rf; "J™ prizeman for chemistry; lirst certificate for miu-wuery, 'inl miMiiliur of tlie Medical lionrd of Victoria. M iS.-iirU'-street East, Melbourne, Victoria L)r. Ij. Ij. Smith. 192 liourke-street i:-.iat, .Melbourne. The following works by Dr. L. h. Smith can be "bt'iinse direct from tlic author, on enclosing stamps, Oil extra iiostaea free: — Impotence and Sterility -is Sd Obstacle a.o 8d ■ of Prolonging Life,2s. Cd.; Jl' r (ict lat ana U-'w Thin, le.; fcc. &c. I TO MERCHANTS, SHIPPERS, AND OTHERS LEVY BIIOTIIEftS, OffNEO ATj imp 01 it eh s and commission AQISNTS, A 1 KE prepared to receive Consignments of Generul Mcvt-'littndizo. X;. Bros, liavo every facility foi* the Storage of Timber, niKE of ciiaege. # Liberal Advances made on every description of Goods consigned to tliem for immediate sale and nil account: promptly settled. 1/k.VY brothers, Tuupo Quay, Wansanui, ■Wellington. W-* FLOUR MILL AND BISCUIT MANUFACTORY. T N tendering my l;ost thanks for past favours and 1 soliciting a continuances of support, I beg to intimate that Messi'9. Hexdehson and Macfaelake will in luture act as my Agents. JOHN LAMB. Auckland, February 9, ISG7-

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New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1055, 2 April 1867, Page 7

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Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1055, 2 April 1867, Page 7

Page 7 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1055, 2 April 1867, Page 7