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NEW AND MOST VALUABLE MEDICINES or GBHIAULT & CO., Chemists to H.I.H. Prince Nauolcon, in Paris, far- hKherto intractable and incurable diseases. No more Cod Liver Oil. _ GRLUAULT'S SYRUP OF IDOLIZED HORSE-R 4.L>l3tt, Prepared by Giumaolt & Co., Chemists of Paris according to the certificates of the physicians of the Paris hospitals, detailed in the printed directions, and with the approbation of several academies, this Syrup is employed with the greatest success in place of Cod Liver Oil,- to which it is infinitely superior. It cares diseases of he chest, scorfula, lymphatict disorders, green sickness muscular atony, and loss of appetite. It regenerates the oonatitution by purifying the blood, and is in a word the most powerful depurative known. fatigues the stomach and bowels, like lodide of Potassium and the lodide of Iron, and is administered with the greatest; efficacy to young children subject to humours or obstruction of the glavds. Dr. Cazenave of Saint Louis Hospital, Paris, recommend it particular]}' iu diseases of the skin, to be taken with his pills mentioned &b»ve. This Syrup of lodised Horseradish. U a capital adjunct to Dr. Leras, Phosphate of Iron. No atons Consumption. guuiaults syrup oir hypo-phosphate of ldie. This new Medicine is a sovereign remedy inphythisis r.nd other diseases of the lungs, promptlv removes all tho mor© serious symptoms. Tiie com 7*l is relieved, the night-sweats cease, and the patient rapiuiy recovers his health. JF No more DrsrKPsr. Vomiting nuking PitEGKANcrIASD GRIMAULT AND CO.'S DIGESTIVE ELIXIR, OF PEPSINE. Popyinc is the gastric juice itself, or rather the active principle purified, which digests food in the stomach. When* from various causes, the supply of the digestive fluid is tossmall, the inevltabla consequences are, bad digestion, inflammation of fhe mucous coats of the stomach and bowels, and t females general derangement. TIIO Elixir of Pepsine, sanctioned by the Paris Academy of Medicine, speedily cures all snoti diseases, and prevents vomiting during pregnancy and while out sea-voyaging. No more Poverty of the Blood and Pale Complexion. DR. LERAS' PHOSPHATE OF IKON. This new feruginoua medicine contains the element of the blood and bones, and Iron in a liquid state. It is different from all hitherto offered to tho public, is liquid, colourless and tasteless. it speedily cures chlorsis, pains in the stomach, difKculdigestion, dysmenorrhea, anemia, and advantageously supersedes Carbonate of lrou. Iron reduced by Hydrogen, Lactate of Iron, the Pills of Fota&ic-tartrate of Iron, and lodide of Iron. Tho majority of the Acadamies of Medicine of Paris, recommend the Phosphate of Iron to Ladies of delicate constitution from anemia, and all other persons fatigued from over anxiety, nervous emotions, overwork, general debility and poorness of blood, Itis the only preparation which never causes constipation, and cm be borne by the most delicate stomach?. It is tho best adjunct to the Syrup of lodized Horse-radish and Royal Elizir of Yellow Peruvian Dark. No xot»: Co?aiija and Cobeus. GHIMAULTS CAPSULES AND LIQUID EXTRACT OF MATICO VEGETALIS. Where all other Medicines have failed, these preparations will always effect a cure. Thesj insure rapid ami extraordinary cure of severe recent and chronic eases of private disease. They are used in the Hospitals of Paris, by the celebrated Dr. Rieord, and art found greatly superior to all hitherto known mineral remedies and Copaiba and Cubebs. The injection is used in recent, and capsules in the moro chronic cases. General Depot: In Taris—Ghimatlt & Co.. Chemists to U. 1.11. Prlncd Napoleon, 42, Rue Richelieu. Londou—Maw & Son*, Aldersgate-street. Melbourne—T. Fo&d & Co. Lauuce>ton—F. G. Spiceu. Uobart Town—Uissby & Calvert. Auckland—AsriEa. And of every good Chemist. Dlt. Bl'ItTK DU BUISSON'S DIGESTIVE LOZENGES AND POWDERS OK THE ALICALINE LACTATES. THE ALKALIXE LACTATES exercise the most beneficial influence over tho derangements oi digestion, either by their peculiar action on the mucous meui >raneof the stomach, or by affording to the later, through their combination with the saliv t to the gastric juice, a supply of Lactic Acid, which all EuglMi, French, and other physiologists a; to be tu essential !>rincipte or digestion. i'orthe information of those who may be without ineiical advice, it may bd stated hire that the symptoms of impaired digestiou are. headache, pain in tb>j foreheid, hemicr.tnia, gas;ritis. gastralgia, heartburn, wind" in tho stomach and bowels, loss of appetite, emiciat.ou, Sw. Ail these soon disappear under the action of the Alkaline Lactate# which may bo always had in Lozenges or Powders. General Dkpot: In Paris—Griwault & Co., Chemists to H. 1.11. Prince Napoleon, 45 Rue Uichelieu. London—Maw Sc So v. il Aldersgate-street. Melbourne—Ford & Co. Launceston—F. G. Snceu: Ilobarc Town—llinsbt & Calvert. Auckland—Asher. And of every good Chemist. • IUJIJIEL'S CELEBRATED PEBFUMEBV. BIMMEr/S TOILET VIXKGAK, superior to Eau do Cologne Rim/md'a Lavender Wa'er. distilled from Flowers Kiiumul's Exquisite Perfumes, for use of Handkerchief. ' Khtimers Glycerine Soap, the best for t.-.e skin. Rimmed'* hxtrjet of Lime .Juice, and Glycerine for tho hair Rnniuel s Odontiie, for whitening the teeth. Rjmmel's Lotions for beautifying the complexion. RimmeTs Perfume Vaporiser, for purifiying the air. Sold by all Perfumery Vendors in the world. UIMMEL, Perfumer to IT. M. the Emperor—9», Straud, 24, CornhiH, and 12S. Regent Street, London; 17, Boulevard des italiens. Paris. uaou'3 IXJECTIOX. rpITK only one which cures without adding anything to it* t Infallible against tlie most rebel svphilic disease, and superior to any treatment by copaiba, &c.\ which only destroy tlie stomach.—3o YEARS' SUCCESS. Paris, at Brou's, Chemist, IS, Boulevard Magenta. THE GREAT ENGLISH: REMEDY FOR GOUT AND MEUHATISII. BLAIR'S GOUr AND RHEUMATIC PILLS. npHlb preparation is one of the benefits which the science ot JL mo Jewi chemistry has conferred upon mankind; for during the first twenty years of the present century to speak of a cure for tiie Gout was consid ?red a romance ; but now, the efficacy and safety of this medicine is so fully demonstrated by unsolicited^testimonials from persons in every rank of lifo, that public opinion proclaims this as one of the most important discoveries ot' the present age. These pills require no restraint of diet or confinement during their use, and arc certain to p.-event tho disease attacking any vital part. They can be relied on as the most safe and effective remedy over offered the public, and have been universally used in Europe and America for many years for the above complaints. Her Majesty's Commissioners have authorisad the name and address of * 4 Thomas P&out, No. 22D, Strand, London," to be impressed upon the Government stamp aMixad to each box of the genuine medicine. Sold in England at Is lid and 2s 9d per bos, or obtained through any Chemist or Medicine Vendor throughout the Australian colonics. MAGENTA " JUDSON'S SIMPLE DYES FOR THE PEOPLE" AUK undoubtedly the most useful article over offered to the . public. Any one can use them, anything cm be dyed with them in a few minutes without soiltng the hands. In Kncla'ul ".ludsotVs DyeV' are as household words. Articles of Clothing that have been put aside as faded and useless may be made neatly eqn«l to new, by morel v following the simple directions appended to each bottle of Dye. • Names of.Colours. Mageuta Mauve Violet Scarlet Green Blue Pink Crimson Brown Canary Orange Black. Pi ice—Small bottic*, <3d. Latgc bottles, is Cd each. May be had of Druggists and Storekeepers throughout tha world, or wholesale of DANIEL JUDSOX & SON. LONDOK, And all Merchants. Libcr.d discount to Dcai«rs. N.B.—A small bottle of colour will dye 12 yards of Bonnet Pibbon. See that yon get " Simple Dye*." Dr.. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CIILORODYNE, Vice-ClianccHor Sir W. Page Wood stated publicly in Court that Dr. J. Ooliis Urowne was undoubtedly tlie Inventor of Chlorodyne; that the whole story of the defendant Freeman was deliberately untrue, and he regretted to say it had been sworn to.—See the Timos. July 13,1864. DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The Right lion. Earl Russell com-nunicatcd to the College of lliysicians and J. T.Davenport that he had received information to the effect that the only remedy of any tervico i u C.iolera was Chlcfrodyue.—Sec Lancet, Dec. 31,15G5. Dlt. .T. COL-LIB BBCnVffK'S CIILO IiOK YN.B. Extract from JFettisal Times, Jan. 12.1566 —" la prescribed by scores o orthodox medical practitioners. Of connie, it would not be thus singularly popular did it not'sapply a want and till a place.'" D lt, .T. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE is the best and most certain remedy in Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, &c. DR. J. COLLTS BROWNE'S CIILORODYNE is a certaiu cure iu Cholera, Dysentery, Diarrhoea,' Colios, &c. * >11. J. COLLIS BROWN IVS CIILORODYNE I / Extract from the General Board of Health, Londou, as to its efficacy in Cholera: —"So strongly are we convinced of the immense value of this remedy, that we cannot too forcibly urge tlie necesMty of adopting it in all cases." From A. Montgomery, Esq., late luspector of Hospitals, BombayChlorodyne is a most valuable remedy in Neuralgia," Asthnu, and Dysentery To it I fairly owejny restoration to health' after eighteen months severe suffering, aad when all other mcdicincs had failed. 0 JAR. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CIILORODYNE. \ ' CAUTias.—None genuine without tho words "Dr. J. Collis Browne's Chlorodyne" on tho Government slarap. Overwhelming medica' testimony accompanies each_l/ott.c. Sole Manutaeturer, J. T. DA\EXPORT, 30, Great Eusselrstreet; B!oonisb«irj r , London. Tho immense demand enables Mepropni et t ol ]?. to prico; it is now sold iu botilo-, ll J i'l.Ss 3(1. 4s od and 11». \rPMis<;.r Molbm iut—''l'AYJ.OK A CO., Colliiu-sf \\ s».. wuStellte ELtroxr BiKmmts m, ritt-shsct, s-du,;-.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1054, 1 April 1867, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1054, 1 April 1867, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1054, 1 April 1867, Page 9