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CURF, FO& THE MILLION. HOLLO WAY'S OINTMENT. IS HOIiTJO'WAV (THENT GOOD OR BAD ? IF bad, would the mmunity in all parts of tlie world allow themselves .. ... grossly deceived or imposed upon or a quarter of a century? It must be apparent that t-e medical profession in every climate would, us in duty bound, make their voices heard against it. Would it be tolerated ihat millions shou'd buy it a««d use it year after year if there I was anything better to be had or were it not now known to [ be the most powerful remedy ever discovered for tlie cure of ; ulc-ts, wonnds,sores, skin diseases, and other external utlm ' Let any one ask himself the question and decide for himself. CO N'T a ACT RD OR STrFV JOINTS. All the medicines in the London dispensaries would rarely benefit, much less cure, any chronic cases of contracted or stifl joints; whereas if this invaluable Ointment be effectually rubbed into such parts twice a day the beneiit will be immense. Paralytic patients even can derive advantages from this remedy, and from no other. SCOBBUTTC HUITOURS, —SCAXD TTRAT)S A.ND SKIN DISEASES. Scorbutic humours nriso from an impure state of the blood, and in eases the liver and stomach aro tho organs at fault. The Pills will speedily restore these to a healthy action": while the Ointment if well rubbed in at least twice a day will soon cure any cjisc of the above classes of skin disease, by totally eradicating them from the system. Soldiers, sailors, and miners use this famous Ointment iu all parts of the world, nuoi'sv. Beware of this dangerous and stealthy complaint, which frequently creeps upon us at first by a simple swelling of the feet, and very little notice is taken of this nurhaps till the logs begin to swell. There, again, the root of the evil must be looked for in the liver and stomach; tltcefore sot to work earnestly by taking these famous Pills according to tho printed directions, and by rubbing the Ointment very effectually into the swollon parts. Live principally upon solids, avoiding the use of slops, and everything that will derange tho stomach and liver. Most cases readily yield to tho combined iailuencc ol tho Pills and Oiutment. DISOKDKRS OP THE KI7VM RYS, STONE A> T D ORA.VP.Tj. In any of the übove complaints more benefit may be derived in twenty-four hours bv adopting the above simple moans than is frequently brought ii»>out in six months by any other treatment. In bad ca>es, if a small pot of Ointment bo rubbed into the small of the bade, over the region of the kidneys, it will quickly pencrate, and. in most cases, give immediate relief; but perseverance is necessary to effect a i-ure. Six or eiirht of the Tills should be taken nightly according to circumstances. Whoever tries these Pills and »Hutments will not do so in vain, but, on the contrary, the result will be most wonderful. DIFHTHEUIA., SORE THIIOATS. T.'VCThese eases are of so serious and frequently of so dangerous a nature that the 1 intment would not be recommended u-'lcs the proprietor was sare of its effect. Tt will cure when every other means may fail it applied immediately, and not when the patient is beyond recovery. It is a sovereign remedy for throats under any circumstances. Any settled cotnrhs, cold on tho chest, or whcesing.evenif of twenty veers' standing will be promptly removed. Mothers should rub this remarkable Ointment into the die t of their infant whenever there may be any hoarseness, tightness, or anything else affecting the breathing or otherwise. Hotli the Ointment and Pills should be used in the following cases t — Legs Corns fsoft) Rheumatism Had Ilreasts Oauccs Scalds Hums Contracted and Stifl Sore JCipplcs Hunions .Joints Sore Throats Kite of Mosquitoes Kleuhantiasis Skin Diseases and Sandflies Fistulas Scurvy Cooo-Hay Gout , Sore Heads Chlego-Foot OlandnlarSwellings J Tumours Chilblains Lumbago 1 Ulcers Chapped Hands Piles [ Wounds, Yaws N.H.—Directions for the guidaucc os patients in every disorder are affixed to each pot. Sold at the Kstablishment nf Professor Kolloway, 241, Strand (near Temple Har). London; also by all respectable Druggists and Oealers in Medicine throughout tlie civilized world. *** There Is a considerable saving by taking the larger sizes. FiiAMPION PILL OF HEALTH. TniS excellent "Family Pill is a medicine of long-tried efficacy for purifying the blood, so wry essential for the foundation of cood health, and correcting all disorders of tho Stomach find Rowels. Two or thre<» doses will convince the alllicted of its s-lutary etb'Cts. flie sto nach will speedily regain its strength ; a healthy action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys will rnpMly take place; and renewed health will be the quick result of taking this medicine, according to the directions accompanying each box. Persons or a foi.l hauit, who are subject to hcndachc, giddiness, drowsiness, and ringing in the ears, arising from too great a tlow of blood to the head, should never be without them, as many dangerous symptom* will be entirely carried 1 ofl by their timely use. ' Foa Femalks Pills are truly excellent, removing all ' obstructions, the distressing headache so very prevalent with i the sex, depression of spirits, dullness of sight, nervous alfce- j tions, blotches, pimp'cs, and sallowness of the skin, and give a ' healthy juvenile biooin to the comploxion. j To they arc contid.-ntly recommended as the best I medicine that can be taken; and for children of all ages 11 icy are unequalled. " , These, pills unite the recommendation of a mild operation with the mo>t successful effect ; and where an occasional aperient is required, nothing can be better adapted. Her Majesty's Commissioners have authorised tho name and address of " Thomas PnoUT, No. Strand, London," to be impressed upon the Government stamp affixed to each box of the genuine medicine. Sold iu England at Is l.Jd nnd 2s 9d per box, or obtained throueh any Chemist or Medicine Vendor throughout the Australian Colonies. "VtTAItNIN'GU—Do you suffer from physical incapacity? '/V Are you suffering from nervo'is debility ? Have you the ttuilty victim of any see ret vice ? Do you sutfer from o. setof symptoms nearly akin more or less to the following A pretty fair condition of health, nor yet positively ill, but a feeling upon you that you are not quite right, a malaise, a tendency to despondency; a slight occasional loss of memory; FOmetimes a weakness across tho small of tlie back and loins; or waking with a fueling naif unrefreshed ; a general depression ; a want ofphwlc, as it were; less desire for business than formerly and you are troubled with a certain fcollirr uf nervousness, a loss of power ? If you are to be warned in time, you have no'v the means nnd opportunity of being restored tohealh. It is at. this stage that your di.-ease, by a timely application of remedies nnd regimen, catt be eradicated, and your system invigorated, vonr manhood restored to that state that you may and can fulfil the duties required of you by your social and moral being, lie warned also to u horn you apply. There are two rocks upon which you may split—tho one being the legally qualified practitioner, who, although fully qualified by hi* knowledge of hi-s profession to trent the various general ailments of humanity, yet is totally ignorant (as the majority of them unfortunately aro) of this peculiar brunch of his science, the reason being that ho has never made it his peculiar study, and the other rock is the blatant charlatan and quack, who preys upon the pockets an-l lives of his victims These Individuals assume titles to which they have not the -lightest pretension, ami are, for the most part," men even without the ordinary common rudiment* of education, who. by their force of imjuulenc and ndvertisinsr, irretrievab j* ruin the small remains of health of the poor deluded victim. Dr. L. L. SMITH, who has been established since 1851, has stepped, perhaps, ho acknowledg-s, out ol the routine of his profession by thus advertising ; but he deems it better to give an unfortunate felJow-beiog who has erred (once, perhaps, only in the course of his life) an opportunity of at least being capable of discriminating for himself of ascertaining for himself out of the inasa of chat ltanism, at least one practitioner who has devoted his time, money, and study to this peculiar branch of his profession, and one who is a legally qnaiilied practitioner and member of the Medical Board of Victoria. Dr. L. L. SMITH has now been in practice in Victoria for tho last fourteen years. He was formerly a pupil and practised under the celebrated Dr. Cnlvervvell of London, so well known for his skill in the treatment of those diseases for which Lallemand, Kicord, and himself were contemporaries. l>r. L. L. S.mitii has the most extensive practice, extending through the whole of Victoria, New South Wales, South Anstralia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Dr. L. L. Smith has now established this extensive practice through his admirable «ystem of corresponding bv letter. By enclosing a one pound hank-nr.te, an answer and consultation is immediately returned by next po3t. Three hours in the day are continuously devoted to this branch of Dr. Smith's practice. Dr L L. SMITH'S establishments aro well known to all visitors 'to Victoria. Ilis extensive library for reference has even been praised by the public press. His extensive anatomical museum is well known! and Dr. L. L. Smith's reputation alone as a lecturer on physiological and anatomical subjects is sufficient security to tho public that those who entrust their cases in his hands will, to say the least, have a guarantee that thev place them iu the care of one who is well acquainted with tlie anatomy nud physiology of the human body and its mysterious workings, und. therefore, irrespective of his reputation for curing these diseases, he is at least a competent person to attempt to cure them. l>r, L. L. Smith takes the greatest precautions to avoid publicity being given as to recognition from whence tho correspondence comes. He has been now fourteen years in practice at Victoria, and not one single ease has ever been made public. Dr. L. L, Smitii , can be com dt*"! oy letter—fee XL 1 Dr L Jj. Smitii, L. S. A., first prizeman in the principles and 'practice of medicine ; Orst prize for surgery; iirst prize for anatomy and physiology, Westminister Hospital; first prizeman tor chemistry; first certificate for uud-wilery; ar.i member of the Medical Board of Victoria. I 92 Bourke-street East, Melbourne, Victoria i Dr.-L. L. Smith, 192 Bourke-street East, Melbourne. ! The following works by Dr. L. L. Smith can be obtainge direct from the author, on enclosing stamps,6d extra postaed freo: — Impotence and Sterility 4s 6d Obatwls a.o 6d.; Means ol Prolonging Life, 6d.; il's Get >at ana H"W Thin, Is.; &c. &c. w. MEAES HAS ON SALE, EX ' ELEOTRICy •j-jED and white clover seeds, cowXi GRASS, AND TABES. Colonial Perennial Ryegrass, Cocksfoot, Rape, &c. Garden Seeds of all kinds. Victoria-street West, 20th "February, 18G7. ON SALE AT THE "HERALD " OFFICE, "ri'HE DEBTORS and CREDITORS ACTS S AMENDMENT AGl\" and THE PROTECTION OF CERTAIN ANIMALS AO I AMENDMENT AOT,»18OO. CODE OF SIGNALS. ITiOR. SALE at tho Hebald Office, tha Auckland Jj CODE OF SIGNALS, Lithographed iu colours. Very oliiste.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1054, 1 April 1867, Page 9

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Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1054, 1 April 1867, Page 9

Page 9 Advertisements Column 4 New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1054, 1 April 1867, Page 9