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E. J. Cox, the SwiXDLicit.—Among the passengers by the Taranaki on yesterday evening was Detective O'Hara. who proceeds to Wellington armed with a warrant for the arrest of this notorious individual. We learn from our own correspondent at Kaipara that Warmington, the individual apprehended on a charge of robbery in that district, and of which particulars appeared in this journal a few days ago, was sentenced by Mr. Jt'ogan to undergo six months' imprisonment with hard labor. The prisoner-was brought into town on yesterday by the special constable oftheKaipara district and lodged in Mount Eden Gaol. P-BESBYTEEIAN CHURCH (N"ORTII SHOEE).— Special services will be lield in this Church tomorrow. The Eev. Dr. Wallis will officiate in the morning at 11 o'clock, and the Eev. John Wallace at a quarter to 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Steaji to Kaipaea.—The p.s. Prince Alfred will leave for the above place on Monday evening next.

Papakuha Association.—The adjourn cd annual meeting of this association will bo held at the Papakura Hotel, Papakura, on next Wednesday, immediately after the cattle sales of Mr. Buckland and Mr. Hunter, for the election of office bearers for the present year and the transaction of other business. Wc have been requested to mention that the certificates and prizes awarded at the annual show by tlio Judges will be ready for delivery at the same time.

I3t. Paul's Church.—A spccial sermon will be preached to-morrow morning by the Lord Bisliop of Now Zealand, and in the evening by tlie Right Rev. Bishop Patteson, in aid of the funds of the Parish. Auckland Choral Society.—The next performance will take place on Tuesday next, the 2nd April, with selections from " Elijah" and Beethoven's Service in C. Masonic (Lodge Aka). —The regular monthly meeting of this lodge will be held on Monday evening, the Ist of April, at half-past seven o'clock. Acclimatization Society. — A committee meeting will be held to-day, at the office of the society, Canada Buildings. Volunteer Night March. —On Thursday night last, some forty or fifty members of the various companies of Auckland Royal Volunteers, assembled at the Priuees-strect lire bells, in command of Captain Hcaphy and Ensign MeIntyre. They started for their march at 8 o'clock, going down the Kyber Pass Road, round Newmarket, and returned through Parnell. Great disappointment was felt at no band being present, as it was cxpectcd there would have been. The next march will be on Thursday evening nest, meeting at the same place and hour.

Parnell Hall.—Public worship will be held in this hall to-morrow morning and evening. The subjects of discourse will be in the morning on " Love, hatred, murder, and war in the evening " The doings of faith no Deadly Doings." The .Rev. 13. Y. Ashwcll is about to leave for England on Tuesday next, and his friends at the Flagstaff and North Shore will, we underderstand, meet this evening at 7 o'clock, in the school-room, to present him with ail address and testimonial.

Prince of Wales Theatre.—llie theatre will open on Monday evening for an entertainment, commcncing with " The Phenomena in a Smock Frock," followed by a novelty in the form and color of a " Black Opera," and concluding with Craven's well known drama " Miriam's Crime."

SurEHiNTENDENCY.—A public meeting of the inhabitants of Newton will be held this evening in the Newton Hall, at 7.30, for the purpose of nominating a candidate or candidates for the Superintendency of the Province of Auckland.

Penalty foe Bkeach of the Stamp Act.— The Hokitika Eveninq Star, of the 13th, reports the following case tried before the Resident Magistrate, G. G. FitzGerald, Esq. It was a complaint against Jonathan Kyder for abroach of the Stamp Act. Mr. Home appeared for the Crown, Mr. Bees for the defence. The facts as given in evidence were as follows :—Tho defendant gave William Nahr an 1.0.TJ. for £5 9s in January last, with a promise to pay fourteen days after date expressed on it; defendant said that he had not a stamp, and asked Mr. Nahr to put one on, which he did next mornihg. Mr. Bees maintained that an 10. U. was not a promissory note, and that the instrument could be stamped after it had been made. Mr. Home contended that the 1.0. U. contained in this instance a promise to pay, and was therefore a promissory note, and that there had been a breach of the Stamps Act, as the instrument had not been stamped at the time it was made. - His Worship, in giving judgment, inflicted a fine of £50. Mr. Rees gave notice of appeal. Police.—At "the Police Court, yesterday, Peter Murray and Richard Johns, we're punished for drunkenness ; Charles Mason and James McGuinn were committed to the Lunatic Asylum, as being of unsound, mind. Charles Mack, proprietor of the Shamrock Hotel, Geo. Rowley, Coachmakers Arms, and William Rose, were charged with breaches of the Licensing Act, 1865, the first mentioned being discharged, and tlie two latter fined £10 each. Eliza Zempingstall, charged with assaulting Mary Ann Matthews, was ordered to find two sureties of £25 each, to be behaviour for a period of six months. And John Malioney, a discharged soldier from the 57th Regiment, was charged with having stolen from a man named Charles Shields, of the same corps, a silver medal and clasps, value 10s 6d, the first was discharged through the absence of a material witness, owing to the neglect of the military in not having brought the charge sooner. Clearing out lih-ebial Phoi?ehty.—The p.s. Prince Alfred, says the Wanganui Times of the 2Gfch instant, arrived here from Manakau on Sunday last, and is now taking in military stores,, consisting of ammunition, clothing, and everything which remained here pertaining to the equipment of an army in the field. We cannot understand why that property was not either disposed of by public auction here, or offered by private sale to the Colonial Government. Auck-\ land is certainly the wrong place to dispose of such property, and if destined to rot in store, it might as well be permitted to do so here, as to go to the expense of removing it elsewhere for a like object.

The .A-ustt'alauian says :—The Tasmanian salmon let loose in their younger day s in a tributary of the Derwent have returned from the sea, and in good time to justify the prophecy of Mr. I?amsbottom, who told all concerned to look out for them in all January and February. The complete success of the greatest acclimatising effort ever made in any country is now assured. A plentiful supply of spawn, irrespective of importations from the Old World, will be now available for stocking with salmon all the rivers iu Australia or New Zealand that are judged likely to furnish a congenial retreat for the monarch of the tide. It is generally believed that in tlie rivers of Zealand the salmon will find a still move congenial habitat than Tasmanian or Australasian rivers afford, lhe stocking of rivers everywhere in this part of the world with salmon will afford useful employment to our pisciculturists for many years to come.

COHOMANDEI. GrOLD.—Some 160 OUnCCS of gold has been received from the Kapanga Company's claim for transhipment to Sydney by the s.s. Auckland on Tuesday next. The Goveenoe.—The Wanganui Times says : —"His Excellency the Governor is obliged to return to Wellington, where General Chute awaits his arrival. The gallant General is anxious for the despatch of the remainder of the troops from the eolonj', after which he proceeds to Melbourne to assume the command there."

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New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1053, 30 March 1867, Page 5

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1053, 30 March 1867, Page 5

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 1053, 30 March 1867, Page 5