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Shipping Intelligence.

A IT C iv i, A N D. NVkatiusr.—January 11—Bull: wind, variable. VSSSKLS IN HARIiOUK. H.M.S.S. Challenger, from Tanranga. H.M.3. falcon, from Wellington via TatiraufiH. Albatross, schooner, from Sydney. Alexandra, brig, from Newcastle. Sella Marinu, coal iui'il;. Benjamin Heape, coal hulk. Chili, ship, from London. Carolino, schooner, from the Xhnni''*. Eliza Sliairp, from Newcastle. N.S.W. Enterprise No. 2, p.s. (on feiry service). Enterprise No. 1, p.s. (on ferry service). Fortune, schooner, from Opoliki. Gemini, s.s., (on ferry service). Hansa, German brig, from Valparaiso. Huntress, p.s., from Napier vi.i 'luuranga. Ida Ziegler, ship, from London. Isabella, from Fiji Islands. Industry, schooner, from Wangartiru. Jane, 6chooner, fi'-m Poverty Bay. Kate Grant, frem Opotikl via Mercury Bay. lord Ashiey, t.s., from the South via Tauranga. Novelty, barque, from Sydney. Eose Ann, schooner, from the Ooa-ft. Star of the Evening, 5.t.., from Napier.^ Southern Cross, schooner, from South Sea Islands. Susan, brig, fitting out Success, from Maiden Island. Tauranga. schooner, from Tauranga. Marion, coal hulk Mapere, schooner, from the Great Barrier. Magenta, brig, from Mauritius. Neva, schooner, from Korotonga.

VESSELS EXFEOTED. H.M.S. Esk, from Sydney Blue 8011, schooner, from Tahiti. Constance, barque, from San F'ancisco. j Celt, schooner, from Dunedin. Donald McLean, schooner, from Poverty Hay. Electric, ship, from London, mailed f-'ept. '28. England, ship, from Loudo", sailed October I*. General Cimeron, schooner, from Russell. Hirli, schooner, from Tauranga. Helen S. Page, barque, from Brisbane. Hercules, cutter, from Tahiti Kate Waters, barque, from Queensland. Lombard, barque, from Queensland. Mary Shepherd, ship, from London (loading). Maori, ship, from London, 2 d p., 7523, sailed September 2S. Mistletoe, barque, from Melbourne. Moa, brig, from Sydney. Bita, brig, from Sydney. Ease, cutter, from South Sea Islands. Sattelite, cutter, from Christchurch. Saucy Lass, schooner, from Napier. fit. Kilda, schooner, from South Sea Islands. Venus, brig, from Hong Kong. .Zillah, schooner, from Tahiti. DEPARTURES. JANUARY 11 —KVnilvporfh, schooner, 113 tons, MoKenzie, for New Caledonia via Kennedy's Bay, with Bawn timber. 11—General Cameron, schioner. 42 tons, Joyce, for Bussell, with sundries, &c., 6 passengers. INWABDS COASTWISE. JJI-VUAKT 11 —Snowflate,- from the Thames, with 2S boxes, 28 kits peaches, 28 native passengers ; Severn, from Ooromandel, in ballast, 3 passengers. OUTWARDS COASTWISE. JANUARY 11 —Industry, for Wangaruru, and Ngururu, with sundry merchandize, 7 passengers ; General Cameron, for Bussell, with 1 horse, sundries, &c., 0 passengers. S.S- LORD ASHLEY. The P.N.Z. and A.B.M. Co.'s s.s. Lord Ashley, A. Kennedy, commander, sails lor Southern ports, at 6 p.m., today, with the following passengers : — Saloon, the hou. Col. Haultain, Mr. and Mrs. Charleß Voolo, Mr. Stuart O'Brien, Mesgrs. CamDeny, Norris, Monkman, Wilson, Skeet, Collins, Miss Blake, Mrs. James, Mrs. Davy, total 13.

T*b General, Camkhon. —The regular Bay of Islands trader General Cameron, Capt. Joyce, sailed ftgain for Kussell last evening, with a general cargo, and the following passengers: —Mi- Posseneskie, Mr. Xiindsay, Mr. Ludbroofe, Miss Scott, and 2 others. The Chile.—The sailing of the ship Chile, CaptStringer, for Dunedin, with horso stock, &c., has been unavoidably postponed until this morning. Thb -Patknt Slip.—The Circular Saw Liner Hovelty, Captain A ustin, was floated off the patent Blip at the North Shore last evening, and will sail foi Sydney to-day. Captain /lUstin speaks in the highest terms of the facilities afforded by the slip, the Novelty having been taken up with the greatest ease and thoroughly cleaned nu<£ overhauled since nesday last. This speaks well for Mr. Nicol s energy, and the interests of the port. The Hunthesa.—The p.s. Runt tens hua changed hands, having been purchased by Messrs. b.onter and Gibbons, and placed in command of Captain Murphy, bhe is now undergoing a thorough overhaul, after which she leaves for the Manukau, prior to commencing the West Coaßt gold-field trade. The schooner Jane, Captain Faulkner, has been laid on the berth for Tauranga and Poverty Bay, to sail on Wednesday next. The steamers Lord Ashley, for the South, aud Star of the evening, for Napier, holli sail to-ilay. The brig Susan, Captain Poulson, for Ncwcutlf 1 , SJT.H.W., in ballast; and schooner Neva, v-ap'.iin Coffin, for the Bulier River, both leave this morning, tile former in ballast, and tho latter with sawn timber. There wore no arrivals of importance yesterday to zecord. £ The brigintine Kenilworth, Captain McK':nz:e ■went to Kennedy's Bay yesterday, to take on board 60,000 feet sawn timber, for ffw Caledonia. The brig Hita, Captain 'l'rayte, may now bo daily looked for from Sydney. SUPPLEMENTARY SHIPPING SUMMARY. The weather during tho past week has been very unsettled,the wind chiefly prevailing from the Northeast and with heavy rain, and it still continues to look dull and threatening. Shipping business since our last has maintained its average briskness. Tho following have been tho arrivals; On Saturday, the s.s. Beautiful Star, Capt. Morwick, from Napier, with sheep; on Sunday, the t.a.Z. and A.U.M. ('o.'s s.s. Lord Ashley, Captain Kennedy, from the .-'outhern Provinces, with cargo, mails, passengers, <fcc,, and Hamburg brig liansa, Captain Wanzell, from Valparaiso, with Hour ■ on Monday, H.M.d.S. Challenger, Commodore MeGuire, froir-jTaurimga; and the schooners Juno, Koso Ann, j&auri, Taurungu, Bittern, &c., from the East Coast, <with cattle, sheep, &c., and other produce ; and on Wednesday, the h.s. Star of the Kvening, Captain ■Turner, from Napier, with sheep. Owing to the continued prevalence of head, winds the departures have lieen few, the principal being on Thursday last when tie wind shifted for a short tiine to the southward. J bat day « ere the ship Kiam, Captain Ash by, fjr Loudop, wiih eaigo and passengers ; H.M.S.rf. Jiiisk, Capiaiu Hope, for Wellington; H.M.S. ijalamanaer, for upe Yorke, Australia JTrench briu Mugentu, I aptain Clivey, for -yfluey, with sown timber ; tehooncrlvauri, cutleis JSagie and Agnes, from Napier via the Coast, with timber, &c.; <outter Glimpse, Captain Kattray, for Christchureh, ■with machinery &c., and s.s, Beautiful Star, Captain Morwick, for Sydney, wi h gold, &e. The schooner Kenilworth, Captain McKenzie, whi h sailed yesterday for New Caledonia, completes .the departure. Our second wool ship cf rlie pen«nn, tho c-iam, Captain W. Ashby, tAi/,. he - (U I r fjondon on Thursday afternoon, wiiii a full catgo and 4f> pas »engers, particulars of which appear in our Custom ..clearances. She had a fine brut zo from the eouthy/(ii 4

:.ud before dark lvid -nade a rapid stretch to seaward. A large number of friends and others, at the invention ot'thu agents, Messrs. Cruickphank, tjm-irt. and Co , proceeded some distance •■inside with the biani, iu the hired steamer Jintorpri-e . 2 returning to poit about n o'clock. The ship luft in good sailing trim, and we huarli'y wish Uer, as wo liavc no doubt "lie will have, a speedy aud prosperous passage homo. It must bti a source of great satisfaction to the agents ami shippers of the to eon her cet away | so punctual to'lieradvertised tinu:, and a fuil fillp in ■■verv respect. Con.i lering she only arived hero lYo'ii [''upland in September lu>t, dUchar £»*d a i of 1:10(1 Uns of t;oods, rea.lo a voyage to llobart Town witu troops t.h'-n freighted buck with buildinir Mon«. and j.oiv sailed ngnin ui;li a cargo of over8l!') tons on hoird. we r'nin't it i-< iuoi-t e.xtrioi-ilinary und praiseworth v' «ori», ami must havo greatly to do with establishing llie Siam hero as a regular aud punctual trader. The Siam may be expected back here again in September next. The following i< a digest aud estimated value of her cargo : —wool, 2G-5 bal ■« and bugs, ,C 5 11)0 ; kauri gum, 4110 packages and i" •> in bulk, £1u,751 ; sundries, £100 ; foreign piv.m £850 ; total value, £17,200. The fine ship Chilo, (or hotter known as the " I'on Clmhner'.s friguto"), ijaptaiu Stringer, fails for iJunedin to day, to I'ad wool for London. The Chile takes down with her 135 horses and some (100 sheep, to be placed on Air. Robert Graham's run, recently purchased by that, gentleman. Mr. Hobort Graham aud family aieo proceeded on a visit to Otngo by the Chili. We are glad to learn by our last advie-- r • i the Ray of Islands, that the while si.i t . commenced visiting that place again for supplies, &0., and they report others as on their way there, and also to Itiongonui. The ship Bon Accord, of New London, 8 months out, put into Kussell on Monday last; and reported good success, dha was followed next day by thu Sydney whaler Kobort Towns, Capt. Barker, who reported having taken 11U0 barrels since leaving the Bay last season. The s•< s tar of the -outli, has, owing to the low price of sheop in Auckland, been temporarily taken off the trade, and will make several trips to Lyttelton with cattle.

The men of-war now in harbrur aro K.1t1.' 7 .5. Challenger, Commodoro McU-uiro, and 11.M.5.5. Falcon, C'apt tin Blak-o, botli of these vessels leave however for -iustralia to-day. The Brisk, Captain Hope, steamed on Thursday for Wellington, to convrfv his Excellency the Governor to tho Middle Island; and the Salamander, Captain Narea, left the same day fur Capo Yor'ce. i'ho greater part of Wednesday was occupied by holding Courts Martial on board the Brisk. We hear of the followiug promotions : —Mr. fiissing, from Fal"on to be chief engineer of Brisk ; Mr. .->mith from thy Chalienger to be boatswain ot Salamander; Lieutennut Dent, H.M.S. .Salamander, has proceed e l to England by the ship Siaiu. One of perhaps the most important inquiries that has b'-en held under thu terms of the " ftnquirios into Wrecks .Act" was concluded on .Monday at Onehunga on the circumstances attending the casualty and abandoning of the barque Cambodia oil* Manakau on Christmas Day last. The Court returned Captain Croft his master's certificate.

Tho Lireuli'r Saw Liner Novelty, Captain Austin, has beon taken on the North Shore patent-slip during the week for inspection, overhaul, &c. The schooner Success, wc nndorstind, takes part of her cargo from Maiden Ishind down to Napier about tho beginning of tho week. Sho is now tilling up with sawn timber.

Regarding our English ships the only one now remaining in harbour is tho clipper Ida Zieglor, Captain A. Reynolds, which vessel is also rapiulv filling I up for London. Sho will positively sail to her advertised date, 22nd January, and as she possesses superior passenger accommodation, early application is necessary. Tii'i Cossipore, Captain Wilson, is still lying at tho Kaijnra, and not yet commenced to discharge her cargo of machinery. Tho ship Maori, Captain Roberts, is now 10b and tho ehip hleetric, Captain Lewthwaite, 100 days out from London, and may therefore be hourly looked for. News has been received during the week of several wrecks at Fox's Kiver, amongst thetn souio Auckland vessel-. The cutter Volunteer, owned by Messrs. Winks and Hall, of this city and commanded by Capt. Hall, was totally lost on tho bar on the 20th ult.,with the loss of onelife. The other vessels wrockod are tho Isabella, (old), formerly of Onohunga, and schooners Julia, lona, and John Mitchell. By our liiteet advices fom Opotiki via Tauranga, we learn that the schooner Hope is ashore thero, and keiv to become a wreck. Tho cutter Maggie recently stranded, has gone all to pieces. Tho coasting trallic has been pretty brisk during the week and a largo quantity of produce received.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 987, 12 January 1867, Page 4

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Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 987, 12 January 1867, Page 4

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume IV, Issue 987, 12 January 1867, Page 4