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AUCKLAND. Nt.y," Zif.tiAND Hbkald Office, Friday afternoon. Customs receipts for to-day amounted to J6501 Gs 6d. - To day Mr. S. Cochrane sold at auction, by order of the trustees in Mr. W. Chitham's eatato, 62 acres in the parish of Hunua, for 3s por acre; also, 15* years unexpired loaae of ground, with two shops and dwellings erected thereon, opposite the Odd Fellows' Ball, for £375; also, by order of the mortgagee, threa verandah cotlages in Victoria-street, together with the ground on which they stand, for £460. Mr. L. W. Eaton sold at auction to-day, JNorfolk Island potatoes, 7s per cwt.; cheese, 8H to lUd • bananas, 2d per lb. ; maize, 5» 3d to 5s 9d per bushel.

AUCKLAND CATTLE MARKET messrb. hunte u ajtd co.'s weekly bepoet. We have to report at our Yards, on Monday, fat cattle were rather lower in price compared to what they have lately been, a decline of about £2 each • best qualities 45s the 100 lbs. Cattle were in fair supply. The same remark applies to them as to fatthere was a fall of from £1 to £2 a head. There is still plenty of demand for stores, but many of the graziers wore holding off from purchasing on account of the extremely high rates they have been bringingDairy cows were in fair supply, and sold readily • prices we consider are slightly advanced to whit thov have been the laßt month.

Sheep Mabkbt.—Wo had a good show of fat fiheep, both of half-breds from and Provincial fattened merinos j prices still continue high with a good demand; very few stores offering. Otahuhtt SaXiß. —At this market there was a good show of store cattle; prices we consider were higher than on the previous day at Newmarket. All to hand were sold.

Hobse Sale (Saturday last).—At our Yards there was a good muster of draught light harness and saddle horses; prices are looking a little up for good sound useful animals. A good many changed hands Maize.—Sydney, 5s 9d to 60.; bran, Is 6d to Is 6d.

I KR. AiiFRM) backhand'S WEEKLY BEFOET. At the Haymarket, on Saturday last, fodder was much lower in puce. One very choice load of meadow hay brought 4s 3d the cwt., the remainder between Is and 2s 3d the cwt. Barley, 4s 6d the ruahel. ihero wa- .1 good inquiry for draught horses, and all good animate ofFered were sold at prices varying from £25 to £-10 each: horses of medium quality were also in fair request At Otahuhu, on Tuesday, there was a : fair supply of cattle-142 head penned—many of them largef 1? 1, SOld " Grown °*en, from £9 to &LO J 03; "Well-bred steore, two years old 19* 6d to £9 ; cows, £7 15s to £9 • yearlings £4 to £4 5b each. Several quiet cows near their calving were penned, and sold freely, bringing fully as high r.ites as at the Newmarket yards. A pen of half-bred wethers, m their wojl, brought 29s each. At Newmarket, on Thursday, .there were many quiet c.OW3 penned, with a sUady inquby'for them ih a ascription cf cattle are likely their

I price oonsoquent on the demand for new stations. • Kut eattlo were in usual supply, and of good quality. There was not the usual attendance of- buyers, and prices were lower than for many months, the average of tho market, for best quality, being about 37s the lOOlbs. Fat lambs were in full supply, and were lower about 2s per head. Fat sheep were in moderate supply, and maintained their late prices. Pigs abundant, but of coarse quality 5 they were dull of sale. W. J. HUBST & CO.'S PRODUCE. Pbioes Current por Week ending Nov. 2, 1866. Oats.—Feed Oats, 5s 9d and bB. Beed Oats in little demand ; 6s 6d to 7s 6d for best qualities. Maize.—Full stocks', at 5s ; retail, 5s 6d to 5s 9d. Bran.—Flour Mills, Is 3d ; tetail per bag la 6d per bushel. Bablsy.—Best seed at 8s per bushel. Potatoes. —Very few 011 hand; prices are nominal at £9 per ton. Hay.—£s 10s and £6. Oaten £6. Fr.oxm. —Town brands, £16; seconds, £14 ; sharps, £9. Adelaide, £17; Chilian, £16. Bone-dust.—'Very Ecarco at £10 por ton. Dissolved bone manure, at £12 10s por ton; 13s Gd per owt.

Bags.—New, 16s Gd ; second-hand, 14b. Guano.—£lo por ton ; l'2s the owt. Coals.—New South Wales, store, 45s to 50s ; Wangarji, alongside, per cargo 20s j por load at wharf, 25s ; store, 30s. W. J. HUBBT&CO., Produce Brokers, Queen-street. AUCKLAND STOCK: AND SHARE MARKETMB. H. P. STARK'S MPOKT. Business 111 the share market continues inactive, and transactions limited in numbor and amount. The improved tone of tho money market in London, as per advices by the last mail, shows signs of returning confidence in commercial circles, and will ha7e its effect on this sharemarket, which of late has been rather dull, owing to the dearness and scarcity of money. Banks. —As will be seen by the printed reports, the Bank of New Zealand has had another very successful half-year's business, and declared a dividend and bonus at tho rate of 17 per cent. The value of thess shares has not been at all affected by the late money panic. The nearer approach of the halfyearly meeting of the Bank of Auckland has caused some sellers 4 to withdraw, and given a very slightly firmer tone to the shares.

Insurance Companies.—A few New Zealand Insjranco shares ore offering, but are not pressed on tho market. Rollers of Auckland Insurance shares find them difficult to place. The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company has commenood business here, and from the eminent commercial names connected with it, is evidently supported by some of the most influential parties in England and this colony. Applications for shores ore to bo made to tho managing director (D. L. Murdoch, Esq.), up to 31st December, and on allotment £2 10s per. share will bo required. Minks.—Transfers in mineß have been limiiod, notwithstanding the successful yields of gold this month, the Coromandel Gold Mining Company having sent up 496 07.9., and the Kapangft Company 450 oza. Tho following are current quotations of business done:—

H. P. Stark, Sliare Broker, Auckland November, 2, 1566. Mb. J. t, oablick's Bsroux. Tho share markot opened this week with a downward tendency, and has still an inclination that way. Baak of New Zealand shares were quitted by mo early in the week at £16 10a.; but since the issue of the Director's half-yearly roport, which was most satisfactory, holders are demanding 1 £17. My other transfers have been : Bank of Auckland, £5 55.; Gas Company, £4: 10s. Mining shares are commanding attention, in consequence of the arrival last Saturday of 448 ounces of gold from tho Kapanga Company's claim, the yield of one month, and 420 ounces from tho Coromandel Gold Mining Company s claim, the result of twelve days' crushing. The following table will shew the closing prices of our securities:—

J. Tonson Garlick, ■vt » „ Share Broker. November 2,1860. . AUCKLAND PROVISION MARKETS. RETAIL PRICES. The following are tho selling prices by the Auo k land dealers:— PARM AKD DAIRY PRODUCE. s. d. s s d. s. d. s d Milk, quart, 0 6to 0 0 Geoso, each 6 0— 70 Butter lb. fr. 1 6— 0 0 Turkeys, oh. 6 0 7 0 Cheese (col.) 10—13 Bacon, ib. 10—13 Eggs, dozen 13 —00 Ham 1 6—l 9 Lard, pel lb. 1 0— 1 3 Potatoes, cwt. 60 —66 Fowls, pair 5 0— 6 0 do. new, lb. 0 I—o2 Ducks, pairfr. 50to 60 | Green Peas, pk 3 6 4 0 BUTCHERS MEAT. Beef per lb. o s—o 8 | Pork, per lb. 08- 9 Mutton, lb. 0 G— 0 8 Bread, 4d ' 4Jd per 21b. loaf. COLONIAL PRODUCE. Buying prices as correoted by the Auckland dealers, November 2, 1866. j •d B,d< B,d * b. d. s. d. Butter, porlb. 1 3—o 0 Ducks 46— 60 Cheese 10 — 1 3 Geese 5 0 CO Eggs, per doz. 1 0— 0 0 Turkeys 4 6-56 Lard, per lb. 0 0— 1 0 Bacon (col.) 0 9—l 0 Fowls per pr. 3 6— 4 6 Hams \ 3 _i 6 Potatoes, £4 to £A ss. BREADSTUFFS. The Mills.—Fine flour (wholesale), £16 per ton • Z,Ton' it' 3 : bran > 13 3 d - (Retail) fi ne flour, 18s W ? ci S ' ! s t Go " d8 ' ISs do.; sharps, £Bpr. ton ; bran, Is 6d per bushel. Henderson & Maoparlane.—Adelaide flour, wholesale, £16 per ton ; Californian £16. Koblky & Rusbell.—Fine flour (wholesale), £16 per ton; seconds, £13. Fine flour (retail) ISs • seconds, 15s. Wholesale, sharps, 9s ; bran, l's 6d' J. & J. Soppbtt. —Fine flour (wholesale), £10 per ton; seconds, £13. Fine flour (retail), 18s per 100 lbs ; Beconds, Iss do.; sharps, 9j do.; bran, Is 6d p«r bushel. '

„ H -„ Partington.—Beat fine flour, wholesale £16. KeUil—Fine flour, 18s. 6d ; bran, la 9d ; flour £18; seconds, £18; Mtize, 6b 6& Biseuits, retail. 22s : 20a.

C.' F. PABTtffOToN.—Chifiap flour (retail), 20a per 100 lbs. ; Adelaide, ditfid, 22s ; sharps, 10n ; bran Is 9d per bushel; biscuits (best cabin), 18s per 100 lba.; ditto (navy), 16s j fancy, Bd. .

HAY MARKET. A. Buokland. —Beat oaten hay (pressed), £6 ; loose, £3 to £3 10s ; olover hay, £3 10a to £4; straw, 60s the cwt. ; maize, 5s 64 to 6s 5 seed oats, 7s 6d ; bran, Is 8d per bushel. M. Sombbvuxe. — Wholesale—Hay, £1 to £i 10s; straw, £3 10b ; maize, (crushed and whole), 6s 6d to 5s 9d ; oats, (feed), 5s 6d to 6s ; do., (seed), 6s to 6s 6d j bran, Is 3d. Kotail—Hay, , per cwt.; straw, 6s ; maize, tss per bushel ; oas,a (feed), 6s to 6s 6d; do., (seed), 7s; brau, la 6d per bushel.

D. K. Clarkbon. — Wholesale — Maizo, 6s 9d; feed oats, 5s 6d ; Tasmanian seed oats, 6s Gd ; barley, 5s 6d ; bran, Is 3d per bushel; hay, 4s 6d ; straw, 3s; chaff, 6s to.Bs per owt. Retail—Maize, 6s; oats, 6s; Tasmanian seed oats, 7a ; barley, 6s; bran, Is 6d per bushel; hay, ss; straw, 4s ; chaff, 6s to 8s 6d ; flour, Auckland brands, 10a 6d per 100 lb. Stone Brothers.—Wholesale—Hay, £4 10s, oaten (pressed) £10; oats, 6s Od; maize, 6s 3d; bran, Is 3d. Retail—Hay, 6s; oats 6s 6d ; maize, 6s 6d ; bran, Is 6d, barley, 6s. KAURI GUM MARKET. Quantity received this week :—3l tons. Ordinary scraped in kits from 183 to 243 ; good quality, clean scraped in cases from 30s to 353 ; Waikato gum well scraped, 18s to 20s ; Papakura do. do., 20s to 225. BUILDING MATERIALS. Tmbbh.—Boards and scantling, per 100 feet, 9s to 10a; boards, tongued and grooved, lis to 13s ; broad timber, 12s to 15s. Posts, £4 10s; Rails, £2 10s; 6-foet palings, 16s ; 5-feet palings, 12s 5 shingles, 10s; New Zealand palings, lis; do. shingles, 10s to 12s. Brioks por 1000, wholesale, £3 15s delivered, retail, £3 5a to £i (warranted) delivered. Limb, pw bushel, Is 3d to is 6d, dolivered ; atone lime, in roach, 3s per bushel; wholesale, is id. AUCKLAND COAL MARKET. Receipts this week from Wangarei —90 tons ' Price—3ss per ton, delivered. Receipts from Newcastle, N.S.W.—SO tons.— Price—sos per ton, delivered, (full supply).

_____ Capita!. Am *- A-™}* quota. pr.shr. paid. pr. shr. Bank of New Zealand £500,000 £10 £10 £10$ xd Bank of Auckland 100,coo 10 5 io — New Zealand Insurance ... 250,000 100 £22 Auckland Insurance Company 350,000 100 — — N. Z. Steam Xav. Co., limited.*. 250,000 lo io Auckland Gas Company 20,000 6 5 —. Auckland Saw Mill Company... 10,000 50 O — Ijnion Sash «fe Door Company. 25.000 5 5 N. Z. Loan & Mercantile Co... 500,000 25 2J — GOLD 1UNE8. Capital. Am ,' t Al ?, t - y pr.shr paid. quoK&panga Gold Mining Comp. £10,000 £10 £a 10 ~ Coromandel Ditto 5120 15 £15 0 — Waihau Ditto — 5 £5 0 —

to §* Kft « Capital £ »g Public Companies. §•§ *§ 3 •S S CO CH Q O^t £ £ £ b. JBanfo— Cent: £ s. d. ?22'22S 10 10 0 Bank of New Zealand ,. 17 1010—17 100,000 io 5 10 Bank of Auckland .. 10 6 5 0 Insurance— 100 22 0 N.Z, Insurance Company 10 23 0 0 160,000 100 3 10 Auckland ditto 10 — Miscellaneous— 250 000 10 10 0 N.Z. Steam Nav. Co. .. 10 20,000 5 6 0 Auckland Gas Company. — 4 10 0 10,000 50 50 0 Auckland Saw Mill Co.,. 7A 25,000 5 5 0 UnlonSash&DoorCo. ►. 10 — Mining Companies— Share 10,000 10 8 10 Kapanga Gold Mining Co. £3 0 0 1015--11 13,750 25 15 0 Coromandel do. do. — 7,500 5 3 0 Waihaii do. do. —.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 928, 3 November 1866, Page 4

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Commercial. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 928, 3 November 1866, Page 4

Commercial. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 928, 3 November 1866, Page 4