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KATE'S WOBKDEtii/S PILXS. TKT"> MEDRXDSIS, which has been . Known throughout the United Kingdom, for nearly half a century, and recognised by all who hare tried it to be the , BEST PtmiFIEB OF THE BTXJOD, 13 admirably adapted to supply a great want—that of : a remedy always at hand, easy of application, aid 'certain in its results. * From their largely extended' sale and general adoption, they may be fairly classed as a Household necessary. ; * ! Sold by all Chemists and other dea ere in Patent Medicines. '■ ■■■■■ '■!. .'Agents for Hew Zealand: —Wellington, Mr. Chai. I). Barraiid; Auckland, Mr. Henry Potter: .'.TtOUGHS, ASTHMA, 'and INClPrfei COJTSUMPTION are effectually cured by KEATIKG'S CODGH liOZENGE?, which are. daily Recommended: by. the Eacuity—Testimonials from the ino3t eminent of; \vhoji may ba inspected—as the most effectual, safe, speedy, and convenient remedy for Cough and all Disorders of tho Lungs, Chest, and Throat. . Sold in Boies and Tins, of various sizes, by T. Keating, Chemist, 79, Pt. Paul's Churchyard, Loa'don. Sold retail by all Druggists, See. PURIFY THE BLOOD. ! .. .S.E.C USE GO OD. HE ATH,' !TVO Ii lOWA 1" ' S PI L LS. ... PORE BLOOD: . .As the vital.flhid when in a healthy state sustains and renovates.every.pdrt of the sjstera, it is abundantly manifest that i any.medicine' which does not act powerfully upon the blood, can never exterminate rooted disease.. •. . THE HEAETrLusGS, ASPBOWXLS. This medicine acts immediately uponali these : miiri3prinzt of life;stimulating an I restoring themto a healthyactipp. It is the: greatest purifier of.the. blood ever known.; 1 . has, the larjrost sale of any . medicine iri ; the world ;andis advertised in every language, and 13 used by iaU classes from pole to.pole. Gb>"era£ : Disorders of .the Litter and Stomach. The average duration of human life might be 'almost, doubled by. giving careful attention to ,what we eat and drink* but aa few will exc j rcise this Vcaution .w-erinust; have at ,hand -ait , eaectual remedy for':restoring, those great .the liver andstomadti. to Such as indulge air table, either in eating.or drinkihg/.should take! about: one of those famous Pills atbedtim'e, from-which will result a clkp head liandj a stomich the following morning. : Thousands of : ladies are always complaining of sick heidaches, want .of appetite, wiut of Energy aihd a yrant.of strength .; to cocect all these evils, three four of. thesey Pills: shoMd be. twice :a'Weekvwheh : they'would' eujby the heairh aad.appetiie pf a ploughman. Fejiax'es or all Aces. CLis3*s. We fame of .dttriibrdlnary pills ia partly based upon, the beneficial Effects they have upon .■■'the . constitutions of females- :pb tnictiofis 'of any kind,\ either in youiig persons Or those betweeu flirty or fifty years .of zap. -the*most'.critical pefi6d : 'bf iife-riaiay be radically removed by' u=ihg these, pills. . acceding to the printed directions, which..accompany each box. Young persons with sicklv and sallow- complexions, and even niotliers. of.a simi appea: ance,. may have the bippmof heiH'h restored to their cheeks this wonderful corrective, which.purifles. the, blo6d ; and expel 3 all gross and, ; impure humours from, the . systeih> ' Beware ;theVi of the age from: forty :o fifty, it sends so; many .thousand mothers to a .premature .girdve,Wrth&je. pills, should be .taken at that. period! bf life nvo or three;tinies a week, .'and; by so doing there is little to fear. . , CHRILDREN* .AND THEIR AIiXEXTS.. The.meaSels, the small-pox. ihe whooping-cough, .and the many complaints to which children are heirs,slioiUd be treated as follows: .motners when they see such : disease approaehirig bruise two or three of. these pills,, according to the : age 6f the cliiid, giving them night and a Httla water in the, form of a powder; this meliciae wttl reinoveiand cure all complaints incidental to,childhoodWant op Strength Ayo EviE-Y. Persons of sedentary habits, or trouble in m;nd, or working. I'll factories or coal: pit-, or such osiers who cannot obtiin that arhount o»:iresh air and excercwe. which naturereq'iire*, suffer from, weakness and' debUity, lo**ness of. spirits and want of appetite,.. AH such should take a.djse or tvvo.of these' .Rill* every three or four days, as t »ey.act gently and effectually oa the syiterhi. imparting vigour and energy: to «the Iwdy; wnich ,i 3 always followed .by : a good appetite, soua 1 and refreshing sleep, with a.high flowof >pirits. Every -family-and.traveller ..shpuld'keepa box of these invaluable piU* by theua against any era erge n ciies. i tolloway'i Pills are the best;,remeJy known in the world for ttte following' diseases '' " Ague female Irregnlan- Scrofula—Kangi 1 Asthma .-'ties ■ % • : Evil' . Bilious Complaints. Fevers of all % Sfone4--Gravel. Blotches on the skin G<)ut .Secondary Spmp* Bowel.Complaints Headache • .toms..'Colics Indigestion .Tic-Doalotireax Constipation of .the: Inflammation 'i umours Bowels .f?undice ■ Ulcers. Consdmpdon Complaitit ,Venereal. Affections Debility JL.umbas'o r. of all Kinds Dropsy Piles . : .'Weakness froth. Dysentery , Rheumatism' ' whatever causa. Erysipelas 'Retention of Urine^ ■. &c.»' &<X Fits I.Sore Xliroats. * Sold at the EsUbiishment of .Professor Hollowat,. 244, Strand, (near Temple Bir.y ; v by iiU,respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine Uie civilized vporldl *.*' There is. considerable saving; taKng thej largest..sizes, N.B.—Directions for.'the guidance of jpatiehts in every disorder are affixed to each box. . /

W AUXIXG n—Do you suffer from physical incapacity ? Are. you suffering from ii-rvu '.s debili:y? Hiv-- you bseri the jrullty victim of any.secret'yics?'' Do yod- sinfer frbm a, setof symptoms nearly akin more,or less to tlie. fol'o'wins?; A condition, of health, not lyit positiyely 1 ill,.'.bat & feeling up »n you.tbat you are not quite: milaise,. a tea- . aency to de-spDndency; a. sslUUt: occasional loss Of .memory; sometimes a.weakness across tiie.sniaU of the back and loins; or waking with a feeling as if .iihrefresUed'; agehbral. depression;, a want of pluck,, as it were.; , leas .desire. : for .business, than formerly anil you are.troubled with a .certain feeling 'I 'nervoiisne*s;"a loss of power? • Ifyoii wdriie<l:in:time;you have now the, means and.oppoi;tunir><of restored to health. It.iis atthis stage thit.ypur nlUease,by a timely application of'remedies and regimen, can be eradicated;-aiid your system invigorated; vour . manhood restored to that .stati ithat you may and dm fiilfil the duties required of,you by vour sr>cial and moml;being.. Be warned also to whom you apply. There .aw, tWo rocks: .upon . whibh you may split—tho one'beins the legally quilifiid practitioner, who, aithoukli fully qualjfi--d -iy.hi< knowledge of his profession to treit ttie vanous general ailmenti of> humanity, yet;is : totally ignorant (as the majority of them. 'unfortadateljr are) of.this peculiar brunch of his • science,' the : rea3on ; \beibff that .he his never made it his peculiar study, and ths ; other rock is,the blatant charlatan and quack;\who preys upoh' tbef pockets and lives. of. his victims : Tnese individuals, assume lities to which they havemt the pretension* and are, for the.most: part, men even without ordinary cominon, rudiinehti of education,.who. by their .force of impudencf ,and y ruin the small.rernains. of <health of : tlie, poor deluded victim. . Dr. ;L. L. Sill TG; who has been established siiice 1851, lias stepped, perhaps, be acknowledges, out ol the routine.;of hia ; Drofeission. by .thas advertising l ; but he deems it better, to give itui unfortunate. feUow-being ; who, has . erred (once, perhaps,, only in the course^of.tiis life) at.least being capable of discriininatiug for himselfi.of ascertaining for. himself but of . the mass of charltan'tsm, at laast one practitioner . wh'6 Uas. devoted his time,. .money, and study to this peculiar branch: of his profession. yand one who is a legally ; qualified practitioner and Tueraber of the Medical Board of Victoria.. Dr; Ij., L. SMITH has now been in practice in .Victoria fdc the last fourteen : years. " He. was formerly! a! pupil and prac- . under the celebrated; Dr. .Culvenvell of well knowri forVhis,the treatment of those diseases for. which L^llemand,' Ricord, and himself were. contemporaries;. Dr. ,L. L.. Smith; has the 'raost extensive ./.practice, extending; throuzh the whole of Victona; New, South : Australia, Tasmania, ahd New Zealand.. DrMi. L*. Sraith has now estabUshed this ertensive practice through hia admirable system of corresponding by letter; By encloaing aone pound bank-rriote, ;in answer and consultation is immediately rettxmed'by next-post'. Three hours in ibe day are continuonily thisbranch of Dr.,;SMiTH's practice. .DK. Xu Li SillTH'S .establishments,are well known to.all visitors to Yictoria. His extensiyie library for referente has even been: praised by the press.:- His extensive.anr atomical museum, is well-knowh l iand Dr. L; L; Smith's reputation alone'as a lecturer ori pnysiologicaland anatomical subjects, is sufficient security; to "the public : that .those, wbo entrust their cases in his- hands will." to say the leasc, : have a guarantee that they tplace them in tbe cara of one who.iS:.wcU acquainted with anatomy and physioloey, of the human body arid itis mysterious workings, and. therefore. Irrespective of his reputation for 1 curing; tuese : diseases, he isat.least a competent/person to attempt, to. cure them. , Dr, L. Lf:Smith takes the gr&test precautious to avoid, publicity .being given, as to hjcoghitidh from whence the correspondence'comes. He : has beeii now fourteen yeare in practice at Victoria; and hot one ever been m-»de public., Dr., L<. L, Smith ca«» be consulted by le , : ; E>r. I>. Lv SsiiTfi; L. S A., first prizeman iri the prinoiplei ..and practice of medicine; first prize for surgery ;'nrst prize for. anatdmy liospital ; , first prizeman ,ior. chemistryfirst . .certificate. 1 , for mid«wifery i ; aiid inember.of the Medical Board of Victoria. J ,, : 192 B mrkerstreet Easty, Melbourne, Victoria;,' .. Dir: Smith, 192 Bourke-:3treet East, ilelbodme. , , The following works by:Drl L. L. Wraithcaabe obtained direct from, the author, 6a.encl6amg stainpß,Gd extra postage Impotence and Sterility. 4s 6d ; Obstades to ilarnage, 41 ; 6d.. ;;Mearis ,of Prolohging' Lifei, 2s. 6d;;. How to Get Fat and. ; How to Qet Thinls!;' &c. -&c..

"THE NEW ZEALAND HF.RA.riT)." TERMS OP ADVEETISEiCENTS. ' Three linea ••• m li.W* Pour lines ... .... «•« •*•. ■, . I*. t lines ... ... ... , ... ... M And 2d. for each additional Una. SOBBCBIFTIOH , . 168. per Quarter; single copies 3d. each «a" Advertisements "Will bo received at the Office, Wjnd» ham-street, and the nu.nber of: insertions, required, mast b<B clearly written on tho copy, otherwise they-will bo inserted until countermanded and charged accordingly..

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 873, 31 August 1866, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 873, 31 August 1866, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 873, 31 August 1866, Page 8