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AND OTHERS. c f ; BOiiyrlisr v BOLIVIAN.^GiJAKa^ ■■■■"■ ... ■&■ ■■ rjp':o. .;! :T||^?'M;;it,unn i e^seßTy4oa i dd>;word:''b , £. : tlieii , .;o»ii il_/. .in; of-tHisv best ■of tall ; PHp3p.ii4'jß trCLi/NQS,but cahnbtrefrain; from .submitting, f or , thoyceneideraiipri".of; Farmersj; the Testimpniai pf 6 ne of: ttieir owii. body, SO;long anf.favburubiy known to ;tkem. . ■« : ■■' ■.(■.■■.:■■ 'V Z~-" ■-,>■;■ ■-.' ' ■ ■' . ... .. . .. "Mangarei, 20th iTnlyj 1866 \7?.j;v:ilimsT;&:Co. '".Gentlemen, —At your ie quest, I ,ha T e mnch in testifying to. the merits o£ the Botirnir ''Gc^-jD.''Z;'iißceiyed : > frpm^yqa.. "i jised about two. the acre; on a field of thirty, iicres, sown with Grasses,'&ape;:arid I'urnip I. ..must, confess there is quite, an unusual floW'nf the. and Ti«nipj.the,Ukc,o.f ; wMch., t have not eeen before. ... ~,.■.■"■"" •*?".'{'■'■■:■: ..'-K ■.■■■.■;■. ■, "The field'is operi. for/the inspection; of ary . one. who! may wish to see it.' ■ : . ; "T am,, yours respectfully, "JOHK WaXIACE." As the quantity on hand is. limited, W. J. H. & Go. . request those who desire it'.fpr tlie Potato Crop to book, thoir Orders'at price. \ %■.-...::, W. f., ErtTE$T & CO., Auckland Coal and iPotatp l)epot (Opposite Cruicfcshankj Smart i Go.) QUEE EOK THE .MiLtlblf; HOLL O\V A f'S OI if Til; EN T. IS HOILOWAY'S .OINTMENT eOpb OR BAB.? IF baa, would the whole community in ; all. of tlie world allow themse|ves to be grossly deceived or imposed upon :for it quarter of! a century? It 'must be ..apparent that fie medical profession in every climate in duty pound, . make their, voices heard against , it. Would it be toieratea ■ tliatmillions shpuTdiuyit and. use it, , year' after-year if there . Was.nnytliing. ibetter to: be: had , . prSyerp it hot.novv known to be tlie .-.most powerful reiriGdy. ever discovered for .the cure of, wpiin4 s vsofes,.sk , ih.dise , ase.Svandptrierexterna , lailin-nts? Let any one ask himself tlie question and' decidi for himselt jjj I (JOKTHACTED OS. SriPP JptNTS. All tho medicines, in the. London dispensaries would rarely benefit, much less cure, any chronic cases, of contract'-fl or stiff joint's; whereas if. this inyaluable OintmSnt , be eitl-qtaally Tubbea into such parts twibe a day the benefit will be Sm- . rnense. Paralytic patients even can derive' advantagsi from remedy, and otlief, ISCOEKUT 1C HIvBOCBS.—SCiLD .HEAnSAtfD S <IN.DIeEASKS. Scorbutic humours arise frpm.:an ; impure state of tlie blood, and. in most cases tlie liver and stoniiich .are .the organs .at : fault. Tlip'rH's^.heaithyaction.: while the ; Ointment if well rubbed :in at. least twice, a day mil. Eoon cure any .ciise of the above classes of skin disease, by totally eradicatink tliem from the system... Soldiers, sailors, ■ andminers ,, use'tnis famous Ointment in till parts of the world. DROPSYBeware of this dangerpus and stealthy '.'complaint, whici frequently creeps upon us at a.simple swelling of the feet, and very little notice is taken of this uerhaps till , the legs begin to swell: I'herc, ajain, the root of the evil must tie looked for in.the ,, liver and stomach;' .therefore set , v> work earnestly by takins these famous the printed directions; aridbyruiibiiig'the.Ointment very effectu illy.into the swollen parts. Live principally upbriysplidsj avoiding tbe ' use Bf slops, aiid everything.that jvill derange , a n a liver. 'Mps.t-cases'-r.eajiily yield to. the .combined influence of the :Pills and' Ointment. ' ". . DisoanEßs op the krpHEys.sT.bN-EiKD gkavei. In any of the abrive. complaints more, benefit may be derived in hours by ad'>ptihgthe.above simple means.than is frequently brought a'jput in six months by. any other treatment. In bad.caseSi if a small pot of Ointment be rubbed into the small of the back, over the region of the kidneys, it will quickly peherate, and. in most, cases, give immediate relief; liiit .perseverance: is necessary toeffecta.cure. Six or eij;lit of ' the tills should be taken., nightly Whoevertries'these Pills'and yihtmentswillriptdo so in-run, but, on the contrary, .the result will be inpst wonderful. DLEHTHBKXA, 80BE THBOATS.ETCi Tliese. cases are of sp. serious and flreqiieritly of so dangeroin a.nature.that the.Ointment..would not , be recommended. u:ile<s theiproprielprwas sure, of its effect. It will cure wiieu esery other means may fail if applied iminediately, and not when the patient is beyond recovery. It Is a sovereign remedy for : sore thro.ati under any circutn.jtances.: Any settled couehs cold on the chest, or whee.sing, even if of twenty .years'.standing will be promptly removed, llptliers should rub this fiinirkable Ointment into: .the che. t Pf their infant , , .wlieneyei" there, may be any hoarseueap. tightness, or ariytUing else Affecting "the bri>athir,gprother.ivil!e! ■ ■ ■ Both the. Ointment and , Pills should be used in the following cases i-^-Bad Legs Gofnsfsoft) Rheumatism Bad Bieasts Cancars Scalds Burns Contracted andStifl Sore Nipples Bunions Joints Sore Tiiroats Bite of Jlpsquitoes Ele jhantiasis Skirt Disease-! and Sandflies Fistulas . Seurvy . Gbut Sore Heads Gliie?o-Fbot GlandularSweUirigs Tumours. Chilblains. Lumbago Ulcers Chapped Hands Piles "'ounds, taws N.B;v-Directionsfpr the guidance of patients in every di - ord-r are affixed to each pot. Sold at fhe Establislimertt of Professor Holloway, 244 Strand (near Tempie Ba'rJ. Lpnddn; also by all respectablb' Dealers iu Medicine taroiighpui the civilized . world. *♦* There is a considerable siying by takinft sizes.

WARNING ! !—Do you suffer from physical incapacity? Are you suffering from nervous debility? , (Iws you bSeri , the , guilty victim oflinyisecret vice? Dp yoil suffer from a. setof symptom* nearly akin more.or less to the following .— A pretty .fair condition of health, notyefc -positively ill, but a feeling; up:.nyoil that you are not quite right, a .milaife u ten-dency-to despondency; a slight ocsasiorial , loss of memory; sometimes a weakness across the small of the back and loins;. or waking: wit.h.S f»eling asif nnrefreshe:l.;.a -general depression ;. a want .of pluck, as it were. , ; less desire fjr business thah fcmeriy and-you are troubled with a certain feeling jf nervousne-s, a. loss of power ? If ynu are to. be warned in time, yiia have npjv the means and opportunity of Seinjj restored to health.. It: i 3at this stags thatyour disease, by a timely application of remedies and regimen,, and your system .invigorated, your ' manhood.restored to that state- that; .'you. may and cap. fulfil the duties required ofyou by 'your social'and.moral beipg;. Be warned also to whqni There arc two .rocks-Cpon which you niay one being, the legally qualifi.'.d nbictit'oner, who* although fully clu:iliti:di>y his knowledge of his profession to treat the various general ailments .of huminity, yet is ,, totally ignorant (is tlie majority of them unfortunately are) of this, peculiar brahpli of liis science, the ■reason bein? that he has never made if. his .peculiar .study, ..and the other rock is the'blatant charlatan and quack, who preys upon the ■ po.ckets ana lives of his victims Tiiese. individuals assume titles to they h;ive nit ; tlieili<;'hte.3t pretension, and are, for the most part, men even without the ordinary common rudiinenw of education, who, by.thejr force of impudenc; and aditertisinKi.irretHevabJy r.iii'n the smaltremairis p't health of the pobr deluded victim. ■ '■ . . Dri L. L:. S3llTH,.>rhohas. been established since 1851, has stepped, perhaps, he acknowledges; out of thfe routine of his professipn by thus advertising.; but he deems, it better to giro an unfortunate; fellow-beiiis "who has erred (oiice, perhaps, only ia the course, pf his'life) an iippprtunity of \at least beins; capable of discriminating, for himjelf, of :.ascer.taining for himself out of the mass of cliarltahism. , at least pni? practitioner who lias devoted his t.i.ihei mpney.iand/study to this, peculiar : branch of "his , profession; and , .one "'a' leßally qualitied practitioner and member of the Jledical.Bpafdbf Victoria. Dr. li. . L.. SIIITII has now been in practice in Victoria for the last fourteen, years; He was formerly a. pupil andpraCT tised under the celebrated Dr: CulverivoU qf Londohi so will Uno>ra for .bis. skill in ■ , thp. , tr.eatmem;oftho?e for which : lialiemand. .Kicqrd, , arid .himself were, ■contemporaries. Dr. Ij. ; L; : Sm;th his the- most , 'extensive, practice.' extending : thrpUKh the whole of Victoria,' New , ' Sout h ,. \Valos, Souta Australia, Tasmania; : and New.Zealand. Dr. %.■ Li. Spith has now established.this extensive practice tlirougli his: admirable system pf <orrespondihg by 'letter. ..By ehclosini; ?j'one pound bank-note, iih answer arid consultation U immediately returned by noxt post; Three are <:.;itinuouily deyqted to this branch of Dr. Smith's practivv;. Dr. li. li. SJllXH'S..establishments are well known to all visitors to Victpria. : Hij Extensive library ior reference has even been praised by the publib press. His .extensive anatomical ixiiiseuin: is well,known i and Dr. L. 1.. Smith"!.reputation alone as.ii lecturer on .piiysidlosicalandaniitoniicai subjects' is sufficient security tq the public that those who entrust, their, cases in his bands will, to.saj; .the.leasc, have a gnaranice ttiat .they place them in the care pf one who is well acquainted with the anatomy, and .physiology'of the. human body dnd its.mysterious workings, and, tiierefore; irrespective of his reputation, for curing these diseases,.he is "at least a competent person to attempt tp cure. them.. j)>; L: L: Ssiitu takes, the , greatest .precautions to , avoid; publicity being . Riven as to feqbghitibii from whence' the correspondence comes, lie has' been now fourteen, years-ih-practice it Viotbri'a, and not one single ever been iriide public; Dr. JL.'I., Shiiii can be consulted; by jctt'er—fee.El. .'. .... St., L.: U, ; Smitu, li.S:. A., first prizeman inthe principles and pracUceibf'mcdicine.; , .first.pfize. '^Urgery , ; .first priza for anatomy arid physiology, Hospital; first .prizeman. Tor chemistry; first certitlcate :for mid-wiferyi and membef of. the Medicalßoard of Victoria; 192. Bourkeistieet East, Melbourne, Viptoria. Dr; L..L...Smith, 192 Bburke-stree; East;. ITelbburne. . The following: works by Dr.! L. L. Smith can be bbtained , direct, from the .author,- ou euclosmg.stain i js,6d , eia , a postage ■■"'■' ■"" ■"■' ■ "■■■■■ ; ■■■■■- ; Impotence and Sterility. 4s 6d.; Obstacles to ilarriage, 4s. ed; s alearis-pf Prblbiigipg tife; 2s. 6d.;Hotv to Get Pat -and : Huw to Get Thin; ls>; &c. &c. ... VfTHE. NEW IZEAIiANI) HEiSAIiD:" TEEMS DF ADTEETIHESrEinpS. 1.. Three.line» ... ... ... ..i *.. in. 94. jour .>, .<. : •*• ..« «•. ' ; le..e<S. t lines .... .;.-■'■■-... ■■■:.: .«• ■' 5 3si>ei: And 2d; for.each additional line. STrBBQMPTipif , lSa.per Quarter ;euigle copies 3d; each ear Aavertisementß' , wiill be .rep.eived'.at; the. OBLcii \Vynd« iam-streei;.and v tbe of insertions reqiiired must be clearly written on the copy, otherwise they will be: inserted untilcountermanded , .; ■~;»:

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 872, 30 August 1866, Page 6

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Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 872, 30 August 1866, Page 6

Page 6 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 872, 30 August 1866, Page 6


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