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Shipping Intelligence.


TTKiTßEß.—August S—Fins. Wind Southerly. VESSELS IN HATtBOUB. Benjamin Heape, barque, from Sydney. Flying Huck, schooner, from Melbourne. Free Trader, barque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Held S. Page, from Gladstone, Queensland. ■Jane, 6chooncr, from Taur<inga. Kenilwortb, schooner, from New Caledonia. Monarch, ship, from London. Mapere, schooner, from the Great Barrier. Prince Regent, barque, from Newcastle, N.B.W. Peru, Bremen barque, from St. Antonio. Queen of the North, whip, from London. Kits, brig, from Sydney. Bob Hoy, ship, from London. "Venus, brig, from Tulchuuno, Chili. Star of tho South, f.s , from Napier. f lhano of Fife, schooner, fiom Xapier. ZiJlah, schooner, from 'lahiti. VK3SICI.9 EXPECTED. H.M.S.P. Challenger, from Plymouth. H.M.S.S. Fclip-'e, f'Oin Sjdney. H.M.S.S. Curn<;oa. from "-'vdtuy. H.M.S.S. Etk, from Wellington. Albatros", echo >ner, from Danedtn, "tiled 2"Uh inst. Banshee, schooner, from '.delaide, s»i'ed.luly lt>. Eliza barque, from New-astle, .*.W., 1 d p., 5346. Constance, barque, from California, 2 d.p. 6279. Cowipore, c«liip. from l.ond.oi, 3»i p., &9i7. ' Ida Zeigler, ship, from London, 3d p. 76. Hebe, brig, from Newrn^lle. Junn, ba*que, from Newca -tie. Lord Ashl-y, s.s., from the due sth instint. .Meteor, schooner, f-om Canterbury, 1 d p., 8371, •ailed 18th instant. Novelty, barque, from Sydney. 2 d.p., 6421. Norwood, ship, from London, 2 d.p-, 9455, sailed April 28 Pakeha, tirisr, from Taranaki. sailed 19th instant. Pegasus, ship, from London, t d p., 9-153, sailed May 26 Siam. shin, from London, 2 d p, 819. Trieste, linriiK l , f orn 2 d.p., 9847. Talbot, slap, from l.ondon, 1 d.p., 1470, sailed •ipiil 18. Wiutsrthur, ship, from l.ondon, 2 d.p. 5953. PU()J FA.TKD I)KPA RTFKKB. Queen of thn North, (or London; Peru, for Valparaiso; Tenus and Flying Ru.k, lor Guam ; Free Trader, and Kit-i, for •-vdney; Prince urgent, for Wellington ; H. -■? Page, for liladstone, Queensland j Star of the Soti-h, s.s., for Napier. ARItl V VL J . AUGUST 3—Star of the e outh r 117 tons, RendaM from N»p ; er, with catt.'e and sheep.—J. t>. Macfarljne agent. 3—Mapere schooner, 32 tons, 'i'hnaites, from the Great Barrier, with s.iwtr tiivber. DEP\KTUt<E3. AVOP -T 3—Glimpse, cutter, 38 tons, for Wangarei, with sundries, 4 pas^enuers 3—Dolphin, cutter, 40 ton?, Thompson, foi Napier, "With gawn timber. " x.' irauxij <.OJ. V» ISE. AUGUST 3—Janet Grey, from Meicury Bay, with 23,100 ieet timber, 3 passengers ; Ben Nevis" from Cabbage Bay, with 12,500f-et timber; Jane, from I'ovtrtv Bay, with 14 head cattle 20 cas s pork, 1 case hams 2 bags bacon, 7 calabashes lard ; .Tes-ie, from Waiheki, with 15 tons fi ewood, 2 passengers; Petrel from Coromandel, with 12,000 feet timber, 309 021' gold, 4 passengers. OUTWARDS COASTWISE. AUC.CST 3—Jessie, for Waiheki, in ballast ; Petrel for Corotnandel, with sundries, 3 passengers • ' Ben Nevis, for Cabbage B .y, in ballast ; Olimpse, for Wangarei. with Mindries, 4 passengers ; Sarah Alice for Coromandel, in ballot; O- pheu-. for Coromandel with sundries, 4 paai-enaejs ; Janet. Grey, for Mercury Bay, with sundries, I passenger; Dot. for .rakin, wjtu aundriee, 2 passengers. INWARDS IN r'ERPROTINCIAL AUGUST . anG Fife, 121 tons, Hughes, from Napier in ballast, 2 passengers.— Cruickshank, Smart & Co' OUTWARDS INTER-PROVIXCIAL. AUGUST 3—Dolphin, 17 ton", T.-.mpson, for Napier via Cabbage Bay, with 15.0G0 feet timber—Butt and Andersen, agents. 3—Prince Kegent, 257 tons, McLichlan, for Wellington, with 280 tons coal.—lltnderson und Maefarlane agents.

OUTWARIH FOREIGN. AUGUST 3—THjing Buck, 143 tons, Brown, for Gran, in ballast.—3. Woolley, agi-nt. AHEIVAL OF THE STAR OP THE SOUTH. The a.?. Star of the South, Cap ain Bendall, arrived in lia-bour last niifht, from Vnpior v a the Tamaki, bringing a car«o of Cattle and sheep, consigned to Mr. A. Buc^land. fc-he h-.ft Napier nt 11 a in. on Wednesd ly and lad strong southerly wirds to the i Hat Cape, which «ne rounded at C a.m on Thursday ; aft r that hud .'gut breezes to the JmnnW, wher>* she arrived nt 10 yesterday, discharged 71 head ot c&ttle and 500 eheep in good order and condition, and came un liartour last r.ight, 1 t 6 i s ' -I \ ooner Albatross, bound hero, wa, pas-ed on TW.% .norn.rig, off Wi i, c Island and the 8.8. Beautiful Star, Captain MV.rwick, bound to iTXCk. BP ° kea ° ff " ick ' a BttJ th ° — »oraing

WRECKS AT NAPIRR.—LOSa OF T IFE. Captain Garland, of the cutler fairlo, which ?\ a l'ier from this port on tho 2C'!i ullimo, gives the f..1.0w.n» repo.t t., the papier journals of some wreck-8 and loss of life that h,d occurred at P '" Captain f.'arlaml was obliged to seek a rt V "T- he °b<»>Ved the news from » "he flftl J le i ' rt ; en ?' lCh ' at anel,or ">ere. Tessel a 1 probability f.„,„d er( >d during niSt a» the gale was very sei-,re and at. emend™='e a running at the time. The boom and gaff picked is without doubt the boom and gaffnf the Ham hi the pump and deck plank i-hei's al<o, and the whole' from the description, has bp«-n identified by -rmes' Bennett s late partner. The crew of the'Hambler enacted of Bennett, a young man named Tra-tand met°with t 'a" ° f Whom hia fearod have met witli a watery grave.

Z reC j I° Und the P««ge between , I>hnd and tho mam land has not yet been f ihe cat ' le found on the beach may be cattle thrown overboard from some cattle ves-el passing the island. We are happy to say that tha cattle vessels that left Napier hare all reached their destination safely, although doubts were entertained concern,og the safety of some of them, particularly j "re " WM BeVerß the time of ,heir d ' k HE ® cnooN '* a Vivid—Captain Garland this vessel*—" mf/" 1 !s W Wi ng .'he of onboard M- WVIU»r j , ult- t, . ie Vivid received for Napier '" ThJ • ■ , WO . nahves as passengers B-N.R. at theThne "T I Btronß from ths press of can vim - V, fanchor, and oiriied a Table Bay Mr Wall °v' of tho bfl - v - off ing over th. Iv - r / bse " the cubln > informed Captain Schon th« '

▼esael was linking, lho captain seeing the quantity of water in the vessel, put her before the wind, *nd lun her as long ai it was prudent for him to remain on board, the vessel filling fast, and from the quantity of water in her found l e quite unmanageable. Took to tho boat, leaving tho canvas set on tho vessel to assist in driving her on shore. Landed with difficulty at Wangawehi in the boat, and on the 17th found the vessel on the beach, all in pieces, and her sails in tntteri. The nat. ves claimed tho wreck, in consequenco cf the vessel having been abandoned at sea. Captain Schon was obliged to purchase his own clothes from them. Tho Vivid was the property of Messrs. Watts, Brothers, and insured in tho Pacific Marine for £250.

Supposed Wreck.—The Cutter Eagle, Captain Garland, which arrived at Napier from this port ou the 26th ult, hnd a most tempestuous and tedious passage of 22 days, having been compelled to put into several places on tho coast for shelter. Tho Uaicke's Bay Times ui tho 30th says: —" Ou the 21st a boom with two pieces of copper attached to it, a gaff, and a wooden pnmp, wero picked up by then w of the Eaglo ; and on the 24th seveial cattle and portions of nnother wreck were found by some natives in tho passage between Portland Island and the Peninsula." Tho Kagla took to Napier Captain Schon and the crew of tho wrecked schoonT Vivid. Tho 6tealner St Kilda arrived at Napior from Poverty Bay and tho Wairoa oil Wednesday morning last. Tho schooner Tawera, Captain Konnedy, from this port via Poverty Bay, arrived at Napier on \Vodnesday last, and the cutter Eagle, Captain GuiJund, loading for this port, Tho schooner Celt, Captain M'Kenzie. had nl o arrived from the Wangnpoa -aw Mills, with timber. Tiie steamers Fgmont and Wellington, hence, li'id both arrived at Napier and sailed again for tho South. Ihe Star of tho South sails agaia for Napier this evening at. 6 o'clock. Tho cutter Nau ilus, C iptiin Currie. arrived at Napi-r from this port, via Cabbage Bay, with sawn timlur, on tho SOth ultimo. Tho schooner William and Juli'i, Captain Simpson, on her pus ige from this port to Napier, encountered sumo very sovore woather, duiing which her gangway, bulwarks, and deck cargo was washed a way. 'I he Hatches Bay Times, ot the 30th ultimo, publishes a long account of the ftnrful weather experience by the s s Kir of t' e 3outh during her passage from that port to T .nranga. A.n account of this has already appeared in our columriß. 'lho barque Prince Regent, Captain MoTachlan, clea-ed at tho Customs yestoiday for Wellingt'n, with a cargo of 280 ton* coals .">ho was to sail eithor last nialit or early this morning. The schooner Flying Buck, Captain Brown, cleared at the Customs yesterd ly, lor Guam, in b.dlast, and will sail this m jrninfj. The cuttor I lolphin, Captain Thompson, sailed yesterday evening for Napier, via Cabbage Hoy, with a full of sawn timber. Ihe Jam; —Tho schooner .Tunc-, Captain Faulkner, having discharged her live stock at thaTamaki, Cime up harbour yesterday morn ng, and entered innards at the < 'ustoms, with a carnu <>f c itlln, pork, hums, bacon, lard, &.!. She is alongside tho wharf discharging, and wiil lay on again for Poverty Bay in h f-.w dacs. The cutter Petrol entered inwards at the Custom MousO yesterday from <'t romandel, with 309 ozs gold from tho Kapanga Company's cl Im. The cutter Glimpse, master, sailod ng'iin li t night for \Yang*rei, with sundries and four pa>sengers. The ps. 'INsmanian Maid, which is due to-i'av from Coromandel, leaves for Wangirei at 5 p.m. on Monday; The barque He'en S. Pag -1 , Cap'.ain Evans, sails this day for Brisbane, Queensland, in ballast The P.N Z. and A.ItM. Company'a ss. Lord Ashley, Captain PonKooby, is due here fiom tho Mouth via Tauranga to-morrow (Sunday). By news from Okarita, brought us yesterday, we leain that further evidences of tho total wreck of the kntj-ii ('uivtliii.i havn lutftlv b-nii I'jimul It. will bn remembered that about the en <l o I June Messrs. King and Thompson, of the Okarita Hotel, c imn to Hokitika and purchased the small ketch Caroline, and freighted her with stores to proceed to Gillespie's beach. Shortly after her departure from Okarita heavy weather set in, and the little craft was never heard of after, excepting that por ions of deck fittings and some few other articles evident'y belonging to a ship of small tonnage was washed ashore on different parts of the beach, evidently pointing to the fact of her having either foundered or received a very severe buffeting. A few days Bince a portion of her hull drifieJ ashore at Gillespie's Beach ; and no doubt, therefore, exists that all hands were lost in the galo that caused her destruction.—Grey Itiver slrgus.

WEEKLY SUMMARY. Business in the thipping line hns been tolerably brisk during the past week, and the weather beautifully fifcc, with every indication of its continuance. The arrivals, few in number, were on Sunday last, the birque Helen S. Page, CaptHin Kvuns, from Gladstone, Queensland thirteen days out, with a cargo ofBG head fat cattle, which were all landtd at the Tnmaki in tine condition, consigned to Messrs. liunter & Co. The next was on Tuesday, when the fine catile vessel Lombard, Captain Patterson, arrived at the Tainaki with a cargo of 97 head fat catile, convigned to Mr. J. b". Macfarlune, on account of Mr. Johnson, contractor. Jln Lombard was seventeen days on tho passage, and experienced bad weather throughout, during which one of the seaman, William Dale, was lost overboard aud drowned. On Wednesday the n;w clipper schooner

Kenll worth, Captain vicKenzie, came in from New Cale.ionia, after a most su cossful trip, bringing n cargo of maize, arc. The last arii.als were brigantine 'Jhane of Fife, t'aptiin Hughes, in ballast, and s.B. Star of the South, Captain l'e dall, with cattle, vc., both from Napier, the former arriving on Thursday night, and the latter 3'esterday morning. i-eveial foreign vessels and colonial traders are now due, and may bo soon looktd for, amongst them the Constance, from California; Norwood, from London, 98 days out; E:iza Juno, and li-bu, f-otn Newcastle, N.S.W.; Novelty, from -ydnoj - ; Uarishco fro a. Adelaide ; l'akeha, Meteor, Ac , from the South. The departures comprise, on Saturday la-t, tho cattle barque Kate Water*, Captain Calder, f.,r Ul.idfctone, Queensland, in ballast; s'.n I schooner, Aspa-ia, Captain .-ullivan, fu- Lytteltori, via the Thames, wi h a Cargo of sawn timber; H.vr.S-S. Falcon, Captain Parkin, also took hnrdeparture on Saturday morning for a cruise to >orl'olk and other Islands. On Sunday the " Circular Saw" liner Alice Cameron, ('apt. Keyring, left for Sydney, with a full cargo of gum, potatoes, hides, hay, timber, Ac., also some ;J5 passengers ; and the cutter igncs, < !«p:ain Trimmer, fir Napier, with timber, shingles, &c. On Tiuvdav the the b I quo I land City, Captain "Wolfe, sai.c'dfor Gladstone, Queensland, in billn-t; barque Anno Melhuish, Captain U'illi..m-, for Newcastle, N S.W., with timber, and 14 passengers ; steamer Beautifui Star, Captain Morwick, for Napier, with geueral cargo; schooner Las?, Captain Mclvonzie, and cutter Lady Wynyanl, for ."Napicr, with sawn timber, sundries, the former via Me i nry J3av, and the lutt,*r the Wangapoa Saw Mills. oH Thursday the I'.N Z. and A.lf.M. ('o.'s b s. Wau l Hamilton, Capt. Harris, sailed for Sydney with tho Knglish Mails, a full cargo of potatoes, liny, oil, produce, specie, &c., and some 60 passengois. 'j he departure list clobcs with the barque I ombard, ( aptain Patterson, for Gladstone, Queensland, in ball-mt, on Thurs lay laBt; and tho cutter CVautilus, < aptuin 13ushell, for JNapier yestorday, with eaj.n timber. ihe flying Uu- k, for Guam; Helen S. Page, for Brisbane ; Venus, for Guam ; Free Trader and Prince fiegent, for Newcastle; are all on the eve of departure. Amongst tho more prominent of tha projected departures is tho ship Queen of the North, Captain Green, for London, This clipper sh'.p, which arrived in harbour from London on tho Utb of Juno, is alongside of the wharf rapidly loading again fo' London. The despatch wliich this shiphasmet with considering that Bhe discharged over 1300 tons of inward cargo, and is now alnust ready for sea. is most creditable to the captain, agents, >.nd all concerned 'I his ship has now been only 40 days alongside the wharf, which is the quickest despatch ever known here, and it is expected that sha will complete her loading en the 7th of this month. This is the pioneei" ship laden from the new wharf extension. Her cargo consists almost entirely of- kauri gum, shot, shel 1 , guns, 4c., and tho age-ts notify that no or lu/gago will be received at tho wharf alter rucsdny next, on which day the ship hauls into tho itiearn to fir, for eca. The Queen of tho North also , akes teveral passengers, ' - *

During the weoi we have received Liter Australian and Southern news, but there are few shipping itema to hand. More wrecks had occurred near Sydney; the echooner Mary and Rose, owned in Sydney, had beon lost, and five of the crew drowned. The schooner Friends, comn anded by Captain Tosh, had met with a similar fate, but ull hands were saved. Nothing had been heard of the steamer Corio, Capt. Holland, and alio is supposed to have foundered with all hands, as two lift -buoys, marked " Corio," havo been picked up at sea: ' The wrcoks of tho as. Barwon nnd ship Ksk havo botli been sold, tho former for £3,5u0 fi,nd the latter for £360. By our latest Southern advicei we learn that the ■wreck roported on tho Farewell Spit, by Captain Kreeft, of the s s Queen, was the schooner Deese, from Newcastle bound lo Nelson with coals. The captain nnd crew woio taken off by tho s s. Tararua. Captain McKenzie, of (he Konilworth, which arrived from New Cnl donia on Wednesday last, informs ue that ho observoiu large vess'-l ashore at Ngururn, and closn to tho spot whore the Southern Cross was wrecked .She was paintei black, and apparently a good sized erufc. It would appear that tliero are other (hips tar worse off than our fiiend tho Monarch, if we go by their reports published in the Australian papers. < 'no, (ho Fifzjames, wa9 172 liays on the passny'e from Liverpool to Melbourne. She sailed oil the i4tli Jan ; sprunga leak and lost her 'mainmast in the Buy of Biscay, and had to put into Lisbon for overhaul. Afcnr leaving there again she i ncountered more b6d weather, had her boats stove, a suit if sails, and sevoral yards were can ie i away, and tho spiung. To add to these iiisu»'"*"> l " u vessel then sprang onouim 10.J,. xne crew nnd passengors worked at tho pumps unceasingly until the .(sth July to keep it. under, but. without. much effort, aa the wafer latterly kept increasing at th ■ rate of elevm inches per lu>ih\ All hands by time being weared out, tho d inkcy-engine was Btattod, and was kept going incessantly until ariiving at Melbourne on tho 15th July, the uls j lost ono man overboard, and two more nearly killed by f d ing wreck, &c. Tho slip W'ite Bo e from the t lvile, which arrived in Melbourne on the 1 !th ultimo, reports experiencing a cs clone the 22nd Juno, in latitude-10 ° 32' hj.. during which she lost nearly all her spars, boats, stove, bulwarks, and everything moveable on deck wished awav. We r gret t> say that our \ aclit pqundron has suffered gioit loss during tho rec«nt gules by the total wreck of iiij cutter (flitter, owned by Mr. Malcolm fsicol Tho CHi'.ter was well known as being flu: winnero f the Ntw Zealand Hkhal?) yacht cup, and carried off the first, pri/o f>r four nvce-sivo re»attas. This fine boat broke from her moorings at tho North -hore last week, drifted out to sea, an.i nothing more was heard of her until tho name and other portions of her hu 1 wero found erattored along the boa' h near liangitoto. Tho harquo Uenj itnin Hoapa has been diamantl d, ard towed down to the inau-of-war grnund, where she will in future remain as a ojal hull; for tho contraitor to H. \f. Government. A heavy g ile hai taken place on the Ilawke's Bay coat, wicn t'so schooner Vivid and several other vessels were Inst. Tho brig Venus, after being rec ■ppero.l overhauled, ■Src., was taken off tho patent slip, ut the JN'nrt. i Miore, on Monday let, and tho Brcmo.i 1 arq'ue Teru was taken up for tho samo purpose, on tho following day. '1 fie ship l<i>b Hoy alongside 'lie wharf discharging, is about to be filto I with a new forcin.ut ind iiiiinfop gal'ant m .st, in place id tlmse cariiod away in u heavy gale during the passige out fiom Kngland. We are el id to n itiee tho rapid progress made in ship budding at. our vaiiou* yard-, hut moio especially at. the N- ith Shoie, which place now presents quite a lively appearance Mo sis. lli'lnus Brothers have tho steamer W'uiteun.ta in hand, wbich tiley have lengthened 25 feet, in addition to alterations, &e , and expect lo have her finished in about six weeks time. Mr '>ieolliasa coasting schooner on the stock's, in addi:ion 'O being busily occupied at tile patent slip. Mr. Beddo'S has throe craft in course of con-tructinii, one a threo-inu?ted selio n r, of 9'i feet keel, and two cutters ; the former is for a tnd the . l-**.— 4:~ s - « rn .io. Messrs. t^iins and Brown hate also a fine model of a schoonor on tho stocks. Numerous, wo hear, aro also being constructed on tho coast., several of them neafly ready for launching. Wo have no man-of-war in harbour at present, H. 51 SS- Falcon, Capt ii i Parkin, having left for Norfolk Islands on Saturday last. iI.M.S.S. £sk, Captain Luce, is expected from Wellington. By our lart advices from Kaip iru, we learn that tho schooners Lslack \Va.tch, Captain Stuart ; Kaimu, Captain t'eurce ; and Sylph, (. aptafn Bolt, Were all loading there, ihe two former for the South, and the latter for Auckland.

COASTING TRAFFIC The coasting traflie during the past weak has been about as usual, and n «re<it deal of produce has been receiwd. '1 he following ure tho returns :— From Russelllo lieud cattle, 15 tons kauri gum, 1 kog butter. From Mongonui: —l ton kauri gum. From Wnugarei:—ls hood cattle, G8 tons coal,'3o fowls. From Mangawni:—2 tins kauri gilm, 20 fowls, 4 piles. 8 cwt bacon, 7 boxes butter 4 ditto egtrs. From tho Wale : —1 ton kauri gum, 1-5,0u0 shingles. From Poverty Biy : —19 head cattle. From Wairoa : —17-3 cheeses, 2 tons potatoes, C boxes buticr. From Wangaroa—3 tons kauii gum, 22 pies. From Tairua—l ton kauii gum, 31,000 feet suvn timber. From Matnknnn—4 bags onions, 9 boxes c/igs, 40 fowls, 7 boxes butter, 50 posts. 200 lails, 54 tons iirewood. From Cabbage 13ay —R6.300 foot sawn timber. From I'uhoi—2 tons kauri gum, 1,001) paling?, 130 posts, 200 rail*, 68 00 )8 i. s, 66 tons firewood. From Kennedy Hay—3o,ooo f- el sawn timber. From-Ualiurangi—l2o bags Hour, 13 do. bran, 90 tons firewood. From Mercury Hay—2s,ooo sawn timber. From tho lbames.— 3i,' Or feel stwri timber. From the Kawnu: —100 po-ts, 3>io palings, 150 bushels sand, 500 fe-t limtier, 40 ions firewood. ' From Wniheki :—4-0') rails, 151 reus firewood. From ' 'mail: — 3 boxes eggs, -10 tons fiituvooj. From the Great Barrier:—ls tons firewood. From Coromandells,oiX) feet sawn timber 300 ounces gold. ' IIECAriTILATION. 74 head cabin, 22 pi-?, 90 fowls, 175 chcc?os, GO boxes 01 ditto bueon, 8 cwt. bacon, 120 baas (lour, 13 duto bran, 2 tons potatoes, 25 tons lcanri (rum, OS ditto coals, 4 sacks onions, 80:) ounce* <rol I •1. pi cs, 83,000 shingles, 2*o )) i»fs. SO'J rails." 2>>o bushels sand, I3t'o p dings, 18S),oOO lect sawn timber, ami 47G to- s firewood, [Mm above, however, cannot b« taken as tho cor roct and whol- receipts for the week, as the o returns arc only compiled fn.m tho Custom House entries an I thoro are several regular trading vessels thatwro supplied with cargj books and do not enter ut the Customs at all.] Customs I<_eventt<'. HiO Cu-toms Receipts for Saturday Wt were £421 Is 7d, milking the total for "that week £2573 (is Rd. ilie following have been tho receipts since: Monday. £.31 4 (is 3d ; 'fucsday, £'£23 Ilaßd ; AVednesday, £475 3s 7d ; Thursday, £450 5s lOd.—Toiiether, £2083 17s fid. ' "J he roc ipts for tho month of July, just ended, £i 1,750 10s 7d of which £11,<3':8 His Id was for duties; £*0 15?, fees under th i Arms >ct; £150 5s Cd for light dues ; £9 6s fees undor tho Merchant Shipping Act; and £4 17s miseellincous receipts.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 580, 4 August 1866, Page 4

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Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 580, 4 August 1866, Page 4

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 580, 4 August 1866, Page 4