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Shipping Intelligence.

AUCKLAND. TTlATtnm.—April 16.—Fine. Wind N.E. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. -' Alicp Cameron, barque, from Sydney. • Anna and Jane, from Newcastle. R'Wla Marina, coal hulk. ?' Elizabeth Mary, schooner, from tlio Barrier. (Jratia, brig, from 2S T cwcastl". Hindu, brigantine, from Melbourne. Helen, sclioonor, froin Toirua. • Jane, schooner, from Povortv Bay. Katd Grant, schooner, from Wangnrei. Cenilworth, schooner, from Waipu. Koliinoor, barque, from Adelaide. Liverpool, ship, from London. Morion, coal hulk. Mary Shepherd, ship, from London. Meteor, schooner, from Hokitika and Wellington. ."Norman, barque, from Hobavt Town and Port Arthur. 'Queen, schooner, from WaYigapoa. Revenge, schooner, frcrn the Mauritius. 'ißosa Ann, schooner, from Napier via tlio Coast. •Swallow, schooner, from Tauranga via the Barrier. K 3nsan, coal hulk. Cross, schooner, from (ho South Sok Tshinda via Sydney.. 'St. Salda, schooner, from Sydney. "Silver Eagle, ship, from London. Sturt, p.s , from Opofiki and Kawau. Tasnift"ian Maid, p.s., from Wangarei. "Wild Wave, ketch, from Canterbury. Wftverley, brig, from China. William F.nd Julia, schooner, from Cmlerbury. Zillah, schoonor, from jS'apier via Ibloga Bay.

VRSSF.L3 KXPKCTED. ■Mdcxandri, ship, from London, 1 d.p., 210, 1 d.p., ''079, sailed January 27. (Coral schooner, from the South Sea Islands 8 d.p., 295. Cossip.'re, shin, from London, 3 dp., 8917. • John Temperley, ship, from London, (loading), 3 d.p., 1573. "Kauri, schooner, from a pier. Xombard, barque, from Queensland, 3 d.p., 682. Monaro*., ship, from London, 1 d.p., 8491 (loadinsr.) 'Queim of the North, ship, from London, 3 d.p., *726, saiJeiu> January 17. ."Sob P.oy, ship, from London, (loading), 2 d p., 248. Si r 'Georgo Grey, barque, from Valparaiso, 3dr> . ?-879. e ' ~rieate, barque, from San Irancisco, '2 d.p., 9847.


Silver Eagle, *nd Mary S aepherd, for London ; Liverpool, lor Cftllao ; Meteor, fcr Dunedin ; Alice Oameron, for Sydney ; KoHinoor, for Neweastlo ; /Ijijul l , from Melbourne; Queen, for Dunedin.

ARRIVALS. Ai-Ert Zillah, scliooner, 6S tons, Sullivan, from papier via !Tologa Bay, with cattle, (at the Tsmaki). • —"* t?almcn and Co., asents. 16—Jane, schooner, 50 tons, Faulkner, from Poverty Bay with cul'tle and slieen, (at the Tamaki). —T. ?/.nck v and Co., agents. 16r~Bittern, cutter, 40 to.nStuckey, from the u-RSt Coast, A-ith maize, -wheat, pi?.--, &e.—T. W. jßrown, agent. _ Queen, schooner, 42 tons, liov^rock, •from. "Wangapoa, -with aawn timber, &c., 6 pas.seogera.—T. i.Yaig, agent. Ann, schooner, 27 tons, .Tones, from via the Coast, with wheat, maize, onions, .apples, pigs, &c., 1 passenger.—<L Salmon & Co., ;3gents. 16—Sea Belle, cutter, 28 tons, Lewis, from Napier, with maize, wheat, &c., 1 passenger.—Master, agent. 16—Swallow, schooner, 38 ton 3, Cntclipolo, from Xauranga via the Barrier, with firewood, &c. William and Julia, schooner, 27 tons, Martin, from Canterbury, with oats and wheat, S passengers. 16—Rose, cutter, 30 tons, Currie, from Tairua, with sawn timber. 16—-Elisabeth Slaiy, schooner, 3<» tons, Heath, from the Great Barrier, with firewood. 6 Kate Graut, schooner, 40 tons, Matzen, from Wangarei, with produce, passengers, &c. r^PAKTOKES. iPRIL a _ -^ U80 » cutter, 30 tons, Libois, for the South pea Islands t 'w\'ch drapery, &c.

INWARDS COASTWISE. ArRiL 15—Orpheus, from the Barrier, with. 40 tons fire•wood ; t-itag, from Omaha, with 45 tons firewood, 2 •■passengers; Albert, from Coromaudel, in ballast, 2 passengers ; Elizabeth Mary, from the Great Barrier, with 50 tons firewood ; Comet, from Puhoi, with SO,OOO shingles, 15 tons firewood; Rob Hoy, from the Thames, with 31 bales of flax, i 1 passengers j Peter Cracroft, from Mercury Bay, with lfi,ooo feet sawn timber ; Queen, from Wangapoa, with 36,000 feet sawn timber, 7 etnpty hhds., i ploughs, 6 passengers ; Martha, from Cabbage Bay, with 25 bags oysters; Two Sisteis, from Matalcana, with ] 2 tons firewood, 100 posts, 400 rails ; Hero, from Mercury Bay," with 23,400 feet sawn timber, 4 passengers; Glance, from Matakana, with 30 tons firewood ; Alabama, from the Thames, with X ton apples, 1 ton kauri gum, 9 pigs; Hellen from Tairua, 14,000 feet sawn timber, 1 passenger. OUTWARDS COASTWISE. APEIL '6—Stag, for Omaha, with sundries, 1 horse, 3 ; Albert, for Coromandel, in ballast, 30 ; Comet, for Matakana, in ballast ; Peter •Cracroft, for Mercury Bay, in ballast ; Hero, for Mercury Bay, iu ballast ; Martha, for Cabbage Ifay, in ballast; Two Sisters, for Matakma, in bcillaßt; Glance, for Matakuna, in ballast; Alabama, '-for the Thames, with timber, sundries, &c., 2 passengers ; Helen, for Tairua, with sundries, 2 pasien- ;?"»■ INWARDS INTER-PROVIXCIAL. APlill. 16—Sea Belle, cutter, 27 tons, Lewis, from Napier, 'with 31 bags maizo, 9 do. wheat, 1 hhd. ale, 20 ■empty hhds., 281 kits, 31 bags maize, order ; 1 pas•aeuger.—Captain, agent. .Cog roil House, Arull 16.—Entered Outwards Foreign.—Hindu, brigantine, 145 lons, Ilollenson, ior Melbourne via Wangapoa. The Bchooner Zillah, Captain Sullivan, from Napier via Bay, with cattle, and Jane, Captain Faulkner, from Poverty Bay, with cattle and sheep,: both went up the Tamaki yesterdny to discharge their live stock, and may be expected up harbour this morning. .. The N.Z.S.W. C'o.'s s.s. Lady Bird, Capt. Kreeft, is due here from the South via Tauranga on Thursday next, the 19tli inst. The schooners Lark and Kauri, from the East Coast, and cutters Glimpse and Isabella, from Canterbury, may be looked for this morning, as they were sighted a few days ago off the East Capo bound up. The Protectorate cutter Ruse, Captain Sibois, sailed yesterday for the South Sea Islands with a small cargo of drapery, &c. The brig Waverley will be taken up on Mr. Nicol's patent slip, North Shoro, this week, for the purpose of having her bottom overhauled and repaired. Mr. Nicol expects to have the slip ready by Thursday next, and, if possible, to take up either the p.s. Tasmanian Maid or Waitemata at the same time. The achobnera Swallow, Captain Catclipole, and Elizabeth Mary, Captain Heath, from Tauranga, Trith firewood, as also the cutter Bose, Captain Currie, from Tairua, with, sawn timber, all arrived in harbour yesterday.

The Bi2/vjbr Eagle.—This fine ship", Captain Boss, embarked the head-quarters of the 43rd Regiment, yeßtprday, will clear at the Customs to-day, and eail tljis evening. The cutter Bittern, Captain Stuckey, arrived i n harbour early yesterday morning, from the coast andMahurangi, with a cargo of maize, wheat, pigs, ap plea, &c. She reports variable weather throughout. The coal hulk Susan was yesterday beached on tho hard in Official Bay, for the purpose of having her bottom examined and overhauled, &o.

The regular trading schooner Kate Grant, Captain Matzen, arrired in harbour yesterday from Wangarei, with a cargo of produce and several passengors.

Tub Rosb Anit. —Tho schooner Roso Ann, Capt Jones, arrived in harbour ypstorday morning from Napier via tho Coast, bringing a cargo of 200 bushels whoat, 100 do. maize, 1 ton onion", 9 casen apples, 0 pigs, and I passenger— Mr. Poachy. Sha loft Napier for Wniroa on tho 9th March, crossed the bar and arrived there on tho 10th, whore sho discharged her cargo of sawn timber, and left on tho 17th lor Auckland via tho Const, lloutuied the East "ape on tho 19th, with a ij.E. gale, and proceeded to the Kuha, Waiuti, and other place o , where tlio cargo was shipped. On tho 11th inst, off Capo Runaway, was in company with the schooners Kauri, Zillah, Jam l , and Lark, and cutters Sea Belle, nml Bitten, ull.H-uml here from tho coast. On tho 1-lth had to rim to Wniau again, on account of carrj ing nway tho forestay : left there again the same evening, and arrived at 11 :i0 a.m. after a most tedious and protracted passage along the coast. The cutter Sea Belle, Captain Lewis, arrived in harbour Vosterday, from Napier, with it cargo of in irse, wheat, <tc. She reports having encountered heavy weather on tho passage, which compelled her to seek shelter in Hick's Ray. .

The brigantine ' indu, Captain ITollonoon, has completed the di- .-rge of her cargo, and entered outwards at the t,\ l: >tom-house yesterday, for Melbourne vir>, the Wangapoa saw mills. Tnv Wll.i.tAJi and Jciu. —Tho clipper tchormcr William and Julia, Cap.'ain !•'. Manin, arrived in harbour at noon yistorday from Canterbury, brin<p"hg a cargo of 400 bushels \vh"ut, and 11 CO "biiisiiels oats, consigned to order; aiso 2 passengers, sailed on Saturday the 7th in'ft., and had u line run to Table Cape, where plu*) arrived last Wednesday at daylight, since then Im3 been balfled with light winds and calms all tip tho coan. The cutters and Ir-Hbella, "both from t'antorbuiy bound licit), wore sighti ; a off the East, Cape.

Passengers per Liverpool, for Kngland, "via Callao and Panama, aro ivijucstotl to pay tho balance of passage-money forthwith, a> tho Vessel is .almost readv for sea.

Tiik Tauanakt.--Speaking of this fine, new Ytysssl, tho JlelliHgtou Iritis pendent, of tin* 10th iust., Days : — "The N Z.S iS\ Company's * s. Turannkv, which left this port at 1 1 a.m. on ! hur.-day, the oth instant, arrived a*. \apicr at. 4 HO a.m. Rih instant, thus making' tho pas.sftg;; in 17* hours; tho quickest on record. All who have any interest, in the Company must feel highly gratified ar. so f a performance, :*ik\ wo Vhink that tlie public generally throughout tho colony will be pleased afc°so fine a boat being tho property of a strictly colonial enterprise. 'Jo omit a word of praise to Captain Thompson, would be a marked injustice, for however fast a vessoi may steam, unless the right courso is given by the commander and himself and officers see that this is projierlv kept, u clipper uviy s"On got the reputation Ql being a slow boat. In this inStanco it is quite evident no ground could have been lost. Thepassaire is an event unparalleled as yet in steaming in >"ew Zealand Waters. Wo understand that a luncheon was given to his Honor Superintendent, and a party of tho principal merchants and settlers at Napier; at which pood whishes were reciprocated for the success of the ship and the X.Z.S.N. Co., and the prosperity of the Proviucf of Hawkcs* Bay." The ships Alexandra and Queen of the Xorth, from London, are now about due, and may soon bo looked for.

The Qi'p.ev.—The schooner Queen, Capt. Georgo Loverock, arrived in harbour early yesterday morning from Mr. Craig's Milli, Wangapoa, bringing a full cargo of suwn timber, Szc., and 0 passengers. She sailed on Saturday night hist, and had fine weather with S.S.W. winds all tho way. fc?ho reports the Aquila loading for Wmgarei when she sailed. The Q.nesn is laid on the berth for Dunedin to sail in a few days.

The ketch Wild Wave was towed ov«*r to tho Korth Shore yesterday by the p.s. f* r the purpose of rce-iving her new spar? and tho necessary alterations to convert her into a brigKntine.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 756, 17 April 1866, Page 4

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Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 756, 17 April 1866, Page 4

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 756, 17 April 1866, Page 4