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Shipping Intelligence.

POBT OF AUCKLAND. "Weather March 6.—Wind S.AV-, with occasional showers. ARRIVALS. Tasmanian Maid, p.s., from Coromandel. Juno, barque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. At go, schooner, from Npururu. Glance, outter, from Matakana. DEPARTURES. Ivanhoe, schooner, for Mongonui. Kate Grant, schooner, for Wangarei. Prince Fegent, barque, for Newcastle, N.S.W. Helen, schooner, for Tairua. Shamrock, cutter, for Tairua. Whitby, cutter, for Wangapoa. Three Sisters, cutter, for Mercury Bay. Bob Boy, cutter, for Kennedy's Bay. j Fira, schooner, for Wangapoa. Waitemata, p.s., for the Wade. "PROJECTED DEPARTURES. For Jjoyvos.—Percy, and Ballarat, enrly. Sydney.—Alice Cameron, this day. Wavgarei.—Tasmanian Mnid, p.s., this day. Newcastle.—Gratia, this day; Glencoe, Sarah Ann, and Anne Mellinish, early. TacßA>'OA. —Tauranga, this day. VESSELS TN HARROTTR. Alice Cameron, harque, from Sydney. Aniie Melhuish, barque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. .Annie Laurio, brig, from Chili. Arefo, schooner, from Ngururu. Bella Marina, hulk. 33e11a .Mary, barque, from Hobart Town via Dunedin. Ballarat, barque, from London. Dashing "Wave, barque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. •Glencoe, barque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. 'Gratia, brig, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Juno, barque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Kauri, schooner, from Wangarei. T-iVrrrmol, ship, from London. Marion, coal hulk. Mary Shepnerd, ship, front London. Mavia, Bcliooner, from Maketu. Maori, ship, from Adelaide. Percy, ship, from London. Prospector, barque, from Chili. Sarah Ann, barque, from Hobart Town. Susan, coal hulk. Southern Cross, schooner, from the South Soa Inlands via Sydney. St. Kilda, schooner, from Sydney. SilTer Eagle, ship, from I ondon. Swordfish, schooner, from Melbourne. Tauranga, st-hooner, from Tauranga. Tasmanian Maid, p 9., from Coromandel. VESSELS EXPECTED. H.M. s.e. Eclipse, from Wellington. Alexandra, ship, from London, 1 d.p., 2-10, (loading). 1 d.p., 6079. •Coßsipore, ship, from "London, 3 dp., 8917. ■Constance, birquo. from Newcastle. 2 d.p., 0279. Ellen Simpson, barque, from Melbourne, 1 d.p., 3804. Kate, barque, from Sydney, 1 <1.p., 6539. Monarch, ship, from London, 1 d.p., 5491 (loading). Pakeha, brig, from Adelaide, sailed Feb. 17- • Queen of the North, ship, from London, 3 d.p., 72G, (loading). Queen, s s., from the South, due nth inat. Rita, brig, from Sydney, 2 d.p., 7930. • Salamander, ship," from Port Curti3, Queensland 2 d.p.. 570. ■ Sir George Grey, barque, from Valparaiso, 3 d.p., 5879. Trieste, barque, from Pan Francisco, 2 d.p., 9847. Warerly, brig, from China, 2 d.p., 2540. ENTERED INWARDS. MABCH •6 —Stag. 18 tons, Jones, from Omaha, with 45 tons firewood—7 passengers. • 6 —Pliamrock, 22 tons, Stevens, from Port Charles, with 16,000 feet timber. >6—Morning light 28 ton?, Tiller, from the Barrier, with 45 tons firewood—l passenger. ■6—Sarah Alice, 15 tons, Edwards, from Coromandel, with 8,000 feet timber, 14 cwt. gum—3 passengers. '6—Bittern, 40 tons, Stuckey, from Napier via the Eatt Coast, with sundries. •6—Helen, 23 tons, Rickets, from Tairua, with 15,000 feet timber. < 6 —Silver Eagle, ship, 902 tons, Rose. from London, ■with cargo and passengers (as per list already published). —Cruickshank, Smart tc Co., agents. ■ 6—Maori, ship, 700 tons, Roberts, from Adelaide, with Btores for troops, &c. —Cruickshank, Smart and Co., agents. 6—Prospector, barque, 255 tons, Duncan, from Chili, with flour.—.T. Ttoborton & Co., agents. 6—Swordfish, 155 tons, Napper, from Melbourne.— .S. Woolley & Co., agents. CLEARED OUrWARDS. MiTICH ■6—Rob Roy, 25 tons. McLeod, for Kennedy's Bay, with sundries. 6—Helen, 23 tons, Rickets, for Tairua, in ballast. •6—Sarah A lice, ]8 tonß, Edwards, for Coromandel, with sundries—3 passpneers. 6—Shamrock, 22 tons, Stevens, for Tairua, in ballast. 6—Stag, 18 tons, Jones, for Omaha, with sundries— 6 passengers. 6 —Whitby, 20 tons, Doughty, for Wangapoa, with sundries. <s—Three5 —Three Pisters, 28 tons, Kennedy, for Mercury Bay, in ballast. 6—Hira, 17 tons, Delane, for Wangapoa, with sundries. 6 —Alice Cameron, barque, 347 tons, Nearing, for Sydney. Passengers—Captain Laurent, Captain Onslow, Captain and ilrs. Thomson, Mr. and Mrs. McCane, Mr. \V. Patrick, J. H\ Crawford, Mr. Cohen, W. Smith, Mrs. Adams, J. Brown, W. Mullins, M. Desmares, Miss Young, T. Glenn, M. Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs. Culloy, T. Farley, T. Courtney, Mr. and Mrs. Holt, and 2 children, T. Holt, W. Holt, T. Howe, M. McCarthey, M. Morrin, G. S. Galloway, J. Caswell, J. Newell, T. Sale, W. Hyde, J. Robertson, VV. Wilkius, J. Collett, T. Higgins, C. Roberts, G. Pollock, J. Clark.—Henderson d; Maefarlanc, agents. 6—Gratia, brig, 174 tons, Davis, for Newcastle, N.S.W., in ballast.—Owen & Graham, agents. EXPORTS. Per Alice Cameron, for Sydney:— 347 cases bottled beer, Brown, Campbell & C'o.; 2 cas.'S rifles, J. Eoberton & Co.; 46 cases tobacco, 2 do. cigars, R. W. Hill; 93 cases kauri gum, R. Walker; 134 casos, 1 kit do.' do., Owen & Graham; 546 b'tga gmu, Combes and Daldy; 50 bags potatoes, R. Donovan ; 16 bales wool, C do. horns, 474 hides, Ireland Bros. ; 900 bsgs potatoes, R. Gw.ynno; 210 do. do., Stone Bros.; 16 pkgs. Commissariat stores, order; 23 bales wool, Turrell and Tonka. Thh Alice Camekox. —The favourite Sydney trader .Alice Cameron, Captain Nearing, cleared at the Custom* yesterday for Sydney with a large cargo and some 40 passengers. She sails early this morning. Thb Tasjianian Maid.— Tho p.s. Tasmanian Maid, in charge of Mr. Johnson, arrived from Coromandel last evening, bringing up Bome 30 passengers. She leaves again for Wangarei this evening. The barques Bella Mary and Prospector have both come alongside the wharf to discharge cargo. Tho brig Annie Laurie nnd schooner Swordfish will also take up berths at the wharf this morning. The brig Gratia, Captain Pavia, cleared at the Custom" yesterday' for in ballast, and sails to-day. She will bo followed in a few days by Ihe barqnei Glencoe and Sarah Ann. The schooner Tauranga, Capt. Eellars, Bails again this erening for Tauranga. j The schooners Ivanhoe, for Mongonv.i, and Kate Grant, for Wangarei,"both took their departure yesterday morning. The Prince Regent, Oapt. Mcßurney, 6ailed yesterday for Newcastle, N.8.W., in ballast. The schooner Helen and cutter Shamrock, for Tairua, Whitby and Hiia, for Wangapoa, Rob Boy, for Kennedy's Bay, and Three Sisters, for Mercury Bay, oil (ailed yotorday for sawn timber.

Tile cutter Gl.oneo. Dickson, master, arrived in j harbour last evening from Matakana, with a cargo of j cattle, produce, &c. The sohooner Argo, Captain Ferguson, arrived last | night from Ngurnru, with a cargo of piles and square timber for tho wharf extension. Tho p.s. Waitemata, Captain McDougall, left at an early hour yesterday morning with an excursion party for tho Wado fait, and may bo expectod back to-day. I Fkaki'l'T. Scene on - board a sirrp at Mitoiar.— Captain Brearv, of tho ship York, in a letter dated Madras, September Gib, furnishes tho following report" We had a fearful tragedy in tho I*o,'ids on Sunday last. About 930 a.m." I was in my cabin, and heard shouts and screams of alarm from some ship. I rushed on dock, and on looking at the country ship Harriet, from whenco tho cries of murder arose, 1 saw the crew over tho fide, some on tho back ropes and martingale, some on tho foroyard. She was lying between us and the liaiham. I sang out to man tho boats and pass up cutlasses. Tho gig and jolly-boat were lowered, Mr. Bato and his crew getting into the boat, I into tho gig, but before ho was half way to tho Harriet's sangway-ladder, lio and Kinsman were met- by a Malay, with a knife in each hand. Kinsman, I am sorry to say, received two ugly cuts on his right arm, abovo and below the elbnw. Mr. Bates saved himself from tlio thrusts by letting go and falling overboard, and as I g"t alongside I picked him up. He could not swim. Four men from the Harriet—a Malay, tho steward, cook, carpcntcr and part owner —all let go their hold and swam ofT to the gig, which was in danger of beincr swamped. The Mala} - —m ugly-looking fellow, with a knife —was made to swim off to a log; hut tho others wo took in, and then put them into tho jolly-boat. I then observed upon tho house amidships Captain Way, of tho Barham, nn officer, and another man, who had got on board by tho other side ot tho ship. The Malay wont from the gangway towards them with a knife in each hand, but they succeeded in scouring tho fellow, not, however, before Captain Way was staTjbed in tho thigh, though not seriously. T got on board by the forerigging my cutlass in hand, but too" late, for (hoy had by this timo got him secured. Ho closed with Captcin Way and his officer, whom I belcive tho boatswain struck down with a billet of wood. As we did net tnow bow many moro thero might he like him, we had to ho careful in our movements about tho docks. Ploso to tho cahill companion tho poor captain lay dead, with his bowels protruding. It appear.*, so far a* the evidence has gone, that. Captain Goularle, a nutiveof tho Inland of l'lores, wanted an anchor run out, but this man rrf'uMiHT, the captain gavo him n push, when lie drnw his knife, stabbed the oaptain, aimed the next blnw at the mato who, by a sudden movement of (lie body received the blow on his arm itia."ead of his heart. The captain cried out 'hail tho York; jump aloft, or you will be served tho ?ame w.iv.' Tho mato sang out. and then went to tho fovovard. The fellow followed him, but soring our boats he came d >wn to receive us. The mato sang out he was lying in wait for us ; but no on * heard him The mute then came down the forebraccs and fell in the water i r the Barham's boat to tnko him up, and be is now in the hospital with Tvinsmar. The Mjilay was seen to cut the throat of the tindul and throw him overboard, and ho nearly killed the soring, who li is six fearf'il wounds. Tho case is still goinsr on at the police court, and the next mail you will have further particulars. Kinsman will be disabled for a long time. Mr. Bate is still very wo ik, :md his eyesight not quite recovered." The'on Shipping mid Mercantile Gazette adds: —" Tho midshipman, Mr. Kinsmnn, referred to in the foregoing, is a native of Manchester, and son of tho lato Mr. Kinsmun, of tho Branch Bank of England." THE LIVERPOOL, CAPTAIN MoEWATS'. This lino Ehip, which arrived from London on Monday last, and was placed in quarantine on account of eiclines l ! on board, was yesterday admitted to pratique, end will come up the harbour this morning. Most of tile passengers landed yesterday, and to all appearaiue seemed.a fine healthy lot.

At 10 o'clock yci-t- rdny lnonr'nj, a hoard, comprising Thomas I'eckhnm, Esq., K.M., Dr. Philsnn, ■ Health Cflb-er. Mr. Tabutonu, Superior Otlieer of ' Customs, and J. W. Tail". '~sq-, J.r., f- it ill. tho Resident, Masri'(rate's to consult as to the do-irabilit.v of admitting the ship to pratique. About half-past 10 tho following report was handed in, and Captain "Williams, Emieration Ofllcer, and Searcher, H.M. Customs, was at once despatched to tho Liverpool to make known tho to tho pilot onboard, Captain Burgess. HErORT. New Zealand, to vrit, Province of Auckland. Before a Board assembled at, tho Resident Magistrate Court, this fith dav of March, lSiifl, compiled of the Resident 7V*a«i-irate, .Tohn Watson I'uin, Efq., J.P., Superior nfH.-er of the Customs and the Bealth OQicer, tho following evidence wan adduced :— " That the ship 1 iverpool arrived from London in tho harbour of Auckland about f? p.m. on tlift sth instant, with the Bisrial indicating that diseaso was on hoard. Upon this circumstance bein ' reported to the Resident Magistrate and Health .odicer, they proceeded alongside the said vessel, when the master, Hugh Mcliwen, nnd Dr. Jakins, tho surireon.-gavo tho following answer? to the queries required to be i answered by the Harbour Regulations. There was no disease on leaving tho Port of London. Tlioro occurred seventeen chscb of typhoid fever, of which two died; the diseaso first appeared on tho 17tli December. 1865, and entirely di-appeared on the 2nd January, 18G6. One case of typhus died on January 26th, 18K6 One casfi remains treatment; the patient ia likely to roeover. There hu>; been no ease of email pox, nor any other pestilential diseaso on board." After considering the nhovo statement wo aro of opinion that the said ship Liverpool may bo admitted to pratique. (rtigned) Titos. Beckham, R.M., J. W atson Bain, J P. J. M. Taisut'EATT, 11.M.0., T. M. Phij.soj>, M.D , Hkai.tii OI'I'ICEK. Wo need scarcely add that the announcement was received by the Liverpool's passengers with groat pleasuro. The Liverpool sailed from Plymouth on the lGth November last, with a cai'EO and some 200 passengers, a greater portion of which were transhipped from tho Cossipore, that chip having put back to Plymouth leaky. Tlio pa--Sdgo throughout lins been a vory tine ono nothing but light weather prevailing ; both tho 1T.15. and S E. trades proved baffling, indifferent weather was experienced in running down the Easting, and for more than the last three weeks has been between this coast nnd Tasmania through light winds and calms. Nothing of interest occurred during tho voyage, and no vessels connected with tho Colonies were spoken. There wero three births, and the following deaths during tho passege:—Dee. 24th, Mr. Pratt, aged 29, from t.yplioi:t fever; Jan. JOtli, Francis Kelly, ajeil 25, from typhoid fever; Jan. 25th, Sarah Maekiford, aged 10, from typhus fe»er. Tho pa-sengera have arrived under tho medical care of Dr. Jakins (brother to Mr. Jal(in«, merchant of tho city), who intends settling in this Province. We gave the manifest of tho Liverpool in our yesterday's issue, and now subjoin her passenger list, by which it will to seen that sevfral otlicors have come out for the purpose of joining their regiments : — riSSENGKBS. Saloon—Col. I?. f>. Beatson, 8.E., Mrs. Beatson, Miss Sophia Beatson, Mr. John 3?. Bcatson, Waller and Gordon Beatson; Richard Dixon; Captain Gordon and Mrs. Gordon ; Mr. F. il. B. Nicholls • Mr. J. W. Prittie ; Mr. and Mrs. I'utty ; Mr. Geo! Jakins ; Mrs. Jakins and two children ; Miss Julia .Froocl; Mr and Mrs. Wallace and child; Mr. nnd Mrs. Alifl"; Dr. Wm. Jakins, (surgeon in charge); Mr. BowJand Hall; Mr. Edward Lambert; Mr. Maxfield ; Captflin 3\f"rp;nii, C'riptnin CIarl:o ; Mrs. IT. Clarko and 2 children ; Mr. Charles Whitley ; Ensign Jones ; Dr. W. Anderson. iSi' Caws—Robert T.'ent-lcy 5 W. B, and Parah Farnham ; T-'mnin Bough ; Oliver Bowen ; Frederick aad Edwin C'onnop ; "William rtlarshu.ll, John Bishop, Mrs. Fayno, Edward Jones, Francis Foster, Begnald Davy ; Kobert, H'anny, Mary, Alma, Eli?a, Henrietta, and Ann Wigmore ; James, Henry J., and William J Whitely ; Mary and Joshua Hyde ; iiliznheth Woodward, Elizabeth Wullis, iTuni' h Harlow, William G'auseley, Biizaboth Smith, John Ferguson, Joseph Shepard, Joseph Alcroft, Thomas Kirth Graca Watson, Jano Srr.ith, Tf illism Fagg, Albert and August© Bpiering; George Payne, Jamea Grey, Georgo E. Stevens, Maria Holland ; Jano and Geo. Aldridgo; Samuel Deven, Gilbert Grcevcs ; David and Charlotte Header; Jno. Wellock, Wm. Fasthopo, Christopher, Hannah, Ellen, Mary, Alfred, John, and Jane Bobina, Maria and Ellen Dillon, W. A. Bancroft, Mary A. Bradley; William, Esther, tuul

Walter Cnyen ; John Turner, Walter and Jemima Pratt, Timothy Cronin, Bridget I»olan. ,lames Hogan, Bobert Thoburn, William Corbury ; John, Thomas, and John McGrath ; William Jackson, Margaret Nugent, John McDermott, Patrick and Jar.e MrDermott, Mary Boyd, Michael ltyan, Catherino Armstrong, John and Ellen Connor ; William, Betsey, Thomas, Mary, William, and Lizzie Bond; John and Pnrah Giles, John BicVcrs, Edward Curtis, Sarah Wright ; Charlotte, Bebecca, Pusannih, and Thomas Mac Wow ; Enoch, Elizabeth, Ellen,' Ermie, Evan, Enis, Thomas, Emma Eunice, Fnonh, and Minnio Bond ; Mark, Pnrah, Henry, Walter, and John Woodward ; Tohn,' Anna, Bosella, Maria, John, Joshua, and Mathias Wech ; Joshua, Dorothea, Magdalene, and Joseph Wech ; I nurenco, Rosnlia, Vincing, John, Kate, Christian, Theresa, and Joseph Scheschke; Hannah and Mary Wenzlick ; Margaret, Margaret, and Vincent. Bletcber; John, Anna, Yincing, nnd John Wenzlick ; Anna Sclii«licka, Maria Schott ; G-esory Wenzliclc ; W. J. Edge: John and Joseph Brooks ; James Woolley; Sarah Unwin; James McGowan: John Jones; Francis Butlev; William and Caroline Litchfield; Conrad, Elizabeth, George, and Ada Kelly; John and Andrew Smith; Thoa. Spence, Thos. and Martha Cudnor, Edward White, John Adams, Geo. OonnoH, Henry Williams, Alfred Hill. John Jones, Edwin and Edward Barker, W. H. Ethorington Agnes and Edward Nel°on, Bichard Walter, Emilv Lusted, E. R. Ward, John Wyland, Eliza Elliot, Lewis Isaacs, Jano Bosburgh, William Soldie, Arthur Burns, Sergeant Carroll, Thomas James and Emma Gray; Bernard, Ellen, Michael, Ellen, and James McManus; Joseph Aldcroft, 1 -rthur Burns, James Barlow, William Causley, Alexander Darlinr, John Ferguson. Wm. Goldioi James and Emma Grey, Thomas Firth, TCmilv Lusted. John Bvland, Jano Roxburgh, Elizabeth Slmith. John Shepherd, Elizabeth Wallis, and Ellen W nr a—Total, 209. Trades. —20 farmers, 22 female servants, 1 -wheelwright, 1 sailor, 2 drnpers, 1 saw miller. 3 brewers, 15 carpenters, 0 engineers, 1 gas-fitter, 21 labourers, 1 grocer, 1 builder, 1 butcher, 2 sawyers, 1 brick--I'ivov. 2 hrvuFekeepers, 2 ploughmen, 1 stonemason 1 "clerk. 1 baker, 1 teacher, 1 porter, 3 gardners, 1 joiner, 1 shoemaker, 1 storekeeper, 1 brushmaker, 1 shepherd, 1 cngino driver, and 1 dressmaker. Tho Liverpool, which camo consigned to Messrs. Harris and T.aurie, is a fine tons, built at Quebec in lfSo, nnd owned by Mr. G. Marshall, of London. She is 217 feet 3 inches long, and 40 feet. 1 inch in breadth, with 10 feet 9 inches depth of hold, and elnssed A 1 for 7 years. She has a spacious and comfortablo saloon, capahlo of accommodating 50 passengers, and her 't ween decks aro lofty and well ventilated. Wo henr that she will bo tendered for for the conveyance of troops homo. ARRIVAL OF THE JUNO. The barquo Juno, 337 tons, in command of our old acquaintance, Onplain Mitchell (formerly of tho Alarm and Adelaide), arrived in harbour late last night with a cargo cT coals, consigned to order. Mm sailed on tho 17th ultimo nnd hsd variable weather until within 300 mil's of the roast, when tho experienced n frightfnl heavy cro*s sen, without any wind, and which conl inned for a whole week. Sighted tho Three Kings on Sunday last, and anchored in harbour late hist night. Iho only vessel spoken was the barquo Lombard hence, bound to Sydney.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 721, 7 March 1866, Page 4

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Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 721, 7 March 1866, Page 4

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 721, 7 March 1866, Page 4