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AUCKLAND. New Zbalakd ITbuatiD Office, Tuesday evening. Tho Customs Receipts for to-day amounted to £513 15s lid. Mr. Jj. W. Eaton reports soiling to-day applet", 4d to 5 ' d per lb.; * "rican Itiba, 19s per iiCßt; smokod schnappers, 2s Z j or dozen. LAVD SALES. To-day Messrs. Jones it Co., hold an extensivo sale of landed property, &0., nt th-ir mart Quocn-etroet ; tho attendance wan goo I, but tho bidding dull. Tho properly known as the church reserve, corner of Collingwoi d, Wellington, and Franklin-streets, was 'withdrawn at£3/i0; lot No. 10, suction V, Karangahtipo roacl, hi ought £3 2a fid per foot; several lots at ilfouut hit. Mary wore withdrawn nt 50a ; a few of them wero however sold for 23s por foot. Mr. 8. Cochrane also sold tho following properties to-day : —An allitment at Kemuera, 10 acres, 1 rood 29 perches, lnic! down in grass, -with a house erected thereon, for £23 15j por acre; a valuable leasehold property in Chapol-slroot, with two comfortable houses, four rooms each, and u ntnv tlireo-roomcd house, erected thereon, sold fur JG22-3. TJOKITIKA. UAIN, 110 II TON AUI) CO.'ti PIIIVATE CffiCClil!. February 2G. Considerable activity has l>een exhibited in our, market durim? the Ist month. imports continue to decrease, while the consumption is inclined to the reverse, tt'Cl.sof nil goods, hitherto so extensive, nro rapidly h reduction, and in many linnß wo arc completely bare. Advanced prices rulo for all classes of oilmen's stores and general provisions. Spirits and wines uro unchanged, but show sigua of improvement. Beer continues in fair demand, with Bteady sale ut modern to rates. Teas and coflbo still very heavy in stock and consumption very limited. Sugars on tho advance; stocks, which were oxtremely heavy, ore becoming evidently reduced. Tobacco and cigars unsaleable, and seldom enquired for. building iiia'triala scarce, but ilia domand rather limited. Such colonial produce as potatoes and chccfo are eagerly boi'ght up at extreme rates. iTorao feed saleable at fair prices. Flour without alteration. * The discovery of several now gold fields along tho coast bas canaod iv large demand for staple goodn, ».»

will be seen by our shipping report; 12 vessels having sailed for Okarita, and 10 for th© Grey sineo tlis Ist. 6000 ozs. gold arrivedifrom the first named port on the 23rd inst. A good deal of excitemeut has been caused by tho Collector of Customs stringently enforcing tho" Steam Navigation Act, which thus precludes all steamers belonging to this port, with one exception, from trading outsido tho harbor. Tho export of gold during tho past month has been very favourable, 40,500 ozs. gold having been shipped for Melbourne and Sydney. Cr'dit is still good, although wo have to notice tho suspension of two important housei—ono here, and tho other at the Grey. We annex list of quotations for leading articles. The brands named are those most preferred and moat saleable. WHOLESALE PBICES CURRENT. Brandy palo, in bulk.—Hennessy's, 9s to 10s Martell's, 9s; C.V.I'., 9a ; dark, Bs., improved demand Brandy, palo, in cjso.—Hennessy's, 37s ; Martell's, 33a .fair salo. Wlu'skey, bulk—Kirkliston, 4s ; Saucel, 3s; caso, 52s to 15s, full sto»ks. Old Tom, in case, 17s ; Geneva, JDKZ, 17s ; Key, 12s, limited demand. Sherry, qr.-cask, £10 to £11 ; in case, 265; port, qr.-casks, £15 to £20 ; in case, 35s to 40s ; Champagne, 65s ; claret, 455, limited demand. Ale—Base's, £10 10s; Nelson, £7 7a: local, £6 per hhd., fair inquiry. Porter—Taylor's, £S ; Barclay's, £9 9s, very slow. Alo—Tennent's 17s 6J ; Allsopp's, 15s ; L and C, 13s 6d, slow sale. Porter—Blood's 30s; Guinncss's, 19s ; Byas9's, 18s 6d; Tj and E, 14s 9d, good sale. Aromatic, lbs. Is 31 to Is Gd ; Bneknors 10's, 9d to lid; Barret's twist, 2s 6s to 2s 9d, heavy in stock. Tobacco—ormond's3os; Manilla, 50s; Havanna, £12 to £15, nominal. Sugar—White, £-49 to £51 ; counter, £45 to £47 ; Mauritius, £4,1 to £4,3. improving." Teas—Ghosts, pood, Is 9d; half-chest?, Is lid; hoses, 2s Id; medium, Is 6d to la 9d, moderate demand. Coffee, in tins, Is 3d to Is sd, moderate demand. Hams—Sinclair's Is 10d to 2s; Cocy's, Is lOd. Bacon—Sinclnir's. Is lOd ; Cocy's Is 9d, ready Bale. Cheeso—Knglish, Is Bd, Butter, D.R.0., ho sale. Oatmeal, 425, ready salo. Barley, 40s ; salt (fine), 14s. Soap—English, 4oS ; colonial, 375. moderate. Pnlmon, 255; lobsters, 16s ; eardinos—halves, 16n; quarters, 8s Gil; oysters, IGa; herrings, 40s, re'id3 7 sale. Pickles, pints, 18s. Jams—English, 14s 6d ; colonial, 13s. S;ilad oil, halt-joints, 12s; candles, f. w., Is 4d, ready f-ale ("■alvanizcd iron — light guage, 40s to 42s ;

Scotch, 34s to 38*. limited demand. Timber—Lumber, 3Gs ; p-iliugs, 20s; flooring— Scotch, *15?, local, 15s, enquired for. Shovels —Ml, 90s to 655; 1)11, 655; picks, 90s ; axes, 100s ; forks (sluicing), 120s, limited sale. Handles. Its to 18s; quicksilver, 3s Gd to -Is; kerosene (free), 3s 9d to 4s, limited salo. Elour—Adtdaide, £34 to £3(i ; Chilian, £2G 10s to £27 10s; Cant l'oury, 24, no dem - !. Gr.iin—<~>at?, 7s to 7s 9d i.. .' 'uustl ; maize (cracked), Cs ; chiiff, 2(ls ; bran, 3s 3d to 3s Gd, steady sain. Potatoes—New, 255; old, cone. Onions, 4d to 5d per lb; bvcon, N.S.W., Is 2d to Is 4(1, steady salo. Cheese, la 4d ; e r igs, per dozen, 2s to 2s 3d; hay, £20 to £22 10s ; coals, £3 to £4, steady sale. (JKNEKAL, TO3T OFf'ICK. Mails close as follows :— l'or Tnranafci, "Wnnpanui anil "Wellington, per s.s. Storm Jiird, this ianrni:t«, at It a.m. I'nr 'J' auranirn, v (, r Tiiurangn, this il.iy, at 1 p.m. Vor Wan<raroi Heads, "\V.'ii|.u. Mancapai. and "Wangarei, per ;\s. T.emu,M;. .'Mum', 11 i 1 - day, at T> p.m. for Tarnnal.i. anil the finutliern Provinces, the Australian C lollies. Tndia, China. Mediterranean Ports, Continent of Europe, and United Kingdom, per s.s. Airedale, will close ns follows: For Money Ordcrs I'p;-ipirrrd I.etfcrs. thi* d:iy, at S p.m.; and for ordinary Letters and Newspapers, to-morrow inornitl 9 nVloi k—J.atc letters for placcs in New Zealand, prepaid sixpence, nnd for Ausirnlia and the U. ited Kingdom, one shilling in addition to tlio pos'apc, will be received at the stamp window until 'J0 minutes to 10 o'clock. "W. CORBErr, Chief Poßtmaster.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 721, 7 March 1866, Page 4

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Commercial. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 721, 7 March 1866, Page 4

Commercial. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 721, 7 March 1866, Page 4