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WEA.TIBV—March s.—Fine. Wind N.E. ATtUIVAX-S. Bella Mary, barquoj from Hobarfc Town via Dnnedin. Prospector, barquo, from Chili. Annie Laurie, brig, from Chili. Liverpool, ship, from F.ondon. Maori, ship, from Adelaide. Sword fish, schooner, from Melbourne. Bittern, cutter, from Napier. JTellon, schooner, from Tairua. "Whitby, cutter, from Wangapoa. Three Sisters, cutter, from Mercury Bay. Mavis, schooner, from Maketu. DEPARTURE. Tasm&nian Maid, p.s., for Coromandel. PROJECTED DEPARTURES. Fob London.—Percy, and Ballarat, early. ■SynxEV.—Alice Cameron, this day. WaxoArei.—Kate Grant, this day i Tasmanian Maid, p.s., to-morrow. Monqo^ui.—lvanhoe, this day. Newcastle.—Gratia-and Glencoo, early. Taubanoa.—Taurauga, this day. VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Alico Cameron, barque, from Sydney. AnneMelhuish, barque, from Newcastle, is.a.u . Annie Laurie, brie:, from Chili. Bella Marina, coal hulk. . Bella Mary, barque, from Hobavt Town via Dunedin. Ballarat, barque, from London. Dashing "Ware, barque, from Newcastle, N .3. V\ . fQlencoe, barque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. fG-ratia, brig, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Hellen, schooner, from Tairua. Tvanhoe, schooner, from Mongonui. }T_:i11? Grant, schooner, from Manukau. 'Kauri, schooner, from Wangarei. 'Liverpool, ship, from London. Marion, coal hulk. ' Mary Shepherd, ship, from liondon. ~ Ma via, schooner, from MaketuMaori, ship, from Adelaide. "Percy, ship, from London. Pro«pector, barque from ChiliPrince Kegent, birque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Sarah Ann, barque, from Ilobart Town. Susan, coal hulk. Southern Cross, schooner, from tho South Hon Islands via Sydney. St. Kilda, schooner, from Sydney. Silver Eagle, ship, from London. Swordfish, schooner, from Melbourne. Taur&ngi, schooner, from Tauranga. VESSELS EXPECTED. "H.M. s.s. Eclipse, from Wellington. Alexandra, ship, from London, 1 d.p., 240, (loading). ld.p., 6079. :Co«sipore, ihip, from London, 3 d p., 'Constance, birque, from Nowcastle, 2 d.p., 1279. .Ellen Simpson, barque, from Melbourne, 1 d.p., 3304. ■ Juno, barque, from Newcastle, N.S.W., 1 d.p , 6014. Sate, barque, from Sydney, 1 d.p., 6539. Monarch, ?hip. from London, 1 ri.p., Si'Jl (loadingQueen of the North, ship, from London, 3 d.p., 725, (loading). Queen, s 5., from the South, due 9th inst. Rita, brig, from Sydney, 2 d.p., 7930. •Salamander, ship, from Port Curtis, Queensland 2 d.p.. 570. Sir George Grey, barque, from Valparaiso, 3 d p., 5879. Trieste, barque, from San Francisco. 2 d.p , 9847. Wftveiiy, brig, from China, 2 d.p., 2540. ENTERED INWARDS. MARCH To —Maid of tho Mill, 17 tons, Seymour, from Mahurangi, with 26 tons firewood —2 passengers. .s—Bella Mary, 276 tons, Copping, from Hobart Town via Dunedin. Passengers— Miss McKelry, Mrs. Dunnett.—Stone Brothers, agents. .'s—Mavis, 28 tons, Nukana, from Maietu, in ballast —24 passengers. o—Anne Melhuish, 365 tons, Williams, from Newcastle.—Henderson & Macfarlane, agents. s—Whitby, 28 tons, Doughty, from Wangapoa, with 17,000 feet timber. s—Martha, 8 tons, Miller, from Cabbage Bay, with 20 bags oysters. s—Rob Roy, 25 tons, McLeod, from Kennedy's Hay, with 22,000 feet timber. s—Three Sisters, 28 fons, Kennedy, from MercuryBay, with 21,000 feet timber. s—Tauranga, 60 tons, Sellars, from Taurauga, with sundries —15 passengers. 6—Annie Laurie, 276 tons, Hays, from GhiLi.—Stone ;and Son, agents. CLEARED OUTWARD 3. MAItCH •s—Maid of the Mill, 18 tons, Neil, for Mahurangi, with sundries—2 passengers. •s—lvanhoe, 71 tons, McGregor, for Mongonui, with sundries —11 passengers. ■ s—Martha, 8 tons, Miller, for Cabbage Bay, in ballast. s—Lee, 22 tons, Lombard, for Cabbage Bay, with sundries. s—Kate Grant, 40 tons, Matzen, for "Wangarei, with sundries—7 passengers. s—Lady Wynyard, 29 tons, Trimmer; for Tauranga, with sundries —2 passengers. ■ IMPORTS. Per Annie Melhuish, from Newcastle 554 tons coal, Henderson & Macfarlane. Per Annie Laurie, from Chili:—B,26B bags flour, 400 bags bran, Stone Brothers. Per Bella Mary, from Hobart Town via Dunedin : —75 cases jams, lGdo. jams, 5 kegs jams, 3 jars jams, 40 cases jams, 3 parcels jams, 3 bales feathers, 20,000 feet timber, 226 stones, 400 felloes, 2,000 posts and Tails, 30,000 palings, Stone Bros.; 458 bags oats, 25J chests tea, Coben. Per Swordfish, from Melbourne :—l6B half-cheats, 50 boxes tea, 100 cases old torn, 100 cases whiskey, 10 barrels pork, 15 boxes raisins, 5 barrels currants, 8 hhds., 17 quarter-casks, 99 cases brandy, 20 cases moselle, 3 hhds. co'onial wine, 46 cases claret, 20 hhds. 28 quarter-casks wine, 30 three-quarter boxes 77 canes tobacco, 38 boxes cartridges, 1 case caps, 280 quarter-barrels gunpowder, 4 casks fuses, 911 bars 6 bundles iron, 2 tons pig iron, 235 cases keroBine, 5 packages hardware, 98 arums oil, 4 casks zinc, 55 casks plaster, 200 bundles hoop iron, 119 flag■tones, 5 bales hessians, 2 bales apparel, 8 bales mats, 4 biles flannels, 21 kegs nails, 2 packages hardware, 3 cases woollen goods, 6 cases slops, 1 case photographic goods, 40 cases jams, 900 bogs oats, 30 casks whiting, 20 cases confectionary, 27 kegs barley, 2 eases tapioca, 5 kegs saltpetre, 2 kegs cream of tartar, 40 boxes maizena, 1 case liquorico, 45 kegs, oatmeal, 31 cases hock wine, 1 case books. Per Liverpool from London :—2O packages, order ; 41 packages, T. H. Hall; 1 box, W. Thcmaon ; 15 packages, J*. Leach ; 9 tanks, order ; 9 puueheona, O. E. Vickers; 1 case, C. JofTs ; 128 casks, S. Browning; 6 qr. casks, J. Burt; 2J tierce 3, J. Roberton ; 1 cases, order; 2 cases, Wayto and Batgcr; 2 pks., Piutnmer and Fletcher ; 9 packages, A. Diethlin ; 1 case, Vickery and Masefield ; 1 cask, Gibbons and ' Co.; 1 case, Bev. A. Burrows; 15 packages, order ; 51 packages, order; 1 cask, J. Harris ; 2 packages, Creighton and Scales; 20 casks, order ; 2 hhds., R. Moore; 1 box, J. L. Williams ; 12 cases order ; 4 casks, S. H. Smith; 1 case, T. Peacoeke; 2 packages, J. Owen ; 4 cases, Wayte and Batger; 12 packages, D. Bvitt; 23 do., order; 12 cases,order ; 2 packages, "W. B. Walton; 265 fire bars, 14 packages, C. X l '. Partington ; 19,000 bricks, order; 11 packages, lidmonda and Jakins; 1 box, F. W. Layes ; 1 package, J. Gilberd; 4 packages, W- Rattray ; 39 packages, B. Walker; 80 packages, order; 1 case, S. Moss and Co.; 1 package, Hon. H. M. Russell; 1 case, A. Clark and Son; 29 packagos, 1 case, order ; 8 casks, H. Chamberlain; 4 cases, 1,376 bars and bundles iron, order; 2 cases, H W. Riley ; 1 bale, Butt and Anderson; 1 case, Hev. T. Buddie ; 1 cose, H. Pope ; 20 packages, Edmonds and Jakins ; sr> cases, 25 packages, order; 20 cases, M. Hen-lerson; 5,150 packages, Cruickshank Smart and Co.; 50 cases, W. - J.-Young ;-200 cases, order; 4 cases, S. IT. Smith ; 8 packages, order; 28 packages, Cruickshank,Smart and Co ; 4 casks, F. S. i'ostor ; 1 case, J. Massey : I do., "Wayte and Batger; 1 do., T. Cole ; 1 do. A. Hunt; 21 casks, S. H. Smith; 1 case, J. Derrom; 9 cases, Bittonberg 1 3. bales, Thomson, Keith and Co.; 28 Marine Board; 60 qr.-caekc, Brown

Campbell and Oo.; 205 pkg'., W. Hobson ; 3734 do, Harris and Laurie ; 3 do, Victory and Mftseurld , cask, T. Booker; 1 case, J. Sowerby; 12 pkgs., Brown, Campbell and Co.; do, order; 5? do, Clark and Son; 2 do, order; 5 cases. Thomson, Keith and Oo.; 38 bdls, Gilfillnn and Co.; 1 case Rev. V. Lush ; 3 do, S. 11. Smith; 4 bales, order; 3 cases, J. Black; 150 do, Cruiekshank, Smart and Co.; 50 casks, S. Browning ; 4 bales, Creighton and Scales; 426 pkgs, D. Nathan: 10 cases, E. and H. Isaacs; 6 kegs, G. Richards ; 4 eases, P. H. Lewisson ; 2 do, Manage!, Bank of Now Zealand ; 3 boxe3. A. Clark and Son ; 9 cases, R. Walker ; 201 pkffs. K. Gilmour ; 2 cases. Way to and Batger ; 1028 pkgs, 1 caso mat'tlics, orler; IS bales, W. C. Mdson, 1 case, Bncholz and Co.; 3 do, A.. Olark and Son ; 4 casks, T. H. Hall; 17 pkes, 2123 do iron, order ; 20 cases, R. Lusk ; 7 do, S. Browning ; 7 do, T. blacky an' Co.; 61 do, W. Phillips; G ca=es, h. and H. T ,,acs- 10-5 pkgs, order; 18 cases, Lewis, Brothers : 10 pte'a, Brown, Campbell and Co.; 110 do, Bueho.z and Cj. ; St do, S. H. Smith ; 15 tanks malt, 1, do, water, Harris and Laurie ; 2 cases, Buchanan and Stewart* 16 do, Edmonds and Jakins ; 1 do, Stevenson; 1 case, W. J. Young; 560 pkgs, 1 bin, 1 cannistor, Brown, Campbell and Co; H packages, order; 3 cases, S. and J. R. Yailo ; 1 case, D. Graham and Co.; 1 do, Miss Durham; 1 do, Lieutenant J. B. Jackson; 1 caso, Mr. Tabuteau, TC.SI.C. ; 5 packagos, Upton and Co.; 1 box, Haslet t; 13 packages, Newman and Ewen; 112 do, S. H. Smith ; 151 do, order; 150 casks, Cruiekshank, Smart and Co.; 20 barrels, Kirkwood and Son ; 200 cases beer, Harris and Laurie; 1 case, order; 8 cases, order; 1 caso, Edmonds and Jakins ; 12 packages, S. and J. It. Vaile; 30 do., Lewis Brothers ; 2 cases, Keesing, Doitsh and Co.; 9 packages, Shalders and Gane ; 105 do, "E. and H. Isaacs ; 1 case, 11. Ha*sell; 1 case, J M. Lennox; 8 cases, TJrqnhart; 1 case, 3. H. Webb; 1 case, E\ Miller; 1 cass, J. Rowe ; 1 do, W. Bailey ; 70 packages, J. Butland ; 1 cass, T. Prince ; 105 cases, Cruiekshank, Smart and Oo.; 15 sheep, order ; a quantity of passengers' luggage ; Government stores, as per bills of lading. For transhipment to Napier : 1 case, Newton, Irvine and Co.; 1 erne, T. Tanner. For New Plymouth : 7 cases, order.—Harris and Laurie, agents. YESTERDAY'S ARRIVALS. As wosurmis.'d in our Saturday's issue, most of our long expectcd foreign vessels have turned up. The North Easterly wind which sprung up on Sunday last, lias been the means of bringing in some dozen of our London and Colonial ships, tho first to lead tho van being the clippor Silver Engle, Captain Ross, after a good run of 81 daj's from London. Yesterday the flagstaff, from early sunrise, was kept brisklv decorated with signal and bunting, there being no less than nine arrivals during the day. .The first to come iu was our old acquaintance the BELLA. MARY, Barque, C iptain CopD-ln?, from Iloblvt Town via Dunedin. with fruit, timber, &a. She sailed from Hobart Town on tho Ist ult., with a valuable freight of rams, horses, and other live slock for tho Dunedin Agricultural Show; arrived there on t!ie 16th. and after discharging sailed again for this port on the 21st, experiencing fine weathor all along the coast, with Northerly winds, and arrived in harbour at 10 a.m. The Bella Mary's m:mifo3t will bo found elsewhere. After the Belli Mary was tho brig ANNIE LAURIE, 277 tons, Captain Hays, from Chili, with a cargo of flour and bnn. This brig, which, it will bo remembered v,*ae purchased here some twelve months by Captain Hays, left Curruimbe, coast of Cnili, oil the fith January s"had fine weather throughout, and arrived here yesterday morning. She reports flour at £30 per ton in Chili, and nothing lending for tho colonies. The Annie Laurie s cargo, which comes to order, consists of 3259 Bac'-fS flour, and -100 bags bran. Tho noxt to arrive was the Dauedin barque VRO3PECTOR, 25-t tons, Cap'ain Duncan, from Chili, with a cargo of 6500 bags flour, consigned to Messrs. J. Roberton and Co. Sho sailed from St. Antonio 011 tho 21th December, and had fine -weather with light winds throughout, sighting the Great Barrier Island on Saturday last. Reports the Sir George Grey as loading for thi* port when 6ho sailed. Tho Prospector lnd hardly anchored before the ship LIVERPOOL, Captain McEweu, from London, rounded tho North Head, after a passage of 110 days. Shortly uftor she hove in sight, the numbers "25" were hoisted at tho signal station, signifying "diieaseon board," and the ship steered away for the quarantine grounds, from the fact of so many people having friends on board the I iverpool. the announcement caused great excit- ment in town, and every one was anxious to know what the disease was. At half-past four, Tlios. Beckham, Esq., R.M., accompanied by Dr. Philson, Health Onicer, Capt. Williams, H\M. Customs, M!r. "W. S. Laurie, and the members of the Press, proceeded down to the Quarantine ground for tho purpose of making the necessary enquiries, &c., from the captain and doctor. Upon arrival close to where the Liverpool was the fallowing questions and answers took placc :— 1. "What is tho tonuago of tho vossel, and her 1 name ? Answer : Liverpool—l,4.34 tons. 2. "What is the master's nanio, and are you the master ? Answer: I am the captain, and my name is McEwan. 3. From whence do you come, and when did you sail y L Answer: London, Nov. IG. 4. At what ports have you touched on your pas- ' sage ? Answer: None. 5. What vessels hive you hal intercourse or communication with on your passage, and from whence ( did they come ? Answer : Wo have had no communication with any vessel. ' 6. Have you any, and what, bills of health ? Answer: None; they were not required coming from London. J 7. Did the cholera or any other highly infectious and dangerous disease prevail at the place from which you sailed, or at any of tho plaeos at which you have touched, or 011 board of any vessel with whicli you have had communication P If so, state when and whore ? Answer: There was no prevailing disea3o when we left. , 8. In the CTinso of your voyage, have any person on board euffored from Bickuess of any kind ; what was tho nature of such sickness; and when did if. prevail ? How in my persons wero uffected by it ; and have any of them died iu tlia courso of tho voyage ? Answer: Yes; we have had sickness. Typhus and typhoid fever, and various other complaints prorailcd. There were, 17 cases of typhoid fever, from which there were two deaths 011 tho 17th December. It does not now exist on board. There was one death from typhus fever about live weeks ago. It entirely disappeared ahr.ut the 23th January. We have one ease of fever in tho hospital now, a young woman of IS years, but not a bad ease. We" have no small-pox, scarlet fover, cholera, plaeue, or other infectious disease on board, and alt the passengers are healthy, excepting tho one now in hospital; she has been ill since the 10th February. 9. What number of officers, mariners, and passengers have you on board ? Answer: Four officers, 24 seamen, and 102J passengers. 10. What was the whole number of persons on board your vessel when you sailed ? Answer: 220 all told ; thcro were 3 births and 3 deaths. 11. What is the whole number of persons now ill on board your vossel ? Answer: One. With this thec-nquiry ended, and the party proceeded back to town. A Board will be held this morning, in order to consider tho advisability of admitting the Ship to pratique, which we hear will, in all probability, be done during the coursa of tho day,;tha caso now on board not being a very serious one. The Liverpool has lmd a very pleasant passage, and wo expect to be able to lay her full report before our readers in to-morrow's issue. Tho Liverpool had scarcely dropped anchor when she was closely followed into harbour by our old acquaintance tho ship MAORI, 700 lons, Oapf. Roberts, from Adelaide, in ballast. She sailed ou the 17th ult;., nnd had fine moderato weather throughout; passod the North Cape on Saturday last, tho Poor Knights on Sunday, and anchored in harbour at 2 p.m. yesterday. The Maori brings 8 passengers,' a:>d is consigned 'to Messrs. Cruiekshank, Smart oud Co. fSho hm *9me

here to load for homo, having been chartered to convey a portion of the 43rd Kegt. to England. The next to arrive was the schooner SWORDFI3H, 155 tons, Capt. Nappor, from Melbourne. She sailed on tho 11th ultimo, and hud variable winds and weather all tho way across, sighting the Three kill"8 on Thursday night last. The Swordfish brings 3 passengers —Mcacrs. Crocker, Donald and Neilscm ; her manifest appears in our import columns. -A • Wooliey and Co., agents. The iast arrival of any note was the cutter BITTERK, tin Stuckey, from Napier, via Ea3t Coast, with n cargo nl' 300 bushels maize, 100 ditto wheat, 2 tons wool, = 50 kit 3 apples, 20 sheep, ami 15 pigs. She left Napier on the 21stult., and arrived at Open Bay tho next day, whero she took on board soma cargo, and then coasted "along, picking up produce, &c., at the several ports of call; experienced fino weather throughout, and reports sighting tho Betsey, hound to Napier, off Open Bay. TITE SIB GKORQE GTtEY. Captain Duncan, of tho Prospector, reports that tho Sir Georgo Grey, barquo, only 23 days from Auckland, arrived off Valparaiso on the Bth Dec., and after laying off and ou for 4 days, proceeded to Quinteros, about 30 miles from Valparaiso, to load for this port. She may therefore be shortly looked for. Tho p.s. Tnsmanian Maid, Cuptain Jackson, left I yesterday for Coromaudel, with Several passsengers, and will return again this afternoon. Sho sails tomorrow for Wangarei. The barque Alice Cameron, Captain Nearing, saus this evening for Sydney, a full ship, both as regards cargo and pissengers- , . The schooner Mavis, Nutana, master, arrived in I harbour yesterday morning from Makctu, in ballast, and 24 native passengers. The schooner Hellcn, fromTairua ; cutter Whitby, from Wangapoa, and cutter Three Sisters, from Mercury Bay, all arrived yesterday with sawn limjjer. The schooner X%*anhoQ. for Mongonui, and Ivato Grant, for Wangarei, b )tH cleared at the Customs yesterday, and will sail this morning. Tho barque Princo Regent, Capt. for Newcastle, N.S.W., was still lying in harbonr windbound lait evening. NorlCß TO MAKINEas AT THE Gnl!Y RIVEU. Tho outer flagstaff has boon discontinued, and a skeleton be ion placed on the beach, which in a lino with tho flagstaff will cross tho bar in tho deepest water. Attention is to be paid, as heretofore, to tho. movements of the semaphore. The lowest mast ha 3 been boarded to seaward, showing a llat surface of 17 inches, painted white to make it, iivre conspicuous. Tho skeleton beacon is 15 fcot high above the uppor part of tho banif, and a flag pole 6 feOt above that, showing a reil ling. The signals in use at the Grey ara the same as those at tho port of 1-Tokitika. Thomas Turnbull, Harbour Master for Westlaud.— Grri/liinr Jrgns, February 21

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 720, 6 March 1866, Page 4

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PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 720, 6 March 1866, Page 4

PORT OF AUCKLAND. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 720, 6 March 1866, Page 4