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Shipping Intelligence.

! POET .OF. AU.CKIiAIfJD.i •a. rj-i.-i i :• 1 r -> * » •■ '-■ - TFxathie.—January 26—Sliowsry. "Wind W.B.W- -. . . ARRIVALS. ; | " iTanhoe, schooner, from Mongonui. .". . i Lady Wynyard, cutter, from Taurangi*.. • j St. Kilda/eoltooner, from Sydney. j DEPAMTJKES. . . j -' . /'Sea, Breeze, schooner, for EuaselL j = cutter, for Mahurangi. . Helw, schooner, for Tairua. ; • Sylph, schooner, for Kaiparn. j PIiO.IECTED DEPARTURES. \ -. Jf'-'iR iff tiTH.—Lord A shley,'4th February! Petrel, tliis dav. ■ '■ <-■"■ OiNTEKBuBT.— Glimpse, this day i .Tauhangaj —Tauriidga' and Jane, early, j Guam.— I harlotte .Andrews, this day. i South Sea. ItX.ANDB.—Neva, this day. j _•) .... Stdszt.—Prince Alfred, s.s ; 30tli; Kate,; early. V'• ■THRSHT.S IN HARBOUR. | • 11. M. s.s. Eclipse, from a ciuise. i H.M. as. Brisk, from Sydney. ! H.M. s.s. Curacoa, from Sydney via Norfolk Island. 1 '' " i .~| . ®rM* «s. lisk, from ; ?farier, : ! • ' . * ••B.M. B.s. Falc--a, from "Wellington. Hot', echoorer, from tan Francisco, via Hono lulu and Tahiti. .. Ayr. barque, from tlie Mauritius via Adelaide. ; ; ; -'Argo, schooner, Irom ftgururu. 1 (.<> i'.h iUuvii.H. coal bulkBa'llarat, barque, from London. ; 'Constance, biirque, from California. ; . Caroline, schr oner, from the Thames. -Charlotte Andrews, baique, from Newcastle. Jilhaheth Mary, schooner, l'roiu the Grea ;• ' • Bari ier.' ■ ' ' ' ' . 'Gp..Vi. ship, from London. Jfdnsiry, schooner, from Pataua. '••fvahhoe, schoom r, frcm Mongonui. Jane, schooner, from Tauranga. Kate, barque, from Sydney. . Marion, coal hulk. " Ifeva, schooner, from the South Pea Islands. ■ Nile, schooner, from Cabbage Bay. " ship, fri m London. Petrel, hrigantine, from Hoiitika. • ?r:nc.- Alfred, s.s., from Sydney. Sufb-'i, coal bulk. •SonUiem Cross, schooner, from the South Sei !«!nm'si via Sydney. St. Kilda, schooner, from Sydne-. Tauranga, schooner, from Tauranga. YES SEI .8 EXPECTED. Alice Cameron, barque, from Sydney. Coral Queen, schooner, from Sydney. Cossipr>re, f-hip, from London, 3 dp., 8917, saile( October 14. ; ' Golden City, ship, from London, (loading), 2 d.p. $257. BSdra. ship, from Newcastle, N S.W, 3 d.p., S7OG. Lord Ashley, s.»-, from the South, (due 28th). Lombard, barque, from Port Curtis, Queensland 3 d p. ; 582. Liverpool, ship, from lon don, 1 d.p., 7206, sailet ..... ..Oct 29.'-. Maori, sbip, from Adelaide, 2 d.p., 7523. jS;.ar\ Fhsplurd, ship, from London, 2 d.p., 6091 sailed Oct. 27. '■"ffley, narque, from "Popart Town. •*. n'», sehc Tft'ir- f. Onnteibury. Sh: '. i , svom Bobart Town, z d-'p., 651 Silver thip, from London, (loading), 3 d.p. 7361. V.rna.e- .ft,. *h\p. Port tlueeii'laad. oitt*-;-. fVcn C:;,-tcrb-.iry. t«f?t ttvm F?s!:ic ; fco, 2 d.p., sg*-y, Victory, ship, irem Lons3» 2 d.p... ?306. Z.ulah, s?Uoonrr; from Napier. ENTERED ISWABDS. WXJ'iKT —Waiidtiy r, 23 tons, iiirk, from Coromandel, ii ballnst—3 passengers. "26—"Wi.terlilv. 5 tons, Allan, from the Omaha, witl L.. i 45 tons firewood —1 passenger. 2C —Jvanhoe, 71 tons, McGregor, from ii ballast—9 passengers.—Cruicbshank, fcmart an< Co., agents. • 26— i-ea Breeze, 70 tons, Norris, from Pussell, wit] '30 Lead cattle, 4 tons' kauri gum, 2 pies. Pas sengrrs —Mrs. C. H. M/s Munro, Mis Munro, Miss Bawhiea (2), rvie.'Brs. M'Alist'er. Tait E. Davies; S. Hayes, and 2 natives.—Edmoad and Jakins, agents. ' ; 26—Ladv Wynyard, 29 tons, Trimmer, from Tau ranga via the Barrier, with 60 tons firewood. 26—> ile, 24 tors, Til'er, from Cabbage Bay, witl 21,000 feet sawn timber. CLEARED OUTWARDS. JAJHTARY 26— schooner, 90' ton?, Young-, for Tahiti Passengers—A. Brennnn, Messrs. Hart (2). —Cap tain, agent. 26—Heien,'23 tons, Kickets, for Tairua, with sun dries—s pasfengers. ; 26—Wend(-rer, 23 tons', Mirk, for Co- ■ -lei, witl sundries—o passengers. 26—"Waterlily, 'Jo tons, Allen, for Waiheki, in ballast. 2G—Cordelia, 20 tons, Brown, for-Mahuranei. witt ;.l£lo sacks maize, 1 ton bone dustj and sundries—f passengers.—Edmonds & .Taking agents. 26 —Charli-tte Andrews, barque, 35s tons, Tandor vord, for Guam, in ballast.—J. Koherton & Co. agents. 26—Sea Breeze, 70 tons, W. Korris. for Bu>=sell, witl sundry merchandize. Passengers — Mr. Geo Webstei, Mr. Bobertson, Mr. i?owell, Mrs Howell, , Misß, Cl(fghorn,. Mr. J. ■ Kemp, Mis; Duffus (2), Mr. and IMrs Johnson, Mr. Bitch. Mr j__ . Brqokes, Mits Bogers—Edmonds & Jakins, ogentß EXPOBT.-il. Ter yeva, for Tahiti: —3 botes tobacco, 1 hlid. ruKVi "2 fcdlf-eheiit* 1 tea, ! "fkre wacJlrn' drapery, 'A bfijrs p ,!iot',!.-'d fcar-r, 1 qr.-cask Owen & Qiahnfit; 6 f>;il<-r ;v '.tons, 4 hods, ram, 3 cbs'-8 JioJlowa.-e, D Kaihar.; 60 cases g<:*;r ; va, J.-aV : 'CAii'.jO, S'csits 00-.~;s 1 do. chairs, 9 «Ottv, 4 diap«/> 1- bale do., 3 r'tgfi. l'caee aur.drirs. 1 do., .cuf'ery, drapery, iA> empty casks, 4 tons potatoes, J. si. Yo-ing; 2 cases dra'pery, I truss do., 1 brs epap, 1 cask pork, A ..Clark ; 4 cases 1 papw hanglsigs, A. Lrennan. The cutter Lady "Wynyard, Trimmer, master, arrived-in haibour early yesterday from Tauranga via th 9 Carrier, with a cargo of firewood. I Tin; 1 vaxhoe. —The regular trading schooner Ivankoe, Captain McGregor, left Mongonui on Tuesday" last in ballast, and arrived in harbour yesterdaj' O jpo;rritng, hringine H passengers. Tbe sclionncr Keva, Csptain Young, cleared at the Customs yesterr'ay for Tahiti.' with a full cargo and :tJiree. passengers. Sho sailß to day. 1 • ■ schooner Elizabeth Mary, for Napier, and -/cuttc'i Oliinpie, for Canterbury; Lad not sailed at sun~l get last evening. . The schooner f-'ea Brew, Captain "W. Korris, took hc-r r-eparture last night for Russell, Bay of Jslands/ with a full cargo and the following passengeis :—i Mr. George Webster,' Mr! Robertjon, Mr. and Mrs. ,3lo\yel),.,Miss. Clegbuin, Mi-s DuEFus Mr. J. : Kemp, Miss iJogers.'Mr. and Mrs. Johnson,'and fonr others. , The brigantine Petrel, Captain Burns, having undergone a thorough ovpjhaul, repairing, ftc, announced to sail for Newcastle, New South "Wales, this day. The P., N Z., and A. RM. Co.'s si. Lord Afililey, : is due to-morrow from the southern ports. * r lhe scliooner ftelen, Captain tickets, sailed again for the Tairua Saw Mills, last evening. The barque Charlotte Andrews, Captain Vandevord, has cleared at the Customs for Guam, in ballast, and fails this morning. The schooner Sylph, Captain Boult, took her departure lor the Kaipara ye.-terdny, a full.ship. The regular trader ( ordtlia, Brown, m ster, sailed yesterday for Maburangi, with cargo and paßsengers. The p s. Tasmanian Maid, Captain Jackson, is due to-day from Wangarei, and is announced to sail again for Coromandel at roon on Monday. j


/This schooner which it 'will be remembfred ef cappd from the custody of the Customs officer at "Wangarutu !ii July lust, arrired in harbour early yesterday morning, after a run of 15 days. Tho news of her i Cftptttre'ftt the'lslauda, and arrival at Sydney, was re- I

ccivcd licro the mail before last, m 1 Capt. Mncfarlnne j (a genthman well luiov.-n as having commnnded the | b'arque "William Wsitson and other vessels) was de<fpatched to Sydney by thn Alice Cameron ' purpose of bringing the smngoler into 4 ' * r J}\o b't. lyilaa left Sydm yontk , , ~r aI U , easterly to the Thr- ■ - Uth T-'t il sighted on the 24th inst , '^^ 3 ' fine westerly weat) v ,-.««» "4 ■»»«?* ' J would liavo mr' ' " a quick run bad it not been for th« b»d condit jon , }n . v JJ ;c|i her r i gg ;, lg was , thO vessel f~ aV V ' 4. en }w.V. to times jC i-epairs. ' / ! f The vessel, which cotue-) consigned,to the Collector of Customs, is not altered much in appearance, but is in a very bad state, owing to w:mt ,of repiiir, 1. c. Only one of tiio original crew rcm»ins on boaid, the remnindiT having boon left in SyJrey. . Oaptaiu Smith and the supciCargo (Cobdcn) who wcru bcinp; conveyed prisoners to t-vdnoy in tins missionary ship John Wesley, effected 'their esc.i])! wlien that vessel was wrecked ou 0110 of the islands during her passage. 1 1 lie only portion of the cargo of spiiiU which alio cleared out with at Sydney, at present 011 tu n'd, is one cask of rum. '' " The full narrative of this vessel's career, sineo leaving this port is published in unolher collimin.


The weather during the past week has been rather unsettled, especially from Saturday up to Tue'dny last.. It first commenced from the ncath-cast, blow- ' ing steadiiy lor ioiir or five days,' and Saturday last it commenced to jain stei'dilv about 10 a 111 , and continued «o throughout the' d;ty. Shortly before midnight, the wind ntddenly changed to the northwest, west, and i-oiith-west, going right round the compass by the south-cast and cast, blowing hatd all •the time, with heavy rain," thunder, and iighlniiig. &c. 'Jbe Tasmanian 3lnid, Tauranga, Industry, Helen, and other arrivals of Sunday, report that Outside the port it was a pcrf<3» t revolving hurricane , blowing fiercely, compelling them Co seek shelter for the night in the Kawau and el>e\vhere. Several votsels, cleared and outward l'<)\nr.i, ' 1-id ' 1!lit. leave their anchorages, and those thai departed on Friday night and Satur-tay ran hack to port-during the course of tho day, amongst which v.cre the )'ortilne. for iauranga; Clyde, for Y\ angaria ; Maperc, for Tairua; Boyd, for Mercury Hay, If, 'Wo are glad to state that 110 damage was sust-.ined of tho shipping in haibour. '.'n Sunday evening 1 he wind again prevailed all round the conum-s', finally setting in at north-noitii west, from whi.-h quarter we were -visited by a severe thunderstorm on Monday the full of which was experienced on tho coast, and duly reported by tho barques Ayr and Kato, and 1 other arrivals, tinco Tuesday last it has moderated soniewliat, but at the time we wiito tho weather stili looks gloomy and thr atoning. The ii n ign an ivuls this, week are moro numorous as compared with the former one, and the shipping intere.-t a together hns been bii.-kcr. ('n Saturday lust the " C ircular caw" clipper Constance, Captain i-.lliott, arrived from iian l'ranciscd kvith a curijo of 3 wheat, oats, Ae., on account of her owners, Messrs. Henderson and Macl'ari .lie, which she is now dis- , charging at the wharf. This \e~scl has insde a splendid voyage, having been only 112 ilajs from this port, and brought later , J . merican and Kuivpean news. The> Z.s N. Co.'s s.s. i\angu ira, Captain Seymour, , from the Seuthern peits, wiili peiu-ral passengers, &c., aiul llie s s. Beautiful Star, Caj lain Aior--3 wiek, from with sheep, tl.-o arrived in harbour on Saturday. 1. m Monday '.he tine Pet-, rliead built baique Ayr, 257 toi s, Captain ll.ji'cKwen, a'rtved , Irom 'he Mauviliu- via .-iuelaide, I riiiging a caigoof sugais, hay, &c,. c .:.#ig:.e-J U>, Mr. J. fc. jMaolarlane j'.'ie Ayrvas ;i2 11 a;, s irom tl.e B'aumiusto Adelaide, in f.hich port she slopped two \v. eks.. and then 17 . . vii the passug--her", uv*king a!l< 11 good , run of Ho days (inchuiing detention,) ,ji:o will c{>me ; alongri .c tio- wl>«ij' r -J ■ y ti> lav c-,rgo. ' The " At. rri Capinin V- li.olv-r. from 3;'!- : /o'.k li.i 'fj i, w-lUi * i-Ki-oo '.: u>tve, 'lis-? ::r; ,' on Ailii. iay. i j;.: I':? 1-. [ . v:'il . i tins 1 vefisei fioJii Auckland was owing to her having been tii-irtcrcd :•> :ca;.o a trip from .Norfolk islwnd to Port de iVain.u, Kcw Cnledoxdn with cat'le. On Tuesday Messers. ficiiderson and Maci'arlane's '•tipper Kate, Captain .1 Carter, arrived from Sydney alter a good run of nine days, bring ng u fud cargo ol merch.m iize, itc. The ! J'.ls.Z. and A.K 1; C" s B». ! rince Alfred, Captain Macliin, arrived from >ydney 011 Weunesday m-. ruing 3 again without our Lnglisli mail, but bringing the i telegrapluc;suipniarv, a.rrivpd- inrSydney 011 • the ' 16th 1 instant,' live days owrdu'etho z-.lfred did ii not await the arrival of the P. and O. Oo.'s steanier, and will now recuve our mail on the same date as a last month, b\j the b s in the Matiukau ; on tho 4th proximo. '1 he last foreign arrival of g the week was the schooner bt. iiilda, (. aptain Macfarfane,' which oime in "yesterday from . Sydney, after a passage oi' lilteen days. This vessel, it will be remembered, has been seized for 1 smuggling 011 this coast, tho following ]utrliculars : of which may prove interesting to our readers :—" Oil' Monday, the ii-lth July, news was received at iiusBtll, that the schooner dt. Kilda. was ljing at Wun- ; / gaiuru supposed to bu smugglings 'Mr 1 . Mi'iord, tub-Collector of Customs, accompanied by constable ileCabe, Air. Oreenway, Goverxjuitnl. Interpreter, and the two Cust-i ins'' boiiin.iu, started at once via Wnikari. 'Jhey found the bt. Jidda at anchor and buurucd her. iilr. Mitionl denianutd the ! manifest and register, which tho captain at once delivered.. . ' W here is the remainder of ihe cargo;?' . asked Mr. Mitford. ' Uvrrboard.' said tho cap lain, 'don't you. Lee,tho bulwarks earned awav j and the galley gone ?' ' M ell, 1 shall sei/,e the 5 vessel, and she inuat go tl.e Bay,' ' Very wed,' said the captain, and, turning to the crew, ' iiy men, ttu vessel ~ia seized, i(iid now. bulougs, t« Government. Yon can go nslioie, if jou like, 1 have nothing more ' for you to do.' ihe Sun-Collcctor placed Brown, j one of his boatmen, 'in charge, and returned witn the other 10 tho liay. Some repairs having bean m ole to the vessel, and the'wind being lair on tlie , Thursday, i.lso a carpenter having been chipped, tho capiaiu gave the word ' Mau the wjndiass,' and thou to Brown, ' 'l'heie are threo chanci b lor you : (io 0:1 shore; go overboard; or go willi nje oil eruise— make your choice.' ' Uh, I'll go a=hjte,' says and so JlO returned to tiicliav. iho M,- lyilda vv;ent i to sea, and had on board al'out l(i(j6 gallons spitits, tobacco, and other trade. 'iheoVK.i-yu.MiLi cmgo v:iw '■ j /;00« guliotw epirils. and s'l hosts|cco; the j duty on winch ani-m tea to ovei - .*'■ ■ ' i;,'; ; man; was henrt! 01 IV runaway until ;».c.'.nth or j r-o «l'terv,- : 'i»(!3, wtc o ' ariival hero tnjin the , I .-j-'r.i istiiiK.'..-, ; ! l(; J ric-r 1) ing at anchor r.l ' li-.oroTonga : iiere Capta.ii.- cmith remained some in the meantime disguising the vessel and changing hei- JiMiie, a iter wiucli he s'<dej for tiie Navigator s and South America. On the 2tUh October the St. JiTilda arrived oil' the poit of Apia'. South Sea Jslauds, 'and the ' supe.Cargo, naiied Cobden, landed in the boat and repjrted the schooler to he the Success, making some excu.-e for the vessel nut comiug in.. -This pei sou ' purchased goods to a very large amount of Messrs Schwcig and 'Meuill, ot' -Apia, giving hiils on an iirin; Captain Claike, 01 the VV. B. JJ- an, who fortunattly went off with the first lot of good.-, ou behalf of his owners, recognised tiie ve.-sel as tho st. Kilvla, wl'icii he kiiciv to Ij l ' a smuggler. -Captain Claine, iiuving snipped the good-, proceeded 011 shore at U a.lll , ana gave information to the i'.mi-h tom-ul (.Mr. Wil- 1 liams). who procured an armed ciew and went out to. ihe vessel- In the meantime Captuur t larku waited at the heads as a iltcoy, having ;he remaining portion of the cargo which the schoom r bore down, (to receive, when al.e was seized, and those on board were ' all! under.arrest before they had time to oiler any re sistance captain jmith, when seoed, said -iiad' he known Mr. A illiams was coniing to seize them be would have put a bullet through him. The vesiel was brought'imo Apia, and, tha Biiiish (Jutiaul ajjpointed Captain Ciaike toiler couimiinii, and she Icl'l the latter place on tiie 9th September, conrign-.d to the Collector ot Customs, Syoney. where she -mvo.l in.November. "Upon news being received here of her capture, Captain Maciarlane was despatched to Sydney'in the Cameron, for the purpose ot bringing her on to this port. She lelt Sydney on the 11th inat, and after a fine weather' pua&ige uriived here ye.-teiday. Tin; vessel is not much altered, but is in very b.d order and condi ion, especially in rigging and sails. The whole of. the ciew, witn the. exception of Captain St ith and the supercargo (>'obden), have arrived 111 Sydney frosa the islands. The captain and supercargo managed to escape at the time of the brig John Wesley's wreck, in which vessel i'.ey were chipped us prisoners. The St. Jvihla haa come consigned to the Collector, of Customs, and it hus not yet been decided what will be done with her. The departures comprise tho N.Z.3.N. Go 's s s. Rangatira, (.aptain Seymour, for .the Southern ports on 'Ju'jsday; tho s.a. .beautiful totar, Captain M.orwick, for Napier, and cutler America, Captain Wheeler, for Norfolk Island," o.n \Vodnegd«y 5 and ;

'he Yeri'- • -•«, for Guam, 011 Thursday. The Chaiiutte; -iirews, for Guam, and .Neva, for Tahiti, have cleared at the Customs, and sail early. During tho week news has been received of the sailing for this port of eevjral vessels from England, Australia, and tho Southern Provinces, mqst of which are now cluo, and may bo hourly expected |to arrive. We regret to learn that fears are entertained for tho safety of the schooner Kiwi, Captain Bryers, of Hokianga. Mr, Bryers' two sons, who arrived in tho Mauukau on Thursday last by the Miranda, from the Grey River, report that tho X : wi sailci front Groymouth, with for the Mauukau over two monthi ago, sirtco which time nothing has been seen or heard of her. Wcsincurely hope that the missing craft will long give some account of herself. Iho whole Ueot of men-of-wat 1 still remain in harliour, and during tho week the crows of the various ships' have been exercising, guu practising, &C. .


AKIUVAL. Princo Alfred, p.s.vfrom Lta.lan and Waikato. Dfi-PARrUJIE. ; Progress, for "Waikato. ; VESSELS EXPECTED. i Little Fred, from Wang .nui. ! Fairy, from Grey Kiver. ! Excelsior, from Grey Biver. i Airedale, s.s., from Southern' Ports, On the ,4th. I PROJECTED DEPARTURES. ; Foil Gkey hivEH.—Thane of Fife, early. ' Wkwcas i le. —Cantoro, and Au Jievoir, early. • Hokitika. — Jtagie,'early. SotTTUEHN Pouts —irhuebe, sis:,' on the 28thVESSELS IN HAUBOUK. Albatross, from Wanganui. Blue JS'ose, p.s., Irom VS'aikato. ! Cantcro, ship,,from Newcastlo. | Favorite, from Waikato. ' Meteor, from Hokitika. ! Moa, coal hulk. Ringdove, from Hoki'ika. i Thane of Fife, irom Nelson. j Volunteer, coal hulk. ~ W. C. Won 1 worth, ooiil bulk. , i . , l'hfnbe, 3 s., irom southern Ports. ! Miranda, from Grey Jtivor. 1 Princo Alfred, p.s., from Jt.iglan and AVaikato, ENTERED j ■tanuakv 2(i—Prince Alfied, p.s., 11 0 tons, Farquliar, from tinglan tail Waikato, with 7 empty casks, Wliitson ; 2 casks bottles, Clarke ; li empty casks, Seccombe; 1 caso pipes, VSebster; 75 etiipty tasks, Seccombe ;19 empty ca-ks, i v hitson. I'assengerB —Mr Barlow, Mr. Miss AJelvide, Mr. i-jiringall, 3 soldiers.— G. Hodge, agent. 26—Miranda, 23 tons, Judd, from Gioy Kiver, in ballast—9 passer gers.— W. J-). Brewer, agent. CLEARED OUIWAHDS. . . • jaM'a i, v 20 —Progress, io tons, JJailey, for Waikato, with 23 sacks inuixe, 20 do., 28 casks stout, 4 tons flour, IS baus salt, 11 muts sugar, 3 bags biscuit, 1 half-chest tea, 2 boxes tea, i case bacon, 8:do. herrings, 1 case salt, 1 do. sardines, 1 do. pickles, 2 bundles pap.-r, 10 boxes fOap, 1 b <x, -i bays rice, 1 truss, 1) cases nails, -1 do. paint, 1 drum oil, 4 trunks, I case vtsus, 1 do. keroatno, 1 box candies, 1 keg, 1 cus'i; drapery, 1 pkg. m j t .ahes, 2 ciists bottles, 2 corf meal, !. cask pork, 1 portmanteau, i bundle blankets, 1 ik>x tobacco, 4 camp or. ; :ti. i cove, -, -t p .'Ck, ts hops. ;1 <'."ies slmTiie p.s i.';io'. .vifrvi, .'-'uviaii'.' jut tar. i-.f: Onehanga at f> a.lll on the 23rd, and urrixed : K»«s(laii at 3 p.m. the p.une (iay : left Raglan at noon on tho 2ith, and arrived at Waikato ut 5 p.m.; left Waikato on the 2-ith, in the afteiivjon, and arrived inside the Matiukuu Heads the same evening- it 7 o'clock ; ,s-.Uyed a', Popongn duruig lha. night, and lame up to Unehunga shortly after four o'clock yieterduy inorning. ; Tho cutter Progress cleared at tho Customs yesterday morning, and left last evening. The cutter Miianda, from Grey Liver, entered inwards at the Customs vest;rday morning. ; 'l'hq s.a. l'huebo will feavo for. the-Southern Ports, to-morrow, at noon. j Tho schooner Thane of Fife will leave for the Grey River in a d&y or two.


DEPARTURES. i JANTAKV ' ! 18 —Anne and June, barque, 262 tons, Smith, for Melbourne,, with ft full cargo of timbor—-shipper, C. W. Drury, j ' Alt RIVALS. ' | ■IANUAIIY. 20 —James Maury, snip, Clunningham, from Honolulu, with 300 barrels of whale oil and half a ton to bacco. .... Tho Amorican vrlmle ship, James Maury, has met with misfortune since she left this port, in January 1805 She lost her captain, S L.Gray, who diad ot inflammation of tho bowels, 3 months after leaving Mongonui. Hi? body was preserved in Spirits, and went with Ihe ship to Reliving Siraits, when),the ship met with tho lawless skimmerof the seas, thefar-famed Sh'nandoah, of which J. i. U'uddell is tho Lieutenant Commanding The James Maury speedily became a .prize of-war. to this mockm- Paul Jones, and was as quickly bonded to carry the prisoners of the Shenandoah's numerous captures to Honolulu ; which having done, and lai tied her late captain's body, wife add child, she 'proceeded on her whaling cruise and ariived here this day. Captain Cunnim,!;am stairs Lieutenant Waddell to be a very having lost his all in the (hrce coniihcts which took place in tiie -henandoj-.h Valh-y, :>c woula do all ite could C; -.1 ire-- the .-'ii:s.i -i-.r v;.crc--r:!i!r. inci;":'>.:. 11 ,I:>m ilways sj.iiicd life, it <{••!»» no* itpp'.'uC, ir, oi iho 2S :■-s '-'i !he Arctic.-seas,. 110 has obts-ined niai;h vuiuabln booty, oven sullieient to pay iii;> crew. • Captain C.unuiuiiii.'im likewise states, that the Shenandouh's first; ol! was vv y. » .-jaictii looking fellow, wlu doclaied lie would hang every d d Yau vce, pould he have his way. t. ajitain Cunninghaiii has placed in our hands, for inspection the original cerlilicato of protection from Oipt.iin Waddeil, wh e i, in the hands of s line future .M<-.cau!'iy, will be inspected with curiosity, when he ph dt bo rel'iting tiie iiistory of this late American civil coolest, aud the diplomatic notes which have boUyoen Lord hus.-ell on, tho one hand, and the clev. r but caniankeruus Yankee Secretary.' of State,, ou the other. The following is a co,.y of the certificate referred to :— "This is to certify that tho of the ship James Maury, this day captured on the high seas, ti, pTi/.e of war by the C.S.Sir., ahenaudoali, under 1113' command, has been retained ny me ; the said James Maury being rul used under a Kansoin Bond of Thirty seven thousand eight hundred dollars, (37,5t)0 dols). " J. J. W'Audeli. " J.ieut-Coindg., C.S.jST. " C.'J.Str. Shenandoah, "At Sua, Juue 28, 1855." "This is to protect the James Maurv, Captain Cunningha n, from capture 011 his way to jifonoiulu. His ship has been ransomed " J. I. Waddei.X,, '" Lieut.-i ouidg., O.S.K. " June 2S, 1865." The above is a true copy. S. PAER73T.L, Customs, Mongonui. January 22nd, 1566.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 688, 27 January 1866, Page 4

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Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 688, 27 January 1866, Page 4

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 688, 27 January 1866, Page 4