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A telegram has been received at Papakura by Charles Mellsop, Esq., 8.M., Coroner for tho district, from the officer commanding sfc Queen's Kedoubt, him that the captain of tho Maori Chief picked up the body of a militiaman near tho Bluff. The unfortunate poor fellow was drowned on last Tuesday. An inquest will be held on the body tomorrow. The Canterbury Meeting.—From the last files of Canterbury papers that have been received here, we perceive that the Auckland horses had arrived, and, we presume, without accident. The local papers make little mention of them further than by saying that Golden Cloud looks very well, notwithstanding his sea trip. Public confidence seems to have greatly diminished in respect of Stormbird, as it is stated that in a trial with his late companion, the three-year old filly, Belle of the Isle, defeated him easily. If this is really the case, there remains but little chance of Stormbird appropriating this rich stake. The old mare Lady Bird appears the general favourite, Una being ncM next in estimation, whilst the Canterbury people's hopes of keeping the Cup appear to be centred entirely in Belle of the Isle. Chubch of England Gbajtjiau Sceool.— In noticing in a local paragraph, on Saturday last the re-opening of several schools in Auckland, we were led, by incorrcct information received, to state that the re-opening of the Churcn Oj •England Grammar School had been postponed for a week. At the request of the Bead Master, the Bev. Mr. Kinder, we hasten correct the mis-statement, and announce that the school was opened yesterday, tlie 22nd ins • Police.—There was not much business done in the police office yesterday. Three drunkards ! were treated in the usual manner. A to 3ll named Miller was fined £5, or in default a month's imprisonment for being a stowaway ou board the s.s. Kangatira. Two gentlemen (not members of the Humane Society) "were ordered to find two securities ot £50 each, keep the peace towards tlieir Trives for si* months, they havingused abusive and threatening language towards them.

ticite is the Stockade. —A woman named nic Finnic died in the Mount Eden Gaol "Sunday night. Some suspicion has attached °\lic death of the prisoner, owing to her hav- •*° 1 en struck in the breast by another female named Mary Harding, who was supP r , ]j C insane, but is rather a woman of Governable temper. As it is necessary to hold „„on persons dying inmates of a gaol, will be held upon the body of the deW Mb* 'l. will sell to-day 14 cases f' pies,' i ease of plums, 10 cases of onions, 1 f notatoes. English and Coloninl cheese, 25 Inzen of smoked mullett. Regatta Day. — Social Gathering.—A , social gathering will be held on Regatta T) v in a Paddock at the point beyond St. rave's Bay, from which a splendid view of the tta pan be obta'ned. A large marquee wiH and refreshments provided for man i ] lor c C , and a variety of amusements inslitu- ! i T j z .—Cricket, footracing, jingling matches, nuoits swings. Tea at 5 o'clock. A public meeting in tllc cvcn ' n S- The expenses to be - nto St. Stephen's, Orphan, the Sick Visitors and St- Mary's Sabbath School Funds. Ilic'baml of the 14th regiment wi'l be in attendTtkeell ANr> Tonks.—will sell 10 j, c „ s 0 f iJ inch wire nails, fine gauge, at 11 a.m. Posrro>' KHENT 0F Sale.—The sale of hard—are bv Messrs. Turrell and Tonks, announced for ro-oay. is postponed until Thurday next. Gbeat" Inpevendext Gold Mining Conj,ixy_ TU-"' petition for winding up this Company having oeen presented to the Chief Justice, Wednesday next has been appointed for the hearing of the petition, and creditors or contributors wishing to oppose the winding-up are requested to appear in person or by counsel. Cokoxer's Inquest.—An inquest was held yesterday at the Railway Terminus Hotel, Wvnvard Pier, on the body of James Brady, idio "died suddenly on Saturday last at the > T orth Shore. A verdict was returned, " Died from natu'.-al causes, by the visitation of God." " Messes. Hunter and Co., will hold to-day, at Otahuhn, their usual weekly sale of fat and store cattle, dairy cows, sheep, and horses, including 10-1 half fatted merino wethers. Auckland Cirr Mission (Children's Home). TIIC working committee of this charity purpose ho!din tP a bazaar at an early date. Contributions and subscriptions wiU be received by the following ladies: —Mesdames Col. Gamble, R. Graham", W. Morrin, Fischer, Philson, J. Morrin. Macdonald, Booker, Hill, Bennett, S. H. Smith, Edwards, Cornford, Cunningham. Pbixce of Wales' Theatre.—Mr. R. H. Cox announces his half-yearly benefit to take place on anniversary night, under distinguished patronage. Mr. Cox is an actor of great merit and of long standing, and we wish him a bumper. Arek la.vp Regatta.—A meeting of the Regatta Committee took place last evening at the Waitemata Hotel. Very few members were present. The amount of subscriptions • handed in were contrary to expectation. The principal businessconsistedof forming the final'programme, rules. &c., after which several matters of private business were gone into, and the meeting was adjourned till Wednesday evening next, at half-past seven, when all moneys collected are to be handed in to the Treasurer, and those who hare promised subscriptions are requested to hand in the amounts forthwith. The programme iri'l be found in our advertising columns. Me. Cgchbane will "sell to-day, 22 cases of apples, and S cases of pears, from TVangarei. Officers' Mess (Commissariat Transport Corps).—M accounts against the mess must be rendered to De N. Lucas, Lieutenant, before Wednesday, the 3rd inst., or they will not be recognised. Tee Rev. S. Epgee will deliver a lecture on Thursday evening next in the School-room, Ed-irardes-street, in aid of the Primitive Methodist Building Fund. Subject—" Excelsior." Ea:lway Compensation Inquiry.—Captain Beckham resumed the enquiry yesterday in the library attached to the Supreme Court, as to the compensation to be awarded to Mr. Dilworth for the land takt n by the Commissioners for the Auckland and Drury Railway. Mr. J. Gwynncth, Mr. Weaver (Engineer-in-Chief), also Mr. Stewart and Mr. Harding, who are engineers on the line, were examined as to the practice in England and the other colonies according to their observation and experience for assessing damages on account of severance, &c., to land taken for railway purposes. These witnesses all laid it down as a rule that the value of the land was first estimated at so many years' purchase, on the data afforded by the nett rental. That from 10 to 40 per cent, was allowed upon the value of the land taken up : that 20 per cent, was usually allowed for forced sale, and other allowances according to special circumstances. The inquiry was further adjourned to Monday next. Ave have abstained from publishing these reports from day to day, in the interests of the inquiry itself; upon its completion, however, we will publish the proceedings in full. A telegram was received from Melbourne yesterday from the Rev. W. Taylor, in which that gentleman states that owing to the increased illness of two of his sons, he would not be able to leave in the Coorong as previously arranged. Mr. Tavlor will thus be prevented from going to the Cape in the City of Adelaide, as we believe it is his intention to come to Adelaide as soon as circumstances will allow, for the purpose of awaiting the departure of another vessel, his friends here will doubtless have several further opportunities of listening to hira. —Adelaide Tehtjraph. _ City Board.—A meeting of the City Board of Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon at their offices, Canada Buildings. The Chairman and the whole of the members were present. The tenders for the repairs of tlio City pumps were opened and that of Mr. Archibald ilacpherson was accepted, to keep them in repair for twelve months for the sum of ®IS. Mr. Wrigley moved that Alton Road be formed and metalled and continued to Stanley-street, and, after some discussion, it was ordered that 'he matter be referred to the Foreman of Works, to make an estimate of the_ cost. Mr. moved that the drain in Stanleystreet be repaired and cleaned out. Referred to tlie Foreman of After passing tlie

accounts the meeting separated. Cocbt llaetial.—Yesterday morning at 8 o clock, a gun was fired from HT.jVl.s.s. Esk, as a signal for tlie assembling of Captains from the several men-of-war in harbour to take their place on a court martial to be held on the Commander of one of the vessels m harbour. Many persons hearing the report believed that the mail steamer had arrived in harbour. They are, however, condemned to " wait-a-bit. Mb. Al"bed Bcckxand will sell to-day at tlie Triangle, 100 merino wethers, a complete sheep-dipping apparatus, 20 h.e3.cL of store cattle* ISO merino wethers. Great World Circus —Last evening again tlie proprietors of this popular place of entertainment were unable to resume their clevei performances. We cannot help thinking that Mr. Wilson exercised a sound discretion in putting off the performance for a day, and studied not only the health but the comfort of his patrons in whom he is justly interested. Ths best proof of his anxiety for the public accommodation and convenience is the fact that on bis arrival here he gave !Mr. "Wllliams (corner of Queen and Port-streets) an order for a new pavillion of very large dimensions. This new marquee will be spread this morning so that weather being at all favorable the performances yrill be resumed this evening. We are very a PPy to perceive the greatest precautions are taken to provide for tlie comfort as well as tlie ratertainmeafc of the publio.

Estate _of Bukea and De Hirsch.—A'l claims against this estate must be sent in to Mr, Charles Tothill, Shortland-street, on or before ' ns ' ;an '', or they will not be recognised. Panmuke and Howtcic Omnibus.—On and after to-dny an omnibus will leave Howick for Auckland at 8 a.m., leaving Auckland for Howick at 3 p.m. KaerowEscate peosi Drowning.—Last night j out 11 o clock, an alarm was raised tliat a man bad fallen over the wharf. It was blowing and raining heavily at the time. Upon search being instituted it was found that a seaman named Richard Barrett belonging to the Petrel cutter, J some means got overboard. James Stanley and a man named Page, of the cargo boat V\ atchman, and others whose names we have not been able to ascertain, went to the assistance of the drowning man and succeeded in rescuing him. The man was hauled on to the wharf and conveyed to the Waterman's house where every attention that was possible was paid, to him. The waterman on duty was at the time occupied in saving a man's boat. Barrett who is well known sustained a few contusions on the face, but we believe no permanent injury.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 684, 23 January 1866, Page 4

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 684, 23 January 1866, Page 4

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 684, 23 January 1866, Page 4