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(From tho Sydney Jfonuny JXerald.) Fohbks, December 14. A nugg'it. weighing four and 11 half ounces, was picked up in Nos. 7 and 8, Grnssot's Lend North, a few days u«o. Tho Arcadiii.ll Prospecting Claim lias again been Ivied, and proved :i " duffer." Payable jiold bus been :,truok behind Jones's storo on tho old Victoria lead. The river lias ceased running in mony places, tho bed beiii" perfectly dry for long distances, owing to tho drought. Melhouiine, December 5. Thero have been hnnvy transactions in breadstuff's but at. a deJinc. Twenty thousand bushels wheat, ex Silas Fisher, sold on privato terms, supposed to be Ss Gd or Ss i)d. Flour by the same ship, 300 tons changed hands at about £32. At auction 140 tons Adelaide (lour fold at £23 15s to £2-1 10s for town brands, and -£IS to flO lus for country brands. 1:259 ba?s Chilian, ex various ships, eold, all faults, at£l 12s Gel to £ 1C 2000 bags Mauritius sugars, es Isabella, sold at £34 Ids for low brown ; £tl to £41 15s for yellow brewing crystals; £10 10s to £42 2s Gd for yellow" coimter.-i; iil- Jss to £45 for white crystals." 2000 bags, ex the mime ship, sold privately, in lots, at £11 for yellow, £15 !.0s for lino wliito crystals. Five bun ired packages tea, ex Princess Alexandra, 2e for half-ohoi's, congou; and 'is and 3s for boxes orange pekoe, duty paid. December 6. Yfilliam Huberts, charged with stealing jewellery, of (ho valuo of £1000, from Sir. Slater's shop, at Kockhainpton, in July, was brought before the City Court this morning, and remanded to Queensland. Four hundred pounds worth of tho stolon property liiis been recovered and identified by Mr. Slater. James Ilodgkinson, of Kast Brighton, shocp farmer, lins iiled his schedule. He sete doivn bis liabilities at £20,000, and his assets at £64,000. Litigation is the cause of his insolvency.

Another .C 1-0,000 judgment was obtained by the London Chartered Bank against the Government today. Fair business done. Adelaide wheat, 4030 bushols placed at i)s 3d ; Chilian, 2000 bushels, Ss 9d to Us. Owing to a report that tho Sydney market had been cleared of maize, jousiderable purchases were inside. Sales reported at up to 4s 7d. for 4500 bags. Kerosene, 3s 3M tc 3s 4d ; Taylor and Walker's ftout, ;I's 10s, in bond. Sugar, yellow crystals, C l-2 10s to .K-13 10s. At auction, Oistillau's brandy told at s:i ;S/.d to 5s ill; JLjrtell'* at 5s ihd to Gs. At G-olclborough's wool sale to-day 475 [ bales were offered and 1333 wen! sold at Sd to 12§d for greasy ; l!0M for scoured: 10id to 23d for fleece. December 7. Tn cloven of tho actions brought against the Government for Cus'oms duties illegally collected, the Supreme Court lias decided against the nonsuit. •Tohn Gold:ick and Louis Reynard, the uttercrs of forced bank notes, have been committed for trial. Tho Saxouia (a.) was sold to the A.S.N. Company for .01000. There has been a good business for general trade. l-'iOO bags sugar, ex Isabcll i, cleared at very full rales; brewers' cryM th, £12 10= to £U 10s.; white erysiab, A-t5 10s; rations, £3G ; counter.-!, £-l-l' IPs. Teas, GGO half-chests, and 3SO o'hwts good medium congous, ex Mary Hamilton sold at Is 7(1. Cornsacks, 14s; : J- sardines, 0s 3d, halves, Us lid ; 8.-tmonl caudles, 12.[d ; 4000 o xee line fonign chun-jed hands on private terms, supposed tobolUdnr ll','d; low Spanish, in parcels, .£2l. Little changr in bread-stuffs. Adelaide flour saleable in baker.i' parcels, at ,C2l to .£25 ; Chilian wheat sold

:it as lid, but higher rates now asked; oats, 5000 bushels at js Oil. cc{im! 'jtiuntlty under odor ; maize advancing r.ipidly, numerous offers at ii Sd refused. Sugar, ex Laughing Water, will bo offered a' auction to-morrow. December 9. Application was marie this morning, to the Supreme Court !•>- the CroA-n, lor statutory leave to appeal in all the tariff cases. Leave was refused absolutely in (wo cases where the verdict was below .CSOO. Liberty to appeal was offered by the Court in all the olhfT r-ii3C5 on condition that the Crown, abandon individual applications in the various cases, and maki! one consolidated application for nil, that it pay the amount ot tins verdict in each case to the suppliants, receiving sjeurity fur the payment, if the Privy Council dcciiio ag.iiiist them, and that it give tho usual security i'or costs. Tho Crown, declined to .■lecupfc the statutory leave to appeal on thejo terms. Tii'j'total verdicts amounted to about £:!0,000. Captain Watson, of tho Donald M'Kay, has been convicted nfbreaches of the Imperial Passenger Act. The penalties imposed amount in tho aggregate to i J I2O. Jnmos "Wnllis, limber merchant, is in custody on a charge of forging bills of exchange to the amount ofiCGOUO. Tin; Chief Secretary yesterday laid tho foundationstone of a district orphdn asylum about to be erected at .Liallarat. Dreat'stuffs are unchangod. Maize : Sales at -Is. 10d., held for as. Fifty toiu boiler plates were sold at £1-1 12s Cd. December 11. A mooting of Ministerial supporters -was held this afternoon. Tho Chief Secretary was absent from indisposition. A programme for elections was submitted and approved. The Bazaar hold in aid of the Melbourno Orphan Asylum has realised £2300. .tiusincsa quiet. I'lo alteration in broadstuffs. Maize active, dealers buying freely. A parcel of 500 bags sold at ss. Sales of kerosene "continue at 3s 10M. Currants, 6d, in bond. Tea,.ox Mary Hamilton, offered at auction, only ono ch'p, :;ood medium, sold under the hammer at is G'rd, in bond. Afterwards several chops were sold, private terms. Tho cargo of sugar ex Trossiicln will be offered to-morrow. December 12. The Governor's proclamation dissolving the Legislative Assembly was published in a Gaztllec JCtfraordinari/ last evening. Tho first batch of elections are expected to take place about the 30th inst. The Chief Secretary iias addressod tho eloctors of Morniiigton. Government snbmits only two issues to tho country. One is for sending the tariff unaltered to the Legislative- Council; tho other is a reform of the Legislative Council, which shall include a dissolution of "that House whenever necessary.

The Governor presided at tho Scotch College prizes distribution this afternoon.

G-enornl business quiet, private transactions moderate, and confined mostly to trade sales. Auctions aro poorly attended, experiencing indifferent success.

500 cases Ecnncssy's brandy sold at 275; considerable parcels of currants realised aid in bond. Cork butter wanted ; Is 10d offered for some now landing. Great excitement in maize ; 5s fresly offered, but in mo3t instances refused. A parcel was sold at auction nt-Is TOM.

Oats continue lh'iii; uOOO bushels isold at equal to 5s 10d.

Damaged California:! at auction realised from £15 to £10 7s. Gd., according to condition.

Mauritius sugars ex Trossachs, offered, but only 270J bags were disposed of. Kates eustainod —previous prices for all hfive rations, which eho,vcd a decline ofaboufc 20s.

Adelaido flour oil'ered, but little sold. A chop of 1000 chesta line congou tea ex Princese Alexandra was placed at 9s. 6d., duty paid.

December 13. ! The estate of James Wallis, timber merchant, who is in custody for forging bills of exchange, has ')sen sequestrated. His balance-sheet shows a deficiency of £2363. The Governor was present this afternoon at the bazanr in aid of the South Yavra Presbyterian Church. The Minister of Customs addresses the electors of Kichmond this evening. Little business doing. About 60 tons of old rice was sold at about £19. Denloni continue eager for maize, and readily pay ss. for sny tUα can be obtained. Plantation coffeo advanced to 13d. ; no stock. About 30 tons Manilla—balance in importers' hands—was purchased on private terns; supposed to be 8d per lb. About half the cargo of medium congou tea, ex Frey, was sold at auction Is. sd. to Is. 6d., in bond. December 14. The Chief Secretary is unwell. Sir Frances Murphy addresses an election meeting at Buninyong, this evening. Another £40,000 judgment has been obtained,by tho London Chartered Bank, against the Government. Business very quiet, owiug to tho non-arrival of the English mail. The Pactole brings advices from Mauritius to November 13th ; two vessels loadiug for Sydney ; two for New Zealand ; none for Victoria. December 15. Tho Chief Secretary will bo opposed in Mornington by Hibbert Newton. A now bank is about to be established under the ucuie of Commercial Bank of Victoria. Acceptances for tho Champion Race : —Cadland, Panic, Talleyrand, Volunteer, Clove, Day and Martin, Tarragon, Angler, Lady Heron, and O. K. Entries for the Hurdle Race, 9 ; New Year's Gift, 7 ; Notional Steeple Chase, 15. Wallis, timber merchant, has been committed for trial for forgiag bills of exchange to the amount of £5400. A General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church is now sitting. The Eev. Thomas Hastie is moderater for tho year. David Brown, in custody for a criminil assault on Gcorgina Maria Eager, has been, remanded to Sydney. Business has improved. 100 tons of rice, fine quality, sold on terms. Withheld stocks, first hands, much reduced, and ai advance in price is expected— £24 to £27, according to quality, being asked. Considerable sales of maize : 1000 bags sold last night at 5s j 500 bags this morning at oh Id; about 800 bags Bold towards tho close of business at 5 s 2d; 5s 3d is now asked. Adolaidu flour : Good trade demand for shipment and country diatricts, at £24 10s. Adelaide wheat, 9s 9d to 10a; Chilian wheat, 9s 3d. Colonial Company's ale, 7s ; U. V. P. brandy, parcel at 25s ; Hennessy'a brandy, 27s Gd ; malt, 10s; common claret?, 15s to 20s, Currants, 6Jd; muscatels, B ; [d and B.jd. Coke, £5. Adelaide, December 5. The Chief Secretary obtained leave to bring in a bill for the amendment of the Constitution Act. : It is proposed to increase the number of members of the Assembly to 56; Council to 2S. The number of olectoral districts—Aesembly to 28; Council to 7. At every general election four members of Council to retire for re-election. Tho number of the Ministry is to be increased to namely:—Chief Secretary, Treasurer, Attorney-General—either in or out of tho House; Minister of Justice, Commissioner of Lands and Mines, Commissioner of Public Works, Commissioner for Immigration, Commissioner for Railways and Roads. Tho Ministry to go to the country for re-election on takiug office. Tho salaries of the Governor and Judges to be increased, and the salaries of the Ministry to be decreased. The Chief Secretary to £700, and the others to £600 ; Attorney-General, if out of House, £1000. TheChiof Secretary gave notice of tho introduction of a bill to alter and amend the laws for tho sale of waste land 3.

No transactions in the corn market. Small parcels of wheat were offering. New wheat quoted atSsto 8s 3d per bushel. Nothing doing in flour, the price ranging from £21 to £22 per tju. General business is quiet. Currant?, fi;[d. per lb.; Byiss'a stout, in demand, at 10s; candles show an upward tendency; cornsacka very dull. December 6. The main features of tho Government Bill for amendment of tho Constitution are generally approved Thero is likely, however, to be much discussion on it in both Houses. Nothing doing in wheat or ilour. New wheat quoted at 8 5 . December 7. A horrible occurrence is reported on tho Ana branch of tho Murray. A man and his wife and five children started for Darling to find employment, and missed the road, and when found by a traveller, tho Jive children woro dead, and the man and wotnau apparently on the point of death, having been without water five days. Both have recovered. Tho mining news is very favourable. Tho cargo of deals by the Peru sold yesterday at 4Jd to 5d for 9x 3. The cargo of timber ex Hindoo was sold privately for the Wallaroo. The Oscar is ordered to Melbonsne. Business is very dull. Small parcels of new wheat sold at from Ss to Ss 3d ; but no export trade. Flour dull; from ,E2O to £22. December 11. Accounts from the North are very bad ; remaining stock dying oil" fust. A meeting is to bo held to-night to form a new racing club in connection with tho old Adelaide racecourse. Tho corn market is quiet; voiy little new wheat is coming in. Quotations—now, Ss 3d to 88 9d. Flour £20 to £22. , Arrived. —St. Vincent and Yerulam, from London. December 12. Tho Bank of Adolaido commenced business yesterday. The South Australian cricketers commenced preparations for intercolonial match, to come off in February next. Tho Chief Secretary gave notice of motion for the relief of Northern lessees, by lengthening the leases according to a certain classification. 500 new Cornwall Mine shares fetched at auction an average of £1 lGs. premium. No business doing. Small lots of new wheat sold at Ss 3d per bushel. Flour nominal. December 13. Tho delay in arrival of the mail is creating general indignation. A sale of 2000 bushels of old wheat took place at Ss 6d ; new, 8s 3d per bushel. No change in flour. A disastrous fire has occurred at Kapunda December 14 Another attempt is being made to build the theatre. The prospectus of a company published to-day proposes to turn White s room into a theatre. Cargo of timber ex TTofco sold to-day—9x3, inferior, •liid. to 4id.; prime 4ja.; 11x3, 6}d.; 7x2i, 4 1116d.; 8:cl, 4|d.; 9xl, 5d.; all sold as 9x3. A email parcel of old wheat gold at Bs.; new wheat worth Ss. 3d. at tho port. Country brands flour eoUI at £20 to £20 10s. December 15. Tho debate on the resolutions proposed by the Government for the relief of the pastoral lessees who suffered from drought, is progressing. The first resolution aSrming the necessity of concessions being made to lessees was carried by a large majority. Races.—Short's half-nr'e heats, I ittle Dan, 1; Rifleman, 2. At the wool sales, greasy brought to Is; washed, Is. 2W. No change in tho corn market. Old wheat, 8a 6d ; new, Ss. 3d.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 661, 25 December 1865, Page 6

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AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 661, 25 December 1865, Page 6

AUSTRALIAN TELEGRAMS. New Zealand Herald, Volume V, Issue 661, 25 December 1865, Page 6