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New Zealand Hbhald Office, Frilny afternoon. The Customs rovenua colleoted to-day amounted to £368 3i, fid.

WEKKT.Y COMMERCIAL REPORTITeeiIi) Office, _ Friday evening. _ BrsiSESfl is still dull, and tho arrival of ilia English J u, lt il and the continued fresh weather havo but very slightly contributed to improvo it. Tho first wool ; sales of tho season woo held on Wednesday and to- ] d IV, the forim-r bv Mr. Alfred Buekland, and the ( latter by Mosars. Hunter & Co. Tho quality of tho , wool eokl was for tho moat part vory superior, and , fully realised Iho expectations of purchasers and ( thoso who take an inter'nt in wool-growing Tlio hii'l'Ost prico for long wushod wool was la at mT-. Buckland'H sale, and Is 7d. at Messrs. Uunter and Co.'s. Tho superior quality of tho wool sold by Messrs. Hunter Co. to lay was very highly and desctvcdly commended. Tho rates obtained aro lather less than tho.-o of last year, but thii can easily bo accc.untod for bv the oxi-ting monetary depression ; indeed woro it not for the favorable reports of tho stato of tho wool market at li >mo, prices would probably hav-.i been lower. Tho arrival of tlio English mail and with it advices of tho goods shipped and now 011 their way hero, has given a more certain tono to business, although it has not influenced sales to any uppreciablo extent. Tho ship Percy, overdue, may be hourly expected, ami her cargo in ludes many articles either in fair doniMnd, amons[-t whicli wo may mention liclmont candleß, palo brandy in quartov-easks, &c. This Gaul and tho Hallarat. it wdl bo seen, havo also sailed for tliia port with valuable cargoes, and fi.ur ships woro 011 tho berth for Auckland when tho mail left. VVhatovor mftj bo tho importations for tho next month or two, thoy imist necessarily bo largely docreased afterwards, for it is well known that vory few havo been sent by Iho last two muils. This is ofc.iurso owing to an overstocked market, and tho difficulty of placing goods in any quantity, even at bai oly remunerative prices. The impending departure of three regiments for England, viz., the 70th, and 43rd will of eourso lesson tho domand and justify importers in being cautious. Tho salrt of Mauritius bumiis, ox Pionnier, by Mr. Samuel Cochrane, on Tuesday last, was, as wo anticipated, well attended, and satisfactory priceß woro realised for tho importers, 'Messrs. 11 enderson and Miefarlano. Thnre is an improving' demand for most kind of provision?, including oilmans' stires; and English arrivals aro looked to supply us with many articles now bcaice such as cheese, bacon, and hii.un, i£c. Tho arrival of tho Matins Salvuims Una morning bringing n".ws ot th i blockade of tho poits bv th« Spanish fleet in ennsequonoo of war having hoon declared, caused some littio Fcnsation amongst the importers of breadstuff here. Tho prico of flour has not, however, boen raised; but tho news has (liven a firmer tendency to existing prices. Chilian | Hour may bo quoted as worth l!2f wholesale, that is in large quantities, and i'2(i in small parcels, namely, a ton" or two. Tho retail prico at tho mills for a sinyle bag is 2Ss. to 28s. Gd. It is neees-arv that this distinction should bo mnde, as tho wholesale prioe at the mills—that is the falc of a ton or two of fbur to n baker—is often contused with llie impnrJers' retail prico, Adelaide tliur may bequotod at .£'27 per ton in moderato sized parcels. It is impossible to say what will be 111- oile tof tho news bv tho Matias Salvinius, on the Australian market, and until '.hat it known, hold rs of flour lioro will bo ciutious. The cargo of (1) lr by this vessel comes to Messrs. rruicVshank, Smart & Co , who wo believe hnvo no intention of placing it upon the market at present. "Wo do not bolievo that tho bloekadc of the C'lii inn ports will do much more than givo a fltmne.-s to tho Aus'ialia i m-irket. The now Australian whoat vill be nearly in when tho news arrives tlioro ; and tlic last•Hi-counts fro-n Smith Australia wero very p'oiui-iug, llie crops not being to any injurious extent afTccted, as i r was supposed they might bo. Wo have the Californi-m ports open to us t<;o; and wo l ave three or four months' supply of br iadstufls on h.and ; so that if there be any scarcity, it will not bo for some time to come. There bavo been 11 < alterations whatever during tho week in quotations generally.

WOOL SALH. Messrs. Huntmr ami Co. hold a largo wool sale vesterihiy, at tho Durham r-'alo Yards. Subjoined is ii description of tlie lota, with braivls, prices per lb., iinct the names of the buyers. Tho following lots .vcro put up and sol 1 : —No. 1, brand G.Y., 2 balos Ion» wool, washed, ; 2, brand IT., 1 bale greasy, l'2}d; 3, 1 bile XX., lialf-brod ditto, IOJd, P. De Witto ; 4, 1 balo J.G. long ditto, 1 l}d, Rev. MrMacky; 5 (McNichol), 2 bags merino ditto; GJ-d ; fi, ll'l'., 4 bilos ditto ditto, 7d ; 7, ditto, 1 bulo, long wool, ditto, 8, J A..H., 5 bags merino, h»tlf w-ish, lOjd, J- W. Shcrlockj 9, C., 1 bale, mixed, 121, 11. W. Cnttlo ; 10, T.K., 2 bales half-bred, washed, T. Nicholson; 11, KM., 7 bales lons, ditto, 16}(l, R. McKav; 12, X., G bales ditto, ditto, 1 Od, IS. Waters; 13, 11., 4 ball's ditto, ditt", IBd, R. McLean ; 14, W.M., 5 bales ditto, 17A1, JIlodson; 15, W.P., 1 bale ditto, ditto, lG\d, Win. PolkuiKhorne ; 10, GlO., <t bales half-bred ditto, 17* d, Guthrie, Brothers; 17, JIT., 2 bales ditto, ditto, lfi}d ; 18, (a he irt), 3 bales ditto ditto, Injd, R. McKiiy ; 1!), MS, 1 bn'c ditto, ditto, Hd; 20, H.M., 1 bale, 1 basf, ditto, ditto, IGJd, lliincry ; 21, (M. Ito 9), 9 bales moriin ditto, lfid ; 2.2, A.S., 1 bale mixed ditto, 1 Oil; 23, (-5 J.Gk,) 3 tialcs halfbred ditto, 15d, James Golkn ; 24, (25 H.G.), 2 halts merino ditto, 10d; 25, f, 5 bains long wool ditto, 19d, K. Waters; 26 (t) (in circle), 1 bile, 3 bugs monno greasy, 8(1, 15. Wators; 27, A.C., 2 bales, half-bred long washed, Cruickshank ; 28, N.R , 1 balo long, yreu.-y, 12 ; |-d, N. liecd.

AUCKLAND RETAIL PROVISION MARKETS. Friday, December 8. VARM AND lIAIHY riIODUCK. s. d. 8. d. s. d. p. d. Butter lb. fr. 1 oto 0 (1 Geese, oacli GO — 7 0 Milk, quart 0 5— 0 G Turkeys, oh. 4 G— 5 0 C'heeso (col.) 10—13 Macon, lb. 00 — 16 EgR-'i dozen 2 0— 0 0 Ham (Kng) 0 0— 1 G Lard, per lb. 10 —13 Potatoes,ct.n. 8 0— 9 0 Fowls, pair 5 0— 5 6 Ditto old, 3 0— 6 0 Ducks, pairfr. 5 0 !o 5 G lIUTCHBH."' Mi:AT. Beef, per l'o. 0 5 — 0 7 1 Pork, per lb. 0 0— 0 8 Mutton, lb. 0 0— 0 8' FLOUR, &c. Tub Mills (Wholesale). — Fine (lour (silk dressed), per ton, £2(3; seconds, £>:i; sharps, £12. Bran, 2s. 3d. Retail.—Fine flour, per lOOlbs., 2Ss.; seconds, 258.; sharps, 14s. Bran, per bushel, 2s. Cd. Me3si!s. llun'meii-on & Maci-'ahune quote Adelaide Flour (ffarts and Boebv) at £27 Chilian, £21. HiScutt.—l'artirgton's— Wholesale and Retail, cabin, 27s per 100 ; ship, 'i ls. per 100 ; fancy, Bd. per lb. Canning's.—Wholesale, cabin, 225. per 10!) ; ship, 20s. par 100 : fancy, Sd. per lb. Retail 27b. per 100 ; ship, 21s. pi.r '00; fancy, lOd. per lb. Bread, per 21b. loaf, Gd to7d. BUILDING MATERIAL. TuiyiEn.—Boards and scantling, per 100 font, 13a to 14a; boards, tonsuod and grooved. Ha to 20s Od ; shingles, per 1000, 9s to lis ; palings, pc-r 100, 13s. Poars and Rails, per 100, £1 ss. Bricks per 1000, Wholesale on tho "Wharf £3 ; £3 10-. delivered. Lime, p»r bushel, Is 3d to la Gd, delivered. AUCKLAND CATTLE MARKET. Mil. AM'UHD 11UC1CLAN'll'S WEEKLY HI!POUT. At Newmarket on Thursday ntore cattle were in larger numbers than for some weeks. For grown stock prices wero lower, but for two year-olds and Bmall-sized cattle full rates wero obtained. Tlwre was a full market of fat cattle, generally of good quality. Small sized animals brought late rat., s about 37a. 6d. thi! 10011).—but largo cattle ruled lower, fully 2s. Gd. llio 1001b.

A very lull market of merino (sheep, woll fatted , were all quitted, but from Js. to 2d. per head lower than lust wvek's market.

Lamb wore in fn'l supply; thoso "f the beat quality brought fully late rates, but on inferior stock there whs a reduction of about 2i, per he id. The half-bred ewes, with l'unbs at side, brought 40s. each ; nud merino wethers, in thoir wool, 20s. eaoh.

Fat calves were in less than usual, numbers, and brought full prices. Mr. Alfred Buekland's sale at tho TTavmarket on Saturday la-t was fairly supplied with country hay, which brought improved prices on the previous wnok, averaging about £6 per ton for pood quality ; pressed lucerne hay, Australian, from £8 10a. to .{'9 7h. Gd. not in request, at ss. 7d. to Cs For tho (arms advertised there was not much competition ; thoy brought the following prices : —Alexander's, at I) rury, 425. 6d. the acre ; Fist Bush, Otahuhu, 14s. the aero ; Mahnrangyl2s. the acre.

Horao. stock were offered in largo numbers, but wore dull of salo. A very Buperior draught horse brought £54 ; useful riling and harness horses, from £8 10s to £15 each ; and iaferior animals from 25s each.

At tlio Trianglo, 011 Tuesday, thero wis a largo muster of stock, principally yoarlings—tlioy wero in request, and brought from £4 to £5 »s each. 'Die dairy cows brought fr°m £9 12s Gd to £15 12s. For tho gracing and mowing advertised thero was no competition at tho auction. It was sold after tho sale, at prices varying from 20s to 40s tho acre.

Tho wool salo at tho Haymarknt on Wednesday was very numn.-ourly attended. For best got up clips, parti ularly long wools, the prices obtained wero equal to tho : o < f last year, hut merino wools in grease, and inferior conditioned wools, were lower in price from Id to 2d per lb. After tho wool s-do the i-heep of Mr. R. Graham were offered. Rams brought from £7 5s to £12; owes, £4 5s to £6 10s; lumbs £2 12s 6d each. MESSRS. HI'HTEU AND CO.'S WEEKLY ItIiPORT. Wo notii-o, but slight (iteration in tho fat cattla market during tho last week. Prhw on Monday were a shade higher. Da'ry cows wero inquired for, and prices satisfactory .Stouk Cattle- —We had a full market of store cattlo, they are still in demand, this class of stock in fair condition sells readily at good rates. Wo had a good market of veal calves which wero all disposed of. S-iibkp Market.—Xo stores in tho market. Wo had a good show of fat sH.ep ; somo good qualities half-brrd shorn, brought as high as 40s each. Modium qualities, shorn, from 23s to 20s; fat lambs, 17s to 20.5; 0 lot of half-bred owes sold at 2"is. House Market.—We hid a full market of horses on Saturday, which wero mostly disposed of at slightly improvod pricos than on tho week previous. We sold some heavy draught horses at £40 each. OiAHinut Sale.-Wo hud an average market of storo cattlo and dairy cows, which wero all disposed of at satisfactory pri-cs. Pai'ajcuua Sai.e—Thoro was a good market of dairy cows and store cattlo. Tho following aro tho quotations for the week :—! Fat cattle, 45s to 50s per 100 lbs ; dairy cows, £12 to £15 ; Htore stock yearlings, 2 year olds, £6 to £S ; fat slioep. 35s to 40s ; half-fat, 23s to 2(is : l imbs, 17s to 20s; horses, good hacks, £12 to £20; light harness do., £15 to £20; heavy draught, £35 to £ 0. AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHARE MARKET. Mil. it. r. htahk's report. In tlio stock and shavo market everything botokens the probability of rather higher rates at the end of tlio year. Bank of Now Zeal ind and New Zealand Insurance shares are ftill in active demand, but very sparingly offered; business luib been dono in tho founer at £15 03 per share ; New Zealand Insurance, £23 10s ; Hunk of Auckland have changed hands this wcolr 5s per share disc uint; Auckland Insurance, at 10; per share discount. For Auckland Gas Company's £2 10s is oil'cred ; New Zealand Stonin Navigation Company's £510 paid up, sold for £50, tin buyer giving tho seller a guarantee against all future liabilities. A small transaction ill mining shares lias been effected at current rates, quoted below. Miscellaneous securities are quiet.

Lust Capital. A™, 1 - Amt. quotat. pr.shr. paid. pr. snr. Hank of Now Zealand £500,000 £10 CIO llofcp? N\ Z. Ranking Corporation ... (>OO,OOO 10 1 o£l 0 of Auckland 100.000 10 3 10.£3 . r )S ps. New Zealand Insuranco ... iir>f),ono 1M) 20 i£'2op,s!i. Auckland LuMiranee Company 150,000 100 210£2 p. sli. X.7i. Steam N'av.Co., limited... 250,000 10 10 | — Auckland (las Company 20,000 5 f» i£*2lssps Waihoihoi Coal Company ... 10,'KX) fi 5 I —- Auckland »S;i\v Mill Company... 10,000 50 o0 —■ Auckl. Sash & Door Company. 25,000 5 5 | — GOLD MINES. ,i Ain't Am't I.ast 1 pr.slir paid. quo. Ivnpanca Gold Mining Comp. XIO.OOD £k> £3 10 i:iop. sli. < Ilitto 5120 15 £12 in ,CS [ir.sli. Waiticiu Ditto £12,000 100 £15 0 £IIJl l J prsli. H. P. Stark, Sbaro Broker. Auckland, December 8, 18G5.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 648, 9 December 1865, Page 4

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Commercial. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 648, 9 December 1865, Page 4

Commercial. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 648, 9 December 1865, Page 4