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Shipping Intelligence.

POET OF AUCKLAND. "Weather.—December 6—Showery. Wind S.W. ARKIVAL. Yision, cutter, from 'Mnhurangi. DEPARTURES. Boindio, schooner, for Canterbury via Wangapoa. Glimpse, cutter, for Wangavei. PROJECTED DEI'ARTUHrS. For London.—lda Ziegler, Ist January. Guam.—Aliquis, this day. Sydney.—Kate, early. Cantemiiury. —Celt, early. VKSSKLS IN' KAtIBOUK. lI.M. e.s. Eelf, from the East Coast. Alii|uis, ship, from London. MciiiuMariua, coal hulk. Celt, schooner, from Christo utch. Clyde, schooner, from Wangapoa, .Knlcnn, schooner, from llokitika via Cabbage T'snnj - tiuiail, barque, from Newcastle, ix.S.W. Vortune, schooner, from Tauranga. JTawy, schooner, from Tnirua. Hur.tress, p s., from Opotiki. Ida Zie<jler, s'uip, from London. Jano, schooner, from Opntiki. ifrate, bnrque, from Sydney. Lark, schooner, from Poverty Bay Marion, cool hulk. Pionnier, lui<r, from tho Mauritius. Susan, coal hulk. (Southern. Cross, schoouer, from the South Sea Islnn-Js via Sydney. ISium, elvip, from London. Tasimiiinn Maid, p.s., from Coromandol. Tawera, schooner, from Poverty Bay. Venus, bris, from Bolivia. William and Julia, schooner, from Hiihuvnngi. Zillah, schooner, from Nnpier via the Coast. VESSELS KXIECTED. lI.M. s.B. Bri-.k, from Sydney. H.M.S.S. Cur.icon, from Sydney. H.M.S.B. Erlipso, from Wellington. lI.M. e>.e. Falcon, from Wellington. Alice Cameron, barque, from Adelaide (new code) T.N.C.P. Unilarnt, barque, from London, 2 d p., 8200, sailed Sept. 21. Cossipore, ehip, from London, 3 d.p., 5917 (loading). Coral Queen, schooner, from the South Sea Islands, 3 d.p., 295. Trancis Hentv, ship, from Melbourne. Freak, brig, from Sydney, 1 d.p., -J069. Gala, ship, from London, 3 d.p., 3819, sailed Sept. 7 Golden City; ship, from London (loading.) 3\illermo!it, schooner, from Melbourne, 1 d.p, 6559. Liverpool, ship, from London (loading.) 3lary Cufcmingr, schooner, from Melbourno (now code), Q.C.B.V. Mary Shepherd, ship, from London Novelty, barque, from Sydnjy, 2nd dp., t>l2l. Percy, ship, from London, 1 d.p ,9513, sailed Aug. 2. Sarah Anu, barqne, from llobart Town, 2 d.p., 651. ENTETtT , .™ TXWARTI?' DECBMBEE s—Fancy, 27 trm, from Tauranga via T;iirua, with Ifi.OOO fett timber—•! puspengors. s—George, 15 tons, Nicholas, from Piuko, with 1-J----tons flax, 1J do., gum, 4 —I passenger. s—St. Kilda, 14 tons, Hooper, from Matakana, with 30 tons firewood. s—Clyde. 34 tons, Cheshire, from Wangapoa, with 25,000 feet timber. s—Morning Star, 15 toni, Hayes, from Russell via Wangnroa, with 2 tons gum, 1 ton potatoes, 5,000 shingles. s—Twe Sister?, 19 tons, Silver, from Matakana, with 857 feet timber—l passenger. s—Prince of Wales, 23 tnus, Lawrence, from the Great Barrier, with 40 tons firewood—2 passengers. s—Klf, 16 ton», Ford, from Puhoi, with 2S tons firewood—l passenger, CLEARED OUTWARDS. DECKMDEK s—Annie5 —Annie Laurie, 24 tons, Stuart, for Waugarei, with sundries, 1 horse—3 passengers. s—George, 15 tons, Nicholas, for Pinko, with eundries—l passenger. s—Lee, 22 tons, Lomb-ml, for Mercury Bay, with sundries —1 passenger.—J. Casey, 5— St. Kilda, 11 tons, Hooper, for Hatakaua, with sundries— l s—Clvdo, 31 torn, Ohe-hiro, for Wangipoa, with sundries. s—i wo Sisters, 19 tons, Silver, for Matakana, in ballast—l passenger. s—Three Brothers, 18 tons, Seymour, for Manjawai, with sundries, 1 horse—o passengers. —T. jJlacky and Co., agents. s—Morning Stir, 15 tons, Haye3, for Wangaroo, with sundries—l pß.ssenger. s—Prince of AVales, '23 tons, Lawrence, for the Great Barrier, with sundries—2 passengers. "s—Hf, 16 tons, Ford, for Puhoi, with sundries —1 passenger. The cutter Vision, Captain Rrown, arrived i;i harbour yesterday evening from Mthurangi, after a quick run, having only left that port at noon. She brings seven tons kauri gum, 150 bags corn flour, 10 boxes eggs, and 10 passengers. Tho ehip Aliquis, Captain Davifon, cleared at tbe Customs this morning for Niccbar, in ballast, and ■will sail during the course of tho day. The barque Bella Mary, Captain Copping, arrived at Hobart Town from this port on the 13th ultimo, after a passage of twelve days. The schooner Eoindie, Captain Proctor, sailed yesterday morning: for Canterbury; she will call at Wangapca on her way and ship a full cargo of sawn timber. Tho fchooner Clyde and cutter Leo both cleared at the Customs yesterday and sail this morning, tho former for Wangupoa and the latter for Mcrcurv Bay. The schooner Falcon, Captain Owen, is alongside Custom-house-street, undergoing a thorough overhaul to her rigging and hull. Tho p.s. Tasmanian Maid, Captain Jackson, tails for Wangarui at G p m. this, ovening. Tho Circular h-'aw Liner Knt", Captain Carter, leaves for Sydney again on Thursday next. The rogular trader Glimpse, Captain Petersen, left yesterday morning for Wangerci, with sundries, passengers, &c. The ship- Francie Uenty, Captain Torranco, and schooner Killermont, Captain Gallois, wore botli to sail from Melbourno for this port on the 25th ultimo. SoT/xDixG3 of Newcastle Habhour, &e.—lt will ho satisfactory (says the Neivcaslte Teler/raph) for those interested in the welfare of the port to know that our harbour-master, Captain Allan, has been making a series of soundings during tho week, with a view to ascertain the depth of wator on the bar, and in the fairway of the harbour. In one of .the ncries mado at about a.m. yesterday, it was ascertained that tha*o was not less than 24ft 6in of water on tho bar, tho sea at tho time running quite smooth. It is still further gratifying to have ascertained that during the past five months tbe depth of water in the fairway has been gradually increasing, so that vessels can now load down to 22ft with certainty, and pass out rif port with eafety, oven when drawing more than that depth of water. Tho J. L. Dimmoek, a ship of very large tonnage, is now loaded and ready for sea, drawing over 21ft. There can be no douot that we have now pretty well got rid of the deposits of silt mado by the almost con tant state of fresh ui which the river was kept a year and a half ago, and that tho construction of the northern breakwater may in some meaemre have contributed to this result. It is probable that as this work becomes extended, a Btill greater depth of water than any hitherto attained will be found at tho entranco to the harbour, of which there aro already satisfactory indioations, Tho following vessels have been sold :—Brig Soots man, for £2200; brig Heather Bell, for £1600 ; 'and the schooner Cheetah, for £800.— Si/duey Herald Nov. 20. Repairs to H.IL Ships.—Dnring the past month H.M. ships Ourapoa and have had a thorough overhaul, tte hulls and decks throughout having been caulked, Mr. 'Cuthbort has had over 100 men employed on these vessels alone.— lbid. Patent Sup, Sussex-street.— This, tho oldest patent slip in the colonies, hus lately passed into the bands of Hr. Cuthbert; but now that tho extensive alterations have been perfected it would hardly ■fee reoognieedi Tho wholo of tho 01.l slip hn« beew

talicn up, and jiow groundwayp, 185 feet long, havo boon laid down, and a now crndlo supplied with the nccojsary ironwork; ao that vobspls up to 50i tons can ho taken up and repairod with ovory facility. Ibid.

Tho Spanish steamer Patino, reports that on the 3rd September, news reached Manila that a British ship, name unknown, ww lost on Scarborough shoal, with 300 Chinese coolies on board, bound to Singapore. Tho hows was received-through tho niato and boat's crow who aimvd thero. On the 4th, the Spanish Government ditpati-hcd ft man-of-war steamer to hrr protection, but it was tho opinion of tho comnmnHei of tho Palino th't nctliiiiji couldbo doiiß us there was n strong south-west wind Mowing at tho timo. mid I ho approach of the shoal very dnn*<;roiia.— FTomi Kmxj Mail, i-rpt. 11. Tho Shippiiii/ dazrJte says Iho discovory nas been made in L'nris.'that. on tho'mnpi of tho lastcontury two snittll islands wero iiuliontud hotwoen Ireland and Newfoundland, one called bv tho luonch Do Verto, at about lat. 47 N.. and lon-. 20 \V., from Paris ; tho other oiiH.-d lie Jaquot, int. 47 N* , l«:ig- 42 W. In the maps of tho present century these islands nro not marked, but it is thought probabb by the French that they still exist; if so, they could bo utilised in tho laying down of the electric cablo. FrNDi.NO a CuHitiiNT Buttle.—A. current bottle was found neav the mouth of tho UnngitiUi Uker, Ik Mr. John Ncodhiini, on tho 23rd inst., containing the following document., which bus l.een courteously handed to us by Jnmcs Hnm'in, Ksn,., Interpreter, for publication :—" Barquo J. E. Uoyd, of Melbourne, Alexander Toung, Commander. From Nowcas'-l' , , N. S. Wnlos to San Francisco, November llth, 1805 ; wind S.W., fresh. This notioo was put into a bottle in Int. 40° 17 South, 171° 53 Knst, to ascertain tho set of current. "Whoever may pick it up and publish it in the newspapers, for the benefit of science, will much oblige.—Alex. Young, Commander, barque J. E. Boyd."— lndependent, Nov. 29. LATIN OH AT MAHURAVGI. At nino o'clock ycfterday inorninsr tho fine cutter Hercules, recently in course of construction by Mr. T. Short, Mnhurnngi, was most successfully launched from hi* bnildine yard. SSho is said to bo a lino looking craft of sS'feet keel, 18 Act beam, and six feet eight, inches depth of hold. About 100 people nssomMol to witness Hio coremany, and afti-r lh> launch was over, they entered into sports of various descriptions, tho wholo I'oing wound-up with a grind ball in tho evening, after which all dispersed highly entisnod with the day's pleasure. THE GALA. This fine ship which siilcd from Denl on tho 7th Septcmbor, passed tho Islo of Wight tbo next day, with a fair wind, and as she lms tho reputation of being a clipper, wo may expect her to make her number. Tho Gala has on board a total of 50 saloon and stcer.igo passengers, besides Dr. Uariing, medical oiliccr in charge, and Mrs. Jano Duggan, matron. Tho following is a list of her passengers and cargo, kindly furnished us by th ■ agents, Messrs. Combes and Daldy. rA33E.\ - Gr.l!S. Su.oon'.— Captain and Mrs. ITorncr and child, Quartermaster Martindall and family, Mioses Faulkner (2), Messrs Faulkner (2), Mr. Fred. Ohlson, and Dr. Robert Harding. Assisted. — Edinond J. Williams; Mary nnd Honora Melican; Thomas Sullivan; .lames Arthur Adams; Margaret (2) and Ellen Moore; Johana Kossell; Louisa Longwcrthy ; John Bnsicll; Kridiret and Jobnna Carney; John Wilson; Marion McTntvrer; Ann und Christina Torricr ; John ton; "Bridget and William McC'ormack; John Douglas; Jano, John, and Joseph L'uggan ; Denis Iliilloriin ; Martha Murphy ; Tlobert, John, Joseph and Elizabeth Houston; floraco nnd Margaret Snuthgatc ; Mary Fahy ; Elizabeth Spillor; Kdmond Dutlon; Alfred Terfall; William Read; Robert James Shanks ; John Saunderson ; Mary McCanna ; Daniul and Isabella McCormick ; Mary Alexander; Mugan O' Flaherty ; Samuel, Ann, Jano, and Elizabeth Josephine Kussoll; Maria and Joseph Graham ; John Ward Keith ; Maria Taylor. CAKOO. Por G.ila, from London :—■! sheets, 3 casks, J. M. Marks; lease, Itcv. K. > T . Brno; 100 bhds, 1 box samples, 10 hhds, 20 quartoi-ensk?, 40 cafes, order ; 2 ditto, Wavte nnd Batgcr; 101 ditto, 20 quartercasks, D. Graham and Co.; G casks, J. Eoborton and Co.; 1G packages, E. and H. Isaacs ; 1 box, Abbott; 3 cases, F. H. Lewis-ion j kegs, S. Fleming; 12 ca=es, Combes and DiiMy ; G ditto, J. Forgham ; G diito, Bishop of New Zealand ; I ditto, J Tulraer ; 5 (ii to, G biles, Edmonds and Jakius ; 12 package-, D. Lovy ; 5 cases, f>. H. Smith ; 200 ditto, 4 ditto, Buchofz and Co. ; 1 ditto, Slevcnton ; 4 ditto, 1 parcel, Hay and Uonpymim; 2 casfa, fr. Blunt; 507 ca»es, Brown, Campbell and Co.; 1 case, W. Powell ; 5 ditto, J- Graham; 3 dilto, 70 bales, Superintendent of Stores; 10 casks, J. Cowley nnd C.>.; 30 cases, H. B. Morton; \ bales, Creighton and Scales; 1 case, order; 2 ditto, J. W. Ncal; GO Rtov.-js, 14 cases, 1 bundles, 1 hhd, 1 tierco, T. H. Hall ; 1 case, R. 11. -tevenson ; 1 ditto, T. P. Hewlett; I ditto, Kev. T. Buddie; 2 ditto, order; 200 casks, 15 hhds., Bucholz and Co. ; 1 enso, S. Brown ; 7 bags, 3 casks, Lings; 2 cases, Strang; 100 tons coil (the la-t 50 tons vory wet), ordi-r; 10 pk»B., 4 casks, R. Lusk ; 3 ca os, W. l'ollard j 30 pockets, 1 ease snmples, order; 50 cn;kE>, Combes and Daldy ; 13 tiereta, 1 cask, F.dson nud Co. ; 1G boxes, 1 barrel, Cruickshank, Smartand Co.; 3 pkgs., D. Nathan and Co.; 18 casks, 11 bale?, Brown, Campbell, and Co.; 1 bale, 1 tin, quantity of malt, unknown; 20 cases, order; 1 case, Harris; 1 caso, Hreakill; 1 case, Deputy Superintendent of Stores; G kegs, 5 ditto, 3 tin.-, 2 c»*ki>, GO locks, GO backs, 27 heads, 1 Cask, J. Wallace; !<l cases, S bales, 1 pa-eel, Edmonds and Jakins ; 550 casks, 100 cases, Brown, Campuoll nnd Co. ; 15 case 3, 1 ditto samples, liucholz and Co. ; 330 rases, order; 150 drums, 100 cases, 10 qr.-caska, 8 bales, 5 cask?, Bueholz nnd Co.; 8 ensos, 2'l bundles, lit kogs, S. Moss and Co. ; 88 coils, 12S cisks. 175 keg 3, 120 anchors, 1 lank, 7 chains, 42,000 elate.!>, 50 barrels, 120 kegs, 10 hhds., order; 22 tnnks, Fowler and Co.; IGO cases, 50 barrel?, eO-J-chests, 20 j boxes, Combe.i and Daldy ; I 10 pockets, 2 cases, 10 hhds.. ordor; 1 caso, Hevell; I 1 case, Dcran ; 3 cases A. C?ark and Son ; ll'cbbds, G-. Isaacs; 25 caes, 1 cask, 1 bale, W. B Upton and [ Co. ; 2 cases, V. A. Phil'iip3 ; 3 ditto, 1 onslr, K. T,uak ; 2 bales, 1 ense, Wnyte and Bather; HG bales, 3 cases, Superintendent of Stores ; 8 casks, 7 crates, G lidds., 10 qr.-ra";kfc, 53 bnlo, Gt ca?c, 12 covers, GO iron pots, 1 truss, 1 parcel, Owen and Graham; 1 box, Walton; 1 case, R. W. Rladc; 1 ditto, Peacock: 4 bal-e, Turnbull; 1 box Wayto nnd Batgcr; 50 - cases, iioborton and Co.; 100 ditto, Cruickshank, Smart, find Co.; 99 ditto, 3 caskn, 29 vats, 2 barrels, I case, Principal Officer ; 1 box H. A. Swayno; 20 casks, order; 74 wnter casks, Combes .-md * Duldy ; 1 box, Mrs. Chapman.—Combes and Daldy, agents. CUSTOMS NOTICE. Tho following notices wero posted at Iho Custom House yo-terday, and as they are of gr at importance to masters of coustern and others, we deem it avisablo to give them publicity : — "Notice.—Customs, Auckland, Ist Dec. 18G5. From this date no vessels will bo cleared for any po.rt of tho East Coast of New Zealnnd, situate between the South head of Taurarjga harbour, Cay of Plenty, and 'J'ablo Capo.—By order of tho Commissioner, (Signed.) W. Mills, Collector. " Notice to Masiehs o? Coasting Ciiatt.— Custom Regulation Act, 185S. —The provisions of clauses 125, 126, 128, nnd 129, will require to bo strictly carried out by masters of coasters, and tho penalties for wilful breach or negligenco of any r,f tho abovo clauses will bo strictly enforced.— W. Mills, Collector. Customs, Auckland, Deo. 4th, 1865." [Note. —For tho information of our readers and the captains of our coasting craft, we deem it advisable to reprint these clause!.—.Kb. N. Z H. : —] " 125. No goods shall bo carried in any coasting ship except euch as shall bo ludeu to bn so cnrriorl at some port or pl'ico in the colony, and, unless with the permission of tho Commissioner, no goods shall be laden on board any Bhip to bo ca-Tiod coastwise, until all goods brought in such thip from parts boyond Iho seas, shall have been unladen, nnd if any goods shall bo taken into or put out of any coasting ehip at sea, or if any coasting , ship ehall dovhto from her voyage, \inloss forced by unavoidable circumstances, tho master of such ship shall forfeit tho sum of ono hundred pounds. " 120. If anj goods shall, without tho permission of tbe Collector, be un-ihipped from nny ship arriving coastwise, or bo shipped or water-borno to ho shipped, to bo carried coastwise, on Sundays or holiday.", or ' I on any SaturJay after tho hour of 12 o'clock at noon, or except in the presence or with the authority of the proper officor of tho Customs, or except at such times and places as ehall be duly appointed or approved for

that purpose, tho eomo shall bo forfeitod, and tho mast<T of the ship shall forfeit tho sum of fifty pounds. " 128. Boforo any coasting ehip shall depart from tho port of lndiug, an account with a duplicate thereof, in tho form contained iu the eighth schedule k> this Act, or to that effect, and Bigned by the master, shall be delivered to tho Collector, who shall retain tho duplioato and return the original account, •ilatcd and signed by him, and such account ehall bo tho clearance of tho ship for the voyage, and tho tianeiro or pwe for tho goods oxprcssod thorein; and if any such account shall bo fal'e, the master shall forfeit the sum of twenty pounds : Provided always that tho Commissioner may, whenever it shall appoar to him oxpediotit, grant gonural tmnsiros upon euch conditions as ho may prescribo for tho lading and clearance mid for tho ontry and unhiding, of any coasting ship and goods ; and tho samo may be rovoiced by notico in writing under the hand of tho Commissioner, delivered to tho master or owner of auv ship, or any of tho crew on board. ''129. Within twenty-four hours aftor tho arrival of any coasting ship at tho port of discharge, and beforo any goods bo unladon, tho transire, with tho name of tho piece "r wharf where the lading is to bo discharged noted thereon, shall bo delivered to tho Collector, who shall nofo theioon tho dato of dolivory, and, if any goods shall bo unladon contrary horoto, tho master shall forfeit tho sum of twenty pounds, and if anv goods shill bo laden on bnard any ship in any port or phico in Iho colony, and carried coastwise, or having bceu brought coastwise, shall bo unladen in any such port or placo, contrary to this or any other Act relating to tho Customs, such goods shall bo forfeited."

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 645, 6 December 1865, Page 4

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Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 645, 6 December 1865, Page 4

Shipping Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 645, 6 December 1865, Page 4