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A. GL A. ALBERT GL ASCHER. JUST EECEIVED, LADIES' GOLD WATCHES, KEYLESS WATCHES,. NEW YOLUNTEER WATCHES, AND ASOHER'S LEYERS. 9 CARAT GOLD KEEPEKS 7s. Cd. 18 „ „ „ 17s. 6d. a OAEAT GOLD WEDDING KINGS 7s. 6d. 18 „ „ KEEPERS „ 17s. 6d 50 LADIES , FANCY GOLD BINGS 12s 6d 50 „ „ „ „ 15s Od 50 „ „ „ „ 17s 6d 50 „ „ „ „ 20s Od TO ABBIVE, Invoices LETEE CLOCKS Invoices OG an* OOG CLOCKS Invoices ALAEUMS Invoices CONCERTINAS Invoices CABINET-WARE Invoices ELECTED-WAEE AT ALBERT G. ASCHER'S AMERICAN CLOCK DEPOT, QUEEN-STREET. PURIFY THE BLOOD! SECURE GOOD HEALTH TJ OLLOWAY'S PILLS. Puhe Bwod. As the vital fluid when in a healthy state sustains and renovates every part of the system, it is abundantly manifest that any medicine which does not act powerfully upon the blood can never exterminate looted disease. The Heart, Lttngs, Ltveb, Stomach, Kidney's and Bowels. This medicine acte immediately upon oil these mainsprings of life, stimulating and restoring them to (i healthy action. It is tho greatest purifier of the blood ever known; Ims the largest sale of jany medicine in the world; and is advertised in every language, and is used by all classes from pole to pole. GENERAL DISOEDEnS OF THE LIVEH AND StOHACK. The average duration of human life might be almost doubled by giving careful attention to what we eat and drink, but as few will exercise tliie caution wo must have at hand an effectual remedy for restoring those great organs, the liver aad stomach, to healthy action. Such as indalge &,:. table, either in eating or drinking, should lake about ten of these famous Pills at bedtime, from which will result a clear head and a good stomach the following morning. Thousands of Ladies are always, complaining of sick headaches, want of nppetite, want of energy and a want of strength; to correct all these evils, three or four of theeo Pills should be taken twice a week, when they would enjoy the health and appetite of a plougiunan. Females op all Ages and Cla3ee» The fame of theso extraordinary Pills is partly based upon the beneficial effects ))n-y have upon the CGV.stitulions of females. Obstructions of any kind, fiither in youag persons or those between forty and j yfty yeovfl of age—-the nioet critical period of life— may bo radiiaT.j' removed by using theso Pille according to t)i3 printed directions which accompany each bor.. Young persons with eickly and sallow compk'xions, and even mothers of a similar unhealthy appearance, may have the blooru of health restored to their cheuks by this corrective, which purifies the blood and cj ptib all gross and impure humours from tho system Beware then of the critical age from forty u> fifty, it sends so many thousand mothers to a preiuaturo grave,—these Pills should bo taken at that period of life two or three times a week, and by so doing thoro is little to fear. Childhen Aim theib Ailments. Tho jneaslee, tho small-pox, the hooping-cougu, and tho many complaints to which children are heiif, should bo treated as follows: —Let mothers when they see such dieease approaching bruise two or three of the Pills, according to the age of the child, giving hem night and morning in a fittlo water in the form of a powder j this invigorating medicine will remove and cure all complaints incidental to childhood. Want of Stiiesoth ahd Enekgy. Persons of sedentary habits, or trouble in mitd, or working in factories or coal pits, or sucli others who cannot obtain that amount of fresh air and which nature requires, suffer from weakness and debility, lowness of spirits, and want of appetite. All sucli should talo a dose or two of these Pills every three or four days, as they act gently and effectuual on the system, imparting -vigor and energy to the body, which is always followed by a good appetite, sound and refreshing sleep, with a high ilow of spirits. Every family and traveller should keep a box r>f theso invaluable Pills by them aganst any emergencies Holloway's JPilk are the lest remedy kneton in the world for the folloioing diseases: — Ague Female Irregu- Scrofula. Asthma laritios King's Evil Bilious Com- Fevera of all Stone plaints kinds Gravel Blotches on the Gout Secondary Skin Headache Symptoms Bowol Com- Indigestion Tic-Douloureux plaints Inflammation Tumours Colics Jaundice Ulcers Constipation of Liver Com- Venereal Affectho Bowels plaint* tions Consumption Lumbago Worms ol Debility Piles Kinds Dropsy Rheumatism Weakness from Dyeentery Retention of whatevor cause Erysipelas Urine . &c., &c. Fits Soro Throats Sold at the Establishment of PROFESSOR HOLLOWAY, 244, Strand, (near Temple Bar,) London; also by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world. * # * Thero is considerable saving by taking the largest sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidancu of patients in oTery disorder vte affixed to esoh box.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 645, 6 December 1865, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 645, 6 December 1865, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 5 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 645, 6 December 1865, Page 8