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FirTT-EiGnTit Regt.—The friends and admirers of this old Auckland corps will be sorry to learn that "accounts from India say that tho regiment has suffered greatly from Eicliness, nnd it is pitiahlo to see ' the poor emaciated men ; they more resemble ghosts than human beings. Tli;ir oxcellent commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonol Hood, has given himself up so entirely to the well-doing of his regiment, that he was ncur sacrificing his own health and ha 3 hut lately recovered from a sharp attack of fever. The sickness in this regiment is now abating, and if tho present cliunpo in tho weather, from groat heat to comparative coolnes», only continues, tho men will bo well recovered before the drill season commences. This regiment is not to change its quarters." PROMOTIONS. 14th Foot.—Lieutenant John Wilson, to bo Captain, by purchase, vice Georgo Buck-, who retires; 1 Ensign"Bertram Walter E. Firman to bo Lieutenant, by purchase, vice Wilson ; Gentleman Cadet William ; Adams Ridgeway, from the Uoyal Military College, . to be Ensign, by purchase, vice Firman. 43rd Foot.—Lieutenant Spencer Porcivnl Tulbot Ni'-holl to bo Instructor of Musketry, vico Liourennnt; i Glover, promoted, Hay 1, 1864. 67th Foot.—Thoa. Eseor, to be Ensign, by ' purtß&ee, rice Kent*'.'- Tiouglaa, retires.

A PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Fon the Province of Auckland was published last evening, in which Uio following puiilic notifications of election!", and appointments, tondcxv, n-\\e of looses, asses3oiiients, Ac, arc made. WaitaKEßei East.—Tho following gentlemen liavo eecn elected Highway Trustees for this district: William Ansel, Francis Bethel, L. W. Eaton, Samuel Harding, John Huston. Maukgakahajiea.—Tho following gentlemen hnvo been elected Highway Trustees i'or this district: Mr. Sherlock, vice Child, resigned ; Mr. Hayward, vico Sands, resigned. Inspector oi> Cattle von tiis Pom ot Aitck" land. —Mr. Benj'imm Maclean 13 appointed to this office, under tho provisions of tho " Distsascd Ctutlo Act, 1801." Sale of Lease 3 by Auction.—Tho undermentioned leases- for twelvo months, commencing from tho Ist of January, ISGG, wilt be disposed of by public auction, at noon of Saturday, the 16th December, inst., at Mr. Samuel Cochrane' s Mart, Fort elicit, namely:— Lease of fee 3 levyablc at. tho public Slaughtorhouso, Newmarket. Lease of tolh lovyablo at both Toll-gates, Newmarket. Lease of tolls levyable at tho Q.neen-street Wharf and Customhouse-street Wharf, together with the foes chargeable at tho wharf weigh-bridge. Lease of crano duos, levyablo on the Queenstreet Wharf. Lease of tho fees chargeable for supplying water from the Government tank, and from n two-inch service pipe in Official Bay. Tho conditions of thesa leases can bo scon nt tho auction mart. Tekdeus Invited.—Tllo fillowing nve made undor (ho authority ot his Honor tho Superintendent. Tehdbks for tcafreo firewood of tho usual lengths, cut and split to suit offico fireplaces. Coals (at prico per ton), to be delivered at the Provincial Hospital, Lunatic Asylum, Mount Kden Stockade, and the soveial public ollices, Convict Ratio , •«: best ordinary an 1 solitary, also for Auckland L" '•. . •, to be delivered oaoh morning at the Stoc'r:; ! . Mount Kden, and the Auckland Lock-up, by half-past 6ix each morning, the Gaoler b'ing empowered to purchase at t-ha expanse of the contractor, in default. These tenders will ha considered together, und the contract given to ono person. Prison Supplies.—Straw, at prico por ton, 224-0 lbs.; oil, per gallon ; cotton wick, per lb.; to be delivored at Mount lOden Gaol. Polioo : Oil, par gallon ; cotton wick, per lb. PROVISION'S FOB PUOVINCIAL HOSPITAL AVI) IIT/NATic Asylttm.—l'resh beef (free from bone), fresh mutton (free from bone), iiuo bread, potatoes, bult.'r, tea and sugar (No. 1 Company's), oatmeal, treacle, arrowroot. liuo Hour, pearl barley, sago, suet, rico, tobacco, salt, popper, s i> whiting, wiiied vegetables, mould candles, eggn (ul y r dozen), fowls (cncii)j brandy, port wino, sherry, port. r. gin, milk, aud vinegar (per Quart) ; oil, at por p ■ in; straw, at per ton, 22-10 lbs. Samples of ten, ■ ;:ir, and ear.d' Information can Lo obtained of : - ■ Provincial Surgeon. Iron Work and Timber. ■ .' '. i.on work and cast iron work, of such de-scr:. .ju as may L»i required. Information to bo had at, the Enginoar-in-Chief's oflice. Alsj, timber of such kinds and sizes as may bo required. Pai'Eb and Misckli-aseol's Svationekt. —Demy, blotting, cartridge, blue-laid demy, ditto ruled, fuint lines, at per ream ; foolscap, 191bs. prr ream ; ditto faint ruled, 2d machine-made, 1G and H lbs. per ream ; double foolscap per ditto, weight to be stated; printing ditto; printing dtiny ; cream-Uid quarto, letter size, ditto oirtnvo, note sizo, at per ream ; books, demy folio, lvilf and wholo bound ; ditto foolscnp folio, half and whole bound, at per quire; sperm candles por lb.; envelopes per 1000 (letter and note); India rubber por lb ; inks, black (MorreL's blue, Arnold's red, per quart, wax vestas, the dozen boxes ; tracing cloth ; pencils, beet drawing, per dozen ; pens, mapping pens (magnum bonum) ; parebmeuts, per roll (dimensionsofdkin to bo stated ; quill pens; pins, per ouneo; green silk libbon; red tapo, per dozen pieces ; twino, per lb. ; green s il]j cord, &c. Tenders for tho following Provincial Government services are also invited by his Honor :— Printing for twelvo calendar months, from tha Ist of January, 18GG ; washing for Provincial Hospital and Asylum for twelvo cnlondur months, froir. let January, 18G(>; carting for the Famo period. Informalion to be h«d at the offices of the Superintendent, tho Proviae.iul Surgeon, and tho Engitoor-in-Chiof, respectively. Al-o, for tho performance of tho Onchunga un.l Mangario Verry, for tho year 1566; informal ion, Ac, at tho offico of ibo Superintendent. Conditions. —Samples of articles to bo submitted. Contracts to be performed at such timos and places, and in such quantities asdmay be indicated by the Superintendent. Contracts can be annulled upon a month's notice, given in writing, by contractor or Superintendent of an intention to discontinue. Payments to bo inaio monthly, after accounts pasjed by proper omciir. Disputes to be decided by ft<! of Survey. Upon a decision adverse to the contractor as to the quality, tho article to bo placed on it wiil bo procured and charged. Where injury may be sustninud by injury, tlvo Board of Survey to have power to reject mforior quality. Two sureties of JEICO each will bo required for the duo performance of each contract. No porson holding an appointment of emolument under tho Colonial or Provincial Government cim be a party to those contracts. Assessment schedules are annexed to tho Provincial Government Gazette for tho districts of Mangarc-i (18G5-G) and Wairoa.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 645, 6 December 1865, Page 5

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MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 645, 6 December 1865, Page 5

MILITARY INTELLIGENCE. New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 645, 6 December 1865, Page 5