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LAND ORDERS, in tho names sot forth below, are lying at this offico. The grantees named therein aro requested to c*.ll for the same. H. N. WARNER, Waste Lands' Commissioner. Waste Lands' Office, Auckland, Novembor 27, 1865. Names. Grantees. rAT o H °DEn" , ' I!D Michael O'Donogliuo John O'Donoslrao July 4,18«5 James Gilpin Mary Ifridcado July4,lSCs Jlary Ann Hackett Frederick Smith Julv 3,1805 John Sliiloncy Frederick Smith July 3,1565 Simon Cullen S. Cullen July 20, 1805 Kotxrt McCade It. JtcCade July 20.1505 Edward Joseph Gearon K. J. Gearon Julv 22,1862 Michael O'Shaugncssy M. O'Shnujrncssy Julv 20,1555 Mary Element George Elemunt April 28. lac;; liichard James Burton John Rarlon April 24, 18G5 Elizabeth Maria BartonJolin Barton April 22, lSt!5 Emma Barton John Barton April 22,1863 Elizabeth Lampli K. Lamph June 8,1865 Kobert Jaines Gooday K. J.- Gooday May 30, ISC'; John rerrin J. Perrin Slav 31,1565 Francis William Sayce F. W". Sayce May 9,15C5 Edward White E. AVhlto May 5,1865 Ephraim John Brown Thomas Brown March 17, lSiir, Robert Crawford J!. Crawford April 25,1865 Abraham Connolly John Connolly March 2,18C5 Thomas Kem.ighan John Keruaghan March 2, 1555 John Elewker Jolm Flcwker Feb. 27,1665 Ann Flcwker Join Flcwker March G, 1865 Tctcr Donald Peter Donald Doc. IG, 1564 Thomas Purvis Bruce T. 5\ Bruco Jan. 18,15G5 Eleanor Brace T. P. Bruce Jan. 10,186S John Hodger John itodger Jan. 26,1865 N.B.—Clause 73 of "Auckland Waste Lands' Act, 1858." Every such land ord6r shall be 'null and void unless the person in respect of whom tho samo shall have been granted shall present the samo in person to tho Commis'ionor or his Deputy within the said province, within twelve calendar months from tho date of 'the order being granted. Commissary-General's Office, Waterloo-crescent, 4th December, 18G5. TENDERS in duplicate will be received at this office until noon of FRIDAY, the Bth instant, from persons willing to supply HOR9E SHOES in such quantities as may be demanded botween this date end the 31st March, 1866. Each Tender to state the rate per box of 20 sets of Shoes and 2560 Nails, delivered into tho Military Stores at Auckland, and approved ly tho Senior Military Store Officer. Forms of Tender and any information required can be obtained at the above office. H. STANLEY JONES, Commissary-General. to the electors of the pensioner settlements. GENTLEMEN, —Having been requested to stand for tho Pensioner Settlements, at the approaching Election for the General Assembly, I have the honour to intimate my readiness to servo as your representative, if elected, and beg to request your votes in my favour. I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, P. F. DE QUINCEY. Howiclr, November 23, 1865. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE PENSIONER SETTLEMENTS. GENTLLMEN,— Having received, from Electors of the Pensioner Settlement*, a written requisition, to the effect that I would consent to be put in nomination to represent the Pensioner Settlements in the next General Assembly, I beg to eay that I received with pleasure tho mark of public confidence implied in the wish of the requisitionists, and shall make it my duty, if elected thereto, to serve the constituency to tho best ot my ability in the House of Representatives. I have the honour to bo, Gentlemen, Your obedient servant, PONSONBY PEACOCKE. Howick, November 27, 1865. P.S.—With reference to an address that has just appeared from Colonel de Quincey, I beg to add that the above address of mine is but the fulfilment of a promise given long ago, and frequently renewed Eince that I would, if requested, stand for the Pensioner Settlements, whenever a vacancy should occur; a promise which I have this day been called upon to adhere to, with special reference to the candidature of Colonel do Quincey. P. PEACOCKE. TO CARPENTERS. TENDERS are hereby invited for tho CONSTRUCTION of the WOODWORK of tho RAILWAY VIADUCT and BRIDGE in Mechanics* Bay. To be constructed and placed in position in accordance with tho Plans and Specifications supplied by the Engineer to the Board. The Material to be supplied by the Contractor. Plans and Specifications to be seen at Mr. Cochrane's Buildings, Fort-street, from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m on and after MONDAY, 4th instant. HENRY SHTLLINGTON, C.E. TO IRONFOUNDERS, &o. TENDERS are hereby invited for the supplying of the IRON-WORK for the RAILWAY VLtDUCT arjl BRIDGE in MECHANICS' BAY. To be supplied in accordance with the Plans and Specificatioae drawn up by tho Engineers to the Board. ' Plans, &c, to be seen at Mr. Cochrane's Bnildingß, Fort-street, from 12 a.m. to 2 p.m., on and after Monday, 4th inst. HENRY SHILLINGTON, O.E. TC PAINTERS AND PAPER-HANG-ERS. rriENDERS will be received until noon of WEDJ. NKSDAY, 6th, for PAINTING and PAPERING additions to Star Hotel, Albert-street. JOHN FINLAY, Junr., Carpenter. Queen-street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hall. £100 REWARD. WHEREAS some evil-disposed person or persons did, on tho night of tho 30th of November, or early on the morning of tho Ist December, go on board tho Water-boat ' New Year,' and maliciouely CUT and DESTROY the whole of the WATERHOSE and RUNNING GEAR belonging to the abovo - mentioned Water-boat, therefore, I,- the undersigned, do hereby offer the abovo reward to any person who shall give such information as will lead to tho conviction of the offender or offenders. J. CASEY. Bed Office, Queen-Btreet Wharf. £1 IJEWAED. LOST —On tho road between Auckland and Otahuhu, on Sunday last, a GOLD RING, with a shield and " W. C." engraved on it. Any one bringing it to this Office will roceive the above Reward. LETT'S DIARIES for 1866, just received per Overland Mail. All the different sorts and sizes on sale at G-. T. CHAPMAN'S, Qusen-itietf.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 1

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Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 1

Page 1 Advertisements Column 2 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 644, 5 December 1865, Page 1