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CHEAP EDITIONS OF POPULAB BOOKS. OFFERED CHEAP FOE CASH, AT C H A P MAN'S. "DOCKING-HAM, by tho author of Electro, 2s; J-li Melbourno House, 2s 6d; Eights and Wrongo, by I ( onblanque, 2s 6d ; Embassies and Foreign Courts, by Boving Englishman, 2a 6d ; War Trail, by May no Reid, 2s 6d ; Emma, by Miss Austin, 2a, Waltl.nm, by Gleig, 2s 6d ; Unloved One, by Mrs. Holland, 2s Gd J Flnneas Quiddy, by Poolo, 2s 6d ; Bothwell, by Grant, 2s 6d; Ovingdsnn Grange, by Ainsworth r S , 5 .® lr ' s '°pher Tadpole by Albert Smith, 2s 6d; Luckj- Penny, by Mrs. Hall, 2s; Pirate of the Mediterranean, by Kingston, 2s Gd ; Longwoods of tho Grange, 2s Gdj Young Curate, or Quicksands of Life, 2a Gd; Cap'ain Blake, by Maxwell, 2s 6d; Pride of Life, by Lady Scott, 2s 6d; City Banker, 2s 6d ; Pin Money, by Mrs. Gore. 2s, Hills of the Shatemue, by Elizabeth Warner, 2s; Duke, by Mrs. Grey, 2s ; Twenty years of an African Slayer, by Brantzmayey, 2s; Colin Clink, by Hooton, 2s Gd; Bir Eolmd Ashton by Lady C Long, 2s Gd; Jasper Lyle, by Mrs. Ward, 2s 6d ; Vicissitudes of Italy, by Gretton, 2s 6d ; Nan Darrell, by Pickering, 2s 6d ; Mothers and Daughters, by Mrs. Chore, 2s 6d; Cousin Nicholas, 2s; Scatterg'od Family, by Albert Smith, 2s 6d ; Secret of Life, by Bell, 2s 6d ; Valentine Vox, by Cockton, 2s 6d ; The Ward, by Mrs. Trollop a Ss, Mansfield Park, by Mies Austin, 2s j Two Baronets, by Lady C. Bury, 2s 6d; Ladder of Gold, by Bell, 2s Gd; Cavaliors of Fortune, by Grant, 2a 6d; Marguerito De Valois, by Dumas," 2s Gd; Night Side of Nature, by Mrs. Crowe, 2s 6d ; Will Ho Murry Her, 2s Gd ; Laura Everingham, by Grant, 2s Gd; Aids-do Camp, by Grant, 2s 6d; Maximums and Specimens of William Muggins, 2b 6d; The Only Daughter, by Gleig, 25.; Hnjji Baba, 2s 6d j Who is to Have It ?2s 6d; Frank Hilton, by Grant, 2s Gd ; Iron Cousin, by Mrs. C. Clarke, 2a Gd j Derby Ministry, by Eochester, 2s j Matrimonial Shipwrecks, by Mrs. Maillard, 2s 6d; Northanger Abbey, by Miss Austin, 2s; Sporting Adventures, by J. D'Ewes, 2s Gd; Manoeuvring Mother, 2s 6d ; Todds' Highland Tour, Is 6d ; Poor of Paris, Is fid; Godolphin, by Bulwer Lytton, 2s ; Leila, by Bulwer Lytton, Is Gd ; Eugene Aram, bv Bulwer Lytton, 2s Gd; Ernest Mattravers,by Bulwor Lytton, 2s 6d; Harold, by Bulwer Lytton, 2s 6d : My Novel (2 vols.), by Bulwer Lytton, 5s ; Devereux, by Bulwer Lytton, 2s Gd ; Disowned, by Bulwer t Lytton, 2s 6d; Paul Clifford, by Bulwer Lytton, 2s 6d; Bienzi, by Bulwer Lytton, 2s 0 1 : 11.,. Caxtons, by Bulwer Lytton, 2s 6d; Zan '-v Bulwer Lytton, 2s Gd; Lucretia, by Bulwer Lyu-.»i. 2s 6d ; Night and Morning, by Bulwer LytU n, 2s 6d: What Will ho Do With It ? 2 vols., by Bulwer Lytton, ss; Last of tho Barons, by Bulwor Lytton, 2s Gd ; Pelham, by Bulwer Lytton, 2s 6d ; Alice, by Bulwer Lytton, 2s Gd ; Tho Debutante, by Mrs, Gore, 2s Gd j. Cassar Borgia, 2s 6d ; Comic Sketches, by Poolo, 2b 6d j Qu»echy, by Miss Wetherall 2s 6d; Trevolyan, by Lady Scott, 2s 6d; The Caries, 'is; The Battlo Day, by Ernest Jones, 2s Gd; William the Conqueror, by Napier, 2i Gd ; Miriam May, 2s; Adventures of a Sporting Dog, Is 6d ; Love Tales, by Kingsloy, Is Gd ; Tithe Proctor, by Carleton ; Fan Fan, Is 6d; Marchioness of Brinvilliers, 2s; Balthazar, by Balzac, 2s; Guide to Eti?;uelte, Is Gd; Lott-Ery, by Mrs. Jones, 1 b Gd; Half > - thers, by Dumas, 2s Gd; Hurry Ogilvie, by Gram, 2s Gd ; A Wife to Order, by Gcrstaecker, 2a Gd ; Eifle Clubs, by Bussell, 3 a Gd ; Soldier of Lyons, 2s Gd; Lewell Pastures, 2s Gd ; The Feathered Arrow, by Gerstaccker, 2s Gd ; Forest Lifo iu Norway and Sweden, by Newland, 2s Gd; Chief of the Ancas, by Aimard, 2s Gd ; Quadroon, by Mayno Reid, 2s Gd; Acting Proverbs, Is 6d; Garibaldians in Sicily, by Dumas, Is Gd; Percy Effingham, author of Valentine Vox, 2s 6d; Flood and Field, by Maxwell, 2s ; Thaddeus of Warsaw, by Jane Porter, 2s ; How to make Money, by Freedly, la 6dj Prairie Bird, by Murray, 2s Gd ; Drafts for Acceptance, by KnymoTid, 2s ; War Lock, by Old Sailor, 2s ; Petticoat Government, by Trollope, 2s 6d; Jane Seton, by Grant, 2s 6d; Maloverer's Divorce, 2s 6d ; Old Helmet, 2s 6d ; Francesca Carrara, by L. E. L. 2s 6d; I.ifo in a Steamer, by Sam Slick, 2s; Deeds not Words, 2s 6d ; Mr."Jones' Evening Party, by Edmund Koutledgo, Houao and Home, by MrsStowe, 1b Gd; Scottish Cavalier, fcy Grant, 2s Gd; Man of Fortune, bj' Fonblanque, 2s Gd; Owen Tudor, 2a Gd; Mary of Lorraine, by Grant, 2* 6d; Land and Sea Tales, by Old Saiior, 2s; Whitefriars, 2a 6d ; Robinson Crusoe, 2s; Singleton Fontenoy, by Hannay, 2s ; Adventures of a Beauty, by Mrs. Crowe, 2s Gd ; Pastor's Fireside, by Jane Porter, 2s 6d; Tricks of Trade, Is 6d; Ennui, tMgeworth, 1b Gd ; Two Frigates, by Cupples, 2b 6d; j?ho Sepoy Kevolt, by Henry Mead, 2s Rd -.Emily Chester, 2s 6d ; Advertise, How ? When ? Where ? by Smith, Is Gd ; Each for himself, by Gcrstaecker, 2a Gd ; Vicar of Wakefield, by Goldsmith, Is Gd; Tho Captain's Wife, 2s 6d; A bundle of Crowquills, Is Gd ; County Curate, by Gleig; 2s 6d; Echoes from the Backwoods, 2o; Caleb Stukely, by Phillips, illustrated, 2s 6d; Haunted Hearts, 2s Gd ; Little Pedlington, by Poole, 2s ; Hodge Podge, Is Gd; Ned Myers, by Cooper, Is Gd ; Sea Lions, by Cooper, Is Gd ; Wnter Witch, by Cooper, Is 6d ; Oak Openings, by Cooper, is 6d; Mark's Reef, by Cooper, Is Gd ; Headsman, by Cooper, Is 6d ; Two Admirals, by Cooper, lsGd: Doerslayer, by Cooper, Is 6d; Wyandotte, by Cooper, Is 6d ; Miles Wallingford, by Cooper,' 1b 6d; Pioneers, by Cooper, la 6d; Pathfinder, by Cooper, Is 6d; Lionel Lincoln, by Cooper, Is 6d: Last of tho Mohicans, by Cooper, Is 6d; Sntanstoe, by Cooper, Is 6d; Bravo, by Cooper, Is 6d ; Prairie, by Cooper, Is 6d ; Spy, by Cooper, Is 6d ; Precaution, by Cooper, 4b 6d; Heathcotes, by Cooper, Is 6d; Eve Effingham, by Cooper, Is 6d ; pilot., by Cooper, Is 6d; Bed Bovei - , by Cooper, Is Gd ; Heideniuauer, by Cooper j Is 6d ; Susan TTopley, by Mrs. Crowe, 2s 6d; Xxion, by Disraeli, Is Gd ; Conineeby, by Disraeli, Is Od; Colleen Bawn, by Griffin, Is 6d; Alroy, by Disraeli, Is Gd ; Vonetia, by Disraeli, Is 6d ; Catarini Fleming, by Disraeli, Is 6d ; Sybil, by Disraeli, Is 6d ; Toung Puke, by Disraeli, Is 6d; Tancred, by Disraeli, Is 6d Henrietta, by Disraeli, Is Gd; Vivian Grey, by Disraeli, Is 6d; Miser's Daughter, by Ainsworth, Is 6d; Crichton, by Ainsworth, Is Gd; Flitch of Bacon, by Ainsworth, Is 6d ; llookwood, by Ainsworth, is 6d ; Guy Fawkes, by Ainsworth, Is 6d ; Tower of London, y Ainsworth, Is 6d; Old St. Paul's, by Ainsv orth, 1b 6d; Windsor Castle, by Ainsworth, Is 6d; Spendthrift, by Ainsworth, Is 6d; Gowrie, by James, Is 6d; Richelieu, by James, Is 6d; Mary of Burgundy, by James, Is Gd; A Whim and ita Consequences, by James, Is Gd; Man at Arms, by James, Is 6d; Convict, by James, Is 6d; Atfcila, by James, Is Gd; Stepmother, by James, Is 6d; Arabella Stewart, by James, Is Gd; Gipsy, by James, Is 6d; Forest Days, by James, la Gd ; King's Highway, by James, Is 6d ; Henry Masterton, by James, Is Gd; Morloy Ernstoin, by James, Is 6d; Margaret Graham, by James, Is 6d ; Agincourt, by James, Is 6d; Delaware, by James, Is 6d; Castlo of Ehrenatein, by James, Is 6d; Huguenot; by James, 1» 6d; Henry of Guise, by James, Is Gd; Bussell, by James, Is Gd; Woodman, by James, Is 6d; Sebastopol, the Story of its Fall, Is 6d; Jottings of a Lounger, by Fowler, Is 6d ; Lilly Dawson, by Mrs* Crowe, la (id; Henpecked Husband, by Lady Scott, Is 6d; Dark Lady, by Mrs. Maxwell, Is Gd; Female Life Among the Mormons, Is 6d; Ladder of Life, Is 6d ; Ghost Hunter, by Banim, Is 6d; House of the Seven Gables, by Hawthorne, Is 6d ; Poems of Life, by Chad wick, Is 6d; Eita, Is 6d ; My Brother's Wife, la Gd; Ambassador's Wife, Is 6d; Hamlet, by Shakespore, lsGd; Bojal Favorite, by la Gd ; Whom to Marry and How to get Married, Is 6d; Zingra, tho Gipsy, Is Gd; Cinq Mars, by De Vingy ; Thai aba, by Southey, Is 6d; Jacob Faithful, by Marryatt, Is Gd; Valerie, Is Gd; Dog Fiend, Is Gd; Poacher, by Marryatt, Is Gd; Midshipman Easy, by Marryatt, Is 6d; Frank Mildmay, by Mavryatt, Is Gd; Pride of the Mess, Is 6d; Japbet in Search of a Father, by Marryatt, Is Gd; Tough Yarn, by Old Sailor, Is Gd; Eattlin the Eeefer, by Marryatt, Is Gd; Pacha of Many Tales, by Marryatt, .Is Gd; Green Hand, by Capplea, !■} 6d ; Egeria and other Poeme, by i Mackay; Cariboo Gold Fields, by Haylett Is 6d; My Lady, Is Gd: Lady I.orwe, Is Gd; Make four Game, bv Salr>, Is 6d; Confidence, Is 6d ; Thornley Hall, by Holme Leo, 1b 6d; Adrian L' Estrange, Nauetto and Her Lovers, Gwynne, BGd ; Lost Love, by Owen, Is 6d ; Hawkesyiew, by Lee, Is Gd; Life and Death of Silasßarnstarke, G-wynnc, Is Gd ; Florence Templar, by Mrt. Vidal; Eosa Douglas, Is OS ; Ellcsmere, 1b Gd; Young Singleton, by Gwynno, Is 6d, Tender and Truo, Is Gd; Amberhill, by Barrowchffe, Is , Wheat and Tares, Is 6d; Cousin Stella, Is 6d , My Fir-it Season, Is Id. GEORGE T. CHAPMAN BooksaM«r and Stationer.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 643, 4 December 1865, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 643, 4 December 1865, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 643, 4 December 1865, Page 3