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Malicious and Wnvut Damage.—An outrage of a most dastardly character was perpetrated on Thursday night or early on Friday morning, on board the water-boat New Year, belonging to an old and respected resident, Captain (Jasey. The boat was entered by some person or persons, and the leather hose and running gear destroyed. The former was cut through in 110 less than twenty places. Captain Casey, we see, has offered a reward of £100 for such information as will lead to the conviction of the offender or offenders. In all probability more than one person was engaged in this nefarious act, nnd as we believe that the reward will be paid to any one of the parties turning Queen's evidence, and that the act of doing so would probably save the aeeomplicc from punishment, it is more than probable that the offer of so large a sum as £100 will causo the matter to be discovered. A crime such as that committed on board the New Year is one which it behoves every man to endeavour to bring to light. We should be sorry to see crimes of this class become common in the colonj r , and too much praise cannot be given to Capt. Casey for tlio pat"i* ■'".ic feeling which has induced him to offer so e a reward. The shipping public, wc are happy to learn, will not, as it happens, suffer long by the cutting off of the supply of water caused by this outrage, for Capt. Casey is daily expecting a large supply of leathern hose from Sydney by the Novelty, which by mere chance he had ordered.

Supreme Court.—The December Sessions of the Supreme Court opened yesterda}', before His Honor Sir G-. Arney, Chief Justice. There were 2(5 criminal cases set down for trial as compared with o t last session. The Grand Jury having been sworn, His Honor addressed then; principally with reference to the improvement 111 the gaol accommodation. The following were tried:—Henry Warnicke, for stealing a watch and chain, tho properly of Andrew .Robinson. Found guilt3 T and sentenced to 6 months' imprisonment with hard labour. James Mitchell, watchmaker, for stealing watches and jewellery from Mr. F. H. Lcwisson of Queen-street, to the amount of £26. Prisoner pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 2 3-ears' imprisonment with hard labour. Ellen A ttwell, indicted for stealing a silver watch and chain from Jas. licilly, Papaltura, found guilty and sentenced to eight months' imprisonment with hard labour. Henry McCbafy was charged with stealing £11 in notes from the premises of Mr. Keid. lVniulcu, the stolen property being the property belonging to Archibald Glass, sentenced to 12 months. John Lj'neh, soldier, indicted with stealing a silver watch from the hut of John Council, another soldier, found guilty and sentenced to 6 months. Chas. F. Bellow, horse stealing, acquitted. The Grand Jury having gone through the- several cases were discharged, and His Honor adjourned tho Court to Monday next at 10 o'clock. Police:—'Hie only case heard before Mr. Beckham yesterday was one for a breach of the Municipal Police Act, by allowing a quantity of earth to be on the footpath in Albert-street. Mr. Wynn appeared for the prosecution, and Mr. Gillies for the defence. There was a point of law involved as to who was liable, and it was well argued on both sides. His Worship reserved judgment for a few days. On Wednesday last William Garrette, residing near Papakura, was apprehended and brought before the Resident Magistrate, Charles Melsop, Esq., charged with indecently exposing his person. • He was fined one pound and costs, or 14 days' imprisonment with hard labour.

_ The jS t ew Oxjstoii-housu.—The first pile for the fonndation of the new Custom-house and Post-office was ii riven in Port-street yesterday. The contractor, Mr. Geo. Burgoyne, is pushing the work on as fast as possible, and wc understand the foundation-stone will be laid in a few months' time.

Thk Powder in* the Magazink.—Our rea-i dcrs will be glad to learn that the stock of powder in the Albert. Barracks is being gradually decreased. About one hundred tons is beinof sent away by tiie Ida Zieglar, and some seventy tons were despatched by the John Temperley. There still, however, remains in the Military magazine, in loose powder and made-up ammunition, a quantity of not less than 150 tons, sufficient, one would thinlc, to blow us all to destruction.

Wool. —Wc noticed some little time since a sample of the wool grown from Mr. J. Newman's cross-bred sheep between the merino and the long-woolled breeds. We have been shown yesterday another sample of the same wool, dressed by Mr. Gee, which will be exhibited at Mr. Buckland's wool sale to-day. The length of the staple is some 14 inches, and for quality we think it will be hard to match the sample. Ship-cabpentehs.—AYe perceive that a meeting of ship-carpenters is advertised to take place in the Wesleyan School-room, Edwardea-street, this evgajag, at- 0p,111,, on buaiuase of importance.

Pjjincis of Walks Theatre will re-open this evening with the "Boso of Amiens," to be followed by the most laughable of burlesques, " Alladin, or the Wonderful Scamp." Some very beautiful scenery lias been painted by Mr. Burbury. The burlesque will be produced under the direction of Miss Fanny Young. f Pont Bace. —The match between Mr. Coyle s " Tiboa" and Mr. Lincoln's " Lion," took placc on the Epsom Kace Course at noon yesterday, and resulted in " Lion" winning by about a head. The distance was twice round, and the race was pronounced by every one presont to lie the best match they had ever seen.

Soiree at Mahuranoi. —A. soiree in con- a noxion vritli tlio Presbyterian congregation of this ( district of Mahurangi, will be held ii\ the public , hall, Mahurangi, on Monday, the 4th. December . next, in aid of tlie church fuuds. The Mahu ( rangi Harmonic Society have kindly oflered i their services on the occasion. Mechanics' Institute. —Mr. Davis will exhibit his views, illustrative of the war in t America, together with photographic views of places in Japan, also European and other scenes , on Mondny evening. ( Tenders are invited by Mr. Henry Smiling- ( worth, G.E.. for supplying the iron work for the i railway viaduct in Mechanics' Hay, in accor- i danco with the plans and specifications drawn up by the Engineers of tba Itailway Board, l'lans to be scon at Mr. Coclifane's rooms, Fortstreet, from 12 to 2 p.m., on and after Monday next. Masonry.—The monthly meeting of the Lodge Arn, will be held in the Lodge Hoorn, on Monday evening, at 7 o'clock. Messrs. Jones & Co. will sell to-day a large quantity of beef, pork, potatoes, cheese, groceries, wines, spirits, furniture, pictures, ironmongery, oil, canaries, oats, maize, flour; also a wager boat. Messrs. C. Artjiuk and Pon will sell to-day, a quantity of furniture, comprising bedsteads, pictures, crockery ; also a quantity of provisions, ocmprising maize, potatoes, a number of rabbits, books, baskets, rifles. Mr. George Sibbin will hold to-day, a sale of boards, joists, and scantling, in Custom House street. Messrs. Hunter and Co. will sell to-aay, several horses, hay, straw, drays, carts, and harness. Messrs. Sticiiburt & Son will sell to-day, a let of provisions, white-lead, paint, oil, papering, canvas, paperliangings, potatoes, furniture. Mr. Alfred Buckland will sell to-day, Alexander's farm, near Drury, horses, maize, several allotments. Messrs. Harris and Turner will soli today, a large quantity ot' provisions, groceries, brandy, rum, whiskey, &c. Messrs. Hidings & Dowden hold a sale today of furniture, drapery, a pianoforte, sewing machines, beef, pork, provisions, &c.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 642, 2 December 1865, Page 4

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 642, 2 December 1865, Page 4

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume III, Issue 642, 2 December 1865, Page 4