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]f;:u> Ovki:.— !•> the pi'es-f ot 1 ia'iien; arv intelligence. we are ('.impelled Id imld over the report <.(' ilie meet i "I M. I'atil < parish, the report ui'tlic ( Kl.i l-cll"\vn suirco and ball, tin' loiters ■ >!' •' Amcu<" and :i ".MaSettler." the police report, and the local

matter in type. Kkhatum. — Tn our report yesterday ot the proceedings m the Small Hebts Court. Jiailev v. Holland, it is stated that tin- " set-off ' wi'.s brought within t'2 l'-s. ..>! the claim. It should i be that it was " found to be over the claim, and | judgment was given for the defendant.'' the Parliamentary papers laid before ! the House during the present session, is the | correspondence between 111 0 (>overnor and the ' (reneral which led to the memorandum of Ministers, ofthe Sth April. "We have not yet recei- | ved a cO))V of tluse Papers. and as the portions j reprinted'in the Wellington journals are merely disjointed fragments, culled lo advance their own views on the matter, we refrain from publishing them until we can place the correspondence ill its entirety before our readers. TTkoji (Jtiiijo we learn that Mr. William Mason, formerly of Auckland, lias been elected Mayor of Dunedin. and that the sentence on Whitehead the murderer has been commuted to penal servitude for life. Mr. Mat-Andrew lias we perceive, been elected as representative for Bruce County in 'he House ,>! Representatives, the seat lately resigned by Mr. Gillies. _ Sanih-i:m»n invites tenders, receivable to the 12th instant, for the erection ot a hotel at Onehunga. Masonky.—(Lodge Arn. 3l> ; , I.C.) —lhe monthly meeting of this lodge will be held on Monday evening, at 7 o chick". ! Is i;w*C<!Noki:';atio.naL Cnri:cH (X i:\vtox). - • A bazaar will shortly be held in aid of funds for ! the erection of the church. j Messrs. Jonks a.nii Co. will sell to-day a i quantity of "tores, ex -lohn Duncan, also a <|uanj titv of provision-", beet, pork*, potatoes, onions, j butter, cheese, groceries maize, oats, flour, aud twelve .superior's;; Idles, a large quantity of ironi mongerv, trunk-locks. padlocks, brace>, sewing { needles, l'ope ditto, bolts, A:e., ex Lancashire Witch. Missus. S i'ICH i;r i: v and S-.ix ivill sell to-day a large (juantit v of provisions. pork, potatoes, turnilure, sherries, pumpkins, ami sundries. I Mk. S.\:il"i:i. I,'oriiK >.nt. will sell to-dav, six i cases of perennial and border plants, comprising 133 flowering roots ; also a ijuairity ol bacon,

I hams, pumpkinand melon-. 1 I\ii:-sKS. Kui;.;:; ion '.'n. will sell to-day. a ! i al ..;r,. stock of Xc\v >011! Ii Wales bacon ami | hams. .American pork in barrels. i in kegs and tierces, I'.'pockets of Kent hops more or I less damaged. I Messrs. Kimxos a.vd i>owi>iix will iioul io- ! c i. iv a liii-rrc cl'-ariiiir-our sale of goods not rei moved from their premises. | Mkssii.s. II utu's AXD 'Icu.VKll will sell, today, 1 ease of electro-plaled ware, comprising ! ; tea and coffee sets, ctiuK. also a ease of .-locks, • i one massive oaiv and mahogany sireet.-uuoi\ [ i o'M'H") feet of lining ton<:ut>d and grooved. > also a lart'e .pianlity of provisions, oilmen ~ - ■ s' ores. potatoes, baeoii, butter. tea. sii^-ir, L , beef, potatoes saddlery. Ac., 21 bags of grass Ai.'lirnn.AXH will sell to-d.iy, at l i the li'avniarket. a number of heavy draught f horses, "riding horses. :>'> sacks of beans, lon e ! sacks of maize, "i" sacks o! oais » S Mks«ks. Mi'mes A Co. will m-II to-d.iy at tithe Puriiam-su-e..', yard-', six fir-t-elass heavy [l j draught mares, 1' m-'dium do., -o hacks and y I 2-1 light harness h<>r>c.<. 'i-Kl bags of maize, 201) s I bags'of oats,'if'loads of liav. several springo e.M'ts. buggies, drays, sets o! harness. saddles, bridles, Ac. ( hj Gold I'kom P »n'i!\na. — Ine n>-. ,\ oveity I-. | rriceil from Coromande! yesleroay. hi iaging up y I 578 ozs. sold Irom the ivapanga (,iolil Aiitiing e 1 Company, for Mr. I\. Home, the Secretaiy.

Tjn: _M.\oi;t L'kiso.vkiis, —We take the iollowine; from the W'cllintiltni hidcpouh-iii: —" : >n Sniurdav evening tie.' w hai't was crowded to witness the debarkal ion of the -M aori prisoners ',\ ho 1 iad a rrn d ': ' 1 . - 'ac d!i r t rom \ v aii .:;anui. There were a! 1 ' on board, but on v '.Y.i landed at ilia, f'ce. A -uard of the oOth i".-.;U with Ji\ed b voi;. ;, under tiie comiiiand of were f ..'iiii'd i!io> a hollow square and the 'ol'isi.nevs pic-I in the centre. In '-his order, the procession marched up to .Mount 1 ook liarracks where for the present the pri-oncrs are left in conliueiiicnt. What is to lie done with I hem. we don I cMietly know, nor perhaps does Sir (b'orce Cn-v, as there is no kawau here, on which to them." Bcai.iuno.~ -We have been requested to explain the particulars of ;>n accident which befell a little child, daughter of IM r. Scott, of Xewton. which is inaccurately descrilied in a paragraph publidied respecting which it might be understood that one of the senior members the familyhad caused the accident. The accident was read!, cau-cd by the little sister of the child scnlded." aeeideatally capsizing a rockingchair. which upset a l.eille of hot water. A. O. F.— 'I iu- tir.- 1 . halt-yearly meeting of the Court, Pride of i'arncii, was held on I'dnesdav evenimi la-t. when the lollowing hrethere"were e! c'e.l oltieer.i for the ensuing half vear. jirotle r. . 11. (eole.C. li.: .1. Ileiuiy, S, C. ii. ; \\ .'. 'ai ler. Secretary ;W . Fricker. Treasurer; d. a' orrison. \\ . : I! Cross. ■). \\\ ; Craie. : d. 'i nllin, .1. 1). The secret arc stated that he should have a balance of about Col I. to ; !::ee to tlie credit of the Court, for th" first h.aif .. ar. Ilot'l'l, Hon:: i.e.- A man nam; Id. 11. Mills was ehai'eeo. ;. . ..-rd'iv wn li si.-aling clot 11-111lt 111lt and other articles from ihe bricklayers Arms, Chape!-:-1 reel. the Kdinburgh Castle. Svmonds-strhet. and the ()nehumxa i empei'ance Hotel. The prisoner was remanded until l'nesdav next in onler to procure the evidence of a wiinessat Ihury.

Tu k Lola Montks PO-koinc J-lOI'SK. — A man named Cooiier was charged with coin mitting a most violent a>.-aull upon a person named Jiiehardsou in this house. It appears thai there w.'p a regular" row ill the house on Wednesday morning about one o'clock. The prisoner was " mad drunk " and beat the prosecutor with the arm of a sofa, disfiguring him

frigh i full v. J lie prisoner was sentenced to two months' imprisonment with hard labour. lie was further ordered to lind two sureties of CHH) each, at the expiration of his sentence, lor his good behaviour for six months.

Tin: Lokp Asm i:v. s.s., left the leu-hour yesterday at noon for the South, having on board a large number ot passengers, amongstwhom were Tlios. Henderson. Fsq.. M.G.A. : Captain .Butler. .M .C .A . ; Colonel Kenny, AI.L.C. ; and Colonel Pitt. A:c.

OtO) Fi:t.low s' So11:i;i:. —The anniversaries of the f.oyal Ci'ood Intent and Parnell Lodges of the Independent Order oi Odd I'cllows. .M.le. A.P.. was celebrated in the Odd Fellows Hall, hist evening, by a social soiree and bail. 1 hen* w as a large attendance of'the members and their friends, ami (hi* entertainment terminated in a higldv successful manner. The proceedings of the evening w ere commenced shortly all or six o'clock, when we were again called upon to wit-

uess 11 u■ ;ml:na<<-i 1 scene which usually at tends one of thtse social gatherings. -J list lia\ inuheen rendered to lip' viands of the tea table, the usual toasts were proposed aiuL responded to. ]'.]».(; M. S. place efliciently discharged the tint 11-s of Chairman. and P.G-. A\ . H. Steele occupied the Vice-chair. One of the most important. features of tin* evening w as the presentation of a silver cup to Mr. ( 'arter. late Secretary to the Parni'l! Lodge. t about liM 1 o clork, the !;i,,r,' inteilecl ual part ■if the entertainment ileitis over, the tables wen- moved. ami dancing was roniiii' nreii. and kept up with spirit until an earlv hour this morning. Owing to a pressure upon our space. ve are eninpellcrl to hold ovrr a Yuil report of tlic proceedings until our

in'\i 1 ->: 1 11 . Tiik ('..llowins arc particulars given in relation (o the a'l'air in which Captain Close lost his life at Waven —'• Another victim Iras fallen to Maori vengeance, at W'atva. in Taranaki. Captain Close. of the Idrd Light Infantry, in charge of the redoubt left at Warea by Colonel Warre. had gone with ;i party of men to the edge of '.he forest for firewood. There a body of the enemy, lay in amlmsli. and fired on them as thev appro,"ehed. Captain Close was killed l>v the first volley, and two soldiers anil one friemllv native were wounded. The troops on being iired upon charged their assailants, hit the latter made good their retreat. Whether they sustained any loss it is not known.

T'uinck ot- Walks Thkati:k.— I The new sensation piece ''.Lady Audley's .Secret." was repeated last night, followed by "His Last Legs." There will be a new piece produced tonight. entitled " Giralda, the .Miller's Wile." or the "Haunted .Mill of Santiago.'' to he followed bv a screaming farce, entitled " The Railway Station.'' A new act-drop, painted by Mr. Bunbury, will be exhibited to-night for the first time. Sin &. C. Lt:wts ox thi: Amekicax Strit,oi.e.—There is a passage in a letter of the late Sir George Lewis. 011 the assault of Brooks oil Sumner in 1 Soo. which appears to us to be not without its application now. Not as extenuating (God forbid but as explaining this last net of the same national tragedy : —People here speak of the outrage on Sumner as a proof of the brutal manners of the Americans and their low morality. To me it seems the first blow in a civil war. It betokens the advent of a state of things in which political dilferences cannot be settled by argument, and can only be settled by force. 'If the half of England was in favour of a measure which involved the confiscation of the property of the other half, my belief is that an Knglisli Brooks would In- dpially applauded. If Peel had proposed a law which, instead of reducing rents had annihilated them, instead of being attacked by a man of words such as Disraeli he would probably have been attacked with physical arguments by some man of blows." There spoke the political philosopher—it might .almost lie -aid tie- political prophet of all that shocks its now. With natural causes (especially remembering the fiery Southern temperament) adequate to account for anything, we need scarcely admit into our minds " preternatural suspicion "

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New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 540, 5 August 1865, Page 5

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Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 540, 5 August 1865, Page 5

Untitled New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 540, 5 August 1865, Page 5