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PUEIFT THE B Lo"oj SECURE GOOD HEALTH. |J O L LOW AY'S Plj. £ s Pure Blood. As the vital fluid when in a hcaltliy state su-t and renovates every part of the system, it ij dantly manifest that any medicine which does not' 1 * J powerfully upon the blood can never rooted disease. ' 4 The Heabt, Lungs, Liver, Stomach, KiDK 2ra , v „ Bowels. a This medicine acts immediately upon all th>. mainsprings of life, stimulating and restoring to a healthy action. It is the greatest purifier of •"* blood ever known ; has the largest sale of any usj;'" cine in the world; and is advertised in ev " e ~' language, and is used by all classes from po! e 7 pole. Geneejj, Disorders of the Liyee and Stoiucb The average duration of human life mi, 5; v almost doubled by giving careful attention to we eat and drink, but as few will exercise th : caution we must have at hand an effectual res e | for restoring those great organs, the liver stomach, to healthy action. Such as irdulj* table, either in eating or drinking, should Ukeabo"' ten of these famous Fills at bedtime, from which*-"' result a clear head and a good stomach the follo*b morning. Thousands of l.adies are always comsiij"-". ing of sick headaches, want of appetite, wan: of energy and a want of strength ; to correct all t'r; u evils" three or four of these Fills should be ta£." twice a week, when they would enjoy the health a-J appetite of a ploughman. Females of all Ages and Classes. The fame cf these extraordinary Pills is p lr .' T based upon the beneficial effects they have upon constitutions of females. Obstructions of any either in young persons or those between forty .-j ijfty years of age —the most critical period of iif e _ may be radically removed by using these ing" to the printed directions which accompany w a box. Young persons with sickly and sallow ect. plexions, and even mothers of a similar unhealthy appearance, may have the blocii- of health re-to::'j to their cheeks by this woi.acitul corrective, whi;purifieß the blood and ejptis all gross and humours from the system Beware then 01 ;' 3f critical age from forty to tifty, it sends so c i;t thousand mothers to a premature grave,—these Piiii should be taken at that period of life two or thie* times a week, and by so doiug there is little to fear. Children a>"i> tfieir Ailments. The measles, the small-pox, the and the many complaints to which children are heljj, should be treated as follows :—Let mothers *;» they see such disease approaching bruise two or thre; of the Pills, according to the age of the child, gir|;j them night and morning in a little wc.ter in the fora of a. powder; this invigorating medicine will rea: T j and cure all complaints incidental to childhood. ■\Vant of Strength and Enekot. Persons of sedentary habits, or trouble in mind, or working in factories or coal pits, or such others *h; cannot obtain that amount of fresh air and eio:.-jf which nature requires, sutler from weakness and debility, lowness of spirits, and want of appetite. A3 sucli should take a dose or two of these Pill; ertrr three or four days, as they act gently ami effwtsut on the system, imparting vigor and energy to the body, which is always followed by a good appetite, sound and refreshing sleep, with a high flow cf spirits. Every family and traveller should Veep a box of these * invaluable Pills by them agans wi emergencies

Kolloway's Fills are the best remedy l-nttcn ir. world for the following diseases:— .A."ue ! Female Irregu- ! Scrofula. Asthma | iaritiea I King's Evil Bilious Com- j Fevers of all ; Stone plaints kinds j Gravel Blotches on the 1 Gout ; Secondary Skin | Headache ! Symptoms Bowel Com- ' Indigestion ! Tic-Doulaurcii plaints i lntlamuwtion | Tumours Colies ! Jaundice Ulcers Constipation of I Liver 'Com- j Venereal Askthe Bowels j plaints j tions Consumption ' l.umbajto ; Worms ol Debility i l'ilos Kinds Dropsy j Kheumiiism j Weakness frra Dysentery ■ lieteiition of ! whatever Erysipelas Lrine j &c., &e. Fits Sore Throats ' Sold at the Establishment of PROFESSOR HOLLO WAY, 2-11, Strand, (near Temple Ear.) London; also by all respectable Druggist- 1 ad Dealers in Medicines throughout the civilized world. * # * There is considerable saving by taking 'it largest sizes. N.B.—Directions for the guidance of uatiente j orery rfisordor ivrp iitliTPri to punh box. BUTLEE AND McCULIOCH'S GENUINE SEEDS I'OR THE KITCHEN gabden, flower g-abbex, AND F A E, M , SPECIALLY SET.EC! ED FOU EXPORTATION CA3EFULLY PACKEDFOE ALL CLIMATES. Complete Collections of Vegetable and Fioffa Seeds from £1 to £10 each. Descriptive priced Catalogues post free to all parts of the world. MERCHANTS LIBERALLY TREATED TVITU. BUTLEE AjSD McCULLOCH, CONTENT GARDEN, LONDON, VT.C. SAUCE. —LEA AND PERRIN9' WOKCESTERSHIEB SAUCE. PRONOUNCED Q§ Extract of a lcto r j:( from a medical c-E" BV til tlomanat Madras to CONNOISSEUBS Mjl his brother at \\ortope the /M certer, May. lWOnly Good Savce Pggl AND API'LICAIiLE I - l.v esteemed 1,1 ! n .;_ SiLurnaia) :»«' is > 111 my !'!'! ■■ TO the most palatable J T» -r- - , c WVn Wi?ll lIS tI)C HlO>t Evcry \ aricfcv of " } „ le s . lU fo tUui a DISK. madc *" CAUTIO jST. LEA AND PEEEIIfS _ Beg to caution the Public against spurious imitatio--of their celebrated WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE. L& P. have discovered that several of the a Markets have boon supplied with irvirß! = Imitations, the labels closely resembling those o genuine Sauce, and in one or more instances name of L. and P. forged. JL. and P. will proceed, against any one who ffiV manufacture or vend such imitation*, and hs structed their correspondents in the various P ar the world to advise them of any infri»g emer ' their rights. ~, ASK FOR LEA AN'D PERKINS' SAt : <-*» '*** fold Wholesale and for Export, by t-rt»w prietors, Worcester; Messrs. Crosse & BLiCX fl£ Ales3rs. Barclay & Sons, London; and. by '- ,rot " 5 and Uilmen universally. "THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD." TEEMS OF ADVERTISEMENTS. , Threo lines »■ S Four lines J ! ' light lines And 2d. for cach additional lino. SUBSCRIPTION 10s. per Quarter single copies 3d. each 63** Advertisements will ho rcccived at the street and tbo number of insertions required n * Ubt JJVTujW •written on the copy, otherwise they *.vill be inserts countermanded and charged accordingly. ,

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New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 539, 4 August 1865, Page 8

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Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 539, 4 August 1865, Page 8

Page 8 Advertisements Column 6 New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 539, 4 August 1865, Page 8