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NEWS TO 23RD OCTOBER. IFBOM THK " STCNKY UKHAI.D'S" KINO CEOHOES sor.Ni> telkgiiatt!ir ooit itEsroNdent.J Adklaiim:. Tin rsdny, 8 a m. The A. S N. steamer 'Alexandra,' Captain Grainger, with the Adelaide portion of the English mail, arrived at Glenelg 1 ier at 3 am., having made the papfapc from King Gcoree's Sound in 84 hours, and the upward passage in 93 hours. The P. and O. steamer 'Northnm,' Captain Skottowe, arrived at King G> orpe's Sound at 5 a m. on the 6th instant. She left Galle at 1 p.m. on the 23rd October. She was detained there thirty-six h»uri>, awaiting tho steamer from Calcutta. The ' Simla' with the English mail, arrived at Galleon the 21st October. Captain Skittowe is in charge of the mails. PASSEXGEBS. For Sydney.— Assisfant-Commissary-General Armstrong, Messrs. Pherrard, Small, Lcviek, Eoberison, Charles, Uobinson, Sergeant Connolly and family. For Mei.BOI'HNK—Mr*. .Tones and two children, Mrs. Furlong. Mr. and Mrs. "Williams, Mr. and Mrs T. Thompson, Lieutenant Cox, Messrs. .Buckley, Turner, and J. Williams. Fon Adelaide.— Colonel and Mrs. Torrens. GENERAL SUMMERY. London, September 24th, 18(Vi. The Australian July Mails were delivered in London on the 15th and 20th September. The Queen remains at Palmoral, and continues in excellent hen. th. The Prince and Princess of AVnles arrived at Elsinore September Ctli. They were well received, notwithstanding the unt'pathy of the Danish people to England. The Crown Princess of Prussia gave birili to a son on 15tb September. The Duke of Newcastle's health is considerably improved. One of the vacant Garter 3 is conferred on the Marquis of 1 ans lowne. Lord Palmer.-ton, though in liis Slst year, appears to be almost übiquitous, performing Ins duties as ac'ively a- ever. The British Government despatched the Earl of Airlie to the United States with their views on the present aspect of atl'airs, and to oiler himself to the Conf> deracy as a medium of communication wilh the British Government. The Times discloses the plan Russia intended adopting in cas-? England had gone to war for I'oiand. Russia fully expected the breaking out ol' the war- and issued instructions to the Russian admi rals on the American and 1 alifornian coasts to leave their resp ctive posts bv ditl'. ivnt routes for known places of rendezvous. The lie. t then to hold itself in readiness in the event of war being declared, to be r down on the Australian colonics. Melbourne was to be first attacked, then ifobart Town, then Adelaide, Sydney ami New Zealand. The shipping from the New York station woul I have mustered 1 •">0 guns, and from Japan and California -13 gnus, with a total of 2961 seamen, and 127 oflicers. The ve-scls were principally armed with GS-pounders, but the Admiral s orders were to obtain whatever riflo cuns they miglit. require at New York ; —but the Polish dispute is row forgotten, and we are again upon good terms with Russia. The convict question continues to excite much discussion. A scheme is ventilated that by meatus of convention with Kussia for compensation she might take charge of our convicts, or cede a portion of her Siberian possessions where our criminals could be sent. Captain Spck'\ discoverer of the source of the White Nile, is dead ; lie accidentally shot himself while crossing a fence. The Emperor of Abyssinia still keeps tho British Consul in irons because ho delayed making a favourable reply fco his offer of marriage fo Queer: Victoria.

The owner of the ' Georgia' received intimation from tho 7'orcigo Oflice. that the seizure of that vessel must go before tho American Prizn Court, and the owner must defend his own interest in that Couit. Assaults in railway carriages continue to increase. The London and South Western Company caused ciieular panes of glass to he inserted in the various compartments of their carriages, s o that the occupants in various divisions ■an see each other. Accounts of the Shaksperian festival committee, at Stratford-on-Avon, show a deficiency of C.iOO. A now screw propeller has been invented by James Steele, of Liveipool, which nveracos four times the speed of an ordinary screw with tho same engine and same pressure of steam. lhe news this month discloses nn unparalleled increase of brutal murders and other criminal oflcnces in England. A frightful colliery explosion occurred near North Shields, 18 persons were killed. At a groat tire in London, the estimated loss 1 - £100.000. llaherdashers' Hall, Oresham-sheot, was totally destroyed. I'ran Midler, the supposed murderer of' Mr. I Rriggs, in the'railway carriiige, was arrested at Now j ork, on Ausust - lib, and arrived at Liverpool on September ]Gth. Tie pleaded not guilty. The examination caused wonderful sensation. His defence is warmly taken up hv the German Society, who believe he is innocent. ' ( olonel M 'iM in do retires from the inspectorship of Volunteers. A shock ot an earthquake was distinctly felt in Cheshire on the 21,-t. Dnrin? (he p'ist week forty-seven wrecks have been reported, making a total for tho present year of I2"i;i. ' Tfie pnor-lnw expenditure for the year ending March 20th last, amounts to .C(', ; V-7.000 being an increase on the previous year of (.'150,000. Oflicial documoi.ts i-snod, show that thoro arc I ,IT'J,GB |. insane and paupers in Great liiifain. 'Die statistical details in the (Inzette show thai the total net. value of our foreign trade at eleven porta in China, amounts to 11 -t millions sterling. Ihe Queen lias conferred the Victoria Cross on Assistant Surgeons Manlev and Temple. Lieutenant Pickard, Lnsign Down, and Drummer Stagpolo, for bravery in the New Zealand campaign. r l he "Roxburgh Ca-tle ami Light Brigade liave sailed with reinforcemcnls for New Zealand.

SPOUTING. DOXCASTKR SEPTFMUKR MKKTIXG. Tin: Gtsi-wr York.siiihk ITANiirc.vr. Magnum Honiim - - 1 Revolver - - - - - 2 Knglan - - - - - St. Lkohu Stakv.s. Tlla'r Athol - - - _ t Oi-ncral Peel - - - ■_> Cambnscan - _ - - -3 I\>I!TI.ANI> Pt.ATK. Persuasion "N\'oldg;l o Lyra Doncastku Ci'r. Oeneral - ] Hvpholya - - - - - 2 Miner - - - - ;j Pkukstuianism. —Tlie crcat One TWile Cluimpion Handicap was won hv Rrunell ; time, 4 minutes 2t> seconds. Swimmino. — The Two Mile Champion Cup was won by Gurr, of London ; time, 32 minutes -1 seconds. The treat skid' race for the championship of the Tviie, be'ween Chambers and Cooper, was won e;i>ilv by tho former. The prize fight between Mace, the Knglish piigipst, and Cohurn, the American, for .C3OO a .side," is to come off in Ireland 011 October -Ith. onrruAKY. l\Tr. AValfer Landor. Key. Thomas Cator, Sir Charles Knightley, Sir John L'atc'ill'e, Sir W. F. KHiott, Duke of Cleveland, Far! of ("ado<ran, Viscountess Hardimre, of Morley, Sir Thomas Sebright. L;idv Susan Reeve, Lady Marv Hamilton, jrajor-Gener-l Crawford, Lieutenant-Genera! Uvall. Cnptain Wood. "R.N., Sir 11. L. Lee, Viee-Adiniral l?cst, Countess Dowager Ftlimrbam, Rev. Chauc llor Trevoir, William "Maisli, D.D., and Jamoj Lain" F~sqCANADA. j

The Cnnnditui Conference decided that the union of tbe Urtish North American provinces would be satisfactory, provided terms of alliance could be arranged. AMERICA. Kew York, Sept. 10. There ary various unfavourable war rumours since Saturday last which have caused violent tluctuati'ms in the p. Id market; prices de clined under Monday s panic to '21;!, recoverin;; all rwarils. Last quotations, 221.1. 1 he marlo t cutirel v u»cettled. (■eneial ' C icllan hasncceptod tlie Chicago nomination. but declares the Union must be preserved at all hazard, lie has ben repudiated bv the peace Democrats, wlio intend to select another candi hit--. Fremont will withdraw bis eandidatu>e. and Lincoln receive tbe supi ort ol'the whole Kepu! li an party. . J,, c u-td (.Mailt are preparing for another bittle. Atlanta been evacuated by the Confederates, and entered bv Federal*, after heavy battle*. (leneral Slienn.m is concentniliiu: his forces tliere. Admiral Farraixur after Kort Morjan, is reported to he within shilling distance of Mobil Grant and Sherman have both m-eentlv applied to the I'ederal Oovermnent for more men, and the draft is to lie immediately enforced. I he Ilir/ihinh'f Im/inrrr savs peace mav ensilv be brought about. 1 ts plan is to make Xortli and .-onth one na'ion, -o far as foreign i al ions are eoneenied. by an offensive and defensive treaty, but with separate Governments, (or domestic ailair*. The platform adopted by the rhieiiijo Convent Mm is fidelity to the I nion and the insl Jntion of imincdiate ellorls for tlie cessation of l.ostilities, with a view of sun tin o' in.; a convention of the States to reS'ore pi tee to 111.- country. Direct militarv inter-f-relice at. the approaching eleeti ris is to be regarded as revolutionary, and to be resisted. Secretary Seward, in a speech at New York, doctor d the salvation of Mm Union depends on the reelection of Lincoln — that, slaverv is no lonirer an issue of the war, and will not he interfered wit h after peace is restored; and be blames the Democratic partv for aiding the rebellion sin'o lest month. Severe engagements have taken nl be! ween T.i e and Grant, tin I Ith Au;'ii-t General Grant i-m----bailed troops with orders sealed--the soldiers de. clarinir they were goine- northwards. When nm|. , they steamed up tbe .lames ltiver, and landed at DeepboUom : they went down .fames River bv duv and up it by On the mornin-of the' 1 u 1, they surprised the Confederals, driving them frotn the liont line of nlle pits, and air.-iin dislo'h'iri"from their second Jine. The ground was valdroiish <-ontested. The Federals lost, jOuO men. 'I'll.; position is six miles from Fort Darling, commanding lh. river and its binds. ° On August l!>th the tilth corps 0 f Grant's amiv took a position at Ream's Station, on the Weldon Railroad, but were surprised bv the Confederate* and driven back with tlie loss of MOOO men. The Federals, suhsecpientlv reinforced, recovered the'i- ]n-l itround on t he following day. parties are enfortifying. On Sunday, the Ist. S, t-he Confe-lenile-attcmpted another assault, with the loss .f General Haywood and 1000 men. Til,; Federal losses in these fights is asserted bv the Jnm-s correspondent to bo 12,000 men from the -Ift to tin; l?i»|]i. several othef engagements look place, both sideC'lai Yllinr; Victory. J lie I'e .ierais remain in possession of three miles ofi.ii!«av on the Woldon railroad; but the occupation ot nf ,t of such vital importance to General Lee as the northern press represented it to be. Lees army has been time reinforced from ICarlv's corps ami ho has concentrated a heavy force'to attack General Grant's left. General Sherman ordered all the whito inhabitant to .eare Atlanta, and arranged an armistice with Hood for transfer to the Confederate lines of thos,who reiase to take the oaths of ; Uiegianco to tin r oclerat Crovernmcnt. OONTIUEJf T A L. FRANOF AND ITALY. A comenticn between the above powers has been efT, cted. French troops are to be withdiawu from the occupation of Koine within two veil's. Italv engages herself t,. respect the actual territory of the Po£e>, ana prcvsr.t by Saos any attack mude on it

from abroad. Tlic 11ivMan Ministry intend moving ii s<-nl of Government from Turin to Ffo'cnoc ; fhiotiiinge will indict a loss oil the inhabiting of Turin of seven millions sterling. Inpnliir demonstration took place. tho ministerial lTS'dcnce was attacked, and also the Royal Palace. I lie military were eal'cd nut, and fired upon the populace, killing and wounding numbers. Tlio crowd then lied. Nn barricades were erected. Tlio moremotif arose solely in hope of preventing the transfer of the capital to Florence. The ministry have resigned in consequence of this disturbance. The new ministry is formed, with General do la Marmora at (lie head. Garibaldi's health is perf otly re-established. TTTK POTTLES WTG MO OSTEIN QI'KSTTON. Ihe territorial question between Donmaru and the German Powers is almost settled, hut Germany rio. mauds, on behalf of the Duchies, a portion of the war material of Denmark and of its fleet. This Hie Danish Oovernment absolutely refuse. 1 lie inhabitants of North °chlcswig have petitioned the Kinp of Denmark airainst. anoxation with Gorlnany, and wish to remain united to "Denmark. On t), e ratification of peace. Jutland and the Duchies will he occupied by 00,000 Prussian and Austrian troops. Orent reductions are to ho mado in the Austrian and Prussian armies. _'I lie Austrian Government intend recoirnisins' King t-eorire of Orveecn, who is betrothed to the. Grand Duchess Alexandriea of "Russia. It is rumoured I bat, Austria also intends recognising tile King of Italv. An interview between the Er.n"h, Russian, and Prussian Sovereigns, at Baden, is contemplated. POLAND. The trials of the insur cuts are prosecuted with groat severity. Count Ostram is condemno tto eiirlit vears ill irons : the Countess Wodxiska and Madame /ehrowska to ten months of wimp pnuisl inent, and tour other ladies to six andfforu r months.

TTRKEY. The cultivation of cotton is rsipidlv increasing-. : s expected tho crop this year will roach :i">o,o< cwt. After rreat diflleultv, a convention lias been sisno between Knclmid and 1 lie Porte as to the working < a tcleijranhie line through Asiatic 'I'mkey and tl: Pirsian Gulf to India. MEXICO. The Emperor Maximilian has raised tho blocked of tho Mex'can porta. Gencal Juarez has cse-iped to Tew Orleans. The French troops are ordered home. A Mataiuora paper slates that, the French Algerin trooiis in Mev'cn were lately defeated in four pitche battles with the Mexicans. Don R. (I. Parse, Private Secretary to Juarez, lia given in his adhesion to French rule. SPAIN. The "Ministry have resigned, and a no'v Cabinet h:i been formed under Marshal Narvaez, who announce .a conciliatory polioy Proseeutions against the Press are suspended. I be Spanish war in St. Domingo is making littl , progress. INDIA. Calcutta, October 10. The A icerov left Simla oil the Kth instant, mid i expected at Lahore on the Mill instant.. Ihe I'hootan's field free of 10 000 men, unde IV igadier-Oenorals and Dintord, nmreli ot 1 Rth October to annex anil bold the lJoohtan ilocrs The I'onhtans have sent forward 11,000 troops fo: the defence of the Bengal doer*. 1' xclemge en London.— Local batik bills, 2s. I'd to 2s. at three months' sight. JAPAN. Intelligence Ins been received, v'a Nagasaki, of the cr'in' lete success of the allies' naval expedition in thr Straits of Sim'Uiosaki. The action commenced on the -"ith Septenher. and la-ted three (bus, and terminated hv the submission of the Prince of Chosnne, whose men were driven from tlieirguns, and the forts (lest roved. The Allied Squadron suffered little. Trade at. Vokoliama was dull, but an improvement was looked for when the result of tho Allied attack was made known thine. ClltNA. Shanghai, September 20. Kxtremc rates of exchange: — London, 6 month's sight bills, 7to per cent. Freights: — Cotton, XI! l-is.; tea, ,Cl, to I London. Hongkong, 21th September.—Freights to London : — for 1 cotton and tea. Exchange:—Hank hills, six months' si<_ r ht, -Is. 10'(.

M'nilla, 10th September.—Freights:—Smjar, .£3 lif-rnp, .CI 10s.. for Liverpool. for London:—six months' hills.-ts. 6d. to is. 7d. per Spanish dollar. Sinirapore, s!h October.—Freights dull ; to London nuil Liverpool, e;» lf>s. for liirht freights. < fvlon, — 11i Oefohcr.—A scheme for docln and rivikwritnr ior Colombo, at cost of .£30,000, is freolv dls'U^ed. Sir fl# rcnlrs Robinson, it isoxperted, will be appointed <5 'ViTiinr of (Vvloyi. 1' Oil. 10s. ; rofVee, in ca=;Vs, i! 1 55., CI His.; broken stowage, lon. lo I.ondon. j Kxchanire.—U months* hills on Loudon, buying 5 pi'r ci'u( selling G per ivnl, MONKTATCY AXO rOMXKnCIAL 'Dm Bulk of Knp;!:»nd rose 11\o rato of disrount hrun S Jo !> jiprciMif. on Sth ; inmov market routinu»'S str?n£r« v nt. I lir oi (In l Company :vul Iht» iruiniUHvmcnt of si'wmt otlu-r Ivouvv faitun's have inipaij'ctl nicrcantih* criMlit. nil public -ccuvilit's to (!• elinc, mnl (lioivfoiv the hiiih pvicc of rnn«i«-y lt- ally bnsi-ic^^. S7; to 8S for monoy ; to \ for 11th October. CoiJ'VMi, rj(>vKf;XM I%N V SKITKITH-S.—OW South 5 per rent., IS f», Jannarv to Julv. 1)7 to <);). n';i, (i pcrrfnt., April to October, H)S.J to I'M).', •DMth Australian, (j prr cent , IS7B and upwards 1' r> 107. Nt'\v /caland. pnr edit., 0!) to Quccnsiaud, (I pcrccnt., Januurv t«» Julv, K'O (O 102. Tcn woro oponrd on Prptcn\hor 2f>th, af flu- fl.-i ;k of \c\v Sr»vfh XA'alc-', for C10D.00 1 ) NVw "outli AVal< s Trcu-nrv I'.ills, ami woiv lollon-v ; - ,t:y:ioo at .£\)H 12s \hh 1*">00 at <)}). £500 al !.*2l!0 at €!J5 ; lite total application* only L'o2f)o. Tbe minimum or ivsltvo price declared was VIo(i, or p tr. I In* Uanlt of Knirlnnd dividend for the half-year i*> •»; percent.; profit s for tlie yd*i year, I'Jje Hovcrnor <h> laivd thf of the country nil Itliu liank did not-intend allowing interests on deposits. Tho lianl; of France rose the r;ito of discount from to 7 per cent. 'I he Ihmk of Australasia dividend iV 0 percent , and S per cent. bonu*. Tlie Oriental (tank proposed an interim dividend of S ]icr cent for the half-year. The Hoard of Trade returns for July show a increase in t-xports. .Mr. AYard, Postinastcr-Oenoral of "N"ew Zcal-m-1. tna'titai-icd h*H Government are bound by a-is dope '>v him i i his ollicial tapacitv re<r»rdincj the Panama Mail contract, nnd when the .Assembly meet>\ 'he contract will be adopted. ()i) P r cent of t! Ie entire Confederate loan of three millions sterline: has been redeemed The price of cotton is reduced 4d. and sd. per lb LDXDOX Avoor, li-RPORT. Since close of last sdes wry iittle busi'<css tloim; \ few Ires 11 contra Is made, hut- tile markets may be pioted tinner, but without change for the better m "lie rat? of di.-eount.. [jasfc sal 's rates vvi'l seareclv ) be mainted, and should more fai'nres take plaeo in the Xortli there is sure to be decline in prices. PRODTTCR MATiKF.T. Tlilea.—ln limited der.ian I, at rathor eisier prices. Lenther.—Prices uiichanped. ,13est. sides sold at IJd ; first, skins, 15d.; shouidevs, bellies, and pieces, ■>i-d. per ib. Hark.—Dull of sale. 7 > riees 10s. lower. Hones and Morns.—Prices sleadv ; moderate demand for all descriptions. Whalebone.—More enquired after; a cntvo from Davis's Straits sold at £-300 to arrive ; Tinners', £0-1 to 100 per ton. i allow.—Dull on the spot. Prices lower for for ward delivery. Business done at better prices. P.Y.C. on the ■41 a. , to December, u2e. Qct. .Auetraiia::,

rather lower; Flocks. 41,310 casks, against 4>,GLS T 'i« arrivals of Australian since June'lst •3(30 casks, against 20:>9 ditto. ' I ' s —Lmseeil advanced lg. to la. 6i1.; on epot. 3. Kape is quiet. Olive, 110 cliange. American Whale ' doable compass, .C-J2 10s. and laiK, 10s. per ton, „ ar " ,a !?-' nio c-'PPi-'r market is quiet. Burra Bima, ,L! 00 to £I UL per i ° u . Quicksilver, stea lv at ctS per bottle. Spirits —Good demand for rum at a slight iuere .se. III'! market for bandy is dull. Tm winrs (here is little business doing. (0111 —-hnglish wheat, Is to 2s. per quarter lo\i er ; oarle-y, tally Is. lower; oats, engaged supply, Gu to la. rheapcr. "

Colloe. Xative Ceylon Od. lower; plantation, Is. to l>. (>d. iornr ; mocha, 110 change. Tiie". Large Biles of common kinds at former prices ; hotter sorts declined 3d to Gd per envfc, •..ucrar Mark, tis extremely dull; prices Is. to Is. (51 pr-r cwt. lower. Stocks are larger than last year Hoatmg eargoc Is lower. Mauritius, low to tine 2Ss. to :!3s. ; sound and line crystals, 37a. to SHTPPrXGK AuitlV.ViS. » Stirtnllr, Tjochiel, Princess of Wale?, Unrrowhv, Mermaid. Ga/-.. !ioun i, Lucy IMI, Maleliless, Matilda. Indus, Welleslcy, Flying Cloud, Uarrawalf, Ceuluriou. PEl'.ucituks. I'or Sydney.—Norman, ;>t. ivilda, jMnntgiinerv, Pun'an l)unbar. Damascus, and Cinderella. I'or Melbourne—-York.shire, Indemnity, Wave of Life, 'Roxburgh Castle, Great Victoria, (*.), I'ride of the Ocean. l.'ed Kovcr, Trnn Briton, Red Jacket. l - or AiU laido.— Jvockeliil'e, Yenilam, Anxious, Al"-yji*oi), .'Hill Heather I'.ell. I'or >wan liiver. — Hastings. I'd'/ New Zealand—liallarat, Kastern Empire, Vii'ioria, Ann Wood, llelensluc, Vise -111 >t : nniiig, Matiin.i, Uamsa., Light Brigade, .Robert, Henderson. I'or Queensland.—Charlie Pilmer, Valettc, Elizabeth Bright. I l-'or Tasmania.—"Percy, Fugitive, and Kobeit Morrison. I Jhe Indus, from Adelaide, arrived in Loudon l'ocks, mak.iig three feet water per hour. LATEST S PKCIAL TELLGI!AM. I fVr A Sui-:z.] London, ('ctober o, 12.16 p.m. Suez. October 4, 2.8 p.m. The \ ienna negotiations are progressing, and England favours the claims of the Duke of AujusLenlnug.

i he J*ranee-7l ahan treaty is generally popular. I ho J in in riots have been suppressed, and the eitv is now tranquil.

Jn .Amrrira, Oenenil Farly was defeated by Hieri dan. The loj-ses on both sides were heavv.

A monster meeting has b< en held in New York in favour ol ?.I'Clellan's nomination to the Pre Mdi ncv. The failure oi the Leeds liank is announced, with labilities amounting to one million sterling; more failures are expected.

Twenty thou.-and colliers are on strike in Staffordshire.

'J lie cofton trade is again depressed, and the Man elm-tor mills aie working short time.

The powder mills ;it Frith, near Gravesend, am! miles from London, ooiitniniiig 50,000 bands of der, win-.: Mown up, laying everything in i ur>s wit Inn a radius ol six miles ; mnl the 'Maunes embankment at West minster w«s destroyed bv the shock, which Wits ielt diMinctly jit Windsor. ' The loss of life hy this catastrophe is i ot yet full c ascertained, but numliers have been killed ai d wounded. Aideniiari Hale h: s been eleeletl .Lord j\iayor ol' London. Kranz has been committed fo Newgate. The money market is active, and the demand for disrounf remains unchanged. Consols, KJv\. The Transatlantic lias arrived. LATEST FK'O.M: CALCTTTA. A tenilie cyclone passed over Calcutta on the 7th October, and in live injurs the destruction . f life and property wis to great. as to be unparalleled wit;,in reeolleetion. Scarcely a house or public building escaped i'jury, and whole villages have been s\vept away. The Hot meal, Gardens were totally destroyed, and the amount of property destroyed is estimated at .C2,o''O.i:(lO sterling. Hut of 200 ship- in the river not more than thirtv have e.-caped, twelve ot them sank, and a great uiuuber were dismayed, and driven on s)i<>re. Tile P. and 11, steamers Tubal and JCoiv.esis were dismasted. The licugal was driven on shore opposite Garden Keach. The steamers lientinck and Hiiulostan, and six tug steamers were wrecked. The e.-tmiatcd loss of life on the river amounts to IJOu soul:-, and on shore it is thought to be not less 3011'>. Giain and all other provisions have advanced in prices. Ships for immediate requirements will command high rates of freight*.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 322, 23 November 1864, Page 3

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ARRIVAL OF THE 'PRINCE ALFRED' WITH THE ENGLISH MAIL, PER 'NORTHAM.' New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 322, 23 November 1864, Page 3

ARRIVAL OF THE 'PRINCE ALFRED' WITH THE ENGLISH MAIL, PER 'NORTHAM.' New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 322, 23 November 1864, Page 3