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Commercial Intelligence.

Yesterday Mr. S. Cochrane sold as follows:—Apples, /2-}- per lb. ; jams, /5J do.; bacon /'9J, and hams, /9 per lb. ; rico,/H per lb. ; coast bacon, /'A to /-lj do. ; Sydney maize, 4/3 per bushel. Mr. D. Nathan sold yesteiday the surplus stores of the ship Queen of tho Deep, when flour brought 3G/; preserved moats, 2/; do. potatoes, 2/; oatemoal, 20/ ; biscuits, 9/; and several other stores at good figures. Also a quantity of preserved Tahitian bananas, at /3J- per lb. Mr. Nathan also quitted a largo consignment of crockery and glassware at good prices. Mr. Geo. Sibbin's sale of produce, <S:e., hold yesterday, was well attended, and on the whole, remunerative figures wore obtained. The Customs Recepts for the month of July, ISG4, was .£13,827 Gs. 4d., being an increase of £4,507 Ss. 3d. over that for the corresponding mouth, ISG3. A Retuhn in detail of Impohts at the Port of Auck laud for the period from the 4th July to the 3rd August, 1864, both days inclusive.

Auticlks. Valuk. Vaixk. & Agricultural Implements, Beef . . 1578 viz-:— Biscuits . . 1488 Ploughs & Harrows 52 Butter . . 2080 Spades, Arc. . 255 Cheese . . 2299 All other kinds . 20G Flour . 13,251 Ale, Beer, itc. . 1020 Oatmeal . .109 Arms & Ammunition, viz.: Pork . . 1780 Arms . . 338 Potatoes . . 123 Powder ■ . 1 All other kinds . 2979 Apothecary Wares 1770 Rice . . . 132G Bags . . . 410 Salt . . , 3yß Books . . . 927 Seeds . . . 348 Boots . . . 2-134 Ship Chandlery, viz.:— Bone dust- . . 8-13 Anchors & Chains 2-1-5 Brushware&Perfum'y G2G Sails it Sailcloth 777 Candles . . 1414 Twine . . GO Carts A: Carriages . 110S Tar . . . 107 Clocks and Watches 225 All other kinds . 426 Coffee, itc. . . GO3 Slates . . . 130 Copper Manufactures, Soap . . . 365 viz.— Spirits, viz. Sheatiug . . IG7 Brandy . . 85 Nails ... 10 Whiskey . . 2 All other kinds . 140 All other kinds . 18G Cordage . . 559 Stock, viz.:— Coals . . . 4167 Horses . . 840 Corks ... 99 Cattle . 14,782 Drapery, viz.:— Sheep . . 1120 Cottons . . 9673 Stationery . . 1295 Woollens . 12,14-6 Stone . . . 74 Linens . . 203 Sugar . . . 3415 Silks . . .833 Tea . . . 1439 Slops . . 3222 Timl o.- . . . 943 Hats and Caps . 322 Palings . . . 415 Hosiery . . 594 Posts and Rails . 123 Haberdashery . IGS Tin, viz.:— Milliuery . . 150 Block . . 21 All other kinds . 1406 Plate . . . 200 Earthenware . 389 Tinware . . 36 Furniture . . 619 Tobacco . . (>8 Fruit, viz.:—• Do. Pipes . 141 Green . . 2644 Cigars and Snuff 232 Dried . . 94G Toys . . . 176 Bottled . . 59 Turpentine . . 81 Glassware . . 739 Vestas . . . 4-51 Grain, viz.:— Vinegar ... 10 Barley . . 00 Woodeuwaro . 89 Maize • • 2009 Wine . . . IG7 Oafs . - 40,85 Zinc . . .112 Wheat . . 2864 All other kinds . 3734 Bran . .23 4 Specie . . 15,000 Grimlerv . . 183 — Cutlery 21-1-1 .C' 201,926 Harness it Saddlery 125!) —— ]' il - ' " ' 1 WAHEIIOL'SKD. Hops . . . ttoO Iron, viz.:— Ale, Beer, itc. . -37G1 Bar and Hoop . 227 Arms ... 1 Sheet . . 146 Boots . . . 510 Pig . . . 40 Candles . . 11SG Galvanized . 3153 Coll'ee, itc. . . 1G54 Ironmongery . 1738 Drapery, viz.:— Holloware . . 100 Cottons . . 3510 I\ails . - 614 Woollens . . 2866 Instruments, viz.:— Slops . . . 43-15 Musical . . 1095 Hats and Caps . SO Philosophical . 241 All other kinds . 300 Jewellery . . 2335 Fruit, viz. :— Lead . . . 284 Driod . . . 873 Leather . . 935 Oilman's Stores . 920 Machinery, viz.:— Soap . . . 183 Saw Mill . . 150 Spirits, viz.:— All other kinds . 4034 Brandy . . 5111 Malt • • • 2260 Gin . . . G95 Oil, viz.:— Rum . . 2460 Colza . • 97 Whiskey . . 535 Cocoanut . . 000 All other kinds . 228 Kcrosine . . 14-5 Sugar . . 5679 seed . . 491 Tea . . . 551 All other kinds . 05 Tobacco . . 7515 Oilman's Stores . 2684 Cigars and Snuff. 1446 Paper . . • 1288 ine . . . 1996 Painters' Materials 8-13 Printers' do. . '132 £4G,405 Plants . . - 203 Provisions, viz.:— Total Imports £245,331 Bacon and Hams 5596 A Return in detail of Extokts at. the Port, of Auckland, from the 4-th Jul)-, to the 3nd August 1864, both days inclusive. Aktici.KS. YAI.CK. Articlks. VAX.UK. £ £ Anns & Ammunition. ,■viz : Wool . . . 470 Caps - . -15 A. O. K. . . .77 Casks—empty . . 25 Clocks ... 1 £13,741. Cordage . . . 30 Ex Warehouse. Drapery—cotton . GO Drapery, viz. : Gold . • ■ GlO Wooleln . . 400 Grain, viz. : A. O. K. . . 100 Oats . • • 300 Spirits—Brandy . 518 Wheat . . 75 Tea .... 890 Gum, Kauri . 7995 Tobacco . . . 375 Hardware . . 32 Hides . . .450 £2,283 Ironmongery—Nails 80 For Drawback. Oil, viz.: Armß . . .95 Cocoanut . . 500 Tea . . . 180 Sperm . 1130 — A. O. K. . . 61 £275 Printers' materials . 350 Provsions—Flour . 980 Total Exports, £16,290 Timber . . . 500

AUCKLAND MARKETS. Friday, August ;")(]>. FaI(M AND ])AIIIY Produce.—Milk, pel- quart, (Jd to Scl. ; butter, (fresh), per lb. 2s. 6d. ; cheese, (colonial), Is. 3d. ; eggs, per doz., 35.; lard, per lb., Is. 6d. ; fowls, per pair, ss. to Gs. ; ducks, ditto, Gs. | geese, each, 7s. to Bs. Cd. ; turkeys, cncli, Bs. (o 10s. Cd.; bacon, per lb., Is. 6d.; liams, English, per lb., Is. Cd.; potatoes, per cvvt., lis. 6d. BtnCUElts' Meat. —Heel, per lb., Gel. to Bd.; mutton, 3d. ; pork, 9d. Bread, per 21b. loaf, 6Jd. Tin; .mills. "Wholesale. —Fine flour, (silk dressed), per ton, £30; seconds, £23; sharps, £13. Wheat, per bushel, Adelaide, 13s. Bran, 2s. 3d. Retail. —Fine Hour, per lOOlbs., 325.; seconds, 205.; sharps, 15s. Bran, per bushel, 2s. 6d. I BPILDING MATERIALS. | TIMBEIt. —Boards and scantling, per 100 feet, 21s. to 245. ; boards, tongued and grooved, 26's. to 275.; shingles, per 1,000, l'Js.; palings, per 100, IBs. I'osts aud Kails, per 100, £4 10s. Bjucks, per 1,000, £0 to £7 delivered. Lime, per bushel, Is. Od. to 2s. AUCKLAND CATTLE MARKET. Silt. ALFUED BUCKLAND'S WEEKLY HE PORT. On Saturday last there were not the usual number ol'horses brought forward, and those that were shewn were the greater part withdrawn, a few only were disposed of at lower rates than the previous week. Beat oats brought o/G ; damaged, lioin 3/6 to -1/4 ; maize, -1/10 to 7/; bran, 1/9 to 1/10 ; grass seed, 2/9 to (!/3 the bushel ; hay brought from 60/ to 135/ the load. The market for grazing stock has improved. Store cattle are more inquired for, although the fear of the

disease hits considerably a fleeted pliers. Fat cattle have maintained the advance of the picvu us week and arc likely to rule higher. Sheep air much ei.quin <1 tor, and the prices given foi; stores aie very close to that obtained for them fatted, there was a huge supply of fat sheep, but without a fleeting the market. A lull market ot pigs not of a prime quality met with a good sale. MKSKKS. STYAK AND ltUNTElt's WEEKLY BEFOBT. Houses —As usual there were a good many disposed of, but wo can report no improvement in the quality. Draught hoi bus sold at £22 to £42 10s* plough horses and hacks, £6 5s to £IS. F.vr I .nTi.K.-—Very few in the market, and prices very high, considering tho quality. We quote bullocks at-£l4 lUs to £18; cows, £11 5s to £17 10s. Fat Sheep. —A plentiful supply of fair quality at high prices, 29s to 375. Daikv and Stoiie Cattle.—Very few in tho market. Dairy cows, £13 10s to £17 Its. A lot of store bullocks, at £7 10s. Stohk SitEEr.—None in tho market. Pifis.—The cargo < f tho ' Excelsior.' in excellent condition, sold very high. AUCKLAND STOCK AND SHARE MARKET. MB. 11. r. staek's report. Tho share market during this week lias been more fluctuating than for several months, speculators having held back for reduced quotations. Bank of New Zealand shares have changed hands in large parcels, at £4 5s per share, prem., and there tiro still several lots in the market at a slight advance on this figure. Bank of Auckland shares have been dealt in freely tit 3s per share, prem., and enquiries have been made after New Zealand Insurance, at £18 per share. A few transactions have taken place in Mining shares, at a slight advance. It is understood that the prospectus of the Auckland "\\ atcr Works Company (Limited,) will be issued next week ; it is likely to prove one of the most prolitablo investments in the colony. r l he following are tho latest prices of business dono:— I I ' ast Capital. Alu't 1 iiuotat'n ! ),1-. stir. Bank of New Zealand i'oUO.OOO. £10 i X? jji g 3 j,. -New Zealand Insurance ... liaO.iHHl too is I -V. Z. Steam Nav. Cu., limited... 10 210. 2 10s. Auckland t;n-s Company tiu.iXHl! 5 I 210 Waitioihoi Coat Company ... U> t (HX)j 0 ! a Auckland Saw Mill Company... 10.000 l 250 [ 250 X. Z. Bunking Corporation ... (ieo.IKH)! 100 10 Bank of Auckland NHI.OOO 10 1 2s. pal. Auckl. Sasli ,v Dour Company. 2f>,olio 5 | 15 Allien Halt Company 12,<>00 io 2s. (id. GOLD MINES. Capital, Ain't Last pr.-shr. paid. quo. Golden I'oint Gold Mining Co. X'Booo XSO X'lo .t33pr.sli Coromandel Ditto ... 6120 lu 210 10 •' Southern Cross Ditto ... (iOOd 50 15 Albion Ditto ... 1-HiO 10 — 11 " IVliite Swan Ditto ... 20l>u 25 — 15 *• H. P. Stark, Share Broker. Queen-street, Auckland, August 5, 1804. ADELAIDE. (From tlie "South Australian Advertiser," July 10.) Coiln Mauk.kt.—There urc no orders for shipment. Holders of wheat, for deliver}- at the Port, are firm atlis. per bushel; in town, 10s. Gd. Flour, .-£25 to £27 per ton.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 229, 6 August 1864, Page 3

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Commercial Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 229, 6 August 1864, Page 3

Commercial Intelligence. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 229, 6 August 1864, Page 3