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ENTERED lis "WARDS. JUNE 14 A\ onga AY onga, s.s., 104 tons, '-Thompson, from the South, with 1 box merchandise. VtuMetigciv Airs. Galvin, Master "Harsant, Messrs. Rose, Arvoii, Lemon, Fenton, and Tumati (a native).— Combes'Daldy, agents. 11—\\ ellington, s.s., 201 ton-, Francis, from the South. Passenger—Hon. Mr. Gillies.—Combes & Daldv, agents. 15—Excelsior, 52 tons, G. Davics, from Raglan, in ballast.— D. Kirkwood, agent. 15—Daring, 32 tons, V. Jever.son, from Taranaki, in ballast. —D. Kirkwood, agent. 1C —Wellington, s.s., 2(jl tons, Francis, from Taranaki and Southern Ports, "with original cargo under bond, short lauded at Picton; 11 cases fish. It. Lusk; 1 bos, l<'lynn. Passengers —Honble. T. B. Grillics, Mr. and Mrs. MeNabb, Mr. and Mrs. Finley, Mr. Russell, Messrs. lbbotsou, Menderliaiisen, Moeller, lJolway, Styack, Miss Conway, Mr. A. Ken', Miss Voting, Messrs. M. Fargmiharson, B. Hill, H. Tliurkle, T. Clapperton, S. Eilisin, Decliam, Wilson, Barlow, Callaghan, Smith, Brilland, Gotten, Milne, Prebles, Miss C. O'Sullivau, Scott, Denty, Stamson, Frazer, Colunham, O'Connor, Quirck Cleary, McHugh, Smith, Lawrence, Muy, Cliristoplier, Turner & Son, and five rank and file.— Combes & Daldy, agents. 26—Lombard, 208 tons, J. E. Driver, from Port Albert (Victoria), with US head of cattle. 31—Wonga Wonga, s.s. 104 tons, J. Go Thompson, from Taranaki, Raglan, Waikato and the South, with part ol original cargo from "Wellington, for Taranaki, short landed; 1 bale drapery, Owen & Graham ; 528 cases sardines, E. Davey 4 casks, 1 trunk, Dr. Steward ; 1 bag, as addressed; 2 pkges., bacon, Mr. Sheelian. Passengers—Messrs. Fuller Gibbinson, lliggin, Gower, Uieliol, Moon, Balfour, Hughes, native chief, William N'aylor, 8 other natives, 3 rank and iile, 14th regt., from Wellington ; 3 rank and iile, and 1 prisoner, 14th regt., from Port Waikato. —Combes & Daldy, agents. AUGUST. 3—Abeoua, 44 tons, King, from Taranaki, in ballast —D. lvirkwood, ageut. CLEARED OUTWARDS. JULY S —Airedale, s.s., 2SG tons, R. 11. Ferguson, for New Plymouth, with part ol' original cargo, and with ti.e following from Manukau tor Kelson : 2 canvas pkgs., 1 do. leather, "Williams; 5 cases, 1 parcel, 1 box, Cliecseman; 1 box specie (£20,000), anil 1 stationary, Bank of New Zealand. For Pictori :— S cases, 1 bale, 1 case, Cliecseman ; 2 boxes, Hodge; 1 pkgo., Gutt; 2 parcels, Lucas. For Taranaki: — .'J parcels, 1 box, Chceseman ; 1 box gold (£'5,000), 1 do. silver (£300), Bank of New Zealand. For Otago :—3 boxes, Cliecseman. Passengers—Mi'. Hamilton, Miss Brown, Mr. Mulloy and Mr. Turner, lor Taranaki ; Mr. Watt, Mr McKenzie, ilr. and Mrs. Thatcher, Mr. R. Thatcher, Mr. Small, Mr. O'Kory, Messrs. Calham, Monk, Marshall, and Dixon, lor Nelson; Messrs. l'earce, McKonzie, and Russell, tor i)unouin. —l.C.K.M. Co., agents. B—Daring, schooner, 32 tons, King, for New Plymouth, with 15 tons flour, 2 tons oats, 10,000 lcet timber, -10 cases sundries, lroll sheet lead, (removed by special authority.) 10—A\ onga "Wonga, s.s. 104 tons, Thompson, for AVaikato, Raglan, and Soutlieii l'oits with 1 pkg. 011 cloth, 20 ciis-cs bottled beer, 4 cases branny, 5 cases spirits, Willams; 9 cases, 5 casks and 1 pkg., efliceis mess, lor "Waikato ; 1 case lirapeiy, 1 bale do., R. Gilmour ;1 ].kg. leather, 2 cases mcichandizc, 2 boxes eandles, 1 ease boots, 5 boxes candles, Young ; 3 casks beer, 3 cases, li bags oats, 1 hhd. merchandize, 1 case, 1 diuni oil, Fuller; 1 box, 1 pkg. tlees, 2 eilums oil, 2 kegs nails, S tins paint, o eases merchandize, "Wallioe ; 2 casks bottle l eer, Major McGiegor, lor Raglan ; 5 eases aims, 1 do. accoutrements, Militia; 10 tons Hour, "Weston; 21 j.kgs., Commissariat stoies, 3 bags lice, 2 cases vct-tas, lease potted meats, Cole.-by ; (i eases iieii, 4 diums oil, 2 casks white lead, 4 ktgs nails, 2 tins dryers, 2 tins black paint, 1 ]kge. lunges, Lieut. Feigui-on, le>r 'laianaki; 1 case diapciy, Bell; 1 ease uo., 1 bale elo., A\ oon; 1 bale do., Taj lor & AYatt; lease do., Howe; 1 ease do., Taylor & AVatt; 1 bale do., Mi's. Craig; 1 ease do., H. Biadlev ; 1 1 ale uo., ,1. Mumn ; 3 cates elo., 2 bales do., 1 tiuss do., G. Beuvan ; 1 tin case, Newman ; o tens Hour, Hurley; lease stationary, 1). A. C. G. Newland; 2 bales, Major Rooke; 1 case aims, J. Jones; 4tiunks boots, lloskins; 2 hall-cliests tea, 1 ease saidines, 1 case com Hour, Moore, ior AYanganui. 500 brick tiles, order; 1 ease, Commissariat, lor AN ellington. Passengers— Mr. Oiioid, 1 Ullicer R.A. (Creed) 13 men R.A. Mrs. Kora (Native), 7 Rank A: File 12th Regt., for Raglan. Mis. Alien, Mary Mountcastle, Bridget Dunn, Ann Dunn, Mary Dunn, John Douglas, Jane do., Eliza do., James do, Robt. Gibbs, lor Taianaki. Rev. Mr. & Mrs. 'laylor, lor AYanganui.— Combes tV Daldy agents. 1(S-—Wellington, s s., 2GI tons, Francis, ior Taranaki anel Southern I'orts, with part of original cargo short landed at Picton under bonel ; 1 parcel, Broderif; 1 case drapery, Samuels ; 1 elo., Mrs. lord ; 1 bale drapery, l> eases, Levy it Jacobs; -l eases liquors, Entires it Co.; 7 horses, 2 packages stores, Commissariat ; 1 ease, Mr. llooel; i> pkgs. window j sashes, orilcr ; 2 small eases, Colieelor Customs, ior Taranaki ; 1 ease (iron safe), Bank ol New Zealand; 1 ease, Collector of Cuttorn--. Passengers — Messrs. Hursthouse, llulkc, J. Pepperell, lloie, A. Lev}', S. Jacobs, Hill, Colonel Mulock, 70th regiment, Major Saltmarshe, Captain Ralston, Captain AVright, Mrs. Dabell, Lieutenant Hill, Lieut. Huskisson, Lieut. Bally, Lieutenant Great wood, Ensign Young, Ensign Llomby, 2nd Master Novell, Assistant-Surgeon llession, lor Tayimaki; Mr. Lighthand, for Nelson ; Mr. l'eglan, for BTiitV; Mr. Hammond, Mr. Snell, Glynn, anei lilt) of all ranks, lor Taranaki ; Mr. AN etlieriek, Mr. Jenkins, ior AVellington; Mr. Stewart, for Duncdin.-—Combes it Dalily, agent. og—l'heebe, s.s., <l-ll> tons, Wheeler,- lor the Southern Ports, witli part of original cargo mid sundry pkgs. short landed at Taranaki; 28 bales blankets, Bndeiely ; 1 pkge. board, 1 ease saddlery, Ford ; 1 ease stoneware, AYarel ; 1 ease, Levy and Jacobs; 12 hall-chests tea, 20 boxes do., A tierce tobaeeo, ■16 boxes apples, 310 bags Hour, Langford; 5 cases', 1 tin box, 1 sack, Levy; 1 pkge. tobacco, 1 bale drapery, Shortlaud; 1 ambulance -waggon and harness, 2 cases, 1 parcel, 2 cases boots, Moore; 1 bundle trees, Stoekley ; <1- bundles washing tubs, 2 (-uses, 4 bundles brooms, 25 feet piping, 2 sheets iron, Commissariat ; .Clo,ouo specie, Union Bank. Passengers—Messrs. Holloway, Levy, Wilson, Miss Franklyn, Mr. Rawson, Hall, C'apt. Thompson, lioehborn, Harris, Murray, Murdock, Russell, Bidgood, Longford, Dr. Samuels, AYonnock, McCartry, Holford, Kebillcr, J ones, Erskine, Hinc, Gibson, Rogers, Foley, and Riley, Sirs. Ebbs, ilrs. McCabe and child, Mrs. Powell and 3 children, Mrs. Williams and. child, Mrs. Johns and 6 children, Mrs. McCurfy and G children, Mrfe. Morrison anei infant, Mrs. Gibson and 3 children, 3 privates 70th regt. —11. 31. Jerris, agent. 29—Lombard, 206 tons, Driver, lor Port Albert, (Victoria) in ballast.—lt. Nazer, agent. august. ' 3—AYonga AVonga, s.s., 104 tons, Thompson, for Port Waikato, Raglan, Taranaki, Wauganui and Wellington, wit'.i 1 case, Lieut, l'atton, for Port AVaikato ; 20 bags llour, G-ibbison ; 2S sacks potatoes, 2 boxes soap, 2 boxes pickles, 1 ease oats, 3 casks bottled beer, Simpson ; 1 box candles, 1 case jam, 1 tin lolleys, 1 pKge. sundries, 1 sign board, Fuller; 1 qr.-easks ruin, 2 cases geneva, 1 do. whiskey, 1 Dag maize, 2 do. oats, 1 do. maize, 1 parcel, Emery; 2 bags bone dust, 2 cases,,Galvin ; 1 paper pareol, R.M. ; 3 eases merchandize, lOcvt. flour, 1 bale blankets, 1 cask whiting, 1 do. currants, Daw; Senses brandy, 1 do.liquors, 2casks ale, 2do. stout, 1 ease bitters, i cask soda water, Moon; 0 bags oats, G cases brauely, 6. do. geneva, Fuller ; lease drapery, Giimour ; 1 case do., Davy ; 2 tons stores, Commissariat.; 1 ease kerosine, 4 casks ale, 1 spade, Fuller ; 1 box, Major McGregor ; 2 parcels, Wilson ; 1 bag rice, 2 boxes soap, 2 bags sugar, .1 qr.cask wine, W aliis ; 1 case geneva, 1 case tobacco, 1 bale drapery, llorley &■ Brabent; 1 cask sundries, 2 boxes caudles, 4 tins paint, Gilmour ; 1 drum oil, 1 box candles, 1 camp oven, I parcel, 1 saucepan, 4 tin dishes, 1 pkge. toels, W. Gibson ;;2,bags llour, fctannard; 20 bags llour, 20 mats sugar,, ;l» case.vestas, lO.kegs spirits, 1 case-sundries, l. cask; i case drapery, 2 bundles spades, >1- case hair oil, 1 parcel, 4 cases sundries, £ cask rum, 5bags rice, Young ; 40 bags flour, 2 tins oil, 2 paper parcels, Wylev, for Raglan; 2 cases, surveying instruments, O.Davy ; 2 barrels ale, Oilicers Mess 70tli regt. ; 2 chests arms, Militia; 3G boxes canelles, Veins; 2 casks currants, 2 cases cheese, Colesby; 3 pligs. stores, Commissariat ; 1 truss, G. Ryan ; 1 bag oats, C. Brown ; 2 eases lamps', 1 ease ironmongery, Sileockf; 1 case boots, Capt. Brassey ;

1 roll lead, 1 leg, R. Hooter; 2 costs biscuit, for Tanmuki; 10; boxes oranges, Hurley & Co; 8 Loicn .do., Urideton ; 1 caeo drapery, XJull; do., Lockhartl cuse do., Moou; 1 case/do., D. Nathan; 1 case do., Moore; 1 case do.,Layard; 1 case d 0.,, IS. Lewis; 50 bags ilour, ,JSichol; 2 pkga. stores, Commsssariat; 1 case cigars, \V. I<\ Owen, for "Wanganui; 1 case, Commissariat, for Wellington. Passengers—Messrs. Gibberson, Wa.Jiaylor, Edwards,:csteplienson, duller, Mrs. Cook, Sir. Jones, Blackburn, Murrey, Bollock, 1 sergt. 14tli regt., and 4 natives, for Kaglan ; A. Stubbings, Thomson, for "Wailialo ; Messrs. Moon, <jowt*r, Symm, \Y. .Lea, R. Xiea,. pox, Macartney, for \\ uij^aiiui.—Combes & JDiildy, iigents.

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New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 229, 6 August 1864, Page 9

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PORT OF ONEHUNGA. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 229, 6 August 1864, Page 9

PORT OF ONEHUNGA. New Zealand Herald, Volume I, Issue 229, 6 August 1864, Page 9