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FROM 2nd OF APRIL 1842, TO 1st OF APRIL 1843.

Ko. Date. I/O'ZISMA. — "OLEAC," discovercd by Name. tons Captain. "Where from. Agents. Imports. Exports. Destination. Date. 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513, 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534' 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 14 Sept. 23 15 16 24 17 )8 25 >9 27 )0 28 >1 Oct. 2 )2 3 >3 5 ►4 6 15 7 16 17 8 18 9 19 12 ? " I 2 17 3, 19 i 2 ° 5 a I 6 7 22 8 24 9 25 0 29 1 30 2 31 3 4 Nov. 2 c 5 6 3 7 4 8 5 9 0 6 t I 2 7 0 23 Regia, barque . . Mary Hay, barque J4 Industry, schooner . . Nelson, brig 55 Vanguard, brigantine 17 Jane, schooner 58 Victoria, government brig 2 Henry, schooner 3 New Zealander, schooner 5 Union, schooner 6 Eagle, barque 7 Pickwick, cutter . Arachne, barque 8 Richmond, schooner 9 Ariel, brigantine .2 Industry, schooner . Victoria, government brig . Success, brigantine 7 Am well, barque 9 Cheerful, brigantine •0 Kate, schooner . Diana, brig . Bright Planet, barque 2 Adelaide, brigantine 4 Hannah, brigantine 5 Susannah Ann, schooner ,9 Henry, schooner 0 Bolina, barque 1 Jane, schooner . Elizabeth, brig 2 Maori Davis, schooner . Catherine Johnston, cutter 3 Blenheim, barque 4 Ospray, three mast, schoon. 5 Henry Tuke, Americ. ship . Pickwick, cutter 6 Vanguard, brigantine . Gannet, schooner 7 George Fyfe, barque . Ocean, schooner . Victoria, government brig g Richmond, schooner 1 Magnet, barque 5 Mana, schooner . Clown, ketch . Industry^ schooner . Ariel, brigantine 5 Governor Hobson, schoon 1 Imp, schooner, . Sir John Franklin, schoon j Nimrod, brig 3 Kate, schooner j Catherine Johnston, cutter J Black Warrior, schooner i Jane, schooner I Pickwick, cutter 5 Susannah Ann, schooner 3 Shepherdess, schooner , Elizabeth, schooner , Sisters, brigantine , Industry, schooner [ Richmond, schooner t Gannet, schooner » Royal William, sloop Mana, schooner ) Bright Planet, barque Magnet, barque i Anita, schooner ; Eleanor brig New Zealander, schooner Sir John Franklin, schoon Dolphin, schooner • » Bombay, ship I Ocean, schooner 180 300 24 150 61 15 •ig2oo 17 er 27 35 438 38 396 30 104 24 ig 200 , 82 300 120 62 164 187 96 90 r 79 17 245 15 230 15 er 10 375 n. 150 ip 366 38 61 40 460 30 ig2oo 30 148 27 104 24 104 n 40 20 m 52 175 62 5 r 10 15 15 38 • 79 41 75 130 24 30 40 43 27 187 145 219 253 r 27 n 52 40 400 30 !0 Kyle X) Volun !4 Barker »0 M'Laren 11 Newton 5 Vendy X) Nagle .7 Daymond !7 Guard E5 Stile 18 Buckley 18 Axton 16 Pearce 10 Sinclair >4 Cruikshank !4 Bradley 10 Nagle 12 Masou 10 Hesse !0 Foster 12 M'Farlane 14 Paterson '<7 Morrison '6 Hurburgh 0 Bell 9 Doughirty 7 Daymond 5 Twohey 5 Vendy 0 Guthridge 5 Scanlon 0 Taylor 5 Grey 0 Sedgwick 6 Watson 8 Axton 1 1m ewton 0 Popplewell 0 G. Pike 0 Ferguson 0 Nagle 0 Sinclair 8 MTarlane 7 Swany 4 Thompson 1 Barker 1 Cruikshank l) Crumner 3 Smith 2 Gill 5 Cooney 2 M'Farlane 3 Taylor 5 M'Greggor > Vendy J Axton J Dougherty I Browne > Smith ) Clarke t Bradley ) Sinclair ) Popplewell i Lovett f Swany f Morrison 3 M'Farlane ) King ! Lee r Crosbey 5 Campbell ) Smith ) Moore > Ferguson Sydney, Twofold Bay, Manawatu, London, Nelson, Whaling station, Auckland, Terawitte, Cloudy Bay, Auckland and coast, \ Newcastle and Nelson, Nelson, Sydney via Newcastle, Kapiti, Ie Taranaki, Coal Heaver, Cloudy Bay, Cloudy Bay, Sydney, Valparaiso, Coast, Twofold Bay, Sydney, Hobart Town via Nelson, Chatham Islands, Chatham Islands, Cloudy Bay, Auckland, Wyderop, Valparaiso, Wyderop, Nelson, Plymouth, New Plymouth and coast, Bay of Islands, Poverty Bay, New Plymouth, Otaki, London via the Cape, j Manawatu, Taranaki, Nelson, Sydney, Nelson, Valparaiso, Cloudy Bay, Akaroa, Coast, Wanganui, Launceston, Bay of Islands & Nelson, Coast, Wanganui, Wanganui, Nelson, Nelson, Coast, Sydney, Auckland, Nelson, Kaikora, Manawatu, Poverty Bay, Nelson, Akaroa, Banks's Peninsula, Banks's Peninsula, Manilla, Sydney, Cloudy Bay, Poverty Bay, East Cape, London via Nelson, Massacre Bay, T.^Machattie, Rhodes and Co., John Wade, Waitt and Tyser, Waitt and Tysei, John Wade, i Captain, Wallace and Co., Waitt and Tyser, Stiles, Willis and Co., Captain, Willis and Co., Fitzherbert, John Wade, John Wade, Captain, CM. Evans, J. M. Taylor, Ridgways & Co., T. Machattie, Rhodes and Co., I C. M. Evans, , Wallace and Co., Willis and Co., John Wade, Wallace and Co., J. Salmon, John Wade, Ridgways & Co., Wood, Wallace and Co., Hort and Co., t, Ridgways & Co., Mayhew, Rhodes and Co., Waitt and Tyser, A. Hornbrook, Ridgways & Co., Wallace and Co., Captain, Fitzherbert, T. Machattie, Waitt and Tyser, Captain, John Wade, John Wade, Wallace and Co., Johnson& Moore, Hort and Co., , Captain, T. Machattie, Captain, John Wade, Virtue, Captain, John Wade, Schultze, Captain, Waitt and Tyser, Johnson& Moore, Fitzherbert, A. Hornbrook, Wallace and Co., Captain, C. M. Evans, C. M. Evans, Ridgway's & Co., T. Machattie, Guard, Hort and Co., Simmons & Co., Fitzherbert, Wallace and Co., 18 horses, 225 sheep, • 92 head cattle, potatoes, i r, passengers, general cargo, t, ballast, oil, &c, passengers, •, planks and scantling, f, ballast, maize, general cargo, cattle, horses, &c, ballast, 110 head cattle, gen. cargo, oil, pigs, potatoes, pigs, potatoes, &c, oil and bone, ballast, oil and bone, 100 tons flour, horses, „ 166 tons flour, pigs, potatoes, grain, i 80 head cattle, horses, sheep, flour, &c, „ general' cargo, timber, oil, pigs, and potatoes, 15 tons potatoes, 65 pigs, „ oil, &c, timber, general cargo, 011 and copper, , 300 tons flour, hats, nuts, ballast, „ potatoes, immigrants for New Plym. „ sundries, 900 barrels flour, - JO? pigs, :, ballast, oil, &c, „ 62 passengers, immigrants, „ potatoes, ballast, oil, &c, 290 sheep, 29 head cattle, •, wool, &c, 120 tons of flour, sundries, part of original cargo, „ 28 pigs and sundries, i, 30 pigs, 9 tons potatoes, general cargo. timber and sundries, 100 pigs, oil, maize, &c, a quantity of bacon, 12 pigs and sundries, ballast, sundries, oil, &c, general cargo, 500 bushels wheat, *, passengers, general cargo, i, ballast, timber, pigs, potatoes, , i ton wool, 10 tons potatoes, wreck of brig Jewess, wreck of brig Jewess, , tea, rice, sugar, coffee, &c, 600 sheep, 64 head cattle, passengers, 64pigs, bacon, pork, maize, 300 bushels maize, passengers, merchandize, , coal and lime, sundries, ballast, general cargo, ballast, general cargo, sundries, ballast, general cargo, sundries, sundries, ballast, cattle, general cargo, ballast, j general cargo, general cargo, sundries, Judge and other passenge. sundries, ballast, ballast, sundries, ballast, sundries, original cargo, ballast, sundries, sundries, flour, &c, ballast, ballast, whaling stores, sundries, part orig.cargo.immigrants part^ of original cargo, original cargo, passengers, sundries, flour and general cargo, ballast, passengers, part orig.cargo, sundries, ballast, sundries, flour, sundries, original cargo, ballast, general cargo, general cargo, general cargo, sundries, sundries, sundries, sundries, ballast, sundries, sundries, sundries, sundries, general cargo, part of original cargo, general cargo, sundries, sundries, sundries, sundries, wreck of Jewess, oil,& bone, ballast, ballast, ballast, sundries, sundries, sundries, ballast, general cargo, Coast, Hobart Town, Manawatu, . Valparaiso, New Plymouth, Coast, Nelson, Cloudy B,ay, Cloudy Bay, Bay of Islands, Auckland, Sydney, Poverty Bay, Sydney, XT 1 Nelson, Akaroa. Cloudy Bay,- ;. Nelson, Cloudy Bay and Sydney, Sydney, Sydney, Coast, Twofold Bay, Akaroa, Auckland, Chatham Islands, Nelson, Cloudy Bay, Auckland, Nelson, Valparaiso, Palfiser Bay, Wanganui, ;s New Plymouth, Auckland, », New York, Nelson, New Plymouth, Poverty Bay, t f Nelson, Coast, Auckland, Kapiti ana Manawatu, Manilla, Akaroa, Auckland, Coalheaver, East Cape, New Plymouth, Wanganui, Poverty Bay, Bay of Islands, East coast Kapiti and Wanganui, Pauiser Bay, Poverty Bay, Poverty Bay, Chatham Islands, Akaroa, Nelson, Hobart Town via Auckla. Nelson, Poverty Bay, Poverty Bay, Chatham Islands, Akaroa, Manilla, Stewart's Island, Manilla, Cloudy Bay, East coast, East Coast, Valparaiso, Cloudy Bay and coast, Oct. 7 9 4 11 10 26 4 16 10 a, 24 29 17 20 16 28 26 19 24 Nov. 11 » * I Oct. 29 Nov. 19 r Oct. 28 Nov. 14 14 ' 20 7 Dec. 18 March 24 Nov. 14 " - 15 14 26 Dec. 6 12 Nov. 11 14 19 . i 5 8 3 11 7 15 3 " " 29 • 26 Feb. 20 Dec. 6 1 26 6 7 4 Jan. SO Dec. 13 26 » I 16 I 21 f 23 » 26 5 27 • 28 I Dec. 2 > 4 > 5 6 > " Jan. I t. Dec. 18 1 - 1 11 > 14 15 1 19 i 24 ; 25 Jan. 1 5 Dec. 22 28 Jan. 8 Dec. 26 Jan. 14 1 Dec. 31 Jan. 6 1 13 5 : I •• V i 29 30 ( 1843 568 J 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 F 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 ]V 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 Jan. 3 ■ 4 i -\ 5 ] 9 < 10 1 si •• •• 16j 18 I 19 5 21 I 22 .. t 23 I 24 I .. Jt 25 C 30 0 31 1 Feb. 1 » 5 I o 61 8 J ~\k Prince of Wales, barque 5 New Zealander, schooner Kate, schooner Essex, barque 3 Hannah, brigantine Catherine Johnston, cutter Ariel, brigantine 1 Lowestoft, brigantine 1 Victoria, government brig 2 Favorite, H.M.S. 4 New Zealander, schooner Clown, ketch 1 Imp, schooner Royal William, sloop Pickwick, cutter ; Richmond, schooner ■ Susannah Ann, schooner \ Elizabeth, schooner Vanguard, brigantine ( Regia, barque V Imp, schooner : Hannah, brigantine ! Brougham, barque 2i Ocean, schooner < Glenarm, barque ' 2! Thomas Sparks, ship 4! Margaret, brig 1< Lowestoft, brigantine 1 Shepherdess, schooner Richmond, schooner i Vanguard, brigantine < Dolphin, schooner ' Victoria, government brig 21 Gannet, schooner '■ Imp, schooner ! Elizabeth, cutter ' Catherine Johnston, cutter • Kate, schooner < Royal William, sloop \ Catherine^ schooner 1' Indus, ship 4! Pickwick, cutter « Gannet, schooner < Brougham, barque 21 New York Packet, barque 2< Thomas Sparks, ship 4£ Posthumous, barque Si Mana, schooner S Imp, schooner J Sir John Franklin, schoon. 5 Ocean, schooner 3 Nimrod, cutter 2 Levin, cutter 2 Richmond, schooner 3 Governor Hobson, schoon. 4 Shepherdess, schooner 4 Vanguard, brigantine 6 Will Watch, brigantine 6 Royal William, sloop 4 Lunar, brig 16 Maori Davis, schooner 1 Victoria, government brig 20 Kate, schooner 6 Victoria, government brig 20 Black Warrior, schooner 1 582 27 62 329 90 10 ' 104 i 114 i 200 : 400 ! 27 i 104 ' 20 ! 43 38 . 30 « 79 ] 70 < 64 ] iBo : 20 ' 90 1 237 ] 30 1 297 < 498 j 186 r j 114 < 41 ] 30 i 64 ] 40 i 200 1 40 ] 20 1 20 1 10 1 62 1 43 1 179 ] 425 I 38 J 40 I 237 I 269 ( 498 S 389 J 27 S 20 1 52 C 30 I 20 "V 24 I 30 S 40 S 41 I 64 Ji 63 £ 43 i 165 £ U "V 200 B 62 IV 200 R 15 A Alexander Crosbey M'Farlane Oakley Bell Taylor Cruikshank Cowton Xagle Sullivan Crosbey Thompson Smith Lovett Jury Sinclair Doughirty Smith Newton Thompson Tulett Bell Robertson Ferguson Guy Sharp Tomkins Cowton Browne Sinclair Newton Smith Nagle Popplewell Tulett Morton Taylor ' MTarlane Lovett Bannatvne M'Kenzie Jury Popplewell Robertson Gregory Sharp Milner Swany Tulett Campbell Ferguson Waddy Dunning Sinclair Scanlon Browne y ewton Hardinge Lovett Ellis Wilde Richards M/Farlane Richards Attderßpn London via Nelson, Cloudy Bay, East Coast, London, Chatham Islands, Wanganui, East Coast, Launceston via Auckland, Auckland, Akaroa Cloudy Bay, Auckland, Wanganui, Chatham Islands, Table Cape, Paverty Bay, Chatham Islands, Nelson, New Plymouth, Sydney, Put back, Nelson, Valparaiso, l Nelson, Liverpool via Adelaide, London via the Czpe, Sydney, New Plymouth, Akaroa, Coast, Nelson, East Coast, Akaroa, Paverty Bay, Wanganui, Sydney, New Plymouth, East Coast, East Coast, Auckland, London via Nelson, East Coast, East Coast, Nelson, Sydney, Nelson, Sydney via Nelaon, Coast, Coast and Wanganui, Auckland, - Put back, Tologa Bay, Auckland, Akaroa, New Plymouth, Nelson, Chatham Islands, Launceston, Table Cape, Bay of Islands, Wyderop. Auckland via Taranaki, East Coast, Put back wind : bound, Akaroa, Willis and Co., Guard, T. Machattie, Waitt and Tyser, Willis and Co., Wallace and Co., Captain, Willis and Co., Captain, Captain, Willis and Co., ] Ridgways & Co., < Johnson &Moore, ' Wallace and Co., < Captain, , '< Fitzherbert, ' John Wade, l ■Captain, I Hort and Co., J T. Machattie, I Johnson &Moore, s Willis and Co., < Boulcott, 2 Wallace and Co., i C. M. Penny, i Ridgways & Co., I Waitt and Tyser, 1 Willis and Co., £ Schultze, i Fitzherbert, s Waitt and Tyser, I Simmons & Co., 2 Captain, i Hornbrook, 2 Johnson &Moore, f Captain, s Wallace and Co., I T. Machattie, 1 Wallace and Co., 1 John Wade, i Wallace and Co., g Captain, 3 A. Hornbrook, 5 Boulcott, I Fitzherbert, 5 Ridgways & Co., I Captain, 3 i Captain, 4 Johnson and Co., 1 Captain, Wallace and Co., I Wallace and Co., I Captain, - F Fitzherbert, P Hort and Co., a Schultze, s Waitt and Tyser, 8 Captain, S John Wade, 3 Rhodes and Co., 7 John Wade, P Captain, C T. Machattie, V Captain, h John Wade, s I 34 passengers, gen. cargo, paint oil, oil, lime, and wood, emigrants for N.Plymouth 95 pigs, wood, & potatoes, ' 3 pigs, i 63 pigs, 800 bushels maize, general cargo, ; Governor and suite, ballast, passengers, i coffee and passengers, 1 21 pigs, potatoes, &c, '• 60 pigs, potatoes, &c, i 31 pigs, four tons potatoes, ' 26 pigs, fowls, hams, bacon, s pork and potatoes, i 3 bales wool, 30 tons coal, { 100 pigs, 12 goats, g. cargo, i 580 sheep, general cargo, 1 sundries, < quarter of a ton of copper, s 220 tons flour, wine, nuts, i general cargo, s gen eral cargo merchandize 1 pass., immigrants, horses, T 150 sheep, general cargo, i sundries, t flax, oil, and bone, { sundries, g ballast, . s 26 pigs, 8 tons potatoes, &c, s Acting Govern, and suite, j .36 pigs, shingles, potatoes, s five tons potatoes, s sundries, s ballast, s 100 pigs, bacon, and hams, c 18 pigs, potatoes, maize, general cargo, I general cargo, t 38 pigs, potatoes, pork, 50 pigs, 15 tons potatoes, s ballast, i 520 sheep.lgeneral cargo, t passengers, I 300 sheep, 9 horses, passen. I 41 sheep, 4 tons oil, bone, s 10 tons potatoes, s 55 pigs, 300 bushels coru, - put back for repairs, c pork and pigs, put in for repairs & water, c ! potatoes, &o. ' - ; sundries, £ sundries, s 80 pigs, potatoes, general cargo, 39 pigs, 4 tons potatoes, v 70pig8, 700 bush. maize,&c. p potatoes, &c., Chief Justice & passengers, b Eigs, potatoes, &c. allast, h i sundries, ballast, sundries, passengers, flour and general cargo, immigrants,n ts, general cargo, original cargo, general cargo, sundries, part of original cargo, Governor and suite, ballast, ■ sundries, < passengers, sundries, ' sundries, < sundries, < sundries, < sundries, < general cargo, 1 flour, 1 ballast, 1 original cargo, sundries, J flour and general cargo, 3 sundries, < ballast, passen.&partorigin. cargo, 1 ballast, 1 ballast, j general cargo,. < general cargo, j sundries, < sundries, ] Acting Governor and suite, j sundries, J sundries, 1 sundries, i sundries, "\ sundries, 1 whaling stores, . 1 ballast, I passengers and ballast, ' Sydney, Cloudy Bay, Coast, New Plymouth, Nelson, Wanganui, Nelson, New Plymouth, ] Nelson, « Akaroa, Sydney, Cloudy Bay, Valparaiso, Wanganui, J Coast, 1 Coast, J Coast, Coast, Nelson, I New Plymouth, J Manilla, Wanganui, I Sydney via Nelson, J Kelson, I Cloudy Bay and coast, J Valparaiso, Nelson, I Hong Kong, J Auckland, I Otago, and Nelson, Akaroa, Chatham Islands, East coast, Auckland, East coast, Nelson, Akaroa, Wanganui, East coast, .Hawke'sßay, J Isle of Pines, t Valparaiso, In Port, Coast, I Valparaiso. i Valparaiso, Valparaiso, Manilla, Mana, Nelaon,. In Port, Cloudy Bay, J In Port, Nelson, 5 In Port, New Plymouth, A Otago, In Port, New Plymouth, Cook Straits Fisheries, * IV Akaroa, In Port, Akaroa, IV In Port, iAkaroa, In Port, 18 5 13 16 10 15 Feb. 5 Jan. 17 30 16 21 Jan. 20 Feb. 3 Jan. 28 26 Feb. 9 Jan. 24 29 Feb. 3 Jan. 29 Feb. 10 Marchl3 26 Feb 26 March] 5 Feb. 11 28 10 17 15 11 15 18 ioc 11 J 15 x 16 * 17 I 26 C 20 26 March, 2 ■ », •• 4 I 28 C .. Jfc March 6 B 11 I 13 sundries, passengers and ballast, ballast, ballast, ballast, sundries, . sundries, Marchl4 I 13 25 11 23 26 15 I 16 S " : •• i original cargo, March 24 •• € .. A 18 B 21 G o original cargo, I March 19 flour and sundries,, sundries, March3o .26 22 \> . V 23 R 25 I 26 N 27 J 28 X whaling stores, sundries, part of original, cargo, i 30 March2B 30, ballast, Mareh27 .. V 29 B ballast, 29.

No. Sate. Name. Tons. Captain. Where from. AgentsImports. Exports. Destination. Date. ' 357 358 359 360 361 •362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 -372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 886 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 #2S 429 430 431! 432 ! 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 45? 458 459 460 561 462 463 464 465 467 468 469 470 471 ,472 473 474 475 ; 476 '478 479 480 481 482 ' 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 lApril 5 Henry, schooner Bright Planet, barque London, barque Perseverance, schooner Anne, brigantine Blossom, schooner Susannah Ann, schooner Royal William, sloop Mana, schooner Anita, schooner Martha Ridgway, ship Pickwick, cutter Vanguard brigantine Ariel, schooner Catherine Johnston, cutter Lady Leigh, schooner James, brig Catherine, schooner Rory O'More, schooner Kate, schooner Victoria, government brig Royal Mail, schooner Kate, schooner Enterprize, schooner - Industry, schooner Ann-, brigantine Brilliant barque Skerne, brig Susannah Ann, schooner London, ship Look-in, schooner Regia, barque O.C. Raymond, A. brigan. Clifford, ship Chapman, schooner Elizabeth, schooner Pickwick, cutter Henry, schooner Harlequin, schooner Perseverance, schooner Agnes, brig Vanguard, brigantine Flying Fish, schooner Mana, schooner Nimrod, brig Brougham, barque Wollaby, barque Wave, schooner Susannah Ann, schooner Nelson Packet, schooner Ann, schooner Royal William, sloop Blossom, schooner Catherine, schooner Kate, schooner Fidel c, schooner - Hailequin, schooner Bright Planet, barque Thomas Crisp, schooner Kate, schooner Vanguard, brigantine Susannah Ann, schooner Ariel, brigantine Industry, schooner Pickwick, cutter Nelson Packet, schooner Lord Hobart, brig Eleanor, brig Eleanor, barque Eagle, barque Ariel, brigantine Lady Leigh, schooner Ariel, brigantine Elizabeth, schooner Mana, schooner Brothers, cutter Ocean, schooner Tyrian, barque Vanguard, brigantine Industry, schooner Henry, schooner Ariel, brigantine Kate, schooner Bright Planet, barque Isabella Anna, barque Perseverance, schooner Susannah Ann, schooner Ariel, schooner Indemnity, barque Exporter, barque Royal William, sloop Minerva, schooner Ann, schooner "Pickwick, cutter Catherine Johnston, cutter Henry, schooner Ariel, brigantine Wallaby (whaler), barque Lady Leigh, schooner Patriot, brig Maori Davis, schooner Elizabeth, schooner Success, brigantine New Zealander, schooner Victoria, government brig Vanguard, brigantine Look-in, schooner Jane, schooner Eleanor, brig Richmond, schooner Catherine Johnston, cutter Black Warrior, schooner Kate, schooner Eleanor, barque Catherine, schooner Henry, schooner Jane, schooner Hannah, brigantine Success, brigantine LadyMaryPelham, barque Royal William, sloop Brougham, barque Vanguard, brigantine Jane Goudie, barque Brothers, cutter Mana, schooner Pickwick, cutter Ocean, schooner New Zealander, schooner Perseverance, schooner Jane, schooner Nymph, schooner Royal William, sloop Tobago, brig Henry, schooner Elizabeth, schooner Lord Hobart, brig 17; 187! 600 50 62 44 79 43 27 219 621 38 61 146 10 109 200 179 22 62 200 90 70 30 24 62 388 121 79 700 82 180 142 528 14 52 38 17 64 50 280 61 20 27 175 227 287 70 79 20 22 43 44 25 62 10 64 187 175 70 61 79 104 24 38 20 161 253 153 438 104 109 104 52 27 44 25 225 61 24 17 104 62 187 300 50 79 146 450 216 43 129 22 38 10 17 104 287 109 189 15 52 82 27 200 61 82 15 253 30 10 15 62 153 179 17 15 90 82 206 43 227 61 280 44 27 38 30 27 50 15 22 43 136 17 75 161 Daymond Morrison Gibson Bishop Higgins Tullock Swany LovetfcBarker Beech -Webb Styles Murray Mulholland Taylor Roche J. Ross Bannatyne Munn M'Farlane Richards H. Hay Read J. Skidmore M'Gregor Higgins Ritchie Inn en Swany Wood Stobo Kyle S. Denizen Sharp Stepnenson Smith Styles Daymond Phillips Bishop Cobb Murray Seed M'Donald Fox Robertson Bailley Cooney Swany Jackson Schultze Lovelt Tulett Smith M'Farlane Cemino Phillips Morrison Beard Read , Murray Doughirty Finlay M'Gregor Styles Jackson Kelman Barlow Johnson Shell Cruikshank Roche Finlay Smith Swany Bruce Ferguson Clarkson Murray M'Gregor Daymond Cruikshank M'Farlane Morrison Thomson Bishop Dougherty Mulholland Adams Anwyl Lovett Reid Brown Styles Taylor Daymond Cruikshank Bailley Roche Wright Davis Smith Mason Guard Richards Murray Finlay Vendy Barlow Sinclair Taylor M'Gregor M'Farlane Johnston Bannatyne Daymond Vendy Bell Mason Harper Lovett Robertson Murray Goudie Bruce Swany Styles Furguson Guard j Bishop Vendy Scanlon Lovett Downes Daymond Smith Kelman Manawatu, Coast, London, Adelaide, Manawatu, Cloudy Bay, West Coast, Poverty Bay, Porirua, South Island, ! Nelson, Put back, Nelson, Nelson, Wanganui, Kapiti, Cape via Port Phillip, Port Phillip, Massacre Bay and Nelson, Nelson and Coast, I Auckland, I Sydney via Auckland, i Nelson, | Auckland & Poverty Bay, Wanganui, Manawatu, Sydney via Nelson, Sydney via Nelson, Kapiti and Coast, London, Nelson, Sydney, Adelaide, London, Hokianga, Sydney, Nelson, Queen Charlotte Sound, Bay of Islands and coast, Chatham Islands, Sydney, New Plymouth, Kapiti, Mana, Sydney via Nelson, New Plymouth, Whaling grounds, Nelson, Coast, Nelson, Middle Island, East Coast, Nelson, Hawke's Bay, Chatham Islands, Palliser Bay, Coast, Sydney. Sydney, Hawke's Bay, Akaroa, Coast, Nelson, Wanganui, Nelson, Coast, Twofold Bay, Sydney via Nelson, Sydney, Sydney via Nelson, Cloudy Bay, Sydney, Put back, Nelson, Coast, Sydney, Cloudy Bay, Sydney, New Plymouth, Manawatu, Manawatu, Cloudy Bay, Hawke's Bay, Coast, Sydney, Chatham Islands, Coast, Nelson, London, Sydney, Akaroa, Nelson, Middle Island, Hawke's Bay, Wanganui, Terawitte, Put back leaky, Whaling ground, Kapiti, Auckland, Built here, Nelson, Sydney, Middle Island, Auckland, Akaroa, Nelson, Nelson, Akaroa, Built here, Wanganui, Wanganui, Hawke's Bay, Broulee, Sydney, Palliser Bay & Terawitte, Wyderbp, Sydney, Cloudy Bay, Whaling ground, Nelson and coast, Sydney, Nelson, Morakie, Kafia, Poverty Bay, Nelson, Cloudy Bay, Nelson, Whaling station, Nelson, Cloudy Bay, London tripH.Town, Cape, Terawitte, Nelson, Twofold Bay, Wallace and Co., John Wade, Captain, C. M. Penny, Hay&Machattie, Willis and Co., John Wade, J. M. Taylor, Munn & Barker, John Wade, Ridgways & Co., Rhodes and Co., Waitt and Tyser, J. M. Taylor, Wallace and Co., Fitzherbert, Rhodes and Co., John Wade, Wallace and Co., Hay&Machattie, Captain, ' John Wade, Fitzherbert, Wallace and Co., John Wade, Hay&Machattie, Waitt and Tyser, Waitt and Tyser, John Wade, Waitt and Tyser, John Wade, John Wade, John Wade, Captain, Wallace and Co., Waitt and Tyser, Rhodes and Co., Wallace and Co., Mayhew, Ridgways & Co., J. M. Taylor, Hort and Co., John Wade, Willis and Co., John Wade, J. Boulcott, Willis and Co., John Wade, John Wade, Wallace and Co., Hay&Machattie, J. M. Taylor, John Wade, John Wade, Hay&Machattie, John Wade, Mayhew, John Wade, Hay & Machattie, Fitzherbert, Hort and Co., John Wade, John Wade, John Wade, Rhodes and Co.. Wallace and Co., Rhodes and Co., Hay & Machattie, Rhodes and Co., Willis and Co., John Wade, Fitzherbert, John Wade, Wallace and Co., Waitt and Tyser, Rhodes and Co., Wallace and Co., C. M. Evans, Hort and Co., John Wade, Wallace and Co., John Wade, Hay&Machattie, Bethune and Co., Hay&Machattie, Ridgways & Co., John Wade, Captain, Waitt and Tyser, Fitzherbert, John Wade, Captain, Waitt and Tyser, Rhodes and Co., Wallace and Co., Wallace and Co., John Wade, Willis and Co., Fitzherbert, C. M. Penny, Wood, Wallace and Co., C. M. Evans, Waitt and Co., Captain, Hort and Co., John Wade, John Wade, T. Machattie, Fitzherbert, Wallace and Co., John Wade, T. Machattie, Rhodes and Co., John Wade, Wallace and Co., John Wade, Willis and Co., C. Evans, John Wade, Wallace and Co., J. Boulcott, Waitt and Tyser, Waitt and Tyser, Rhodes and Co., Willis and Co., Rhodes and Co., Wallace and Co., Waitt and Tyser, J. M. Taylor, John Wade, T. M. Machattie, Wallace and Co., T. Machattie, Wallace and Co., Wallace and Co., Rhodes and Co., potatoes, ballast, immigrants for Nelson, seventeen passengers, &c, ballast, ballast, sundries, potatoes, maize, and pigs, whalebone, sundries, original cargo, . j original cargo, hay, ballast, pigs and potatoes, timber, &c, 330 sheep & general cargo, 56 head of cattle, 15 pass., 12 tons limestone, potatoes, 50 tons oil casks, passengers, general cargo, passengers, sundries, wreck F\feshire, pigs and potatoes, pigs and potatoes, oil and whalebone, 75 head of cattle, general cargo, sundries, whalebone, immigrants, general cargo, ballast, general cargo, passengers, general cargo, immigrants for Nelson, 5 cwt. cordage, 10 passengers & gen. cargo, } ton flax, ballast, sundries, potatoes, horses, cattle, & gen. cargo, sundries, pigs and potatoes, 20 sheep and 6 bales wool, cattle, &c, ballast, 900 barrels oil, general cargo, oil, &c, limestone, ballast, pigs and potatoes, ballast, pigs and potatoes, ] 40 pigs, 20 tons potatoes, ballast, sundries, sheep and general cargo, general cargo, pigs and potatoes, sundries, oil, &c, ballast, potatoes, ballast, ballast, cattle, sheep, &c, cattle, sheep, gen. cargo, cattle and sheep, cattle and horses, cattle. ! passengers, general cargo,! original cargo, ballast, ballast, general cargo, ballast, passengers, cattle, sheep, sundries, oil, ballast, 20 head of cattle, sundries, pigs, &c, ballast, sheep, cattle, passengers, potatoes, &c, oil, &c., sundries, passengers, merchandize, sheep, horses, gen. cargo, ballast, sundries, oil, pigs, pigs, &c., sundries, wreck of Kate, original cargo, oil, &c, .oil, &c,, general cargo, sundries, , ballast, orig. cargo & immigrants, sundries, supplies whaling station, general cargo, supplies whaling station, whaling stores, whaling stores, ballast, ballast, general cargo, passengers, general cargo, supplies whaling station, general cargo, potatoes, &c, part of original cargo, 50 kegs white lead, j whaling stores, general cargo, ballast, general cargo, whaling stores, general cargo, I general cargo, sundries. sundries, ballast, sundries, ballast, general cargo, sundries, part of original cargo, original cargo & emigrants, general cargo, general cargo, sundries, general cargo, sundries, sundries, j ballast, flour, &c, general cargo, general cargo, ballast, ballast, original cargo, part of original cargo, sundries, general cargo, sundries, sundries, general cargo, sundries, sundries, Queen Charlotte Sound, Sydney, Nelson Haven, Nelson, Hawke's Bay, Nelson, Cloudy Bay, Poverty Bay, Mana, Manilla, Bombay, Nelson, New Plymouth, Poverty Bay, Wanganui, Sydney, Sydney, Sydney, Akaroa, Chatham Islands, Nelson, South Sea sealing ground, Hawke's Bay, Wanganui, Wanganui, Sydney, Twofold Bay, Manilla, Coast, Bombay, Nelson, Sydney, Otaheite, Nelson, New Plymouth, Nelson, Nelson, Manawatu, Coast, Chatham Islands, Valparaiso, Akaroa and coast, Otago, Nelson, Sydney, Valparaiso, Chatham Islands, whaling, Auckland, Coast, Nelson, Otago, Palliser Bay, Chatham Islands, Hawke's Bay, Hawke's Bay, In Port, Bay of Islands, • Kapiti, Auckland and Sydney, Nelson, New Plymouth, Coast, Cloudy Bay, Wanganui, Hawke's Bay, Manawatu, Twofold Bay, Akaroa, i Sydney, Sydney, Cloudy Bay, K.tpiti, Cloudy Bay, Nelson, Nelson, Akaroa and coast, Manawatu, Sydney, Akaroa, Manawatu, Coast, Nelson, Hawke's Bay, Cloudy Bay, Sydney, Nelson, Coast, Poverty Bay, On the Slip repairing, Sydney, Nelson, Coast, Laid up, Poverty Bay, Wanganui, Coast, Nelson, Whaling ground, Sydney, Hobart Town, Wyderop, j Nelson, Cloudy Bay, Cloudy Bay, Nelson, Nelson, Chatham Islands, Wyderop, Coast and Sydney, Nelson, Wanganui, Wanganui, Hawke's Bay, i Sydney, Auckland and Sydney, Terrawitte, Cloudy Bay, Nelson, Coast, Whaling ground, Cloudy Bay, Valparaiso, Nelson, Valparaiso, Middle Island, Nelson, Hawke's Bay, Manawatu, ■ Cloudy Bay, Sydney, ■ Cloudy Bay, Nelson, Nelson, Sydney via Auckland, Terawitte, Auckland, Twofold Bay, [April 15 7 10 12 13 14 7 21 13 May 8 April 15 23 30 May 6 June 12 April 20 25 22 28 May 2 April 25 30 28 30 17 " 19 21 22 23 24 29 30 - 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New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, Volume IV, Issue 233, 1 April 1843, Page 2 (Supplement)

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PORT NICHOLSON SHIPPING LIST. New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, Volume IV, Issue 233, 1 April 1843, Page 2 (Supplement)

PORT NICHOLSON SHIPPING LIST. New Zealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator, Volume IV, Issue 233, 1 April 1843, Page 2 (Supplement)