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By Christabel.

THE holidays are -Hearing their end, and the world's wife and family , are gradually coming back from various camps and excursions—not . to .• mention, wrecks—and settling, down .to their usual existence in town. The next thing to-' interest the world's wife will, no doubt, be the sales (which really should interest the world much more since he has to pay for the bargains). Sales have ■ already begun, and some shops have been doing a great trade. Soon the -whole town wul assume [the dusty and unkempt appearance which one always associates somehow with sales, and the dog days. '..*■'■.* * . The wisest women, however, get their bargain-hunting done early in the rush, and as this year began by "being warm, no doubt imany people, having their summer clothes already, will turn their thoughts to next winter's wardrobe. According to the fashions depicted in the present English winter's journals, we are to return to fitted coats and delightful "comfy" little toques, so that it will no longer he necessary; to look like a drain-pipe or a barrel (which depends entirely on the slimhess or otherwise of the wearer), with an extinguisher atop. • . » • Also, we are not to be slashed about the basques of our coats like a 'ine'liaeval jester, or buttoned all over like a " 'Enry 'A whins." One paper describes what it calls "a new departure," the' departure being really a •return to the days when a coat and skirt were intended for every-day wear in all weathers, and not elaborated into a "best gown." Also, coats, when they button, are to. do so across the chest, and not wait they reach the waist-line before meeting as if there hadn't been quite enough stuff fco go round. » »• ' * Mrs. M. Myers is visiting Christchurch. .:...■-.'•'■ » ■ e * Mrs. Frfechett left for Dunedin last Monday with Dr. FSifcchett. - m On ±lie previous Saturday she entertainied Mrs. Solf, from Samoa, at Bay House, where she has been staying since her return from England, when) tihie guests included Lady Ward. Mrs. Focke, and a number of her fellow guests at Day's Bay. '«•■''■'• Mr. and Mrs. Von. Haast have gome to Thinedin, for the University Synod. . * *-.■;•■"■•»•' Mr. and Mrs. Gillies, of Timaru, are staying in Wellington. ■ . * ■'*. ■ * . Mother Mary Aubert is in Auckland for the opening of the foundling horn© in Hdbson-street. which is to be called St. Vincent's. * * * Mr. and Mrs. P. D. EranHand, of Foxton, and their, youngest son, left Auckland by the Navua this week for Fiji, en route for the United States, where they intend staying some months. * * * Mrs. Darling, Mrs. Webb! and M^ 88 Cartier-Tonks, who have beein visiting Auckland and Robarua, returned to "Wellington this week. * * * Mr. and Mrs. G.Blooinfield, of Auckland, ore in Wellington. '...*.' *.- . * An •engagement announced from England is that of the Rev. H. B. Maling, vicar of Leighton Bxomsworld, Hants, eldest son of Mr. Thomas Mailing, .of Merivale, Christchurch. New Zealand, to Miss Harriet E. Mostym, daughter of the Rev. Canon the Hon. H. Wynne Mostyn. of Somerset Plaice, Bath, England. * * * . New Zealanders are gradually being heard of dm the singing world at Home. Miss Nora Long's achiervremienibs in grand opera were blazoned, forth an cables, and -Miss Marjorie Tempest, who tried her luck first in, a reoitalat the Beehstein Hall, has been singing with Ada Cros&ley at Colchester. (Miss Crossley is always tin© friend of all colonials struggling foa* a place near the top.) Now wte learn that Miss Betty Brooke, of Christohuiroh:. has been singing at a concert given by the Hunstanton Choral Society, am London, and also took the soprano role in "The Messiah" at Bradford, on December 27th.

We are decidedly liard-workimg people in this city.. The edaicatdonalists have finished their parliament, and oow comes the General Synod, to ineet in Wellington and talk for days and days, while its wife gets entertained at teas, etc., aind next anointh the doctors intend to meet and do more talking, and _ somewhere the local branch of the Victoria League, is going to sandwich in. enitearfcainmeai'ts in honour of its general secnetajry.' Miss Talbot. »» . • Bishops will positively be like Gilbert's dukes during the earning week. The Pirimate aind Mi's. Nevill will stay at Bishopscourt, om the xr»ouarbain peaks, with Bishop and Mrs.. Wallis. the new Bishop, .he of Waiapu, and Mrs. Averill. will be the guests of the Rev. A. M. ahd Mrs. Johnsoin, a* St. Mark's vicarage, and Bishop and Mrs. Neligam intend to be free and uncontrolled at the Royal Oak.

A very pleasant afternoon tea was given at Godber's rooms on Saturday afaternoon, as a farewell to Miss Petersen, who is shortly to. be married. Musical items were rendered by Misses Lissiack and Gosling, and Messrs. C. Prostor Denni'ston, and Barry. Mr. F. Proctor presided at the piano. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Page, Mrs. Warburton, amd others. * ■ ■ * *• Miss Ethel Law, 8.A., daughter of Mr. George Law. of Northlands, has been appointed assistant in the Southland Girls' College, and Leaves on.Friday for Invencargill. ».-■■.'•■ •■ ■» * A new position is open for women. Mrs. V. Powell has been appointed scout mistress in change of the Bleinheim. branch of the New Zealand Girl ■Scouts. "'.'"''■'.■•.■ ■. • • • Mrs. O'Connor gave an afternoon '■■■■t. on Wednesday at her home on the Terrace, a farewell to Mrs. Malcolm >. Ross, who leaves niext month for a trip to England. ,■*' '.'■*' * Mr. and Mrs. Horace Reid (the latter was Miss Freda Martin) have taken_ the house 1 at the Hutt formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Gilruth. .« » .♦• Miss .A. MacAmdrew .is ( visiting friends in Auckland. .. '• ■ » «■• Lady Stout intends to remain another year in England. Her daughter is to go to> school at Rosdean, near Brighton. Meantime, Lady Stout is paying a visit to Switzerland. * * » On Tuesday afternoon Mr®. Butts and th© party whom she chaperonied lately to- Tory Channel, celebrated their return by a pleasant, afternoon real good sports. '■.''.......•''■■•• ■ ■■» ■ The Hon. May McOwaa and Mrs. McOwjan with their daughter, arrived from Fiji this week, and' are the .guests of Mrs. R. M. .Simpson, .Wellington Terrace. Mrs. McOwan is a sister of Mr. Cy-Griffiths. ■ '..«. *' *.-... Professor and Mrs. Richmond and their camping oarty have returned to the haunts of civilisation once more. » * » Lady Sarah Wilson, the intrepid lady who Tvent out to. South Africa as war correspondent. and' was taken . prisoner for being where she should not, is touring New Zealand. Lady Sarah's husband is an Australian, and they have been visiting hi® old home. "Ercildoinne," . near Ballarat. At present they are fishing in, camp at Lake Taupo. and the rest of the party consists of Captain Wilson, Mr. Guy Fenwick.. General and Mrs. Grove, and Mr. Malcolm. '..',-• An Australian paper states that Miss Elbert Orton -who toured theise parts onoewith_ Julius. Knight and not set ainything a-fire. -ha® been causing a conflagration in Chicago in a play called "A Fool There Was;" . the heroine being after the lady am Kipling's "Vampire." Another actress —ho was once in .these parts with Julius Knight. Miss Elliott Page, has taken to ■writing ' 'The Lesser Evil " by her and Mass Nora Vynne, was produced by the -Play Actors. Society on November 21st. at the Court Theatre, London. A marriage of some interest to New Zealanders took place on the 29th of Decemiber, when Miss Roberta Ferguson, of Christchurch. New Zealand, and Mr. F. Williams, <of Hasting. England, were married at All Saints' Church. St. Kilda, Melbourne, by the "Veil. Archdeacon Crossley. The bride looked handsome, in- a smart white linetn costume, heavily embroidered, dainty white Maltese lace scarf and large •black hat; She was ' given; away by Mis® Leila Staite, another New Zealamder. who wore a most becoming lavender Shantung silk costume, relieved with black, large lavender hat

with black ospreys. The bridegroom was attended ,by the Rev. Horace Cnqtty, M.A. After lunching at the Paris Gafe. in Cbllins-iStreet, Mr. and Mrs. Williams left for Gracedale House, Healesville. * * * The Rev. A. M. Johnson, vicar of St. Mark's, and Mrs. Johnson have been spending a holiday at Pictou. ■They returned this week in time for the . opening of the Anglican General Synod. * * ft The (engagement is announced of Miss Florence Edwards, daughter of Mr. C. H. Edwards, of Napier, to Mr. Herbert Dennett,, of Maditlaaaid, New South Wales. ** ■ * Miss Reeves, daughter of the Hon." W. P. Reeves, of London, is spending a few days with friends in New Plymouth. *,* . * . Lord Kitchener, .who is due to arrive in the Dominion in another fortnight, according to a lady writer in the 'IJuQletin," has a sister living in Cainterbury, Maorilahd. She is a Mrs. Pairker. and very like her great brother in appearance and independence. The Parkers have a run, and the lady -rounds up stock, brands . it, rides like a boundary (rider drives any old thing into Christchurch, and doesn't care a kumara for the Smart Set or its opinions. One of her daughters married a workman) on the estate, and_ when I heard of a second she was doing political work ini Auckland. If Uncle Kitchener meets this" branch of the family tree when he is in Maoriland, he will be more than ever glad he came, for his kinsfolk are real good sports.

. The -engagement of Miss Vida Brdstowe, daughter of Mr. E. B. Bristowe, of Karori, to Mr. Arnott Anderson, son of Mr. Andrew Anderson, of" Christchurch, has been .a source of great interest to all her friends. *'.'.■. * •» Miss Hilda Von Dadelszen eldest daughter of Mr. E. J. Von Dadelszen. ex-Re,gistrar-General. is engaged to Mr. Keith Morton OlMver, second son of the late. Mr. Arthur QUiver, ■' of Christchurch. * * ■.■''* Mrs.. Jacob Joseph and Miss Joseph spent this week as the guests of Mrs. F., Nathan, at Palmerston North. Mrs. ■Nathan returned with her mother to Wellington, ■ *"■■■'.■■ * * The engagement is announced of the Rev. George Davys, vicar of St. Peter's, Wellington, eldest son of the late Rev. Edmund Davys, to Miss Ethel Margaret Argles. eldest daughter of the Rev. Canon Angles, Canon of' York and Rector of St. Clement's. York, and of Hawbarrow. Milnethoirpe. We stm or lah d. A very jolly little tea was that given by Mrs. Focke. last week in honour of Mrs. Solf. wife of the Governor of German Samoa, who came to Wellington to meet her husband, Dr. Solf, who has been touring the Dominion.. There was a delectable tea in the dining-room, with strawberries and all kinds of; dainties. and the table looked beautiful with sweet peas and maiden-hair fern. Many pot plants were in the'g-room, where galardias formed the floral decoration. *.">■.....» » Mrs, Focke received in* a black silk - 'gown, trimmed with point lace and Oriental embroidery. Mrs. Solf wore a beautifully hand-embroidered tussore "own, and a rose pink toque. A fascinating guest was Mrs. Solf's baby girl, who greeted everyone from the arms of her Chinese nurse. * . ■ ■.-.■«. » Among those present were: Lady Ward Mesdames Macarthy. Fitchett, Eichelbaum, Watson, Stafford, Simpson, Brist-ow.-J. Blundell L. Blundell, McCulloch Knox Kembeir, D. Roib- • ertsoii. Miles, and Kennedy. * » * A Melbourne correspondent states 'that Miss Beatrice Day is at present in , Melbourne the guest of Mrs. Francis * Forrest, having finished her twelve months 5 engagement with ,£ the firm." 'Miss Day is worried about the health -of her small.son, who has been a boarder at the Church of England Grammar School, and she is going to devote the next few months entirely to him. Her intentions are to stay im Melbourne nursing him up until towards the end of January, and then, if possible, whisk him. off to the Blue Mountains. * ' "* ■ . . * ■ There is a desire to see Miss Day (again in Barrio's "Quality .Street," and there is some talk of to. induce her to giye at least a series of ■matinees of it. -This is an English idea which Mi\ Williamson has already introduced in Sydney, namely, plays presented at matinees only. It is expected that Miss Day's trouble would be to get together a _ company just suited, for it needs finished and refined comedy methods to do full justice to the dainty "Quality Street." Still, there are a few on© can think of who would be happy in certain of the roles. ' « »• • * Even the stern sex will doubtless rejoice with an exceeding great joy to read that a, new patent safety hatpin is shortly to be placed on the market. It is the invention of a Melbourne gentleman, and is entitled the "Stella." It is a twin pin, the points being protected securely, and is _ intended to keep hat and hadr both in place and order in any wind or weather, an article all ladies have been, anxiously looking for. The pins can be offered .at prices 'to suit ,all pockets, the mounting only adding to the expense at wearer's option. » a o N Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Ward have beeax the guests of Sir Joseph and liady Waird, at "Awarua House." * ■ «• » Mr. and Mrs. Butts 3 camping party has returned from Picton Sounds, loud in the praises thereof. • ■" . ' ■« » Miss Coates has returned from a visit to Auckland. • » • Mrs. Ziele, of ChristchurcK, is staywith Mrs. Hamiltom Gilmer. «• « a Mrs. V. E. Donald, of Masterton, is with her mother, Mrs. O. H. Mills. * « • Mrs. Kembea* has taken a house at Katraka Bay for a few weeks.

The bowling tournament has finished after a, most successful course, and a large number of -spectators watched the final matches. On Friday. Sir Joseph and Lady Ward visited the Wellington green, and on Saturday Sir Joseph was .again an interested spectator. Very little bowling took place that afternoon at other greens, all keepbowlers coming from near iand far to watch the final match, which, even for a-non-player, was most,exciting, and really looked, as it was. most skilful plaiy. The way the balls will ; suddenly .'curl in towards the end of a long roll and settle down cosily near the little white jack "is positively fascinating. •■ . *. >'' ' ■ •» ■ ■ Many of the Kelhuirne lady players were interested spectators all the afternoon, among them Mrs. Dawson, Mrs. Dinnie, and Mrs. Munaxv Mr. and Mrs. Baa-rand and Colonel and Mrs. Collins were representing Thorndon, while Wellington was, of courise, all there to see its own club'win. Upstairs in the pavilion tea was served all the afternoon to a throng of thirsty players''and' spectator®,-, the ladies presidiinsr being Mrs. Mentiplayv' (who certainly deserves a medal for - the way ■she stuck to her post the whole week), Mrs. .C. Smith, Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. Berry, Mrs. H. Hamilton and 1 Miss Ewen. '■• '•'.'■' .' . i.. ■ ■ j." ■ . ■ •« -. i »■ Mrs. Nelson and Mrs. Roland Robertson, who have 'been spending some ; lie at Paekakariki, haye returned to town. ... * * *.'.■ Mr. Baume, MP., and Mrs. Baume leave for England in February by the P. and O. s.s. Malwa.

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Free Lance, Volume X, Issue 499, 22 January 1910, Page 14

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SOCIAL GOSSIP. Free Lance, Volume X, Issue 499, 22 January 1910, Page 14

SOCIAL GOSSIP. Free Lance, Volume X, Issue 499, 22 January 1910, Page 14