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Finance Stocks And Mining

Sli,iU"- in rlio .Mamito\illf Lime (. iwn,,,m\ haw nten tnoU taken upduimg the past two weeks, and sufficient luuc b<en subscnbed t« wan ant tin. dnectctl.s u'gistenng the company And pio- (( <-<Ijhk t() allot input fn (omiiu'icial cudcs c onsuleiable „u Knrlici iHMiwibout tin South Vfn(,m diiKt sei\K<>. It was lppoiti'd some tune aeo tlisit tlic contiatt had b<-<Mi signed In tlu' Agent-CciHMal and cvpoitcrs «cn> liopniß that some dc-hinto aiinoumciiiciit uould bp mack' afe to „ 1,1-n it was likolx the fust stoainei would leave New Z<>a!.uul In the meanwhile those with tiadma; connections with South Ahua aie oii(lcuounnp; to maintain then position b\ shipping m«i Australia The cost of tins is ho\\e\ei boromina; buidemoim' The shaiemarket is somewhat <|met few tian&actions lecoided -National Bank hhaies changed liands at 77s a,nd, in Mew of the earh announcenuMit of the dnidend tho ))nce doe^ not appear liioli The National Bank is believed to have had an e\cellonMrai and th« balancesheet is awaited with mmh (onhdeiue The shaieholders of X W .Mills and ( „ Limibed have lust hail a pleasant

THh fitt\-tlnul < tepoit of the Austialian Mutual Pio\ident Souet\ i> as satisfacton as its pte(lc(('s^oiv The business done in 1901 < is i M )T unite so Luge as m 1900 ami 1899, but is nevertheless \t>i\ giatihmg Tin- ; ne n business wiitton in 1901 shows 14,8~»7 policies foi I3"i3fl<i as compaied \MtJi 10 820 policies toi £4 224 - 10(> in 1900 and 11238 policies toi £3 91.1 (.SI m 1899 « • * Consicleinig the limited field in which x\w A M.P operates, also the tact that \ustialia has boon \cn senoush affected witli drought the abo\e results a,ie exceptional good The ne« piemium* toi the \far total £193,38-1, as against L2OB 712 m 1900 and £135.339 m 1899 The pieniiums amounted to £1.411041. .is against £1382 411) in 1900. # * * The income ofr tin* Society from intr-i-«st and dividends totalled €991.413 last as comnaicd with £712 922 in 1900 while the total levonue amounted to £2 4K).389 as against £2 304 210 The death claims including bonuses totalled £077,092 which is consideiabK nioie than in the pievious^vear when the amount stood At £127 717 • • • The surrondeis are the best test of the class of business taken bv life companies and the amount shown b\ the AM P. Society is singulailv smaJl Foi the paist year the amount <-tood ait £311 <)01," including bonuses, as against £29(),714 in 1900, and £21)0,314 in 1899 The expenses of management foi la,st \ ear amounted to £138,8(>1 as compared with £141, 7K) in the pioMous rear and £138,114 in 1899 Tins is a veiv sahsfaetow fe<ituie of the b.ilanr e-^heet r * * The accumulated fund of the A M.P. Bociet\ now amounts to the hamKome c-iim of £17 S(>4 .114 being an increase of £834 (i()9 o\ei the previous The moNt gratif\me, featme of the annual lepoit so fai as the pohc\ -holdeis aio concerned is the announcement that theie is a cash sin plus of £600 991 18s Id Out of tins suiplus, the sum of £138 721 is to be distiibutod m bonus additions and will prowde le^eisiomuv bonuses amounting to about £1,000 000. According to the New Zealand ioristei oi the A.M P Society there aie 28,K)9 policies, assuring £7,709 232 in this colom winch represents a erv s\ibstantial gain on the previous \esu The A.M P Societ\ reflects the oio\ident side of the colonials, and as such is a magnificent testimonial. The officers and agents of the Society are necessiaJTh preacheis on providence and that their efforts aie full of good results aie e\ idenced b\ the handsome balancesheet just issued * ♦ * The Famieis' Union, now said to number 23,000 membeis is canable of doing the- producer-c a gjeat deal of gocxl h\ concerted and luclicious action in dealing with the questions of maiket Tlk> Wellington ProA'incial Executive is moving in the right dnection in suggesting the foi mation of a co-operatn c piotluce depot in Wellington The Empire C'i^ is no doubt nidifferenth «aei"vecl so far as produce ls concerned, and the people would gladh help to establish the market the farnifis v ant * * # At present, accoiding to the evulenct* ot the Executive eonf>umer& pa\ toleiabh high pi ices, while the pioduceis reap no advantages The maigm between pioducer and consumer is utv wide and the middleman filb> the gap \erv comfort abh The fanneas have the leniech in their own hands foi the\ luue the pioduce which the consumei wants. If the farmers co-operate pio\ide their own depot, and sell all pioduce through the depot only the consumer will benefit as, much as the producer It will be mutual gain and this should mean mutual help. The matter is now before the branches of the Union and if they express a favourable opinion there is no doubt the executne will push the matter to a suc(essful conclusion The Canterbury section of the Faimers' Union is discussing the frozen meat market, also tiade with South Africa, and so gradually the members, are taking interest m matters of vital importance to themselves The Colonial Confeienoe to be held in "Wellington ought to be a veiv interesting gathering

sin pi is* 1 The lcpoit goes that tho accumulated undivided piohts hate jufct lv in distubutcd m tlie shape of now shaies The compain hah apparently had a sencs ot prospcious ;\ears. The mining maiket is (jiuet The excellent ii'tuins ot the past tuo weeks ha\e not imputed speculates which is not suipusiiig aftei tlie gieat slump oi last \eiii, hut this nuliftt lenu t.innot last nun h long! 1 ) . * * * Tlk Ota^ro di edges are now u inning about i.X) 000 pei week and the distubution <A thi!s mone\ must ha\e \th <'fiect Tt is new wealth localh-own-ed and not, <i^ with othei mining \eutin cs tlie piopeit\ ot London capitalists The Lach Roxbuigli Diedsrina; C'oniI><\l\\ lias aouuned the Gold Queen diedge foi t]7oo. and the boat is to be p ! aced in commission at once * » * The Lach Roxbuigh claim adjoins tlie Te\iot piopeit\. and a lot of wold lias hcoii obtained tiom it in the past hv pnmii i\ c methods. * * * The compaiiN h;\b a long, list oi shaieholdefs in aueai but as it is pioposed to limit tho calls to 7s per shaie foi the piesent no doubt most shareholder will pax up wilhnglv, more especiaJlv as tlie claim is worth uoiking

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Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 99, 24 May 1902, Page 20

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Finance Stocks And Mining Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 99, 24 May 1902, Page 20

Finance Stocks And Mining Free Lance, Volume II, Issue 99, 24 May 1902, Page 20